[unicorn-a!] Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~

221drizzt:Re: Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
gademoleech:Re: Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
Anyway, there are any walkthrough/guide for Hidden1, that game's too hard, can't get to M route...
221drizzt:Re: Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
Anyway, there are any walkthrough/guide for Hidden1, that game to hard, can't get to M route...
Thank u for upload very much!
hidden1 is very easy to get m route.
So I think it's the same way to get m route.
liyiliyiliyi:Re: [unicorn-a!] Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
我打開遊戲的時候黑屏然後顯示file load error: sys/main.tim還有file load error: sys/Adv_Src.tim 有人可以幫忙解決下嗎 感恩
garywong128:Re: [unicorn-a!] Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
Thanks for sharing... but when I open the game, it keep asking me to insert the CD......does any friends here face same trouble....and may I ask your sincere solutions......thousands thanks!
blaourf:Re: [unicorn-a!] Hidden2 ~暴かれた本性~
Just start the game with the iso mounted and voila !