(英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫


(英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
故事背景是在未来的世界出现了一种女性警察组织 会将法律审判后的罪犯关在女警官的鞋或者腋窝和下体里面度过刑期 而女警官只被允许对定罪的犯人进行惩罚 不能让普通人触碰或闻到自己的味道 主角的姐姐在考上警校之后度过了几年的学习生涯 在毕业之后回到了家里 开始了警官的生涯 主角则以旁观者和亲历者的身份看姐姐是如何对犯人进行惩罚 (每天只能发一部分 想看全文的可以去原文地址看 也希望能有大佬翻译)

1. Graduation
July 31st 2043

“Hurry up Tom, we're going to be late for Riley's graduation ceremony!” Michelle shouted up to her son as she waited by the front door. All she had left to do was put on shoes and she would be good to go. Her son, Tom, on the other hand, had slept through the alarm he had set the night before.

10 minutes ago, he had been woken up by his screaming mother which dragged him into the waking world immediately. Not the best start to his Friday. Now, he was rushing around his room to get ready, afraid that if he wasn't ready to leave soon his mother may see fit to impose punishments. Perish the thought.

When he finally made it down the stairs, Tom came face to face with his mom, arms crossed and tapping her bare foot impatiently. The dark brown haired, attractive woman had a stern expression on her face and the cold blue eyes were quick to settle on her unpunctual offspring.

“About time. It seems that laziness hasn't been driven out of you yet. Time for a quick lesson before we leave.”

Tom swallowed nervously. He suddenly realised that when his mom had come into his room and woke him up earlier, she had been wearing a pair of pink ankle socks. Her now naked feet were evidence of what awaited him. As she uncrossed her arms, a gleeful smile split Michelle's face. In one of her hands, previously hidden from view in the fold of her arms, were the pair of socks she had been wearing earlier, crumpled into a ball of sweat-ridden fabric.

“They could be a little more... fragrant. But they will suffice. I put them on fresh this morning and wore them during my morning run, so there should be some flavour left to remind you that laziness is not tolerated under my roof.”

“Mom, come on. You don't need to do this, I've learned my lesson. There's going to be hundreds of people at this event.” Tom pleaded.

“Nope. All you have to do is keep that mouth shut to make sure no one sees, right? Come over here and open wide. Quickly, before I go fish a smellier pair out of my hamper.” The threat was a real possibility. He knew from prior experience that for his mom, a pair of socks with only one run worth of foot sweat absorbed was a mercy.

Groaning, Tom saw no choice. He obeyed, reluctantly moving to his mother's side. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, Tom did nothing as she stuffed both socks into his mouth and closed it for him afterwards, a look of satisfaction on her face. “I took the pleasure of turning them inside out for you, so the parts that were pressed against my sweaty soles are now pressed against your tongue.”

Cringing, Tom fought the urge to spit out the foul tasting socks. “Thank you mom.” He mumbled through the damp material, his words coming out slurred and almost incomprehensible.

“I'm just doing what's best for you Tom. You can take them out later, after the ceremony. Speaking of which, we should be leaving. Come on.” Slipping her feet into a pair of tattered, comfortable trainers, the faded blue pair that she wore for running, Michelle led the way out of the house.

As they walked to the car, the two of them waved to the neighbour pulling out of her drive in her own car. Becky was likely going to the ceremony too, because her girlfriend was also graduating today alongside Riley. Inside the car, Michelle made one final check to ensure she wasn't forgetting anything and set off for Hemlock Academy. Tom sat in the passenger seat miserably. The one positive thing about today was that there would be plenty of young, hot women at the graduation ceremony and a large fraction of them wouldn't be the kind of sadistic female who would choose to attend the academy. But now, with his own mom's socks in his mouth until further notice, it would be difficult to meet potential girlfriends. Hell, now he'd be avoiding people at all costs, not willing to humiliate himself by revealing the details of why he was unable to talk properly.

But there was one thing that scared Tom more than that. And sadly, it was something that would be unavoidable today: reuniting with his little sister Riley. Riley had been at Hemlock Academy for a year straight, undergoing the training required to become a shrink correctional officer in the employ of the government. It was no surprise to Tom when his sister first shared with him her goal of becoming an SCO, her overt cruel tendencies and how she treated him at home made her perfectly suited for such a role. In her year at the academy, he hadn't seen her once. Their mother had visited Riley several times, her offer to bring him along denied every time.

Since it was such a busy event, the closer they got to the academy the worse the traffic became. Fortunately Hemlock academy was located on the outskirts of the city of Queenswall reasonably close to their suburb. Tom found himself with plenty of time to stare out at the street and observe people going about their day to day lives, such as families travelling on foot to the graduation ceremony. He even spotted a couple of SCOs walking around in street clothing and Tom couldn't help but shiver a little wondering if they were currently carrying out the 'rehabilitation process' as they had named it. It was possible that there were more SCOs that Tom had been unable to identify, as they could've forgone their signature boots that made the enforcers belonging to the Shrink Correctional Association oh so recognisable.

Obviously the young man spied several young women as Michelle navigated the congested roads around the academy, sighing at the thought that approaching them would be impossible today thanks to his disciplinarian mother. She caught him staring whenever they were stopped and eventually made a mocking comment.

“Sorry son, but there's no point thinking about kissing pretty girls like that today. All you'll be doing at the ceremony is sucking mommy's sweaty socks clean.”

Michelle laughed, causing Tom to blush red with humiliation and swallow yet another mouthful of saliva that had mixed with the excretions from her pink ankle socks. Tom thought about how successful his mother would have been had she chosen to be an SCO. She certainly had the aptitude much like her daughter, he could attest to that given how many foot related punishments he'd gone through over the past year. In his sister's absence, Tom's life had been relatively foot odour free after Riley left until Michelle saw fit to start imposing such punishments. Yet another miserable element of his life to blame Riley for.

However bad the traffic had been, they eventually arrived and thankfully there was both time and a car parking space to spare. Michelle was thankful because it minimised the potential stress on such an important day. Tom was thankful because it prevented his mom from having another reason to levy further suffering onto him, not that she needed a reason really.

“It's a good job that we're on time Tom. If we had been late thanks to you dawdling around in your room you'd be licking my feet for an hour when we get home instead of merely massaging and smelling them.” Michelle quipped as she exited the parked vehicle.

“Yeah. Wait.. smelling them?” Tom mumbled through the socks, their salty flavour a dreadful reminder that they were not on her feet where they belonged and she was in fact wearing those old trainers without any socks. He expected his mom to demand a foot rub, this had become commonplace in their relationship. That involved smelling her feet to some degree, but what Michelle meant was direct, foot-to-face foot smelling.

“Yep. You didn't think your punishment for almost making me late to my lovely daughter's graduation would be easy, did you?” Michelle said with a smirk. Her ability to understand him with ease was testament to how Tom had been in similar situations many times before.

Easy? This is easy? Tom didn't voice his protests but he did project his thoughts forcefully at his mother in a ineffective show of rebellion to an evil parent.

Walking together to the stage area on the massive green academy field, they saw a dozen or so people that they recognised, Tom gave a closed lip smile and a nod of his head whilst Michelle made up for his silence with loud, overly friendly greetings and exaggerated hand waving. The closer they came to the large stage set-up which was the centre of today's celebrations, complete with gazebos and more than enough folding chairs placed in front of the stage, the more women they saw wearing square academic caps. Many thought that graduates of Hemlock Academy and similar academies across the country were tarnishing the symbol of higher education by using it in their ceremonies, but dissenters to anything that the Shrink Correctional Association were involved in were constantly downplayed by the biased media who shrouded any negative press with a positive light. The government support for the Shrink Correctional Association was so strong that interfering with their 'justice' was considered treason.

Inevitably, they soon found the one person that Tom was hoping they wouldn't find. Riley, her long brown hair draped over one shoulder, smiling and laughing with a small crowd of other former students. Though her hair wasn't as dark as her mother's, she had the same colour eyes. Where Michelle's had a coldness to them however, Riley's were warm and perpetually gleeful. His sister's friends hadn't yet received the iconic black boots of shrink correctional officers, that would happen later, but their hats marked them as people that the young man wanted nothing to do with. However Riley's wandering eyes caught sight of her mother and brother, almost as if her sixth sense was telling her that her favourite victim was nearby and treated them to a beaming, full tooth smile. Riley expertly excused herself from her friends, the girl had always navigated social situations without trouble, and came over to her approaching relatives.

Regrettably, Tom couldn't deny that his sister was a looker. She had drawn the lustful gazes of many since she was old enough and he suspected that the one thing keeping him from shameful, incestuous thoughts was her diabolical personality and the fact that she always seemed to go out of her way to bring him despair, even if it inconvenienced her.

“Mom! Tom! It's so good to see you.” Riley said joyfully, stepping into her mother's open arms for a hug. It didn't last long and she turned to Tom with her arms remaining open. “What's wrong bro? You haven't seen me for a whole year. Surely you've missed me enough to give me a loving hug?”

Tom felt his mom's stare burning into the side of his head while he stood face to face with his sister, silently urging him to hug her or face consequences. Tom smiled, his lips shut tight. He hugged Riley.

“Are you lost for words because of how happy you are to see me?” Riley asked, not teasing him for once. She was genuinely curious as to why he was being so quiet.

Michelle snickered. “Tom's mouth is a little full right now sweetie. He's a bit embarrassed about the situation, especially with so many people around so do be kind to him.”

The siblings broke apart and realisation came to Riley's face in the form of an amused grin. “Oh my god mom. You didn't?”

“I did. The same pair I wore on my run this morning.”

“What did he do?”

“Slept through his alarm and almost made us late. Don't worry, there's more in store for your lazy brother when we get home.”

Riley did a few small, excited hops on the spot. “I can't wait to watch, what a great graduation present! I've missed having the two of you around soooo much.”

An announcement came from the stage, informing all of today's graduates to get ready. “Sorry guys, gotta go. I'll give you a shout out during my acceptance speech. See you later!” Riley scampered off, rejoining her friend group and heading towards the stage.

“We should get going too. Grab ourselves a pair of seats so we can get a good view of the stage for when it's Riley's turn.” Michelle said, not waiting for her son and simply grabbing his arm and dragging him along behind her, moving at a fast pace. The rapid movement proved to be warranted, not long after Michelle seated them near the front of the seating area all the chairs around were quickly occupied, the occupants chattering eagerly among themselves, mothers exhibiting pride for their daughters, sisters were jealous and the few male relatives that came today, fathers and brothers, looked rather uncomfortable at the prospect of their daughters or sisters going into a career where they punish criminals using their own bodies. Maybe they've seen the evil tendencies displayed and are afraid that Hemlock Academy served to only encourage these tendencies. That, among other things, was what Tom was most afraid of concerning Riley.

That's when he caught sight of her, looking right at him. Tom felt a chill. That superior smirk of dominance, those greedy eyes that sought only to see suffering. She pointed a finger towards him, talking to the same group of friends as earlier. The girls around her followed her finger, finding him in the crowd. Then Riley said something to them and they started laughing, expressions of shock clear as day on their faces. Tom flushed red and looked at the ground, wondering what embarrassing information that she had shared to people who were complete strangers to Tom.

“Without further ado,” A woman in formal attire said, stood upon the stage with a mic in her hand “let's celebrate the graduation of yet another selection of promising recruits to the Shrink Correctional Association. These new shrink correctional officers will punish the unjust in society, leading us all to a bright future. Can we get a round of applause for their collective efforts before they come up for their certificates?”

The sound of hundreds of hands clapping together was deafening. Tom thought joining in was a little redundant, plus he didn't want to cheer for such a horrific institution, but a light yet meaningful shove from his mother's elbow brought his hands together.

Tom watched as young woman after young woman was called up onto the stage by the announcer, shaking their hands and handing over a certificate of graduation, allowed them to say a few words, then told them to proceed backstage where a member of staff would hand over their SCO boots along with an SCO license. There wasn't a uniform age amongst the new SCOs, any female under thirty could apply to join the academy. Soon enough he recognised some of the faces stepping up onto the stage. They were girls that had been stood with Riley, her friends at the academy presumably. The first up was a short pale girl with jet black hair. It was difficult to tell but Tom thought he could see a few piercings decorating her face. The goth looking girl said very few words. Second of Riley's friend group was a tall blonde girl. She had a constant, genuine smile, one that made Tom think that maybe she wasn't as cruel as her friends and fellow students; although it would impossible to tell without meeting her. The blonde was extremely talkative, overusing her friendly voice so much that the announcer had to give the girl a nudge as she was partway through thanking practically everyone she had ever met.

At last, Riley's name was called and she confidently took to the stage. Tom's younger sister managed to look humble whilst the announcer congratulated her and handed over what the girl had earned over the past year. Licking her lips to moisten them, finally Riley got her chance to address the crowd.

“Thank you all for coming today.” A strong start. “I think I speak for every graduate today when I say that our success is due to both the efforts of our fine teachers and the support given by our friends and family. My main pillar of support whilst I have been away from home has been my mother. She's the beautiful lady sitting right over there.” Riley pointed over to where her mother and brother were sat. Michelle waved at her daughter, identifying herself to the crowd in the process and being given a short round of applause. Tom shrunk down a little, not liking the attention that his sister had directed his way.

“And I can't fail to mention my sweet older brother. For most of my life he has been a source of motivation for me, his very existence urging me to be what I have become today. He's the one sat next to my wonderful mother.” Some people clapped for Tom too, less than what clapped for Michelle. If he had still been looking at his sister on the stage and not distracted by the reactions of the crowd around him, he might have noticed the evil grin appear on Riley's face.

“He might be a little hesitant to smile right now, so don't be offended. Currently, he has our mother's socks occupying his mouth as punishment for being a bad boy back at home.” Riley followed his extremely personal information about Tom's current predicament with a giggle.

Tom felt his entire head burn with embarrassment at what his sister had just announced to hundreds of people. The crowd started laughing; laughter ranging from quiet chuckles to full blown bellowing when they witnessed his skin redden and lips lock together, serving as evidence aplenty to give proof to Riley's claim. He couldn't help but notice many of the attractive girls present joined in the laughter, cementing him in their minds as a pathetic man who sucked on his own mother's sweaty socks. Even his mom beside him was laughing quietly, placing a hand over her mouth in a lame attempt to hide it from her already humiliated son.

“Yes, yes. It is very funny. Hilarious even. But he is my brother and I do love him. Thank you Tom, for helping put me on the path to my dream career.” Riley ended her speech after causing a reasonable amount of embarrassment to her brother, heading backstage to receive the boots that she had waited so long to possess.

After Riley's speech, Tom kept his head down to avoid any belated staring and silent covert mocking aimed his way. Although he kept his eyes to the ground, he did glance at the stage every now and again and saw another face he recognised Brooke, his olive skinned neighbour. Brooke was in her late twenties and had been a personal trainer before choosing to make the swap to shrink correctional officer. She was the second half to his neighbour Becky who he and his mom had seen earlier. Together, they were two of the hottest women in town and Tom often fantasied of a scenario where they would offer to let him in on their relationship.

The rest of the ceremony went by quite slowly for Tom, anxiously wondering if anyone present was still talking about him. When it did come to a close, it went out with a bang. All of the graduates returned to the stage, wearing their new high tech instruments of torture on their feet, to pose for a group picture and throw their academic caps up into the air. The symbolic footwear would be worn purely for the sake of the picture. Though all were celebrating, they knew deep down that they were cheering for a new generation of torturers that had the support of the law.

That was the conclusion of the official ceremony. Once they retrieved their belongings and tools for their new careers, most of them swapping out the black boots back for clean shoes in the meantime, all of the graduates rejoined their friends and families, chatting and introducing their newly acquired friends and also their favoured teachers. From what Tom could hear the teachers were rather complimentary towards the families of their students, telling them how good of a job they had done raising their daughters. Riley was different from the rest. She bid her fellow graduates and the teachers of the academy farewell, promising to stay in touch with some and hurried over to Michelle and Tom.

“Come on, let's get going.” She said after a light jog to reach them, a bag on her back and another in her hands.

“You don't want to stay?” Michelle asked. Tom remained quiet, as you might expect.

“I've spent a whole year here mom. There is nothing more I want right now than to return home with my loving mother and brother. Besides, it's so easy to communicate over social media these days that I can talk and meet up with anyone I want easily enough.”

“Fair enough. C'mon, let's go to the car. At least we won't have to deal with much traffic on the journey home. Give your bags to your brother, he'll be more than happy to carry them.”

Tom followed along with mixed feelings, lugging both of the heavy bags whilst Riley walked along unburdened. He was happy to be leaving Hemlock Academy, a place that was full of sadistic girls and their families, all of whom knew that he had his mom's gross socks stuffed into his mouth and openly mocked him for it. But at the same time, Tom was filling with dread. Dread that he would have to smell his mom's feet after she'd been wearing trainers without socks. Dread that Riley would be there to spectate and tease him. And most of all, dread for the future now that his bratty little sister was to move back into their family home.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
2. Show and tell
“You guys do not understand how good it is to be home after spending a whole year away!” Riley said, skipping into the living room and performing a little twirl. Michelle was close behind her daughter, with Tom lagging in the rear on account of having to carry Riley's belongings. “It's like I was never away, everything is the same.”

“I tried my best to not to change too much. We came to a decision that everything should stay mostly the same, so that it would be easier for you to settle back in.” Michelle explained.

“We? Did Tom agree with you on this?” The thought of her brother doing anything for her benefit amused the new shrink correctional officer, especially considering all that she had done to him growing up.

Tom pulled a sour face, having heard the conversation as he carefully placed his sister's bags on the floor. Michelle watched her son just as carefully, wanting an opportunity to upgrade his foot smelling punishment to an even more humiliating foot licking. “He wasn't exactly open to the idea at first. Only a few days after you were gone your brother came up to me one afternoon and asked to have your room, since it is bigger and you weren't here to use it. That was when I was inspired by your previous behaviour with him. Without you present to bully him with your stinky feet, Tom acquired quite the attitude. Asking for your room, after I made it clear that there would be no changes, was the final straw. So I made him smell my feet after a gym session and he was more than happy to remain in his own, smaller room.”

“How thoughtful of you, Tom.” Riley said, giggling.

“Get those bags up to Riley's room, then get back down here as quickly as possible. Feel free to take my socks out of your mouth on the way too. I'll be waiting down here with my feet on the ottoman ready for you. The pleasure of pulling off my trainers and catching the first whiff will be yours.” Michelle commanded, taking a seat in her personal armchair and kicking her feet up onto the footstool which might as well have been glued in place with how little it moved.

