玩的1.12没出现过 倒是3楼出错过 把旧版本的图片复制进去就没事了```
6月4号 更?
Bad news: Won't be done.
Good(?) news: Still planning to release what I have so people can at least see the gist and hopefully enjoy a few faps. (Call it a playtest or a demo or whatever you want.)
I would recommend loading a save with Cobra's original expansion completed, and ~15k gold (Tribute above 5k will be refunded so if you Tributed a bunch in the past you don't need to farm more.) An appropriate Save will also be included. All you have to do to start the new content is speak with Cobra and poke around from there.
Make sure to keep backup saves as this version won't receive any meaningful compatibility support. If you want a completely smooth experience you can simply wait for everything to be finished.
Release will be tonight, but perhaps past the countdown.