高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?

yghr:高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
mazochina:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
Boyfriend Training

"We're very strict here-I use a variety of canes, as you can see"

explained Darla , as she examined Taracy's boyfriend from head to toe and waved round the room with a flourish.

" So he's been a bad boy, eh?" she smiled.

Tracy sneered.

"Yeah -not once has he cleaned the appartment in two weeks since I moved in. I was waiting for him but he never even suggested it."

"Right we'll see what we can do about that"

It was a discipline with a difference.

Girlfriends like Tracy could bring their boyfrends over to Darla's and see them get thrashed the professional way, and pick up a few tips on the way.

It was a pleasure to watch, an entertainment and a tutorial all in one. Darla had once been a pro-domme and knew all the tricks of the trade.

"If you hold the cane at just this angle it'll connect with much more impact " she expounded, with a great enthusiasm for her subject.

The next week Tracy came with some girlfriends just to complete her boyfrend's humiliation and by the end they were asking Darla for busness cards too. It was going to be a lucrative year for her.
yghr:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
高手啊 多贴点啊 怎样得到的啊
yghr:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
yghr:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
mazochina:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?

The naked slave squatted on newspaper like a dog with thighs obscenely spread as wide as possible. Sweat glistened on him from head to toe as a harsh spotlight shone down upon him. He squatted on tiptoe, causing his calves great pain and his toes to shoot agonizing stabs into and up the soles of his feet. While his feet pained him, the Mistress languorously waved her barefoot inches before his flared nostrils. "Flare them wider!" she barked at the fool. He widened his nostrils at her command. "Sniff!" He obeyed. "Louder!" He sniffed louder and the Mistress and her collected friends burst into laughter. "You look completely ridiculous," she said. "Now grab hold of your erect penis and stroke it." The slave did as he was told. "Faster!" He increased speed. "Slower!" He slowed. "Now pull it all the way down to the floor, as far back as possible and then let it snap up and hit your belly...and the belly slap had better be loud!" He did as told, pulling the turgid meat back between his legs, reaching behind himself with the other hand to pull it even further back....and when he could pull it back no further, he released it - and it sprang up and hit his sweaty belly with a loud, smart smacking sound......But the mistresses were not pleased and so made him do this over and over again, requesting sounds of differing tones: some sharp and loud, others dull and thick...."Now open the hole in the tip and stick your pinky all the way inside your peehole...." With a face twisted in pain, the slave did as told. "Poke deeper!" and he wiggled his pinky into the hole up to the second knuckle while the women laughed. "Stay like that, finger-fucking your cock!" and they circled him, covering his already sweat slick body with gobs and gobs of saliva. Once they resumed their seats the wank game began anew. "Start wanking again!" "Slower!" "Faster!"

"No, faster even than that" another Mistress commanded, and just as he was well into wanking at top-speed, yet another Mistress yelled "Stop!" He stopped mid-motion, his cock skinned back, the head a purple plum. She shoved her barefoot into his face and pressed so hard that her toes spread and his lips twisted back and nose flattened. "Smell that foot!" she shouted, grinding her toes into the flesh of his face. She stuck two toes up each nostril. His nose looked as flared as an ape's. She forced his head back while keeping her toes shoved deep into his nostrils.

One mistress stood and walked to the slave, towering above his squatted form. "Put out your hand, palm up!" He did as told, and the Mistress let a long string of saliva pour from her mouth into his open palm. "That should help your wanking. Continue!"

While he continued to obey their various orders as to speed, one Mistress placed a dunce cap atop his humiliated head. She put a clown nose on him and resumed her seat, saying: "We want to see you leaking. But only clear stuff, like the spit Mistress just gave you. No milky goo, understand? Just a long, unbroken strand of precum. We want to see it waving as you wank....we want to see how close it can drool from your dick to the newspaper. And if it should break, the punishment will be most severe. Remember: no white stuff, just the cock snot that is clear and viscous and like drool. Start drooling!" With that, it began....a half-inch at first, then an inch and soon more was leaking from his bloated tip.

"Stop" someone shouted. "Hands behind neck, elbows pointed to ceiling!" The dunce/clown/slave obeyed instantly. With her crop, the Mistress gently nudged his drooling, tortured organ left and right and up and down and still the thick string of precum stayed hanging obscenely from his engorged penis. "Impressive," she smirked. "Make it hang lower to the floor!" The slave tensed his thigh muscles and belly and the string lengthened.....it hung a few inches from the newspaper. He was bathed in sweat, kept in the squat now for the better part of a half an hour. "Isn't this fun?" one Mistress asked the other.

"Swing it back and forth for us," and the slave slowly swung the precum back and forth, frightened beyond fear lest it snap...for he knew the punishment that would befall him should such a thing happen. "Swing it faster!" and she cropped his dangling testicles while he swung his skyward pointing, drooling penis for their amusement. "Sing for us! Sing...'I Ain't Nothin' But a Houndog'...." and he began croaking out the song when suddenly the clear cum broke and flew to the left, landing on the far side of the newspaper with an audible splat. The women laughed uproariously - but once their laughter subsided, silence filled the room. "You know what your punishment is now, don't you slave/dunce/clown?"

"No, Mistress..."

"You must remain squatting, arms behind neck, elbows pointed upwards, arched high on your toes as possible - and you must drool into the bowl I will now place between your straining feet. We are going upstairs for dinner now - and when we return, we had best find a bowl filled with clear cum - no whiteness in it at all! - just a bowl of thick, juicy drool....which you will then drink before us."