“That's okay mom, he can leave them there. I wanted to show you the stuff that they gave me for my new job. Although I am thirsty, if you wouldn't mind Tom?”

“Oh, great idea. I can't wait to see the kind of equipment that SCOs use these days. And make that two drinks Tom, I feel rather parched myself.” When Michelle spoke, she didn't even look at her son, sparing only a wave of the hand. She was instead focussed on what Riley was doing, who had dragged those bags over to the couch where she now sat and unzipped them.

Meanwhile, Tom went off to the kitchen to pour his mother and sister a drink. The first thing that he did upon entering the kitchen was pull the socks out of his mouth. He left them on the side, soaked with saliva, intending to put them in the laundry hamper later. Since Riley and Michelle didn't specify what they wanted he got them both iced water. Was there anything more refreshing after spending time out in the sun? He was thirsty himself, but if he simply got a drink without asking his mom if he was allowed, Tom feared she would use that as evidence of disobedience and chose to wait until later. Proceeding back into the living room with both glasses of chilled water, he noticed that Riley was waiting for his return to start her show and tell.

“C'mon Tom, hurry up!” Riley urged from the moment he set foot in the room.

“Sorry! I'm trying not to spill any.” Tom lied. He could have easily moved faster without making a mess but was troubling his female relatives to the best of his petty abilities whilst flying under his mother's radar.

Once he'd set down the glasses on coasters that were appropriately nearby and took his unwanted place on the floor by the footstool where his mom's trainer clad feet awaited him. He gulped, staring at the dirty soles of her shoes, not wanting to continue. His nose was already picking up hints of the odour that had built up inside. Those trainers were probably the footwear that Michelle had owned the longest and the wear and tear was evident on a visual level.

“They aren't going to remove themselves.” Michelle said strictly. Tom suddenly became aware that both women were looking at him. Michelle with a stern expression, Riley looking like a kid on Christmas day. It irked the young man greatly that his sister was enjoying this so much, on top of publicly humiliating him at her graduation ceremony.

Realising that he couldn't stall for any longer, Tom sighed quietly so that his mom wouldn't hear, placing one hand on her calf to raise the foot and the other grasping the back of the trainer. He'd done this many times before. Next he pulled on the back, loosening it around the heel and fished the entire shoe from her foot. Her wide, reddened sole was exposed to the world. A wave of stench attacked his nose, causing him to pause for a moment before repeating his actions on the second foot. It was foul, sure, but he'd been through worse. Overall, the smell of his mom's feet had been a step up from the odour that his sister used to inflict on him. Riley's had been mischievous, playful even. Michelle's feet certainly packed a punch by comparison. But right now, they were far from their worst. When she decided a punishment days in advance she'd spend that time maximising the power of her stinky feet.

Even with all that in mind however, Tom still had to recollect himself when one of those damp, stinky soles slapped against his face, remaining there with his poor nose buried in the space under her five toes. The sole was rough with small patches of calloused skin, not something that was at all pleasant to the touch. Through trial and error over their year spent without Riley, Michelle and Tom had found the valley located under Michelle's bulbous toes to be arguably the stinkiest part of the foot with the spaces between her toes being the greatest contender.

With one foot on his face, Tom's hands soon found the other. His mother was a size 9 and a half and her feet were quite meaty to boot. His sister, who if he recalled correctly was a size 9 (he'd had both pairs of feet in his face enough to know that they were only a little smaller than that of their mother), had inherited a set of somewhat meaty soles although she did not possess anywhere near as much width.

As soon as Tom's thumbs began pressing into that damp, tough foot flesh, Michelle immediately looked far more relaxed. Admittedly, he had become a little bit of a foot massage pro over the past year despite originally being totally lost when his mom had added foot massages to his already long list of duties.

“Ahem.” Riley cleared her throat to attract the attention of her mother and brother. “Sorry to interrupt when you guys are having such a good time, but I thought you wanted to see the equipment they gave me?”

Michelle looked genuinely apologetic. “I'm sorry honey. Tom has become quite a skilled foot masseuse with my training and it's rather easy to lose yourself. You should try him out yourself sometime.”

“I'm afraid that I can't do that mom. The Shrink Correctional Association book of regulations states that I am forbidden from intentionally using my feet to directly cause someone suffering unless they have been authorised by the Association itself. There are some exceptions, such as anyone trained to deal with ultra stinky feet, almost always with the aid of deodorising methods.” Riley actually looked sad, though Tom was unsure if it was because she was missing out on a foot rub or because she couldn't use her feet to torment him any more. Regardless of why, Tom considered it a win. He had feared a return to old habits when she returned home.

“Oh really? I didn't know that.”

“Yeah, it isn't discussed much any more. When learning about the history of the Association back at the academy we had to study how exactly it had become such a prominent figure in the justice system and how those opposed argued against it. Apparently to ease the minds of people on the fence, they had the feet of shrink correctional officers legally classified as weapons that could only be used for the processes of punishment and rehabilitation.”

“Why only the feet?” Tom's curiosity got the better of him despite his distaste for the business of SCOs. He spoke into the sweaty sole that was over his mouth so had to raise his voice just a touch to reach a normal volume. “I thought SCOs used other parts of their body too?”

“You're not wrong. We do use different parts of our body to break our assigned shrinkees and convince them that maybe they've made the wrong choices in life. However feet have always been the speciality of SCOs. We are taught to view feet as our primary method of punishment and taught methods with other body parts just to spice things up a little. Thanks to our boots and what has become known in layman's terms as the 'smelly feet virus', our feet become a particularly nasty and humiliating source of punishment. It is also thanks to those boots and other modified footwear that we can contain that massive stench too.”

Tom's eyes shifted to his sister's feet, though he was unable to properly turn his head thanks to his mom's foot. She was wearing normal footwear, the pair of canvas sneakers that she had worn when departing to the academy and a clean pair of socks. Obviously she wasn't yet sporting this 'massive stench' that she had mentioned and he had assumed that was due to not yet wearing the boots. Yet he also knew that not all SCOs wore their black boots all of the time so their foot odour wasn't entirely due to the choice of footwear. Before he had chance to ask about the 'smelly feet virus' that she had mentioned, Michelle beat him to it.

“You have a virus? Why have you not mentioned this sooner?” Michelle's maternal side came to the forefront, something that Tom thought a rarity after the past year.

“Relax mom! It's called the Pesfetorus virus, a modified strain of a virus once unique to chimpanzees and it is completely unharmful to humans. So long as you consider having incredibly stinky feet as a positive. The modified strain, which was developed by the Association, increases the sweat rate of my feet and the stench of said sweat. Even without the boots, my feet have an extremely pungent aroma.” Riley paused, looking down at her feet and wrinkled her nose. “Now that I think about it, I should get out of these shoes and socks and put the boots on soon. So pay attention, it is time to begin our little family show and tell!”

“Well, so long as you're safe, Riley. By all means continue.” Michelle urged. Now that worries of her wonderful daughter's health were gone, she was eager to see the kind of equipment that SCOs used to torment their captives. The prospect of shrinking someone down for the purposes of rehabilitation had interested her ever since shrink technology had become available.

“Obviously, the first item that the two of you want to see are my new prized possessions. The signature black boots of SCOs. Although they have no official name, you'll often hear them referred to as 'foot ovens' or 'stink factories'.” Riley held a boot in each hand and lifted them up, presenting them to her mother and brother from every angle. They were designed to look like combat boots in appearance with a shaft that went halfway up the calf and a much thicker sole. The emblem of the Shrink Correctional Association was imprinted on the outer sides, which was the initialisation of their name, the outline of a small man inside the letter C, all displayed in a shield. Three horizontal straps were on the shafts, one at the top, one as close to the ankle as possible and the third in-between them. It didn't look like the straps had any kind of buckle so it wasn't obvious as to what tightened the boots around the wearer's lower legs and feet.

“Hmmm, where to start with these ingenious inventions of the Association? I guess starting with the material would be a good idea. The boots are made of special polymers developed by the research and development team at the Association, much like the Pesfetorus virus. There are two polymers at play here: the stuff that makes up the majority of the boots and the insole within. The sole is simple rubber, which proved to be tough and flexible enough for function. The main material of the boot is made to imitate leather, whilst also being more comfortable and retain heat much better than actual leather. It traps smells too, something which is needed when you consider the second polymer involved. The insole is immensely comfortable, though that is not the main purpose. This polymer collects odour like no other and causes these boots to stink to high heavens in no time at all, breaking all limits on how smelly a piece of footwear can get. The inner layer of the foot portion of the boot was coated in the same material too, creating a cave of unmatched foot odour. The insoles offer some resistance so there are no worries about a shrinkee escaping from a smelly foot by being stomped deeper into the insole.”

“Finally, you may have noticed the thickness of the sole. It is much thicker than that of a regular boot, reminiscent of a platform boot. There are three reasons for this. At the very top, just under the insole, there is a built in foot massaging machine. Not only does this massage the feet of the wearer, but also mashes the shrinkee against the foot above them. In the middle there is an electronic plate that heats up the inside of the boot to... I can't actually recall the exact temperature, but I know it is pretty damn hot. Not the hottest a shrinkee can survive at however, the shrinking process ups their survivability in every conceivable fashion. This heat combined with the increased sweating and swelling of the wearer's foot creates an immensely uncomfortable situation for a shrinkee. I have an app on my phone to turn the massager and the heater on and off, as well as change the intensity. Then, at the bottom of the boot's sole is a tank where excess foot sweat is stored. Storage only happens when the insole literally cannot absorb any more. An SCO can use that tank of foot sweat for any purpose she desires so long as it abides by the regulations.” Riley smiled, impressed with herself that she remembered so much. “Any questions?”

Michelle chuckled. “I think you covered everything, honey. I didn't realise that so much thought went into the creation of those things. No wonder people are so afraid of receiving a sentence of shrink correction.”

“How about you Tom? Got anything you wanna ask?”

“Nope.” Tom answered, his voice still subdued by his mother's ill placed foot. Riley couldn't help but giggle, seeing her older brother with a smelly foot on his face would never not be amusing to her.

“Switch.” Michelle ordered, removing the foot from his face and replacing it with the one he had been rubbing. It was just as stinky, but most of the sweat had been transferred to his hands and thus was slightly less unpleasant, very slightly. “So, what's next?”

Riley placed the boots gently on the floor, dusting a bit of dust off of the toe before diving her slim fingers back into her bag of goodies. She pulled out two pairs of panties, one of them a sexy red thong and the other a thong as black as her boots. Both had the Association's emblem proudly emblazoned on the front.

“The Association gave you those?” Michelle asked, confused as to what revealing underwear had to do with the punishment of tinies.

“They aren't just normal pairs of underwear mom.” Riley shook her head, wearing a wry smile. “They both have their own purposes.” She lifted the black thong and twisted the back part that would fit snugly inside the ass crack. It had tiny leather shackles on the inside, two high up and two lower down. “An SCO is supposed to wear this with a shrinkee shackled inside. The distance between the shackles keeps them nice and stretched out to package them nicely between an SCO's cheeks. We call this 'ass punishment'. Believe it or not, some people in society have strong fetishes for stinky feet. Our feet tend to be too smelly even for them, but there are exceptions. Such a person would find themselves strapped into one of these babies for the majority of their sentence.”

“And these,” Riley lowered the black thong and showed her limited audience the red thong, twisting the front patch of material this time. Four leather shackles also decorated the inside here but rather than being placed into two pairs they were spaced out in a rectangular formation. “are for 'fun time'.” Riley stopped to giggle. Michelle joined her, but Tom could only blush. Both were quick to realise the purpose of this pair of panties. “I don't think I have to go into detail here. You are my mom and brother after all. For fun time, the shrinkee is placed in a spread-eagle position rather than being stretched out. They tested the positioning a whole bunch, and I don't blame them.”

“And next...” Riley continued on, though these other items didn't need any explanation unlike what she had shown so far. Bondage items, but small enough to use on a shrunken person. There were ropes and leather straps, blindfolds and ball gags. A silver toe ring that had a short length of chain with tiny metal cuffs on the other end. She had a harness that could fit around either of her shoulders to bind a tiny to her armpit. The Association even provided their new SCO with an adhesive solution. Riley also had a miniature X-frame that would have been comical if its purpose wasn't to leave tinies helpless to whatever suffering an SCO wished to inflict upon them.

“Last but not least, the uniform of a Shrink Correctional officer.” Riley announced, pulling out three sealed bags containing a full set of uniform in each. She stared at them, and with that ever present, almost juvenile smile on her face, she teared up.

“Riley! Are you okay?”

“Yes, I'm fine mom.” Riley assured her mom, wiping away the couple of tears that had escaped. “I'm just really happy that I'm an actual shrink correctional officer. Ever since Tom recommended that I become one, it's all I've wanted. Now I can get paid for doing something I love.”

Tom remembered that day well. Riley had sneaked into his room late at night and taped his wrists and ankles to the bed frame with a roll of duct tape. She had then proceeded to wake him up by removing the soccer cleats and socks that she had kept on since getting home from practice and slapping him awake with her clammy bare feet. Before Tom ever had chance to wake their mom (who would have stopped Riley back then) his bratty sister covered his mouth with a strip of duct tape and initiated one of the most miserable hours of Tom's life. Riley had rubbed her dirty socks all over his face and used her smelly feet to smear all that gross foot sweat into his skin. When she was finished, the tape was removed from his mouth and he thought she was showing mercy. He was corrected when Riley forced both long, stinky socks into his mouth and sealed it up with multiple strips of tape. Before she left him alone, kept awake thanks to the rotten flavour of her unwashed socks, she made sure to tie one of the cleats to Tom's face using the laces with the opening directly over his nose before giving him a mocking kiss goodnight and leaving.

The morning after, when discovered by his mom, she seemed to find the incident funny but released him regardless. She did give her daughter a warning but it was hardly the scathing telling off like Tom thought that Riley deserved after that stunt among many others. He had stormed into his younger sister's room and had an angry rant about how she treated him and ended it with “If you like making people smell your feet so badly, why don't you go and become one of those evil shrink correctional officers!” Hardly a recommendation, but Riley seemed to have taken it to heart. Although considering Riley's naturally dominant personality, Tom reckoned that she would still have taken this road in life even if he hadn't said that to her.

“Well, that's everything. As much as I enjoy watching Tom's face as he sniffs your foot, I'm going to go get dressed into my new uniform and boots. Do the two of you have any plans for this afternoon?”

“Other than this?” Michelle spoke for both herself and her son. “No. Neither of us have plans.”

Tom wanted to tell them that he wanted to make plans, but that decision didn't seem to be his. The workload at home this past year as well as at his place of work had left him with very little social time and he had grown distant from his friends. Today he planned to get in contact with some of them once he was done at Riley's graduation, but that didn't seem to be the case any more.

“Do you guys wanna go out? Have a meal maybe, on me?” Riley offered.

“That sounds lovely to me sweetie! Don't you think Tom?” Michelle squeezed her son's nose with her toes as she asked him this question.

“Yeah. That's very kind of you Riley.” He was serious. He couldn't remember that last time Riley had done anything nice for him. Maybe becoming an SCO was what she needed to straighten her out, make her less of a menace towards her sibling.

“Great! You two finish up down here, I won't be long.” Riley grabbed one sealed uniform and the pair of black boots before running upstairs, knowing that her room would be exactly how she left it. Tom would have to take the rest of her belongings up to her room later.

A moment of silence fell over the son and mother, the former still giving a foot massage to the latter. “You can stop rubbing now Tom. Bring your face a little closer.” Tom did as asked, moving his face towards his mother. This is what usually happened when his punishment was to smell her feet. When giving his mom a foot rub as part of his daily duties her feet wouldn't go near his face, he simply had to put up with the smell from being in their proximity. When she made him smell her feet as a punishment, there was a foot on his face at all times and both at once for the finale. Michelle placed both feet on her son's face, toes over the eyes and heels on his chin, and started kneading her stinky feet into his face. The skin of his mom's feet was a little rough in places but it wasn't painful in the traditional sense. The act brought harm to his senses and his dignity, but it didn't hurt. Tom was expected to resist the pushing from his mom's big feet, keep his head in place for her benefit as she treated herself to a foot massage using his face.

As this was going on, Tom tried to pull away and Michelle obviously felt the resistance lessen because she said “No.” He sighed into her mildly moist soles and she chuckled.

Tom was almost glad that his face was totally covered by feet because it hid the fact that he turned bright red upon hearing Riley erupt into laughter. “Tom you look so funny with mom's feet on your face! HAHAHAHA!” Unseen by Tom, his sister doubled over laughing.

“Please tell me this isn't the first time you guys have done this?” Riley inquired once she'd recovered from laughing.

“This is what your brother has to deal with whenever he's naughty. Then when he's really naughty, he has to lick 'em too.” Tom thought that his mom was enjoying this a little too much. Almost as if she was showing off her favourite toy to a friend.

“I think Tom might hate me for what I'm about to do in that case.” Riley said with a sly grin. Tom couldn't see her expression, but he could feel it through her words and he wanted to groan into the soles blocking his vision and supply of fresh air. It was rarely good for him when she had that look on her face. “I found something in my boots. A present for you mom that I decided to put in them so I didn't lose it.”

“Oh my... are these...?”

“Yep.” Tom heard his mom catching something plastic.

“You're right, Tom is gonna hate you!” Michelle laughed, removing her feet from Tom's face. He took a breath of none foot flavoured air, grateful for both that and his vision being returned to him. Seeing what his mother held however, made his heart sink.

It was a plastic resealable bag. But inside that bag were a pair of simple black socks. At least, they seemed simple until you asked the question of 'Why would a pair of socks be sealed in an air-tight bag?'

“W-what's so special about them?” Tom asked, his mind searching for any ideas that may explain why he'd hate those socks so much, but there was only one real answer.

“Believe me Tom, I doubt you have ever had to deal with a pair of socks as smelly as those are. If mom were to crack the bag open the odour would easily fill the room. Those socks are the socks that Hemlock Academy provided to me at the beginning of their academic year, the only pair that I wore for the whole time I was there.”

Tom felt ill at the thought. A whole year without being washed? No way. “You're joking, surely? I thought that SCOs and their equipment weren't meant to be used against unauthorised people?”

