我的意思是射精条压不了而且我说的这个是很久以前就出来的东西了,Fem U 1.53 Download
Thank you all for your patience.
Allright, the newest enslavement system is done - and Vanilla is the first one where you can experience it. To start it, talk to Vanilla in the goblin village and pick "Submit".
(You may need to talk to her twice.)
+ Enslavement does not end when scene is finished.
+ Fulfill your mistesses tasks or get punished!
+ Please your mistress to unlock new Talent
+ Dont worry about food, water and a place to stay.
+ Chose the scene you want to replay.
+ Extreme Fetishes / Kinks supported
+ Chastity: Arousal causes damage. Showering does not reduce arousal.
The best thing is: The code-part and logic-part is done. The other enslavements wont take as much time.
v.1.51 fixes:
+Punishment for returning too late is now in a correct position and does not include blood sucking.
+Vanillas old hair removed.
+Attempt to fix conversion of old save file (might not work)
V1.52 fixes:
+Added reworked Teleport stone
+Opening scene is no longer stuck when starting game with an old save file
+April scene works properly
+Sleeping animation in room scene fixed
+Visual: "Tearproof" icon during battles removed
+Typos fixed. (Thx@Jeanette)
V1.53 fixes:
+Fixed the issue with the ballgag
+Fixed the issue with the open UI on sceneload (from 1.52)
+Improved attack-animations and fixed hit- detection of the player in battles
+Enemy Level should be 10 in Quickmatch (was 0 before)