"Yes, Mistress...." and the sweat dripped from him so greatly that the newspaper all around him was soaking wet with it.

"Turn that spotlight on brighter," the Mistress said as they left their human faucet alone to stay squatting and leaking........He had no idea how long he would be there, so he began to concentrate and contract muscles and pray that he fill the bowl before their return.......He glanced down briefly. The pinky widened eye of his penis stared back at him, some precum emerging again from the tip. Behind the cyclops of his enormous and agonized cock he could see the bowl between his arched toes: the bowl.....was big.
mazochina:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
Bonnie's cross
by James

The room is dark, lit only by a few candles, obscure shadows fall upon the walls. A cross sits by the wall, a bed draped in purple near the other. The silhouette of a man and a women stand in the center of the room. Miss Bonnie kisses him on the neck, tasting him, tasting his apprehension. Slowly she runs her hands over his chest, up and down his body. Softly feeling him, caressing his body.

Grasping Johnny’s hair, Miss Bonnie pulls him across the room to her cross, pressing him against it, pressing her body against his. Slowly she kisses him on the lips as she holds him there. Breaking the kiss she takes his wrists in her hands and lifts them onto the cross. “Stay bitch!” Miss Bonnie’s command is firm and unwavering.

Moving away for the briefest of moments, Miss Bonnie reaches towards the nightstand and produces a long slender tube. “Rrrip” The distinctive sound of clingfilm emanates through the room as she meticulously wraps it over and under Johnny’s trembling arm. “Rrrip” another round his arm, “Rrrip” and another, tightly pinning it against the crosses wooden frame.

“Rrrip” Tearing the clingfilm free Miss Bonnie begins on his next arm. “Rrrip” With his arms bound securely to the cross, she places her foot between his legs, swiftly kicking them apart. Now staring into his eyes, her devious grin widens as she runs her finger up his chin, holding his lustful gaze into her eyes.

With the grace of a cat Miss Bonnie breaks her gaze, runs her free hand down his body and down his leg. “Rrrip” with a few wraps and a tear, Johnny’s leg is firmly bound. “Rrrip” with another few wraps and another tear, his other leg is secure. “Rrrip” ... “Rrrip” again and again, now binding his torso to the cross. One last tear, and he’s helplessly bound and at her mercy.

“Hehehe” an evil giggle escapes her lips as she stands back and watches Johnny struggle against his bindings. A flex of an arm muscle, a twist and tug of a leg, another flexing muscle, Johnny’s resistance is futile.

“You know your not going to escape my clutches, don’t you. ... Of course you do, yet you still try, I wonder why. You know thats what I love about you. You always try to resist, to resist me, yet I always win. We both know that deep down you desire to be mine.” Bonnie says with a wry tone in her voice as she walks back and forth in front of Johnny, teasing his eyes with her elegant and refined body. Stopping in her tracks, Miss Bonnie turns and looks at him, at his erect cock; “Awww, poor baby, you have a problem there don’t you? Hehehe.” Her sweetly diabolical tone betrays her real feelings.

Reclining in the chair opposite of her new found toy, Miss Bonnie spreads her legs. Looking onward at her toy’s hard and bobbing cock, she reaches into her thong, gently she begins caressing and fingering her wet sex. Taunting him with her gaze, with her moans of pleasure, teasing him with what he can’t have. Her moans become louder as her pace quickens.

Watching from across the room, Johnny longingly watches her every move. His cock yearning for Miss Bonnie’s touch. His sweaty muscles flexing against his plastic bonds. Begging her with his eyes, for a touch, a stroke, anything, but to no avail. “Aahhh, aahhh, aahhh!” As Miss Bonnie’s moans become louder, his cock aches harder, and harder for attention. With her final moan, his begging becomes null.

Leaving her seat, she walks over to Johnny - her toy - hers alone. Taking his cock in hand, she slowly strokes it up and down as she watches his frustration build. Sensing he’s near the edge she releases his cock, and begins to run her finger over the head, collecting his precum. “Hehehe” Miss Bonnie’s laughter is delightfully evil. “You want to cum, don’t you? Hehehe.” running her finger over his lips she finishes; “It’s going to be a long night for you my toy. A long night.” ...

A collaborative birthday present with James for good friend Bonnie who owns her own site

yghr:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
aileg888:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
有翻译高手没 我下了一堆英文读物 看着闹心= =求汉化组
reaty:Re: 高手来回答下 sardax里的小说是图片小说吗,不是的话互联网上可下吗?
Bonnie's cross
by James

The room is dark, lit only by a few candles, obscure shadows fall upon the walls. A cross sits by the wall, a bed draped in purple near the other. The silhouette of a man and a women stand in the center of the room. Miss Bonnie kisses him on the neck, tasting him, tasting his apprehension. Slowly she runs her hands over his chest, up and down his body. Softly feeling him, caressing his body.

Grasping Johnny’s hair, Miss Bonnie pulls him across the room to her cross, pressing him against it, pressing her body against his. Slowly she kisses him on the lips as she holds him there. Breaking the kiss she takes his wrists in her hands and lifts them onto the cross. “Stay bitch!” Miss Bonnie’s command is firm and unwavering.



房间里一片漆黑,只用几根蜡烛来照明,模糊的影子投射在墙上。墙边立着一个十字架,另一边是一张铺着紫色床罩的床。在房间中央有一个男人和一个女人的身影。 邦妮小姐吻了下他的脖子,品尝着他,品尝着他的恐惧。 慢慢地,她把手放上他的胸膛,上下地抚摸。轻轻地感受着他,抚摸着他的身体。