“Ah, so you were paying attention! Those socks aren't technically correctional equipment, they're training equipment from the academy. So as long as I don't wear them with the intent to punish you, we'll have no problems.” Riley seemed sure about this. Almost as if she'd asked someone in advance if it was permitted. Maybe Tom had been wrong to assume that she had become any less of a menace, now Riley just had an obstacle to overcome. Luckily for her, their mother had become a tool capable of cutting right through that obstacle.

Riley looked at her mom with a serious expression. It didn't suit her. “Don't underestimate them mom. They're made of a tough material to combat rips and tears, it's necessary since they are intended to be worn for long periods of time. And they really do reek.”

“Of course. Thank you Riley, this is a nice gift.” Michelle stood, going over and hugging her daughter. Now she had something to always commemorate Riley's time and effort spent at the academy. She then turned to Tom. “You don't need to worry about me using these on you Tom, unless of course you intend to cause trouble young man. In that case, you should be very worried if these socks are as stinky as Riley claims.”

Tom gulped. He had no intention of causing trouble, but then again he never had done. That didn't stop him from ending up on the receiving end of his mom's punishments. Punishments that had the potential to be far worse from now on. God, I hate Riley.

Standing up from his position kneeling by the footstool, Tom took a good look at his sister for the first time since she had got changed into the uniform. There she stood, one of the newest batch of SCOs. It suited her like a second skin. She wore the short, ash grey jacket open, letting the tight white dress shirt underneath show off her curves. The jacket had the emblem of the Association on both upper arms in gold embroidery, with a single chevron above in the same style. A stubby red tie rested on her front, the tip descending to just beyond her perky breasts. That shirt was tucked into a high waisted skirt, the same shade of grey as the jacket, the hem of which stopped just above her knees with small slits on either side for a little more manoeuvrability. Not that an SCO needed much manoeuvrability, they were concerned with the punishment of criminals rather than the catching of them, although that wasn't to say that they didn't apprehend criminals sometimes. Riley's smooth, waxed pale legs bridged the gap between where the skirt ended and her black boots began. The trio of straps were fastened around her legs, perhaps they were controlled in the same manner as the machines in the sole of the boot?

“Come on, let's get going.” Riley beckoned at her mother and brother, excited about being able to walk around in public as a fully fledged SCO. “Other than the three of us going for a cute meal together, there're a few other stops I wanna make on this family outing, so let's hurry up!”

At Riley's urging they put their shoes on and left the house pretty much immediately. Tom's complaints about not having chance to cleanse his face and hands of his mother's foot sweat were completely ignored.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
3. Family outing
Although Riley was the one who actually chose the restaurant where the trio went to for their late lunch, Tom was more than happy with her decision. Crave Explorers was an eatery that had an admittedly childish aesthetic, but drew adults in with a great menu and cheap bar in comparison to places with similarly priced food. There were benefits to going mid afternoon too; a lack of families allowing their kids to run rampant. In fact, only a few of the dozens of tables were in use so they were seated rather quickly.

“It's been so long since I've eaten at a restaurant! I feel spoilt for choice.” Riley exclaimed, her eyes moving at a mile a minute searching the menu for a meal that would satisfy her hunger.

“Mom told me that the academy treated you students to a trip out every now and again, did you not go to restaurants then?”

“Yeah, I suppose that in reality it has only been a month or two. But it just feels like a long time, y'know? Like when you have a week off of work, then when inevitably return it feels like you haven't been there for ages.”

“Please, don't remind me.” Michelle chuckled. “I'm already beginning to dread having to go back to work next week.”

“I'm sure it'll be fine mom.” Riley was quick to reassure her mother. “I bet they've all missed you.”

“That's almost certainly true.” Michelle agreed with an amused smile.

Tom let himself take a back seat in the conversation, appreciating the atmosphere that was building. No talk of feet, no mention of SCOs. Right now, he felt like he was part of a normal family in what felt like forever. The journey here had been quiet and devoid of any negative emotions between them. Tom had excused himself to the bathroom as soon as possible of course, washing the scent of his mother's feet from his body hastily. Walking through the streets with Riley was quite strange. People had been pointing and whispering, nowhere near as subtly as they tried to be. He had seen SCOs in public places before and he didn't realise how obvious his weary stares must have been; because actually standing next to one all he was aware of were the many stares. Some were fearful, some were respectful. Riley seemed to bask in the attention however, a trait that she always had possessed and a trait that Tom never shared. She strode around with her back straighter and her head held high.

Upon entering the restaurant, they had been approached by one of the two waitresses manning the floor of Crave Explorers. She wore the uniform which some people found a little ridiculous: a white t-shirt with the logo printed on the front, smart black trousers with orange suspenders and a silly orange mining helmet with a torch built into it. The torch was used for when it was a customers birthday; the lights would dim and a group of servers would exit the kitchen with a cake, finding the way to the table using the lights on their heads. Kids loved it.

Michelle, Riley and Tom were taken to a C shaped booth and left alone with menus after having their drinks taken, which is when the discussion about what they intended to order began. Michelle sat on the curve of the seat and her offspring sat to either side of her. After several minutes the second waitress brought their drinks over and when Tom saw her his eyes widened in surprise. The black haired beauty with light tan skin was one that he recognised, a girl that he knew back in high school, Ashley. Still wearing her hair in a single long braid like she had when Tom was familiar with her. She'd been one of the popular girls without a chip on her shoulder and had been someone who always made an effort to speak to him. Truth be told, Tom used to have a bit of a crush on her because of that. Not only was she pretty, but she was kind too.

Standing before their table she smiled, asking whose drink belonged to who and placing them on the correct coasters, Ashley's brown eyes met with Tom's blues. Her stare held for a few moments before mutual recognition flooded them.

“Tom Levin? Is that you?”

“Hi Ashley, long time no see.” Tom managed a lame grin. His cheeks had turned a little red from the surprise he felt when she actually remembered him.

“Hold on.” Ashley looked at the other waitress who was returning to the kitchen with the empty plates from another table. “Hey, Katie! I'll take this table. You can have the Garrett table.” She turned back to Tom and his family to offer a brief explanation. “She won't mind, they're regulars and tip well.”

“So I'm guessing these are your sisters?” Ashley asked, gesturing at his mother and actual sister.

Michelle gave a low chuckle as a large grin caused her lips to curl upwards. “It's kind of you to say so, but I am in fact Tom's mother. This is his younger sister, Riley.”

“You wear your years well regardless, Mrs Levin, if you don't mind me saying. My name is Ashley, Tom and I went to high school together. Pleased to meet you!”

“You too!” Riley spoke first, always eager to insert herself into a conversation.

“Likewise.” Michelle followed close behind.

“You been working here long?” Tom said in an effort to make conversation. She seemed happy to see him.

“Going on seven months now. It's nice here. Minus the silly outfit of course. I've waited in a few restaurants and get treated better here for the most part.”

“I like the outfit on you. It looks... nice.” Tom wanted to say more, say that he thinks that she is attractive no matter what she wears but that was a bit much currently.

“Thank you Tom!” It sounded like the compliment worked, even though it sounded lamer than expected when he actually said the toned down version out loud.

“Excuse my brother, he's a terrible flirt.” Riley piped up again, getting a giggle out of Michelle and Ashley to Tom's dismay. Had this been before Riley went away to Hemlock Academy he might have sent a kick her way but now that their mom viewed her as the pride of their family, Riley became untouchable.

“I've heard worse, believe me. Tom is above average.” Ashley said, shooting a smile at Tom. He was grateful that not everyone wanting to join in when his sister decided to poke fun at him. “So, what's the occasion today guys? Is it someone's birthday?”

“I've just graduated.” Riley said loftily, bringing one booted foot up from the floor and putting it up on the table in order to show off her new status to the waitress.

“Oh wow! You're an SCO! I somehow missed the uniform, sorry.” Ashley was genuinely impressed. SCOs had reached an elevated place in society that their opposition resented, so her reaction wasn't entirely unexpected. “You look young for an SCO, how old are you?”

“Nineteen. Soon to be twenty. I went into Hemlock Academy when I was eighteen which is the youngest possible age to be accepted. I think you'd be surprised, there were several others my age who enrolled at the same time as me.” Riley loved to regale other others with her accomplishment, but was clever enough to not come across as a total braggart by downplaying those accomplishments just a little.

“I used to think about applying to Hemlock, the wage for being an SCO makes it soooo tempting as a career choice. But I don't think I'm mean enough to do what you guys do.” Ashley's face suddenly changed, worried that she had said something offensive. “Not to say that you're a mean person or anything!”

“Don't worry about it. I'm plenty mean, just ask Tom.” Riley's light voice failed to properly reflect her meanness, but that didn't mean that it wasn't there.

Ashley looked at Tom with a questioning look but didn't get chance to ask anything. A man who appeared to be her manager walked past nearby and cleared his throat loudly, causing Ashley to jump and almost drop her notepad and pen.

“Sorry! I'm supposed to be getting you guys some food, aren't I?” The manager's interruption put an end to the conversation, something that Tom was glad for since Riley decided to steer it somewhere awkward for him.

Ashley took their order and following that her interactions with them were a lot more professional under the watchful eye of her manager. The time spent eating flew by, the three of them were so hungry that they devoured what they ordered, though no room was left for dessert. Michelle and Riley were eager to get on with their day, they had somewhere to be. Ashley brought the bill over and Riley happily paid as promised, giving the waitress a generous thirty percent tip in order to “Get Tom into her good books.”

Michelle and Riley left after paying, leaving Tom alone to receive the receipt. She handed it straight to him as he was sitting on the edge of the booth seat, waiting to leave.

“Thanks for coming!” Ashley said at a normal volume, followed by a much quieter “And I actually mean that, I'm not just reading from my script.”

Tom laughed. “I'm glad I came, it was great to see you again. I feel like it's been way too long. Sorry about my sister, she can be annoying.”

“It certainly has been too long Tom. From now on, I expect you to come and see me at work frequently! My day is always better when a friendly face pops by. And don't be sorry, I like her.”

“You... like Riley? Really?” Tom asked, flabbergasted. He struggled to understand what people saw in his evil sister.

Now it was Ashley's turn to laugh. “Fear not Tom, I won't take after her and start teasing you at any opportunity.” She shifted her weight and her face flashed with pain. She looked down at her feet, popping the heel of one black flat and exposing the bare, reddened skin inside. “My break can't come soon enough, my feet are killing me today. A foot rub would be ideal, but do you know how hard it is to find a guy who gives a good foot rub these days?”

A light turned flickered on in Tom's mind. Never had be expected to be grateful for the unwanted lessons his mom gave him in the 'art' of massaging feet. “You know, I've been told that I give a pretty decent foot rub.”

Ashley raised an eyebrow, seizing the end of her braid in one hand to play with it thoughtfully, rolling the bundle of black hair in her delicate fingers. “Is that so? In that case, I shall have to call on your services sometimes. You better not be lying to me, because I am going to have great expectations of you Tom.”

Tom smiled, putting his hands up in surrender. “I'm not lying. Go out with me sometime and allow me to prove it.”

“Go out with you? What if I happen to have a boyfriend?”

Resisting the urge to step down, Tom called her bluff. He had become used to teasing. “Do you?”

“No.” Ashley admitted with a grin. “Give me that.” She demanded, referring to his receipt, although she had no intention of waiting for Tom to hand it over. Instead she snatched it and started writing on the back.

“Text me. I'm busy literally all weekend and I'll be way too tired after work on Sunday. Monday however, would be perfect. Just make sure that you bring a peg for your nose.” Handing the piece of paper back, Ashley turned and went back to doing her job, doing a poor job of hiding her huge smile.

“See you Monday then, I guess.” Tom called out after her before rejoining his mom and sister outside.

“Took you long enough!” Riley said, tapping her booted foot impatiently. Then she noticed how happy he looked. “Why are you so pleased? Did the waitress say something nice to you?”

“Something like that.” Tom spoke contently, carefully sliding the precious receipt into his pocket. “So, where are we going now?”

“Your sister and I were discussing it earlier and we decided that the two of us are going to the nail salon. It is going to cost much more when Riley's feet reach the odour levels typical of SCO feet, so this is the best time for her to get some perma-polish on her toes. My toes could use some colourful crowns too, so I'm going to treat myself. Maybe just regular nail polish though, my pockets aren't that deep.”

“So I can go home?” Tom had enjoyed the meal but he didn't really want to sit in a nail salon and wait for his family to get pedicures. He had better things to do. His mom had something else in mind however.

“I was hoping you could go do a little shopping on my behalf whilst I'm busy, to save us all some time once we're done with our pedicures.” Michelle said to her son with a tone of voice that suggested to him that she had an ulterior motive but would likely not mean anything to Riley. She wanted him to do something and she didn't want current company to know about it.

Suppressing a sigh, Tom went along with whatever his mother was planning. “Yeah sure mom, whatever you need. You got a list for me for anything?”

“Here. I'm sure you've got enough money with you, if not it might be a good idea to draw more out of your account. Come to the salon after you've got it, same place as last time.” Michelle handed Tom a scrap of paper from her pocket, smiling. “See you later honey.”

Tom gave a brief wave in parting, taking a look at what his mom had given him. “Really?” He asked aloud to himself after reading it. Michelle had written down instructions for him to go to a jewellers that she'd been browsing and pick up a nice toe ring for Riley. She intended for that to be Tom's graduation gift for his sister. There were also not so subtle hints about her wanting a toe ring of her own to make her feet look prettier. Tom didn't want to buy anyone a toe ring, never mind his younger sister or disciplinarian mother.

But Michelle had set him on a path and he intended to follow it to the end. The alternative was to face the prospect of punishment with her 'new' socks. He was familiar with all the streets of the shopping district in his home town and found the place easy enough.

'Janet's Jewels' had a neon sign out front that looked straight out of a rough 80s neighbourhood. Thankfully it proved to be a simple aesthetic choice because the interior looked much better. A quick glance around showed him that he was the sole customer, alone in the store with a plump middle aged woman who he assumed was Janet.

“Hi! Can I help you at all?” She asked. A bead of sweat ran down her forehead. There was no air conditioning in here, Tom noticed this only seconds after entering. A beat up old desk fan whirred pathetically on the counter where the till was located but all it was doing was blowing hot air over the glass displays.

Tom was glad that the owner was the only person present. Buying toe rings wasn't exactly something that he usually did and he believed that it might be easy for people to get the wrong impression of him. The fact that it was just some woman running a jewellery store that he would never visit again made things much easier.

“You probably can actually. I'm, uhhh, looking for a couple toe rings for my girlfriend.” Tom lied. No point in telling the embarrassing truth.

“Ah! You'll want to be over here.” Janet led the way through the array of display cases on a rather inefficient route, likely hoping that something else would catch his eye. Regardless, Tom found him looking at a variety of toe rings.

“We don't sell a great deal of toe rings, but we do have a small selection. Any catch your eye?”

Tom picked out the ones that, in his opinion, were both decorative and a reasonable price. A thick silver band for Riley and a trio of slim gold bands for his mom that were conveniently the same price as one larger ring. There were rings with gemstones in but they lingered a little out of his price range. The pair of rings that he had picked were sufficient.

Afterwards they went over to the counter where Tom paid using the cash in his wallet and Janet began putting both rings into the same jewellery box but Tom stopped her.

“Sorry, but could you put them in separate boxes. They're... gifts for two different occasions.”

Janet smiled. “Buying in advance? Smart move young man. Just keep the second well hidden.” She happily obliged.

“Thanks very much, have a nice day!” Janet said after handing Tom his purchases.

“And yourself!” Tom replied, exiting the unpleasantly warm climate of the jewellery store.

Having accompanied his mother to the nail salon previously, Tom knew where he was going. It was only a few blocks away from the jewellers, which was probably why his mom had sent him to that particular store. His entrance into the salon was signalled by the ringing of a bell above the door which summoned an Asian woman to greet him in mere seconds.

“Hello, welcome to Fresh Feet, how can I be of service?” She had a much more welcoming presence that Janet, who had clearly been feeling the effects of the heat in her store. By comparison, the nail salon was a lovely, cool environment.

“Oh I don't need anything.” Tom explained. “I'm with them over there, is it okay if I sit in your waiting area?”

Taking a second to look for who Tom was pointing at, the salon attendant told him it was fine for him to wait and asked if he would like anything to drink. He politely declined, not wanting to inconvenience the lady and took a seat, setting the brown paper bag containing the rings on the adjacent seat. Settling into the comfortable seat, he skipped on the girly magazines and instead chose to watch the television set up in the waiting area. Music blared from the surround sound system as a video that just barely matched the beat and lyrics played on the screen. Chart music. Chart music that the staff here seemed to enjoy, judging by the bobbing of their heads along with the song. Tom didn't outright hate the song playing, it wasn't terrible but he wouldn't have ever chosen to listen to it.

However, he stiffened up the moment that the next song began. “Oh I love this song!” Someone exclaimed somewhere in the salon. Tom didn't love this song. He hated it. But he didn't hate it because of the music, he hated the singer.

“Candy J we have a selection of potential candidates lined up.”

“Bring them out. Let them strut their stuff. Let's see if any of them are worthy to worship these tasty cheeks.”

The music video for this had a storyline, vaguely. The artist, a pink haired pop star called Candy J, was in a club seated in a fancy chair, talking to a woman in a suit. The camera was positioned on a table in facing Candy J, making her look huge with a low angle shot. After being given her instructions, the woman in the suit left the frame and the music kicked in.

A shrunken man hesitantly walked into frame on the surface of the table and took his place before Candy J. “Beg.” She commanded, letting the full weight of her gaze settle on the tiny. He fell to his knees and started begging as Candy J's lyrics started. The main scene was intercut with the singer on a stage in what looked like the same club, singing the song to a crowd of people. Lyrically the song was about how sexy Candy J was, how everyone loved her and how she had men begging to serve her. Silently, the Candy J that was sat down held up a hand to stop the tiny's begging and reached out of frame to grab a sneaker. Grabbing the little man in her hand she but him into the sneaker and hands it back to whoever it belonged to. A brief cut later and there was now a woman dancing behind the enthroned pop star, wearing a pair of sneakers identical to the one that Candy J put the tiny inside.

The scenario of a shrunken man begging Candy J repeated four times in total, each ending with the shrunken man failing to please the singer and her putting them into a shoe, only for the shoe to be worn by another dancer who started doing her thing in the background. After the second and fourth time, the chorus of the song interrupted the story, cutting back to Candy J singing.

Want the squeeze, Want the squeeze?

Want the pressure, Want the pressure?

They wanna please,

Cause I'm a lady of leisure.

Tom tried to ignore the song, hating how it shamelessly advocated for shrinking to the large audience that Candy J had acquired during her career. He wondered if those tiny men were actually still in those shoes whilst the dancers danced. They probably were, since they were still being rehabilitated like most of the shrunken people in society. Once, Tom had watched an interview with Candy J on a talk show and she had spoke about how she had a deal with the Shrink Correctional Association where they gave her tinies to use in her music and to build her image. This benefited the Association by giving them essentially free exposure to a large, young audience.

The second chorus finished and a fifth tiny walked onto the tabletop before Candy J. This time however, when he started begging, the singer smiled and slowly nodded her head. When the verse came to an end, the music came to a stop. “You'll do. Feel free to do a dance of your own whilst you're back there!” She said, standing up and picking up the little guy. Turning around, Candy J showed off her big, toned butt in pink latex miniskirt to the camera. A free hand, topped by impractically long pink fingernails, pulled the back of her waistband forwards and put the tiny inside her tight shorts, fiddling around and putting him into his place. It didn't take long, the dominant pop star likely had experience, the hand retracted and she released the waistband, letting the skirt snap back into place. Shaking her ass for the camera, Tom couldn't even see the outline of the tiny because he was so deep between her butt cheeks. Tom shivered.

The music video cut to a different scene for a finale, the music returning as it did. Candy J was dancing in front of the same four dancers, singing the chorus over and over as the music faded, bringing the song to a close.

“That was Candy J with her new hit single 'Lady of leisure'. Before that was Watermark by SD. We actually have Candy J coming into the Radio 72 studio next week, Wednesday afternoon if you're interested in seeing what she's up to, where she's touring and all that cool stuff. Up next is--” The DJ's voice was a refreshing change from the atrocious song touting an implied pro-shrinking political stance.

“Oh my god, Candy J is so cool. She's like a goddess to those tiny men.” A couple of the salon attendants, one of them being the woman who greeted Tom, had been watching the video and were chatting about it.

“You see that girl over there? She's an SCO. You can tell by those boots next to her chair. She actually gets to play with tiny people, just like Candy J. How cool is that?” She nodded towards Riley and Michelle who had a woman each at their feet, tending to their toenails. Tom sighed into his hand. The fact that ordinary people had become so accepting of shrinking followed by extreme punishment as a method of 'rehabilitation'. The kind of crimes that netted someone a sentence under the feet of an SCO were only the minor ones too, and although the rates of crime punishable by shrinking were down, was it really worth the ethical sacrifice?

“Excuse me? You are Tom, yes?” An attendant that Tom hadn't seen before stood over the young man who had been deep in thought.

“I am.” He confirmed.

“Your mother and sister want to see you.”

Tom followed the slim woman sporting a heavy tan, paper bag in hand. Since she was wearing yoga pants he couldn't help but notice that she had an ass rivalling Candy J. At least this woman didn't have a shrinkee being crushed between those buns. She led the way past a few women in reclining salon chairs having pedicures done, either making conversation with their attendant or a seated neighbour.

Far sooner than he liked, Tom once more found himself facing his mother and sister. The attendant had done a great job on his mom's feet, a pair that he had unfortunately grown to be very familiar with. The rough skin on her wide soles was gone, those wrinkles restored to their soft glory. “What do you think to my toes, Tom?” Michelle asked, raising one foot and wiggling her toes. They were bright pink. “I was making my decision when that song came on, what's it called? Want the squeeze?”

“It's called Lady of leisure mom.” Riley said.

“Oh that's right, of course! Well anyway, I've seen her on the TV and when her song came on earlier I thought that her hair colour would look simply fantastic on my toes.”

“Yeah, they look great mom.” Tom said so just to appease her.

“And what about me, Tom?” Riley pouted mockingly, waving her feet back and forth. After such a long time, he looked upon the feet of his sister once more, and they looked... surprisingly unchanged by her time at Hemlock Academy. From what she had been saying, he had assumed that her feet had transformed into abhorrent physical manifestations of stench. Yet here they were, as soft and silky as ever. A little smaller than Michelle's feet and much less wide, Riley had high, wrinkly arches but very few wrinkles elsewhere so long as the skin was slack and not scrunched. Discounting the zones of her foot that didn't make much contact with the ground such as the toe stems and aforementioned arches, the bottoms of Riley's feet were a rosy pink colour, areas of high pressure such as the pudgy balls, sturdy heels and rotund toes boasting a darker shade. She had gone for a cherry red colour on her nails and although Tom hated what his sister's feet represented, although they were weapons belonging to the source of much of the humiliation in Tom's life thus far, he had to admit that Riley's feet were aesthetically pleasing. The toenail polish and her complexion were a match made in heaven.

“Yes Riley, I think that colour suits you.” This time, Tom wasn't talking out of his ass to please the subject of his words.

“Aww you're such a kind big brother!” Riley teased, making the women who heard giggle.

“He certainly is, honey. Tom has even bought you a present for graduating, haven't you Tom?” Michelle verbally prodded. She was excited to be receiving a new toe ring of her own.

“Well what are you waiting for Tom? You can even put it on my beautiful toes yourself.” Riley said, loving every part of this moment. Not only was she getting a present but was able to mess with her sibling too.

Pulling the correct ring box out of the bag, Tom took his place crouched down by Riley's feet. Slim toes wiggled inches away from his face, her own looking down on him with a superior smile. As Tom popped open the box to show her what he had bought, he could sense the satisfaction seeping off of her.

“I like it, simple yet stylish. Great choice Tom!” No doubt that if this had happened before Riley became an SCO and thus shackled by regulations, she would have patted him on the head with her foot.

Tom gave a shallow smile and a nod, trying to ignore the amused stares of the women present in the salon. He plucked the ring from its nest and speedily slipped the thick, silver band onto the second toe of Riley's left foot, minimising contact with her foot flesh. Although the odour hadn't been given much chance to take hold of her youthful sole skin, there was still a distinct cheesy aroma detectable in spite of the deodorising agents that the attendants had made use of; he dreaded the thought of how smelly those feet would be within a week. With the ring on, Riley raised her left foot into the air, spreading her toes in order to fully appreciate her new piece of jewellery.

“Don't you think that my toes look positively beautiful with their new present Tom?”

“Yeah. Beautiful.” Tom managed to keep the venom out of his voice.

One side of Riley's lips curled upwards, a telltale half-smirk that appeared whenever she had a 'good' idea. Clamping her pale toes back together Riley extended her foot towards her brother. “Prove to me that you mean that, dear brother. Give my toes a kiss.”

Tom met Riley's eyes and held her stare, trying to work out if she were kidding. She can't do this! What about those regulations that are supposed to protect people like me from people like her? She looked serious. Tom broke the stare, looking to his mom for assistance. Michelle was watching with an amused grin; she wouldn't save him.

Suddenly Riley spluttered and burst into laughter, followed closely by her mother and the two now mostly silent attendants. “You should have seen your face Tom! You actually thought I was serious! Do you not remember that behaviour like that is forbidden?”

“I-I-I...” Tom flushed red. Their laughter was drawing looks from more people in the salon, wondering what was going on. The worst thing is, Tom knew Riley well. He knew when she was joking around and when she was serious and though the two frequently interweave, in the moment where Riley commanded Tom to kiss her toes, she had been serious. Deadly serious. The one thing stopping her were SCO regulations.

Michelle calmed down, wiping a tear from her eye. “Come on Tom. I want to see how my new toe ring looks on my freshly pedicured feet. Riley's is so gorgeous that I'm starting to feel jealous.”

Moving horizontally over to the chair neighbouring Riley, Tom popped open the second box and showed his mother the three golden rings inside. He felt his throat dry up, scared that maybe she wouldn't be happy with it.

“Excellent choice. I think the gold will go nice near the pink of my toenails. Put it on for me Tom, we don't have all day.” Tom exhaled with relief. Are all twenty-two year old men this afraid of their mother? He thought to himself, suspecting the answer to be 'no'.

Michelle's toes were thicker than her daughter's but the rings went onto her more mature toes without a struggle and as soon as they were on the second toe of her right foot, she flexed them comfortably.

“Very nice.” She mused. Then, just as Riley had done moments ago, Michelle extended her foot towards Tom. “Kiss my toes to show me just how lovely you think they are. And, unlike your sweet sister, I'm not joking.”

When Tom looked into his mom's eyes, he found her to be smiling. “Don't look at me son. My toes are down there. Now get kissing, all five of them.”

Riley was sat spectating, wide-eyed and giggly. At least the attendants had the decency to hide their grins behind their hands out of sympathetic embarrassment. To Tom's dismay, the other patrons and staff who had reacted to the laughter before were glancing over with interest, keeping an eye on the situation.

“Don't make us have a repeat of your second ever punishment when we get home. You don't want that, do you Tom?” Michelle threatened, and when she did, she saw Tom's resistance break. He did not want that.

Putting aside his dignity, Tom leaned forward and gave his mother's big toe a kiss in the middle of a semi-busy salon. The attendants had to turn fully away to hide their laughter. Riley made no such effort.

“Hahahahaha! No way! You've really trained him well mom.” Riley was howling with laughter. Her phone was in hand, recording her brother's humiliation. He had become all too aware of the other women in the salon all staring and having a giggle of their own.

Raising a hand, Tom tried to block his face from the sight of Riley's phone camera but Michelle's free foot stopped his hand and pushed it back down. “Four more to go, honey.” She announced smugly. Tom closed his eyes, as if to hide from the onlookers, continuing on with a second kiss for his mom's second toe.

Later that day, after they had left the salon and returned home, Tom retired to the peace and quiet provided by his bedroom. Riley had been back in his life for less than a day and already she had publicly humiliated him twice. He had been hoping that his little sister would have changed her ways during the year spent away. But it seemed that shrink correctional training had only served to feed her cruel side. Tom hoped that she was acting like this because he was the sole potential victim in her life currently and that the trends set by her today would come to an end once she got her first shrinkee to play with.

He was streaming a movie that had been in cinemas a few months prior, one that he had intended to go see before his mom made him stay home with her and spend several nights rubbing feet and waiting on her whilst she relaxed after work. She had only made this decision after he told her of his intentions to meet up with some old friends and see the movie, suspiciously enough. After multiple cancellations they ended up going without him. Tom tried not to dwell on what had happened at both the graduation ceremony and the salon, both situations where he had to leave with his eyes on the ground to avoid meeting any stares and funnily enough both situations that Riley took great pleasure in causing. Thankfully his mom had shown some degree of mercy by telling his sister that she wasn't allowed to share the video she took with anyone.

A knock on his door broke Tom from his immersion to the movie. His mom would have barged in without warning, a habit that greatly restricted the periods where Tom could have some 'alone time' without fear of being interrupted. He had been caught my his mom a few times which was horrible enough, yet she had seen fit to impose punishments which were immediate and denied him the opportunity to finish. Tom never suspected that his mom would go as far as to make him smell both of her feet whilst he still had an erection. Since the person on the other side was knocking, it had to be the demon herself.

“Go away.” Tom shouted. He'd had enough of Riley for one day.

Completely ignoring her brother, Riley opened the door and stuck her head in. Tom had not been allowed to have a lock on his door, another commandment of his mother. “Hey there bro. Whatcha watching?”

“I said go away.”

“I heard you.” Riley said as she fully opened the door and entered her brother's room, unperturbed by his demands. “Still sulking then?” She took a seat on the bed next to Tom, kicking her booted feet up. At least they aren't on my pillow. Inside, her feet were brewing up a storm of stink. As soon as she had them back on after the pedicure, Riley had delighted in showing both her mother and brother that she had turned on the built in heaters.

“I'll take that as a yes.” Riley responded to Tom's silence. “What's wrong with you? Cheer up.”

Tom clenched his fists. “Riley, can you not just leave me alone for even a little while? Don't you think that you've done enough today?”

Riley giggled. “You're still upset about my graduation speech? That was hours ago.”

“And the salon.”

“The salon? That was mom, not me silly.”

“You instigated it. That would never had happened had you not decided to do it as a joke.” He looked at his sister accusingly.

“Oh. If that's how you see it, fair enough bro. But in answer to your question, the answer is no.”

“No? To which question?”

“When you asked if I thought that I had done enough to you today. The answer is no.”

“How can you say that? Do you have any idea how small I felt?” Tom asked, shocked that his sister could be so ignorant of his misery.

“I have a good idea. That was my intention Tom. I have so much FUN doing stuff like that to you. I love seeing you turn bright red, drowning in humiliation. I love making people laugh at you, mock you, tease you. Do you have any idea how much I missed making you smell my stinky feet on an almost daily basis Tom?” Riley spoke fast, the passion in her voice inflating with each word uttered.

Tom looked at his sister, speechless. He thought that what she did was just her idea of being playful. In reality, Riley was more evil than he had ever believed. Her pupils had become increasingly dilated as she spoke, the blue of her irises turning into thin rings of colour around giant, black voids by the time she stopped.

“You don't understand how pissed off I was when I found out about the regulations. They're so unfair. When I tell people that you're the reason I became an SCO, I'm serious. All I'm asking is to be able to make you submit beneath my stinky feet, to be able to torment you with foot odour so pungent that it would chase you into even your nightmares.” The scowl that had taken over Riley's face faded, replaced quickly with a smile. “But luckily, there is still a way I can get what I want, have my big brother at my smelly feet once more.”

“How?” Tom asked, fearing any answer that might suggest she'd found a workaround. Knowledge of Riley's restrictions had brought the young man some peace of mind, made him feel safer.

Riley's smile tripled in size. “All I have to do is make you commit a crime. Then you'll be shrunken down and assigned to little old me. Worry not, I intend for you to spend every possible moment at either of my reeking, sweaty feet, so you'll always have some company in the depths of my boots!"

“I wouldn't break the law! Especially not with the possibility of being shrunk and given to you!” Tom said loudly, the outrage thick in his voice. If only she wasn't the favoured offspring, he would have physically removed her from his room to shut her up.

“Don't speak too soon, Tom.” Riley warned, standing up and walking over to the door. “There's a lot of laws. I'm sure I can get you to break at least one of them.”

“I... I... I'll tell mom! Even she won't let you do that to me. I'm still her son.” Tom said as confidently as possible, despite not feeling that confidence within. Although it certainly hurt his pride to make such a threat.

“True, even mom would object to me making you break the law in order to have you shrunken, I'm sure. But who is she gonna believe? Her unruly son, or her angelic daughter. Think about it, little brother.”

With that, Riley left Tom alone once more with a lot to worry about. Having been left with plenty on his mind, Tom doubted that he would get much sleep tonight.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
4. Interlude - Her littlest fan
The crowd moved like waves on an ocean, shifting around and dancing to the music as it they were a single being. Thousands of lights from phones recording videos were like stars in a sky of flesh, hair and clothing. As she sung her latest hit single, Candy J felt truly godlike. She imagined that this was how Zeus and his ilk would have felt like in the days of ancient Greece had they been real. But Candy J was real. Candy J was real and everyone loved her. They gazed at her above them, that porcelain white skin and eye-catching pink hair, a symbol of their conjoined desires.

“C'mon guys, you know the words!” The singer spoke to the crowd as the beat built up towards the final string of choruses, another show approaching its conclusion.

Candy J held the microphone out, pointing it towards the surging crowd. Her eyes closed when the chorus was only moments away, feeling the energy of her fans flow through her. Involuntarily she flexed her butt cheeks and felt the tiny man trapped in her crack struggle, bringing her back to reality just in time.

Want the squeeze, Want the squeeze?

Want the pressure, Want the pressure?

They wanna please,

Cause I'm a lady of leisure.

Tens of thousands of her fans sung her part for the chorus and the back-up singers stuck to their part, repeating it over and over again which delighted Candy J. As all things must however, the song came to an end, signified by the music slowly growing quieter and quieter. But even in the total absence of music the young men and women (mostly women) kept on singing.

Laughing happily into the microphone, Candy J silenced them with her powerful voice. “As you all know, that was Lady of leisure. I must say, I am very impressed that you all know the words so well.”

A resounding response of woos and cheers caused the pop star to laugh again. “How lucky am I to have such adoring fans? If it weren't a massive violation of my deal with the Shrink Correctional Association, I'd hand out shrinkees to everyone!”

Candy J wondered how she had lived her life before becoming famous. The buzz she got from her adoring fans was unmatched; even as she stood before them in this moment, soaked in sweat from dancing around in her pink latex costume with fingerless white gloves and white boots, the singer felt beyond beautiful. Back in her early twenties, all she had wanted was to be famous, to possess a loyal and loving fan base. When she hit twenty-five, depression struck, worrying that her dreams would not be realised. A deal with the Shrink Correctional Association saved her. They extended an extremely lucrative offer to a hopeful woman in her mid twenties. They saw her talent and funded the ascent to stardom, turning her into a discrete singing and dancing advertisement for their agenda. They had turned that lost soul into the pop star known as Candy J.

Despite wanting to keep these people happy and cheering for her, perform an encore, there was someone waiting for her backstage. So Candy J waved goodbye to the crowd, her parting words broadcast her hesitance to leave to the entire area. Her hip swaying walk off of the stage was scored by shouts of “We love you Candy J!”

Moving through the corridors backstage felt a like claustrophobic after spending hours dancing, singing and sweating on the open air stage. She spared a small smile at the thought of the tiny man trapped at her backside, bathed in both darkness and ass sweat, experiencing claustrophobia far greater than she would ever have to suffer. On the way to her dressing room, Candy J passed by other rooms with open doors. Inside two large rooms that usually function as a locker rooms for the soccer team that called this stadium home and the away teams that visited, were the dancers and back-up singers that had performed alongside Candy J this evening.

A pair of SCOs moved from dancer to dancer, reclaiming the shrinkees that had been lent by the Association for tonight's performance. The female dancers removed their shoes and socks, emptying the tiny men and women out of those socks into the waiting palms of the SCOs, who then placed the tiny people into storage devices made to transport dozens of shrinkees at the same time. The women looked sad which was no surprise to the star of the show, she had seen the faces of delight during the dance recitals where they were granted access to the shrinkees. How they had laughed as they practised the dance routines, stomping on the bodies of criminals in rehabilitation. The little show they put on for the crowd prior to Candy J's performance, where they stripped down to their bare feet and toyed with the tiny individuals given to them for the enjoyment of the onlooking crowd, had been how the dancers said goodbye to their 'dance partners'. These shrinkees would return to their regular rehabilitation sentence and different ones would be provided the next time Candy J needed some for her dancing retinue.

Continuing on to her own dressing room, one marking with a temporary star and her nameplate, the singer didn't stop for a moment. Bursting through the door, she locked it behind her, giving privacy that was much needed after having basically none under the all seeing eyes of the crowd of fans. She sighed and took a seat.

“Hard show?” Asked Vanessa, Candy J's bodyguard. The security expert had been unneeded up on stage, so the pop star left the muscular, short haired woman alone in the private dressing room with a special task to keep her occupied. In those strong hands a remote control was held, one finger pressing hard on a button before releasing it.

“They were insatiable Vanessa! I performed song after song and all they wanted was more. I need a glass of wine.” Candy J fell onto the comfortable couch that had been set up for her. In the moment that she closed her eyes, eager to be lost to the world, she sniffed and picked up on the scent of Vanessa's smelly socked feet, her steel toe capped boots discarded onto the floor. “Ewww that smells so bad, fucking hell.”

Vanessa smirked, playing with a tiny woman between her stinky soles who had been blindfolded, gagged and bound. All she could do was wriggle around like a helpless worm. With every touch of the button that Vanessa had her finger primed to press, the wriggling increased.

“You told me to torment her with my feet, so that's what I'm doing.” Vanessa excused herself.

“I know that! I just didn't expect your feet to be so damn aromatic!” Candy J laughed, sitting up and pouring herself a glass of white wine from the unopened bottle sitting in an ice filled bucket on the table. She sipped at the wine, enjoying the feelings of the tiny man struggling not only from the pressure of her strong ass cheeks pressing him from either side like a vice but also from the weight of her sitting atop his small body. Candy J watched Vanessa continue to kneed the 6 inch woman with her filthy socks. When people were shrunken, the traditional size that they were diminished to was 3 inches, though that wasn't the only size available. The Association could shrink anyone down to a minimum of 1 inch and a maximum of 1 foot, though the majority of equipment was built with a 3 inch human in mind.

When Candy J had been given the opportunity to have this woman in particular shrunken down, the pop star had decided 6 inches would be preferable, given that she intended to turn the girl into a tiny slave. The girl had once been called Gertrude, not that Candy J ever intended to use that name. To the world famous singer the tiny was only called 'slave'. What did this now shrunken woman done, you might ask?

Before she was convicted of stalking Candy J, Gertrude had run a channel on a video sharing platform where she made videos mocking the pop star, both on her style of music and her connection to the Shrink Correctional Association. The girl claimed that without the Association, Candy J would be nothing; a statement that greatly annoyed Candy J. Not only that, but Gertrude had branded herself as Candy J's biggest hater, challenging the diehard fans of the pop star to just try and take her channel down. Candy J had gone one better, paying some fans to kidnap the women off of the street. From there it was easy to plant evidence and frame Gertrude as Candy J's stalker, putting her fingerprints all over dressing rooms and placing 'stolen' panties in the girl's home befoe putting her back and informing the police with an anonymous tip. In court Gertrude had been given a long shrinking sentence, but Candy J had intervened and essentially made the newly shrunken Gertrude into a slave with the intention of breaking her, turning her from Candy J's biggest hater into Candy J's tiniest fan.

Vanessa had proved integral in the breaking of Gertrude with her big, stinky feet. Even though Candy J had sweaty feet after her performances, Gertrude would happily run to them and lick them clean when faced with the threat of being imprisoned within the security guard's sock for a few days. That was exactly what Candy J wanted, for a young woman who once totally hated her and the music she made to worship her like a goddess. The pair of underwear that the tiny slave wore definitely helped speed up the indoctrination process. Made of metal, the underwear was locked onto the slave's miniscule body, cutting off the shrunken girl's access to her own genitals. A rubber vibrator attached to the inside of the underwear was plunged deep into her pussy, controlled by the remote control currently held by Vanessa. And, just as Candy J had instructed when she handed over her slave to Vanessa this morning, Gertrude had been edged all day long, only able to voice her frustrations to thick, heavy socks laden with foot sweat through her ball gag.

Putting the glass of wine aside after several refreshing sips, Candy J looked down at her shiny white boots. They were high heeled just to the point where she could dance around the stage without falling over and had the toe section missing, displaying her toes which were painted pink if you hadn't already guessed. She made them do a little Mexican wave, each of the toes rising up and coming back down in a pattern, making a near inaudible slap as they reconnected with the insole. Candy J reached down and unzipped the boots using the zips on the instep sides and slipped out her elegant size 7s. Bringing one foot up to her face, she gave the appendage a sniff up around the toes. “Bleuurrgh. Stinky.”

“I'm sure they aren't as bad as mine.” Vanessa overheard the comment and replied, clamping all five toes around the tiny's head as she did.

“Obviously my feet aren't as smelly as yours are! What I'm concerned about here is not having my feet be perfect for her. The point to all this is to make the slave see my feet as divine so they must be perfect in her eyes!”

“Yeah, but you're going to great lengths to impress a shrunken slave. It's unnecessary. Trust me, considering how bad my feet and unwashed socks reek, your feet after a show are going to be a blessing by comparison.” Vanessa didn't look up, focussed wholeheartedly on making sure the tiny didn't get even a hint of fresh air in her heavy breathing, orgasm yearning state. It amused Vanessa how even whilst inhaling her musty foot odour the slave still desired sexual pleasure, indicating just how desperate she was.

“I suppose you're right.” Candy J said as she ran one finger between a few of her toes, making a gagging noise when she felt how slimy it was there. “Gonna lotion these babies up though, just to be safe.”

A hard, authoritative knock came at the door. Candy J sighed, enjoying the final moments that she had with her ass-mate. This one had been a good one, he moved around in all the right ways and was a real fighter. If ever he got to the point where it annoyed her a simple tensing of her cheeks was enough to placate him temporarily. She stood up and sauntered over to the door. Candy J didn't intend to use such a sexy form of walking in the privacy of her dressing room but it had become a force of habit to her, on top of that it felt really damn good when she swung her hips around with a tiny at her ass.

Opening the door steadily, Candy J took a look to see who it was though from the knock she already had a good idea.

“Good evening, Miss J.” In the doorway, smiling, was the shrink correctional officer in charge of transporting the shrinkees to and from the pop star whenever she required them. Angela was a little taller than Candy J right now, with shoulder length light brown hair and a kind face. Her face was where the kindness ended, evidenced by the triple chevron above the Association's emblem on both arms of her jacket: a first-class ranked SCO. On her right arm, just below where the emblem was, Angela wore a blue armband which visually indicated that she was an SCO who dealt with public relations and worked closely with figures like Candy J who represented the Association in the media.

“Hi Angela, did you enjoy the show?”

“Oh it was fantastic, well done as always Miss J. May I come in?”

“Of course, come on. Help yourself to any of the complementary food and drink. There's far too much for me.” Angela had replaced Candy J's previously assigned SCO over a year ago now and still she refused to refer to her as anything other than 'Miss J'. Angela had proven stricter than her predecessor too, enforcing the part of the deal where all shrinkees had to be returned as soon as possible after they were no longer needed by Candy J and her crew. The woman claimed that she wanted to minimise their time away from the rehabilitation process. She saw this whole endeavour as a form of vacation for the shrinkees.

“Vanessa. Would you mind leaving my little slave on the table and rounding up some stinky girls from out there. It was a real heated show tonight so I'm sure there'll be plenty of competition.” Candy J said to her security guard.

“Sure thing boss.” Vanessa replied, putting her heavy boots back on and standing up with the shrunken girl in hand, depositing her on the table with bindings intact as she left the room, handing the remote control to Candy J.

“How goes your slave training? I ask mainly out of personal interest but the more sadistic part of me would also like to know. Have you managed to make her completely devoted to you yet?” Angela inquired, staring down at the tiny tied up on the table, sucking untainted oxygen through her hungry nostrils like a drug.

“I believe her to be well on the way. She already gave us the login details to basically every social media website that she has an account on in order to delete her hateful content and instead upload footage of me at my shows. I bet her subscribers absolutely hate that.” Candy J chuckled. “You're welcome to stay and watch when I remove her blindfold, witness the light in her eyes when she sees the goddess who saved her from the pair of devilishly stinky monsters.”

Now it was Angela's turn to chuckle. “If you think that your security guard has stinky feet, you really don't want to sample an SCO's feet. But I am glad the process is going well. When she does eventually start to view you as an actual deity, you must sit down with me and allow me to make a report. It could be valuable information for the Association.”

“That shouldn't be a problem, so long as you do all the paperwork and I do all the talking.”

“Indeed. Let's stick to what we're good at, shall we?” Angela said with a wry smile. “Not to hurry you, Miss J, but I believe you have something of mine.”

The inner cheek lodger chose that well timed moment to start his violent struggles once again, reminding the pop star that she still had him back there. “OH! Almost forgot about that little guy. You'll have him back immediately.” Candy J knew better than to argue with the stubborn SCO for extra time, there really was no shifting this woman.

Reaching into the back of her miniskirt, Candy J's fingers grasped the shrinkee's body in the sweaty crevice. He had been bathed in the stuff for hours on end so he stuck a little bit and needed a forceful tug but soon enough left his smelly prison. The tiny man was quite young with long, mop-like hair. That hair was currently matted down to his head from the conditions between Candy J's juicy buttocks. “Do you want me to wash him off or...?”

“I'm sure he'll be fine, I shall let him stew in your odour until his owner collects him. Do you have anything to say to Miss J, small one?”

Candy J made sure to listen close, it was very easy to miss what a 3 inch tall person was saying. “T-thank you Candy J for taking care of me. I had fun.” It was difficult to tell whether or not he was telling the truth or simply being polite in fear of his sentence being lengthened. All the moving around he did back there could have been tormented or passionate, it was hard to tell the difference from the outside. Regardless, her treatment of the poor guy had likely been much better than anything his SCO had done to him.

Wordlessly, Angela tilted her palm and dropped the little guy into a transportation cylinder that she had opened in advance, screwing the lid on behind him. “Well, I'll be off. I'll see you again with a new batch of shrinkees next month.

“Thanks again, Angela. It is always a pleasure to see you.”

“Likewise, Miss J. Take care of yourself.” With that, Angela left the singer alone in her dressing room, discounting the tiny woman on the table obviously. Candy J sighed. Angela made her anxious and every meeting with the damnable woman caused a great deal of stress. She was definitely no pushover, and Candy J assumed that any shrinkee assigned to the SCO would very quickly be broken by that iron will. With an expression still soured by the brief appearance of Angela, the singer downed what remained of her wine.

Candy J rejoined her former hater, sitting on the couch once more. Her bubblegum lotion was sat on the table already and she squeezed a generous splodge into her hands and started lathering it into her soles and around her toes. Before long the aroma of sweaty feet was joined by the sweet scent of bubblegum, not erasing the odour but mixing with it into a not entirely distasteful smell. Candy J decided that it would do and placed the remote control next to the slowly struggling tiny, freeing up both hands to remove the miniature blindfold and gag.

“There there my little slave, you're okay now. The smelly woman has gone away. Right now, it's just the two of us.” Candy J adopted a maternal tone, stroking the hair of the girl who had taken to whimpering. She looked down at the frictionless ropes binding her limbs tightly to her body, clearly wanting to be fully free. But Candy J wasn't that kind.

“You stink of feet slave.” Candy J said with a giggle. “Better give you a wash.” Grabbing the empty wine glass, she poured some of the chilled water sat at the bottom of the ice bucket into it, letting a few ice cubes tumble in for good measure. She didn't let the slave she what she had done, simply picked the girl up by her head and dangled her over the glass before dropping the hand and dipping the slave's bottom half in the freezing water.

“AH!” The slave once known as Gertrude cried out, surprised by the sudden cold water touching her body like a live electrical wire. She kicked and writhed in the air as Candy J pulled the slave back into the air. Because of how resilient the shrinking process made shrinkees, hypothermia and going into shock did not worry Candy J. Her slave would just fine.

“Almost done.” Candy J cooed, her other hand snatching the slave's legs and dangling her upside down instead. The tiny was wide eyed, shaking her head madly and punching out at the air uselessly. Candy J bit her lip, trying to maintain a caring image by stifling the growing urge to laugh. Then, the tiny girl was dunked into the water once more, submerging her head-first up to the waist. Candy J laughed, keeping the slave underwater as she did to not break the image, ignoring the struggling. It was like holding onto a fish in a net wanting to escape, but the fish was as small and light as an anchovy. Managed to stop laughing and keep a straight face, Candy J showed mercy and lifted the shrinkee from the icy water. The slave hung there, motionless apart from the feverish shivers that racked her tiny form, each deep intake of breath a tortured gasp.

“You'll be fine. In fact, I have just the thing to warm you up, my little slave.” Candy J reassured her, putting the tiny body of the slave onto the table, laid on her back. Two thuds later and the slave had a foot on either side of her body, the mixed smell of Candy J's lotion and Candy J's sweat becoming the slave's new air. The pop star picked up the controller for the tiny, pleasure granting underwear locked onto her slave and showed it to the girl, whose eyes lit up upon seeing it, those little fingers that yearned to carress a set of nipples. She was desperate for pleasure, and willing to do anything to receive it.

“It's funny that you used to be such a prolific hater of mine, slave. Now you're literally laid at my pretty feet, begging for an orgasm.” The relative giantess laughed, lifting a foot and lowering her silky, damp sole onto her slave's body, positioning the toes above the slave's face so that the girl could kiss and worship them. Candy J bit her lip at first contact as the sudden cold to her sensitive sole stung. Ever since she'd first had her toes sucked many years back during sex, Candy J had been obsessed with the sensation. That was likely part of what led her to this position, acting as goddess to a lowly, shrunken human.

Moaning as those tiny lips kissed her toes, Candy J did her slave a favour and pressed down the button on the remote that controlled the vibrations of the device shoved inside her slave's pussy, sending waves of powerful stimulation through that little body. Candy J felt the kissing stop for just a moment as a burst of pleasure dominated the mind of her slave, but then she remembered who her true master was and almost immediately went back to kissing. At first, it was hard to keep the slave focussed on tasks whilst her internal vibrator was running, but threats of a complete end to all orgasms managed to keep her mind on her duties.

Both women, master and slave, goddess and worshipper, pop star and once ordinary girl, were on the road to reaching orgasm. Slave thanks to Candy J's finger pressing a button, master thanks to her fingers sneaking up her pink skirt and passed the black thong to press a different kind of button. Candy J made sure to ease up on the remote controller, pausing the vibrations every now and again in order to keep their pleasure equal, to the slave's unspoken annoyance.

When she felt the climax brewing inside, eager to break free, Candy J jammed her finger on the button and smothered her slave with toes. The small, bound body under her foot started trembling. “Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!” Candy J practically shouted, her vaginal juices running onto her hand like a stream. The trembling being under Candy J's sole pressed her hips deeper into the sole and went suddenly still, paralysed in the moment of extreme pleasure that had been denied for so long.

Waiting a few minutes, soaked in fresh sweat sourced from an orgasmic session of mutual pleasure with her slave, Candy J moved her foot from atop the shrinkee. “So, how was that?” Candy J leaned in close, speaking softly.

The slave, still recovering from the mind-blowing sexual climax, nodded frantically, unable to speak at first. But then, a voice was found somewhere in that 6 inch form. “T-t-that was a-amazing goddess. I love you. Thank you for everything you give me.” The slave teared up as her owner spoke, realising how broken she had become. Licking the feet of a women she once hated, thanking her for months months of torment.

Candy J smiled, using the hand that had been playing with a hungry clitoris minutes ago to slather the naked slave with the sticky juices dampening the digits. “You weren't so bad yourself. It was as if those lips of yours were made to kiss my toes. Though there's always going to be room for improvement. Come on slave, practice makes perfect.” Candy J once more mounted her slave with a foot larger than the slave's body, smiling fondly once those lips starting pecking at her toes. Apparently the conditioning was working because without even a touch of the remote controller the slave was letting out tiny moans between kisses and thrusting against Candy J's foot. The pop star giggled happily, letting the slave know how much this submission amused her owner.

It was just over half an hour later when Vanessa returned to the dressing room, with six young girls in tow. They looked star-struck as they walked through the door, speechless as they gazed upon their idol. And on their feet, footwear that actually looked nasty.

“These are the girls with the stinkiest feet out of all those who came forward.” Vanessa stated bluntly, holding a Branning Stick (a device similar in appearance to a thermometer but used to measure foot odour instead) warily between two fingers, the dirtied business end as far away from her fingertips as possible. She placed it near the sink, washed her hands then came back over to introduce the fans to their favourite pop star.

Candy J nodded attentively as Vanessa read out the names that she had written on her hand. When meeting fans, Candy J couldn't possibly memorise every single name so she purged all names from her long term memory and put all brainpower towards the short term. She had become a bit of professional in the act, so much so that fans wrote articles of how well she remembered names. But names didn't matter much, not right now. These girls were here for one reason. The reason that motivated her to tell her fans to get their feet as smelly as possible before a concert, promising to meet the ones with the most odorous feet.

Back on the table, knowing what was coming, the slave was crying and wriggling around, trying to fall off of the surface and become lost. But once Candy J had done with introductions and chatting, she turned her attention to the slave trying to escape.

“So guys, I have a little game for you to play in exchange for the opportunity to meet me, alongside the autographed merch you'll receive before you leave, and that is to play with my very own shrinkee. You see, she's been a bad girl recently, and you young ladies look like just the people I need to torture her with your smelly feet. Just imagine that you're all SCOs, setting a criminal straight.” Candy J gestured to her slave on the table and the eyes of her fans lit up and they started giggling excitedly.

“Y-you wanna smell some feet, little one?” One of the fans spoke nervously, but the shared nervousness of the six girls disappeared when Candy J nodded approvingly.

“Nowhere to run from our cheesy toes!”

“I haven't washed my feet in a week leading up to this! Add that onto how sweaty my feet have been tonight with all the dancing I've done, I'm not sure you'll be able to handle this.”

“None of us wore socks with our already smelly shoes, I know so from when we were having our smell measured. Imagine how much sweatier that made our feet.”

“I wore socks, actually. But they are a pair that I've had for years and basically wear all the time. Best of all, these socks have NEVER been washed.”

“Oh man, I wouldn't like to be in your position right now!”

Candy J's fans taunted the slave excitedly; having never forced a living thing to sniff their stinky feet before, this was a new experience for them. After each girl spoke they started laughing.

Candy J picked up her slave and handed her to one girl and gave the remote controller to the other. “Go on, play with her on the floor. I'll be sat here with a glass of wine, enjoying the after show entertainment.”

“What does this do?” Asked the girl with the remote in her hands, studying it intently.

“Press the button, try it out.” Urged Candy J.

The girl did as she was told and the one holding the slave yelped as the tiny started moving with renewed energy.

“Give me that!” A wiser girl who understood what the control did snatched it from the clueless one.

Putting the slave on the ground and making a circle with their bodies, the girls removed their footwear. An offensive, cheesy odour spread through the air, so strong that Candy J had to pinch her nose in order not to gag. But she didn't mind. Soon enough those stinky bare feet were pummelling the tiny slave, subjecting her to the combined stench of their unwashed feet that was worse than even Vanessa's reeking peds. That one sadistic fangirl who knew what the controller did was using it liberally, sending the slave into seizures of sexual stimulation as her face was repeatedly forced into the gunk filled caves between dozens of toes. She was leading the torment, giving out instructions to the shrinkee to kiss and lick all of the disgusting foot flesh that was presented to her face, making a promise of pleasure if her instructions were followed.

Candy J sipped at her wine. I'll have to speak to that one afterwards. She's good at this.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
5. Riley's first shrinkee
August 3rd 2043

Riley sat tapping her foot. The sound echoed through the spacious open lobby of the Shrink Correctional Association Queenswall headquarters. Other than the tapping, only one noise cut the silence to pieces, the whirring noise coming from the automated cleaning machine. Many years ago a cleaner would have been needed to push the thing around in order to make those floors shine but now all they had to do was set it running and they could sit back and watch.

“Oh my god, how long do we have to put up with you tapping your foot Riley?” Said Taylor, sat on the same cushioned bench to Riley's left. She flicked her shoulder length, black hair behind her ear in annoyance, exposing the silver piercings that decorated her lobe and upper ear.

“Hey I'm feeling as impatient as you are. Let me deal with it my way. You deal with it your way.” Riley snapped back. The three of them had spent a year at Hemlock, waiting for this moment. Now that the time had finally arrived, they struggled to wait any longer with the goal so close.

“I can't deal with it my way, because your damn incessant foot tapping is distracting me.” When Taylor had been in the academy, early starts didn't affect her because she got used to them. After a couple of mornings where she could stay in bed for as long as she desired, the young woman had regressed to her pre-academy sleep schedule and didn't appreciate having to be up and about at 8:00.

“Can you guys stop fighting, please? I understand that you're both cranky, but it will all be worth it once we get our first shrinkees, won't it?” Beth played the part of mediator, as she often did. That soft, caring voice of hers made the tall blonde perfect for the role.

Sighing, Riley and Taylor exchanged brief apologies, realising that their friend was right. Riley was quick to try and bring the mood back up, leading the group as she often did. “So, what's the first punishment that you guys are gonna show your very first shrinkee? Gonna go with the tried and true smelly feet, or gonna get creative?”

Taylor cackled. “I actually got a new piercing over the weekend. Well, truth be told, I got four new piercings.” The shortest member of the group stuck out her tongue, displaying a set of four piercings on the pink surface that was slick with saliva. “I plan on shackling my shrinkee into these babies and eating so much garlic bread. Although they will have to be shorter than the normal 3 inches, my tongue is too small to comfortably fit a person of that size on my tongue.”

“What size of shrinkee do your piercings actually fit?” Riley asked.

“1 inch. I decided that if they won't be the correct size for most of my equipment, I might as well go for the smallest option. They say that the smaller a shrinkee is the stronger their sense of smell will be, so yeah.”

“That fact definitely made me consider going for 1 inch too, but the kind of fun things I have planned using the equipment would be totally wasted if I did so. Still, that certainly is something to consider for future shrinkees.” Riley said, before looking to Beth and then down to the blonde's huge boots. “So Beth, I'm going to hazard a guess that you'll be using those stinky size 12s of yours to break your first shrinkee in mere minutes, right?”

Beth's cheeks turned pink with a small blush, which was a massive improvement to the fully red face the girl used to have when people mentioned her big, incredibly stinky feet. She claimed that during her application interview she had gotten through on foot odour alone; foot odour that even experienced SCOs were impressed by. At first, Beth had been nervous about exposing her feet and subsequently the accompanying odour in classes at the academy but she soon changed when instead of mocking something that she had once considered a flaw, they celebrated it instead.

“I thought so.” Riley stated with a smile, the reaction of the girl acting as enough of a reply.

“Hey, if it works it works. My mom always told me to use everything I have at my disposal if it meant advancing in life.” Riley knew that Beth's mom had pushed her three daughters to pursue great careers. She herself was a lawyer of some kind in the employment of the Association. Beth, the youngest, had obviously become an SCO. Her two older sisters Riley wasn't entirely sure about, she recalled Beth once saying that the eldest had become an athlete of some kind but that was where her knowledge on the subject of her friend's family dimmed.

Other than trio, there were many fresh SCOs sat in the lobby, filling up the other couches. Upon entering, everyone had given their greetings to one another before splitting off into the same groups that they had hung out with during the year at Hemlock. The eagerness and growing impatience in the lobby was palpable. Each and every one of these women couldn't wait to have a tiny human at their mercy, ready to receive punishment for their crimes.

A pair of women entered the building, later than anyone else. Riley recognised both faces; it was Brooke and Becky, her next door neighbours. Brooke looked around the lobby, searching for the older women from the class whom she had made friends with. Whilst searching, her chocolate brown eyes stopped on Riley and she smiled, getting her girlfriend's attention. The two waved. Riley waved back, sporting a sweet smile.

“Hey, Brooke!” A woman stood at the edge of a small gathering called out, beckoning the black haired woman over. Brooke held Becky's hand and started striding across the lobby. Becky had been the only non-SCO to show up thus far, but her appearance was unsurprising considering how the short blonde woman revered SCOs. Brooke had mentioned that quite a lot over the past year.

Finally, at 8:30, the director herself emerged into the lobby. Above the emblems on the arms of her jacket were three chevrons and three stars above the chevrons: the highest rank in the Association. She stood in the centre of the room and cleared her throat, an action that was wholly unnecessary since the powerful women had stolen every bit of attention the moment those heavy black boots of hers started thudding against the hard floor. Patricia 'Iron-sole' Locke had been at the forefront of pushing the government into green-lighting the actions of the Shrink Correctional Association and became part of the first generation of SCOs just over two decades ago. Though that strict bun of dark brown hair had earned many grey strands with age and no lack of stress, the women herself had done anything but withered with the passing of time. She had a few wrinkles present on her face, though they only added to her air of strength if anything. Now in her late forties, the Iron-sole was potentially the most influential individual in the entire city.

“First and foremost, I'd like to personally welcome all of you, graduates of Hemlock Academy, to the Shrink Correctional Association. We are extremely happy to have such a large number of promising shrink correctional officers joining our organisation. The criminals of tomorrow have something fresh to fear. As you all are likely aware, this morning you will be receiving your first assigned shrinkees. That's right, within an hour each of you lovely ladies shall possess a shrinkee to inflict suffering upon, showing them the error of their ways and placing them on the path to rehabilitation. Every one of them comes with a minimal sentence, though if you feel that the sentence isn't enough and that the shrinkee needs further rehabilitation you can contact the Association's sentencing department to have it extended.”

“Because there are so many of you present, I have instructed the shrinkee handlers to call you forward in groups to speed up the process. I wish you the best of luck on your first assignments. Now however, I must be off. As much as I want to meet all of you properly, I have a busy schedule. But fear not, I hope to get to know you all over your years of service to come.” Locke's speech had been brief but very effective. She gave a stiff, concise nod and exited the room.

Almost immediately after the director departed, four other SCOs entered, each with triple chevrons marking their rank as first-class. Each of them announced three to five names and a large chunk of the SCOs in the room stepped forwards.

“Riley Levin, Taylor Everett and Beth Barracloud.” When Riley and her friends stood, the handler who had read out their names looked over with a cool expression. “With me please.”

“We're gonna have our little guys sooner than I thought!” Taylor whispered as they crossed the lobby to reach where the handler was stood. “The Association really has its shit together.”

Riley and Beth silently agreed. If nothing else, the Association was organised. When they reached the handler, the stone eyed woman stared at all three of them before speaking. “Come on, let's go.” The handler led the way out of the lobby through the large open doors that were the main entrance to the rest of the building. The girls remained quiet as they walked along a wide corridor following the handler, passing countless windowless doors, any questions to what was inside unspoken.

Before long they entered one of the doors and the handler led the three girls over to a table where a second, smiling handler stood next to three transportation cylinders atop the table. The cylinders were sleek and shiny, as much a fashion accessory as it was a practical method of moving tiny people from place to place with minimal trouble and zero chance of escape.

“Now,” The original handler that led them here stood next to the smiling one, gesturing at the cylinders “there is a shrinkee for each of you in these. Their information has already been uploaded to the app on your phones. That information contains anything you need to know regarding your assigned shrinkee. Good SCOs use that information to the fullest in order to break their shrinkees. Don't forget to submit daily reports on the app, promotions within the Association are not only judged based on how successful you are with rehabilitation but also technique and creativity. The Associations values creativity highly and you'll have a rather successful career if you keep that in mind.”

Riley, Taylor and Beth accepted their cylinders with awe, thanking the steely handler and her partner. The handler went on to explain the procedures regarding returning the shrinkees and acquiring a new one, telling them how they would be expected to perform these actions by themselves next time.

Soon enough however, the three young SCOs stood outside the Association headquarters, chatting excitedly about their next moves.

“Ooooo!” Taylor made an excited noise as she looked over the information about her shrinkee. “Apparently mine is a guy in his early twenties who hates spicy food. Scratch the garlic bread for the time being, I'm going to a curry house. I might as well put him on my tongue now, even though lunch is hours away, so watch closely.”

“Mind if I come along for a curry? It's a strange choice for lunch but I like the sound of a nice, mild korma.” Beth asked, licking her light pink lips.

“Sure.” Taylor answered as she crouched down and set to opening the cylinder. “We can find something fun to do in the meantime. Riley, you in?”

“Sorry guys. I promised my mom and a friend of mine from high school that I'd show them my first shrinkee. They're dying to see it.”

“It?” Beth said. “You haven't looked at the app yet?”

“Nope. Catching a bus home so I'll have time to view it whilst riding that.”

“You gonna show your brother your new shrinkee?” Beth asked shyly. After all that Riley had said regarding her brother and seeing him in person at the graduation ceremony, Beth had decided that the young man was kinda cute.

“Oh definitely.” Riley confirmed with a grin. “He's gonna be so uncomfortable with me in the house utterly dominating a tiny person with my feet. It'll bring back so many memories for him.”

“Ah!” Taylor made another noise as the container clicked open, bathing the tiny man inside with light. He was met by the sight of three young women all staring down at him with a strangely lustful look in their eyes, each with differing amounts of intensity.

Sticking out her tongue, Taylor relished the tiny, naked man's expression as he caught sight of her unclasping the shackles. There was nowhere for him to run when her petite hand entered the cylinder and grabbed him, pulling him out into the open air. He was speaking loudly, though because of his greatly reduced size the three SCOs heard nothing but squeaks. Riley and Beth giggled at the useless show of protest. Apparently it was common for shrinkees to resist their SCO to no avail, unable to accept the situation that their actions had landed them in.

It seemed that Taylor had been practising because she managed to bind the shrinkee to her tongue with little trouble. He had been placed the right way up, though Taylor did think about putting him upside down. In time, she would explore the possibilities of both positions.

“How does the little guy feel?” Riley asked, feeling a mix of amused and curious, slightly considering getting such a contraption installed on her own tongue.

“He feels a bit weird.” Taylor answered, slurring her words slightly as she wasn't quite used to having a human body shackled to her tongue.

“If you wanna make things extra awful for him, Beth's feet could use a good licking Taylor.” Riley teased.

Taylor feigned a gagging noise. “I don't think I could stomach that. No offence Beth, but your shrinkee really is gonna have a rough time if you're planning to make them go anywhere near your feet.”

Early on at the academy, all students are given treatment that enables them to be capable of tuning out the extreme foot odour created by their own feet and that of their colleagues, ensuring that they aren't inflicting sensory torment on themselves as they inflict it on a tiny. Unfortunately no developments have been made yet for ignoring the potent flavour of SCO feet, so Taylor licking Beth's large feet would be rather unpleasant for the black haired girl.

“Some offence taken Taylor. I think you should give my bare foot a kiss to apologise.” Beth joked, making Riley laugh as Taylor manically shook her head.

“No way no way no way. Not happening.” Taylor folded her arms stubbornly.

Now both Riley and Beth were laughing, leaving the third member of their troupe with nothing to do but wait for them to stop.

“So, Beth.” Riley, now calm, asked another question. An important question for anyone interested in the punishment of tinies. “Are you gonna put your shrinkee in your boot now or later?”

Beth blushed, looking away. “I would, but the last time I took my shoes off in public a lot of people stared at me, put off by the strong smell of my feet. They weren't very happy.”

Riley shrugged, flashing a reassuring smile at Beth. “So what? You're an SCO now. You do more for society than they ever could do in their measly lives. Those feet of yours are owed respect now Beth, not disdain.”

“Wow, that actually sounded pretty good Riley. If being an SCO doesn't work out for you, you'd be an excellent motivational speaker.” Taylor commented dryly.

“Sorry Riley, but I don't want to. I'd feel better doing it when I get back home. I don't think you're wrong or anything, just my personal preference.”

“Hey, suit yourself. At the end of the day Beth, the choice is yours.” Riley looked at her watch, then back to her friends. “If that's everything, I think I'll get going. I should be able to catch the next bus if I hurry. See you guys later.”

The three friends said their goodbyes; Beth and Taylor taking a walk deeper into the city streets of Queenswall, Riley power walking to her bus stop, wanting to get home sooner rather than later. She couldn't but smile imagining what her brother's face would look like when he saw her first shrinkee. Riley hoped that it would be like looking into the future for him, the inevitable future where he would find himself tiny and helpless before her massive, stinky feet.

Luckily the bus arrived on time; something most uncommon in the busy city. The bus driver was a wrinkled man with a beard, a man whose entire expression became more respectful when he saw the uniform that she wore and what she held in her hand. He hastily waved Riley on for free, something that made her grin happily. The people on the bus looked away as she walked down the length of the bus, making her way straight for the back of the bus, eyes set on the teenager occupying the middle of the five seats.

Interestingly enough, the rebellious teenage boy held her determined gaze, but his friends weren't fans of this meaningless show of courage. The girl sat to his left tugged at him, her eyes wide and full of fear. The bravery faded with every stomp of Riley's boots, every word that his friend whispered. Long before Riley reached the back of the bus, he had vacated his throne and sheepishly sat in one of the seat just in front of the back row.

Riley restrained a laugh as she stopped and sat in a seat about three quarters of the way down the bus, several rows from the back. She carefully put the shrinkee transport cylinder in the empty seat by her side. Behind her, the boy's friends mocked him, calling him a coward only for him to fire back with a weak, embarrassed reply.

But as always, without someone to mess with, the SCO grew bored. Her blue eyes kept sneaking peeks at the cylinder, lusting after the tiny person within. Unlike Beth, Riley would have more than happily ripped off these boots in the middle of a public space, something that didn't violate regulations so long as she immediately cracked open the cylinder and threw the shrinkee into one of them. At times like these, Riley regretted being a woman of her word, bound to the promise she had made to her mom and Jessica. It would be nice to see Jessica again. The two of them had made fast friends in high school through the soccer club and had been close even after high school was over. Thanks to many visits from Jessica whilst Riley was at Hemlock, she knew that her friend worked in an office now and was also trying to join the Queenswall soccer team. Sadly the young athlete had been rejected on a number of occasion for better players, but it didn't stop her trying.

Riley hoped to calm herself by reviewing the information that the Association had given her. Whipping out her phone, she tapped her code in with lightning fast fingers and it unlocked. A couple of taps later and the SCA app was open and it wasn't difficult navigating the well designed app. A file came up with the details of the shrinkee currently assigned to her.

An eighteen year old girl by the name of Emma Klootz; sentenced to shrinking after being caught speeding in the new car that her rich parents bought for her. Riley blinked slowly when she saw pictures of the car, it was nice. Apparently she had broken down in court, begging not to have to smell stinky feet. Further tests proved that the girl had an extreme aversion to feet. Riley grinned, wishing that she could see footage of those tests. The minimal sentence for this shrinkee was a single week. For someone who hates feet, it was a harsh sentence indeed, yet also the most lenient sentence that could be dealt by the Association.

For a first assignment, it wasn't bad. Sure, Riley had been hoping for someone visually similar to Tom or even someone that she already knew. Hell, she had been dreaming the night before that it would be one of the nerds from high school that would end up tiny and in her hands. Jessica would've loved that too. Although if the girl really was afraid of feet and hadn't somehow sneaked a foot fetish strong enough to withstand SCO feet past one of the Association's thorough tests, Riley would have plenty of fun with the tiny girl in the cylinder.

At this time of day, with the majority of people having already gone to work, the roads were pretty clear. Riley stared out of the window, wondering what these stories these people had. She liked to imagine that they were criminals, hiding from the law that one day see them shrunken down under the smelly foot of an SCO. Before she knew it the bus was pulling up at Riley's stop on the main road, just around the corner from her street.

“Thanks bus driver! Have a nice day!” Riley said kindly.

“You too miss.” He replied. Short, sweet and mumbled slightly. The presence of an SCO seemed to make him uncomfortable. A previous sentence perhaps?

Swinging her arms and sending the transportation cylinder back and forth gently, Riley stopped short of skipping down the lane, reminding herself that she wasn't a carefree young girl any more. She had grown up and become a young woman heading down an impressive career path. Walking down the driveway past her mom's car, Riley opened the unlocked door and entered the family home.

Inside, Tom was the first person to greet Riley. It was a surprise to see him up so early given that he had recently left his job due to a lack of hours. He had been avoiding her like the plague since the conversation they had on Friday. “Hi, Riley.” He said. “I wasn't expecting you back so early.”

Riley strode over to the couch, sitting down on the opposite end to her brother, placing the cylinder on the middle cushion between them. Tom quickly looked away, knowing full well what the item that his sister had brought with her was. “That's funny bro, I wasn't expecting you up so early.” Riley sniffed, catching a whiff of something pleasant. “Hmm.”


“You smell... good. Is that aftershave?”

Fidgeting a little, Tom nodded. “It is indeed.”

“Interesting. Tell me Tom, is today an important day that I'm forgetting about?”

“No! Nothing like that. I'm, uhhhh, meeting friends later.”

Riley gave an exaggerated nod, not believing that Tom would try so hard to impress his friends. “Sure. Friends. I believe you. Who is she then? Anyone I know?”

“What makes you think I'm meeting a girl?” Tom didn't want to tell his sister about the date with Ashley later. He was worried that she might interfere, do something to ruin it.

But by this point, Riley already had her answer. She blanked his question shameless, gesturing to the shrinkee transport device. “Regardless of what you're doing today, I'm gonna have to insist that you stick around for when I open this thing up.”

Tom snorted. He may be far more afraid of his sister than he used to be after she opened up to him a few days ago, but after time to think he'd decided to resist. It seemed to be the better option; Riley had a predatory aspect to her and if he let his guard down too much and allowed her to back him into a corner, she'd take full advantage. “I don't particularly want to see you do anything with a shrinkee, Riley. So that'll have to be a hard no.”

“You say that as if you have a choice, dear brother. I'm positive that mom will see things from my point of view, wouldn't you agree? Having you see such a thing should serve to disuse you from ever wanting to break the law.”

“Bugger.” Tom cursed under his breath. Riley giggled, tapping her booted foot on the floor. She was right. He supposed he could stay and watch. “In that case, I suppose I'll stick around.”

“Don't sound so sad bro! It'll be like a glimpse into your future!”

Ignoring his sister, Tom shook his head. “However, I won't be here any longer than I need to be.”

“Are you sure about that? Jessica is coming over.” Riley watched her brother closely.

“Jessica?” Tom's interest was piqued, but only slightly. He used to have a small crush on his sister's friend when the two of them used to hang out here often. Having not seen the girl in over a year that crush had pretty much gone and besides, Ashley was not only prettier but much kinder too. Jessica was cruel in the same way that Riley was, although Tom believed that personality stemmed from his sister's influence because when they were alone she could be quite nice. “Why is Jessica coming?”

“I promised her that she could see my first shrinkee. Since I'm such a good friend I'm showing her the very moment I meet my new little buddy. Gotta wait for mom too. I totally forgot that I'd already promised Jess when I promised mom so I guess we're stuck waiting for Jess.”

“And mom.”

“What? Is she out? I assumed she'd be upstairs doing chores or something because her car is on the drive.”

“You think that mom would be doing chores whilst I'm sat doing nothing?” He asked with a hint of amusement at the idea.

“Point taken. Oh well, I suppose it's mom AND Jess that we're waiting for.”

“What a shame.” Tom commented dryly with no lack of sarcasm.

“Do be quiet. I like you so much better when you're quiet. Unless you're begging me to get my smelly feet away from you. I have missed that.” Riley did her best not to sound too biting. She didn't like when anyone showed anyone showed disrespect to her consider her status as an SCO, let alone her deadbeat older brother.

As requested, he went silent, content with watching the television. Riley felt the minutes pass by and began to feel the weight of the awkward silence. “So, what is this you're watching? We didn't have the chance to watch much TV at Hemlock.”

“I thought you wanted me to be quiet?”

“I'm just trying to make conversation! And I thought the younger sibling was supposed to be the annoying one.” Riley fired back, rolling her eyes in the process.

“If you think you're anything other than the annoying sibling Riley, you might actually be delusional.”

“Yeah, well--”

The front door opened and the conversation between brother and sister that was rapidly becoming more and more heated immediately died off. Michelle stepped inside the house holding a bottle of milk. “Mom!” Riley exclaimed sweetly. For her, switching from antagonistic sister to the lovely pride of the family was seamless.

“Oh, hi honey! I hope your big first day of work went well for you. I just had to nip out and get some milk, we were all out. Luckily I bumped into someone on the way home. You may know her...” Michelle ended her sentence with a chuckle. She moved aside and kick off those ragged blue trainers that she favoured over any other shoes she owned, leaving her with only a pair of clean white socks on her feet. And behind the mother of two followed an athletic bodied girl with ginger hair and a freckled face. The same age as Riley and just a tad taller, Jessica was quite an attractive young woman. Although they were close in terms of beauty, Jessica tended to draw the attention of men (and certain women) more than Riley as people found the latter to be oddly intimidating. Very few could explain the cause of the natural intimidating aura that Riley gave out, until she became an SCO at least. From then on it was rather obvious.

“Hey Riley! Hey Tom!” Jessica said as an introduction. Her tone changed significantly between the introduction of Riley and Tom, taking on a far more mocking tone for the male member of the Levin clan. She didn't bother removing the blue slip-on shoes that she wore and ran over to Riley who rose from the couch to meet her friend in a tight embrace.

“I'm so happy to see you Jess! It feels like it has been sooooo long since you last came to see me at Hemlock!” Riley spoke into her friend's shoulder.

When they broke apart Riley's pretty friend looked down at Tom, who had remained seated on the couch. “Nice to see you as well Tom. How long has it been?”

“Not long enough.” Tom kept his voice neutral. He kept his eyes on the television.

However that was enough to earn the attention of his mother. Striding across the living room in her white (fresh out of her drawer this morning, not so fresh now) socks, she didn't sound overly happy towards her son. “Tom. Do behave. Jessica is a guest and you should treat her as such.”

Riley couldn't help but smile seeing her brother physically brace himself. “My apologies. I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Hi Jessica, it has been too long.”

Jessica giggled. She also stepped to one side after Riley made her way over the the transportation cylinder still sat on the middle cushion of the couch.

“Since you both seem to have impeccable timing and have shown up together...” She grabbed the container and moved it to the coffee table. “I think we should get this show on the road!”

“Yes!! I've been waiting so long for this! So glad I booked today off work.” Jessica clapped excitedly and took a seat where the container had been, right next to Tom. She made sure to look sideways at him with a smirk and a wink. In moments like that, when she acted flirty, albeit mockingly, Tom could see why he once crushed on her. He admired her mildly toned yet skinny upper body under a plain white tank top. The straps of her pink bra were visible, being closer to her collarbones than the straps of the tank top. Her legs however, thanks to many, many hours of playing soccer, were very muscled and she wore tight denim shorts to properly put them on show. Of course, those sexy legs ended with slip-on shoes worn sockless.

“As am I. It will be very interesting to see an SCO in action. I don't think I've ever seen a real shrinkee either, only when they show them on the news or adverts.” Michelle took the final seat on the couch, completing Riley's audience. Tom decided to keep quiet and make no attempt to leave. He had no desire to find out if his sister had been correct earlier. His mother might like the idea of dissuasion and break out the socks gifted to her by Riley.

“Now, before we began,” Riley addressed the seated trio with her hands clasped together “you are all going to need some of the odour neutralising masks the Association has provided to me for situations like this. However...” Riley pulled a couple white masks out of one of the pockets on the inside of her grey SCO jacket. She let one dangle from each hand and smiled sheepishly. “I only have two masks. One of you will need an alternative. Unless, of course, you consent to enduring the powerful stench of my feet. You might believe that you're out of range, but you're very wrong.”

Michelle and Jessica shared a look, before shifting their eyes to Tom and smiling. He saw this and sighed. “I suppose I'm the one who must find an alternative? Any suggestions Riley?”

Riley grinned. “Actually, I do. In class, when teaching us about smell neutralisation, they also taught us that other strong smelling items can counteract the smell of SCO feet, at a distance at least. Enclosed footwear is a good example.”

Riley's head turned and everyone followed her gaze, seeing the nasty trainers of her mom sat over by the wall. Tom started to panic. However, surprisingly, that panic was quickly dispersed. “Is there no other option? I've just sat down and I'm feeling rather comfortable.” Michelle said.

“I mean, I have something you can use.” Jessica said with a smile, using one shoe to hold the other steady as she withdrew her foot from it. She then leaned over and picked it up, offering it to Tom. He sniffed and caught a faint odour. “They aren't anywhere near as stinky as my soccer cleats, those things would certainly do the job; but these should be smelly enough.”

“Well? Hurry up Tom. I am eager to see your sister in action.” Michelle said impatiently. He had been sat staring at the blue shoe with three sets of eyes, two blue, one green, all resting on his hesitant face. After briefly thinking about it, Tom considered Jessica's shoe to be a merciful substitute for his mother's trainer. All three women looked satisfied when he finally brought the opening of the shoe to his face and buried his nose inside.

Indeed, it was stinky. He managed not to make any noises of disgust in response to the moist, sweaty odour but his sniffing was loud enough for Jessica to hear which caused Jessica to wiggle the toes of her single bare foot with joy. Riley tossed the two masks to her mom and friend who put them on, hooking the straps over their ears and inhaling the special odour neutralising material stretched across their noses and mouths.

With everything ready, Riley began. She held the main body of the transport cylinder with one hand and grabbed the handle with the other. Pushing it firmly, the handle and lid clicked in with a hiss. Turning the handle sideways, the lid unlocked and Riley lifted the lid away from the rest of the cylinder. She looked down into the container and her eyes found a tiny, curled up girl and they twinkled with delight. “Hello there, Emma.”

The softened voice of Riley echoed through the container and the shrinkee uncurled, looking upwards with an expression of foolish hope. She said something to the giant, pretty face looking down on her through the opening. However she spoke too quietly at her small size and the shrink correctional officer heard nothing but squeaks. Riley shook her head with amusement and reached inside, seizing the 3 inch girl. Bringing the tiny up to her massive lips, Riley spoke. “Whatever excuses you are making, Miss Klootz, I cannot hear. What I do know is that you have a lesson to lesson. You must learn the consequences of breaking the law. Luckily you have an excellent teacher. My huge, reeking feet.”

Emma Klootz made a noise akin to that of a small, scared animal whilst her giantess guardian giggled. She felt dizzy, the hand holding her was lowering her to the glass surface far below. She was released with a shove that knocked her to the ground. In the process of picking herself up and standing, the tiny, naked girl was nearly knocked over once more when an enormous boot hit the coffee table with a thud that sent vibrations throughout the thick glass.

“Crawl over to my boot, your new home, and give it some kisses. NOW!” Riley used a tone thick with authority that made the meek rich girl shudder. She used to think she was so cool, that she was the envy of all her friends. Now here she was, at the mercy of a giant girl that looked as if she were the same age. It was so humiliating. Not used to dealing with figures of authority, they terrified her. So when Riley gave a command, Emma obeyed. She crawled as fast as she could to the big black boot, a monolithic, terrifying object that utterly dwarfed her, and planted a kiss. Followed by another, then another. She found it to be oddly warm. But not warm in a comforting way; quite the opposite in fact.

“Good girl!” Riley mocked her shrinkee, giggling at the pathetic girl who had readily kissed the main tool of her rehabilitation. She withdrew her mobile phone from a discreet pocket at the top of her grey skirt. She pressed a button and was greeted by her home screen, the background of which was a picture of herself and her friends at the Hemlock Academy graduation ceremony. Riley pushed the fond memories bubbling to the surface aside, now was not the time. Her thumb selected the Shrink Correctional Association app. The logo was just what you'd expect, a dark blue square with the Assocation's emblem in white. A plethora of options were presented to her, but she only needed one. With a tap of the finger, the straps of the SCO boot that the shrinkee was prostrated before. SCO boots could have the straps unfastened manually although using the app was far simpler.

“So you can handle basic instructions. Let's see how you handle my massive, stinky foot!” Riley felt a little drunk off of the power she currently had over this human being. Without thinking, her eyes shifted over to her brother. He was watching intently with an expression of fear. Doubtless he was thinking about the threat that she made last Friday, picturing himself in the position of Emma Klootz.

Placing a hand on the boot to steady it, Riley lifted her already raised leg even higher. The gaze of the shrinkee followed the length of the boot up to the opening, stopping at the tower of shifting flesh. She was unable to blink. Her mouth went dry. As Riley's leg emerged, the skin became slightly pinker, with the skin just above her ankle being a true pink. Then out came the foot.

The smell had been perceivable ever since the straps had loosened, but the shrinkee couldn't guess the full potency of the SCO's feet just from that. When the foot was clear of the boot, the powerful odour flooded out and overwhelmed the shrinkee who started crawling backwards rapidly and instinctively, coughing and spluttering all the while. Emma felt tears leak from her eyes. She felt the air being sucked into her lungs become thicker and flavoured by the foul miasma.

“Oh no you don't.” The amused voice of Riley thundered down onto the fleeing shrinkee from above. Riley lowered her foot carefully, standing on one leg wasn't the most balanced stance, and softly slammed her bright red, incredibly sweaty foot onto the shrinkee. She felt the tiny girl crumple under the immense weight of the smelly ceiling of swollen flesh.

Emma screamed, but her mouth was blocked by the foot of her tormentor. Her entire body was sealed away between the meaty sole of Riley's foot and the hard surface of the glass at her back. With no give behind her, the hot, sweat-soaked flesh of the giant sole on top of her was consuming her tiny body. If the smell had been atrocious before, it was indescribable now. It was so strong that the shrinkee struggled to think, struggled to do anything other than process the horrid stench being pumped directly into her nostrils. Droplets of sweat excreted from the skin pressed firmly against her lips seeped through and filled her mouth with a taste acrid enough to make Emma's body try to spasm in response, stopped by the foot covering her completely which rendered her immobile.

After what felt like several minutes but in reality was only a fraction of that time, the foot lifted. Riley felt the body of her shrinkee pull at the sole of her foot. She suspected that if she had held the foot there for any longer with increased pressure, that would have been enough to stick the tiny girl to her foot. But no, Emma lay on the coffee table with her hands above her head, hyperventilating.

Riley laughed, seeing the shrinkee laid in the middle of a sweaty footprint. The tiny girl was also drenched with foot sweat and her naked body was flushed all over after being cooked under Riley's hot, smelly foot. “Try running away from me again, and I shall have your sentence doubled.”

Emma barely processed the words, her mind still reeling from direct contact with the source of the tainted, pungent air. But she understood. As much as she hated this, she had a week of immensely stinky feet to endure. A sentence extension was the last thing that the rich girl desired. She looked at the foot hovering in the air, repositioning to present all five toes towards Emma. The dark pink toes, topped by neat toenails of rich cherry red, parted and revealed the far more flushed flesh between. Emma gulped, dreading what it might be like to be between those titanic, cheesy toes but knowing deep down that she would soon find out.

When Riley's five toes approached Emma, she steeled herself. Every part of her mind was screaming at her to run away. But she knew that running would only worsen the situation. “I got myself into this. I shouldn't have been speeding. I shouldn't have been speeding. I shouldn't have be--” The shrinkee repeated this sentence to herself a couple of times, convincing her muscles not to spring into action. She was cut off when the foot came close enough to blanket the girl in a higher tier of stench, causing her words to catch in her throat and tears to form in her eyes.

She saw the intent of the SCO. The big and second toes had split apart further than the others and the space between was heading directly for Emma. The shrinkee clenched her fists. Tears streamed down her face. “I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this. I...” The toes were now on either side of her. She was encased in a metaphorical tomb of foot odour, soon to be entombed in a not-so-metaphorical tomb of reeking toe flesh. “I... I... I don't deserve this! HELP ME!” The tiny broke, crying out in a moment of hysterical anguish before the humongous toes snapped together, trapping the entirety of Emma's shrunken upper body between them.

In a vice of heated, sweating toes, Emma was lifted off of the coffee table. Riley brought her foot back to the opening of the boot. As the giantess lowered her foot back into the black boot, the squashed shrinkee felt the temperature increase the deeper she travelled into the boot. In the depths, the heat was beyond uncomfortable. The effects of the heated interior were almost immediate on the countless, already seeping pores coating the skin between Riley's toes, sending them into overdrive. Finally the toes reached the end of the boot and the foot settled into the insole. The previously dangling body of the shrinkee was crushed under the top of the sole.

Feeling the boot itself tighten, Emma sensed that she was sealed in here until her captor decided to show mercy. The heat and smell, which were both already extremely strong, grew even stronger. Already Emma had consumed more foot sweat than she wanted to ever consume. She wept, feeling utterly powerless between the toes of the cruel SCO.

Riley's toes gave the shrinkee a single squeeze once the straps of the boot were tightened. To the shrink correctional officer, this was simply a check to make sure her charge had remained in place. To the shrinkee, this was a reminder that she was here to stay. Alone, afraid and tormented under a girl's stinky foot, inside of a smelly boot.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
6. Tom's first date
Tom stood in his room, drying his hair with a towel after his second shower of the day. He felt it was necessary, given what he had witnessed earlier. Tom shuddered, partially due to the fact he was wet and it was quite cold, but mostly because he recalled the image of his little sister totally dominating a tiny girl with her foot. Even though Riley claimed that the odour of her feet wouldn't cling to him as he never came into contact with the horrid things, he had felt filthy having been in the same room as her smelly, exposed feet.

Until today, Tom had underestimated SCO feet. Sure, he feared them, knowing that they would be incredibly stinky. But he hadn't expected them to be that smelly. The shrinkee had no chance against foot odour of that calibre. Even after Riley had gone out with Jessica after wiping down the coffee table Tom thought he could detect a faint scent around the piece of glass furniture. For once in his life, Tom had been thankful to be nose deep in a woman's aromatic shoe.

The scene would haunt his nightmares for weeks to come, he just knew it. When Riley had put her boot back on with the shrinkee inside she had looked at Tom with a grin. She wanted her brother to be right where the poor girl was. Tom tried to think about something else, tried to push away the paranoia caused by his sister's threat to have him underfoot, but no matter how deep he put that fear it continued gnawing at his mind. Every time he did something, he would have to think about a way it might possibly be construed as illegal.

Luckily, Tom had his date with Ashley to look forward to. A ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy sky. Taking the same aftershave he used before in his hands, Tom applied a generous amount to his neck and his inner forearms. If his nemesis had admitted that it smelled nice, then it really must smell nice. Sometimes having a sister like Riley could prove useful. He hoped that Ashley wouldn't have a problem with his outfit. Tom had opted for a casual look, the classic t-shirt and jeans combo.

Over text, they had agreed that Tom was to meet her after work and they would hang out for a few hours. A good day, if everything went to plan. He tapped a button on the side of his phone, revealing the time to be 11:57. Just over an hour to get to Crave Explorers. Plenty of time.

Leaving his room and heading downstairs, Tom found his mom in the kitchen. She was leaning against the table with a cup of coffee, watching the small, wall mounted television. She smiled when she saw him. “Hi honey, you look nice. Are you going anywhere exciting with this mystery girl?”

Despite her tendency to punish and humiliate him now and again, Michelle was a good mother to Tom the majority of the time. He suspected that society's shift towards the acceptance of SCO helped justify such behaviour to herself. Since quitting his job, Tom's list of chores had gotten longer and when his mom was in a bad mood she was quite the slave driver. But today, on her last today off before returning to work, she was enjoying herself and thus in a good mood.

“Just hanging out. I haven't planned anything exciting, although I can't speak for her. I am still okay to borrow the car, right?” Tom had told his mom about the date yesterday, but kept the details light and didn't disclose Ashley's identity. He had been afraid that she might mention it to Riley. She hadn't, but the possibility had been there.

“Sure. I haven't got any reason to drive anywhere. Plus the book club is meeting here tonight, so stay out as late as you want.” Michelle smiled mischievously and raised a finger. “But be warned, if you come back too late and wake me up, you'll pay for it in hours of rubbing my feet.”

Tom forced himself to laugh. She was only being playful, joking around with her son, but it really rubbed him the wrong way when she made light of the smelly suffering she would often put him through. And even though she was clearly joking, he had no doubts that she would punish him for waking her up.

“Thanks mom, I appreciate it.”

“You're very welcome. I know I can be quite harsh towards you sometimes, but I only do it because I love you. You need to enjoy yourself, I know you don't go on many dates, so if you need to borrow the car again just let me know and we'll work something out. When are you setting off?”

“In about half an hour. I don't wanna be too early.”

Michelle smiled. “I'm sure she's worth waiting around for. But no need to waste time if you don't have to. Do come and say goodbye before you go, I want a big hug from my big boy and also to wish you luck.”

At 12:50, sat waiting in the car park of Crave Explorers, Tom reflected on his short conversation with his mom as the seconds ticked by. He spied Ashley through the window, running around the restaurant providing service to customers, thinking about how surreal his life was becoming. As if everything was normal they had been talking, acting like a typical mother and son, when earlier that day they had seen Riley literally torture a human being. A shrunken human being, but a human being all the same.

He tried not to think about how he would be living under the same roof where such inhumane things were occurring, about the young woman living through the most hellish experience of her entire life whilst he slept in his bed.

Soon enough, Ashley left the restaurant. She held the helmet of her uniform underarm and had the orange suspenders hanging from her waist. The backpack she had was worn on one shoulder, giving her quite the carefree look. When she spotted Tom sat in the stationary vehicle, a warm smile split her tired expression.

Upon reaching the car she opened the passenger side door and got in. “Hey! You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

“I find that hard to believe. You must still be set to customer service mode.” Tom joked with a wry smile.

Shaking her head, Ashley playfully punched Tom's arm. “You got me. I was in such a good mood too, then you had to show up and ruin it.”

The two of them laughed. “So, where to?”

“Are you kidding? My place! I need a shower sooooo bad. Then, we can go wherever. I'm not fussy.”

“So what you're trying to say is that I need to pick somewhere and I have to pray that you like it?”

“That's right!” Ashley winked. “Now hurry up, I'll direct you. The sooner I get out of this damn uniform the better.”

The drive to Ashley's block of apartments wasn't far at all, much closer than Tom's house. It made sense, given that she didn't drive and had to walk to work. On the drive, the two of them chatted continuously. About work, about what they had been up to since high school. Ashley admitted that she fell in with a crowd that were a bad influence on her, prompting her to stay home and smoke weed in dead-end jobs rather than going to university. But she was out of that phase, broken up with the ex boyfriend who pushed her in that direction and had been working on university applications. Thankfully, Riley wasn't brought up even once. However Tom was even more grateful for how easy Ashley was to speak to. When they knew each other before, he had been very shy and was surprised that someone like her would even acknowledge him. That seemed to be a part of her personality that Ashley had held onto and nurtured, because whilst talking to her Tom felt like they'd been friends for years.

Ashley directed Tom into a free car park down the road from her apartment, telling him to pull in next to a small pink car. He wondered who in the right mind would choose to drive such a thing, but that question was answered soon enough on the walk over.

“Just a warning. My room-mate, Kirsty, can be a little... overbearing at times. She likes to pry. She's also quite the extrovert, although I doubt that'll be much of an issue. You seem to be a lot less shy than back in high school.”

“It's almost as if people change over time.” Tom grinned.

A slight smile touched Ashley's lips and she shook her head. “Well, sarcasm aside, you have been warned. I may have also told her a bit about you, so don't get weirded out if she knows you better than you know her.”

“Oh? What kind of things have you been telling her? Anything good?”

“You have good qualities?”

Tom laughed. “Ouch. You win this round Ashley.”

“Get used to it.” Ashley winked. “Also, don't get too shocked if you take a peek into her bedroom. Kirsty likes pink. Like, really likes pink.”

Tom raised his eyebrows and glanced behind them, back at the car park. “I'm guessing that pink car I parked next to belongs to her?”

“Yep. Did you spot the furry pink steering wheel?”

“Somehow I missed that.”

“She is lovely though, despite that I've said so far. Likes to listen to gossip but doesn't like to spread it.”

Four floors up and the duo were stood outside of apartment 13, Ashley's home. The door was unlocked and Ashley led them inside. Kirsty was nowhere to be seen. Dropping her back by the couch quietly, she span around quickly when Tom started to speak. “Shhhh. I think Kirsty is still asleep.”

“Okay! I'll keep my voice down.” Tom replied not in a whisper but at a volume a little quieter than how he usually spoke, mimicking the volume Ashley had used.

With a gesture from Ashley, Tom took a seat on the couch. She didn't sit next to him as he expected, instead standing with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face.

“What?” He asked, bemused.

“Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if I should make you rub my feet before or after I get a shower. That was the original motivation behind today, after all. They just feel so sweaty and sore in these damn flats.”

Tom felt his face warm in a blush. Honestly, while he would prefer to massage a clean pair of feet for once, he reckoned that he could endure Ashley's after-work foot odour considering his past experiences with the feet of his mom and sister. Besides, earlier that very day he had witnessed feet in action that possessed an odour far beyond anything Ashley could muster. “Hey whatever you want. I offered, I suppose it's your choice when I do it.”

Ashley looked a little surprised. “Wow, you're brave. I was expecting you to balk at that.”

Tom chose the moment to look tough; tough in a way that would look strange in any other context. “Ashley, my sister is an SCO. Do you really think that you could have stinky enough feet to scare me?”

“Does that mean that you've... had to smell her feet?” Ashley looked horrified.

Tom almost said 'Not since she became an SCO.' But he made alterations long before the sentence left his lips. Telling his new female friend about the humiliating things that Riley used to do to him was not a good idea. “Nope. SCO regulations prevent her from allowing unauthorised individuals to smell her feet. But this morning Riley got her first shrinkee. She did a little demonstration.”

“Really? What happened?” Tom wasn't sure whether Ashley asked out of morbid curiosity or out of interest. He hoped it was the former.

“Sorry Ashley. I don't really wanna go into detail. It wasn't something pleasant to see.”

“Fair enough.” Ashley smiled reassuringly. “And don't worry, I was only teasing you about having to rub my feet before a shower. I know you claim that you'll be fine, but I've given my feet a sniff straight out of these flats before and trust me, it ain't a pleasant smell. Chill on the couch for a bit. You can turn the TV on too but keep the volume low. I'll try not to be too long.”

So Tom sat on his phone whilst Ashley was washing off the sweat her body had produced during her last shift. He did turn the television but the only thing that were on were talk shows about the most inane topics and re-runs of 'Small Steve'', a sitcom on its seventh season, a show that Tom was not fond of. It followed the adventures of a shrinkee called Steve and his SCO Brianna, or 'Big Brianna' as she was sometimes called. The reason that Tom hated it was because of how it shined a comedic light on the interactions between Steve and Brianna, ignoring how in reality what SCOs did was arguably torture. Every episode ended with Brianna extending her shrinkee's sentence to which he would say his catchphrase: 'Looks like my problems just got bigger!'

Whilst the shower was still running, Tom heard a door open. He looked back, curious as to why Ashley had returned so soon. But instead, he saw a different girl with platinum blonde hair. The long hair was messy with bangs covering the forehead. Although it was the afternoon, she still looked half asleep, covering her eyes as she walked and dressed in an oversized pink t-shirt that Tom assumed she used as nightwear, along with a pair of pink fuzzy socks.

“Hello?” Tom greeted who he guessed was Kirsty. She started, having not realised there was someone there.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my living room?” She asked. Below the fringe of blonde hair her dull green eyes were wide with suspicion.

“Uh... I'm Tom. Ashley brought me in, I picked her up from work. I take it that you are Kirsty?” Tom lowered his tone, trying his best to diffuse the situation.

Kirsty's eyes filled with understanding. “Yeah, that's me. Fuck. I'm so sorry. I forgot that Ashley said she was bringing you here today.” She dropped the startled stance and walked over to the armchair next to the couch. She didn't sit normally, she slouched sideways, resting her legs over the armrest.

A moment of awkward silence fell over them. It wasn't the best introduction. But Kirsty refused to let the air remain silent. “Please don't judge me for getting out of bed at this time. I'm not usually this lazy. I work in a restaurant like Ashley does and today is my day off.”

Tom laughed. “Relax. I'm not about to judge anyone. I recently left my job so I wouldn't be able to say anything.”

“Yeah? Why'd you leave?”

“Wasn't getting enough hours. It was at a supermarket stacking shelves. My mom has seen fit to make up for my lack of rent payments with a heap of chores.”

“That sucks.” Kirsty looked like she was making a decision. The debate in her mind was soon over with however. “Speaking of jobs, I hear that your younger sister is a shrink correctional officer.”

“That's right.” Tom suspected that Ashley had told her room-mate not to ask about Riley based on the hesitant tone. He didn't mind answering questions like that, so long as he wasn't expected to go into too much detail.

“Cool. I mean, not cool. I'd hate to end up with a shrink sentence. A girl at my work got one and she said that she had to ring in sick and spend an entire day scrubbing her skin to get rid of the stink. Not to mention she seemed... different afterwards. Not a completely different person, but not the same.” Kirsty pulled a disgusted face. “My younger sister is involved with shrunken people too. She isn't an SCO though.”

“Really? What is she then? Does she work for the Association?”

“No. Are you familiar with Candy J?”

Tom grimaced. “Unfortunately.”

Kirsty chuckled. “I thought you'd react like that. Well anyway, Candy J does this think where she encourages her fans to get their feet as smelly and gross as possible before coming to her concerts. Then at the end, there is a booth to have the odour of your feet measured. The girls with the strongest smelling feet go backstage.”

Tom leaned forwards. “That's odd. What possible reason do they have for going backstage?”

“Becca wouldn't spill all the beans no matter how hard I pushed. Just said it was something to do with the shrinkees that Candy J uses in performances. Apparently Candy J liked her enough to offer a position on the touring staff, travelling around and looking after shrinkees.”

“But... what does the ability to look after shrinkees have to do with smelly feet?”

“I don't know. Becca claims that the reason she was chosen wasn't to do with her feet. That was just what got her backstage. I wonder if that's really what she does. You don't sound like that's what you believe is going on.”

“No, I don't. But that might be because I don't trust the Association in the slightest.” Tom winced. “Please don't tell your sister I said that. Candy J is close to the Association.”

Giggling, Kirsty shook her head. “Don't worry. I won't say anything. Besides, my relationship with Becca isn't the greatest.”

“Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get along with my sister.”

The door to the bathroom opened and out stepped Ashley, a towel draped around her. Tom caught himself staring, admiring her tan shoulders exposed above the towel and her smooth calves below where the towel ended. He stopped himself but Ashley had obviously noticed, rolling her eyes at him with a half smile. She didn't look annoyed in the slightest. “Just gonna put some clothes on. I'll join you guys in a moment.”

While waiting for Ashley, Tom and Kirsty didn't really say anything else. As promised, Ashley returned soon enough, wearing a chequered shirt of green and black, buttons undone so that you could catch a glimpse of cleavage. A simple pair of black legging were on her legs, stopping on her lower calf. There was a visible tan line just above her ankle, giving way to a pair of pretty feet that were a lighter tone than the rest of her skin. The black hair that was usually in a braid was still wet and bundled up into a bun.

“I see you guys have met. Talk about anything interesting?”

“Not much. Just talked about jobs, spoke a bit about our sisters. Turns out neither of us are too fond of them.” Tom explained.

Ashley shot Kirsty a look. “What!?” Kirsty responded defensively. “I couldn't not ask!”

“Ashley, it's fine. I don't mind.”

Ashley sighed. “Okay. I just told her NOT to say anything. I got the impression at the restaurant that you wasn't a fan of your sister's career choice.”

“Yeah, I'm not. Thanks for looking out for me though. But if either of you have questions about my sister, ask them now. Ruling out any detailed questions about what she does to shrinkees of course.”

Kirsty looked like she was about to speak, but Ashley interrupted. “Before you get started, I want that foot rub, my little foot boy.” She sat on the couch opposite Tom and swung both bare feet onto his crotch area. What she was doing was clear, playfully kneading her heels in a very sensitive area. Tom felt himself stiffen a little and looked from Ashley's feet to her face. She blew him a kiss.

“Come on.” She urged, wiggling her toes which were decorated with chipped black toenail polish. “Let's see if you're as good as you claim to be.”

“No fair! Do I get my feet rubbed next?” Kirsty pouted, training puppy dog eyes on Ashley as if she were in charge of Tom's actions.

“No way. Find your own man to rub your feet. Besides, your feet probably stink after being in those damn socks all night.” Ashley said. She sunk her back into the cushioned armrest when she felt Tom's strong hands on her soles, applying pressure to all the right places. “Ah, you weren't kidding. Already I can tell this is gonna be good.”

“As I was about to say,” Kirsty swallowed her envy and continued the previous conversation “why do you dislike your sister so much, Tom?”

“Well, I'm not sure where to start.” Tom wasn't distracted from the task of rubbing Ashley's feet when he spoke. Sometimes when his mom punished him anything foot related, she would have him apologise for what he did over and over again. “She's always been a brat. And whenever she gets the chance to make me suffer, she'll grasp the opportunity.”

“How did she make you suffer? If you don't mind answering, that is.” Ashley enquired, her voice soft in the way that only the truly relaxed can speak.

“It's embarrassing, so I'll keep the explanation light, but Riley has always enjoyed making her feet stink and inflicting that smell on people. I used to overhear her on the phone to her friends when she was back in high school, laughing about how she'd made people sniff or perform other humiliating tasks with her feet. Then she'd try and do the same to me. Rarely, she would succeed.” Tom's face reddened as he spoke.

“That's awful.” Ashley said, raising her head up with an expression of sympathy. “You can stop rubbing my feet if you want. I didn't realise tha--”

“No no!” Tom cut in. “It's fine, honestly. Your feet are fine. Nice, even. But bare in mind that my standards are low.”

“In that case; keep on rubbing.” Ashley smirked, causing Tom to laugh at her sudden switch from concern to audacity.

“Any more questions?” Tom asked.

Ashley remained quiet, not wanting to come across another sore subject, but Kirsty had a few more. Asking Tom if he'd met any other SCOs through Riley, asking if he'd ever been to the Association headquarters. He answered no to both.

One question, however, was something that he was glad Kirsty asked. “Are you worried that your sister might try and make you smell her feet now that she's an SCO?”

“I was at first, but she mentioned that she isn't allowed. Some kind of regulation prohibiting SCOs from using their foot odour on anything other than or shrinkee or someone authorised by the Association.”

“Oh! So that's why I've never seen an SCO not wearing those black boots! Are there more regulations?”

Tom paused. “I've actually never thought to ask.”

“What? You're at odds with your sister, a person who apparently enjoys seeing you suffer, a person now bound by regulations, and you haven't checked to see if there are other regulations to protect you from her?”

“No. I never even thought of doing so.” Tom felt like such an idiot. He made a mental note to check out this book of regulations that Riley had mentioned. Perhaps there was a way to overcome Riley after all.

Afterwards, Kirsty flicked the television on and the chatting slowed down. Ashley was fully enjoying the foot massage, moaning every now and again; something that Kirsty would comment on without fail.

Tom found Ashley's feet to be much more pleasant to rub than his mother's. For one, these feet were clean. The bottoms of Ashley's feet were hard, likely because of her job and decision to wear such a thin soled shoe whilst doing that job. He wasn't complaining though. It was a relief not to be pushing his thumbs into doughy, sweat soaked flesh. Her feet were a few sizes smaller than his mom's feet too. If Tom had to guess, he'd say a size 7 next to his mom's which were size 9 and a half. Even though Ashley was almost as tall as Riley, he knew that the latter would have the bigger feet, knowing that his sister's feet were only a little smaller than that of their mother. The reason Tom was comparing sizes and smells of feet in his mind was because he was trying to pin down why he found Ashley's feet so cute. Was it because he was attracted to her, because they were so much better than the other female feet he had experienced or because they were small?

Eventually, Ashley pulled her feet away, after thanking Tom for the massage. The three of them went back to conversing and watching whatever was on TV. They remained that way for a few more hours, just hanging out, until Tom felt his stomach rumbling.

Ashley heard it too. “Sounds like somebody is hungry.”

Tom chuckled. “Indeed it does. You fancy going for something to eat?”

“You read my mind.”

“I assume I am invited too?” Kirsty said with a grin. She could read the room perfectly fine, she just didn't care about invading their privacy. Not when the chance to tag along for some food anyway.

“Sure.” Tom shrugged. He couldn't just be rude and turn her down.

“Awesome! Crave Explorers?”

“No!” Ashley protested. “I'm not going back there today.”

“Fine. We can go to Rhonda's Roadside Diner then. I don't care where we eat so long as we can make use of one of our discounts.”

“Rhonda's Roadside Diner it is!” Tom announced. “Except I have no idea where it is. You'll have to direct me.”

“No problem. Wait for me you two, I'm gonna go get dressed.” Kirsty sprung from the armchair and tore into her room, slamming the door.

Half an hour later and the trio pulled into the car park of Rhonda's Roadside Diner, which was a lot further away than Ashley's place of work. The place had a clear theme, that of the diner of old, with the whole black and white chequered tiling everywhere.

A tall, quite strong looking woman with dark auburn hair spotted them as they entered and came over with a menu and a big smile. “Kirsty! Good to see you. Are you having a good day off?”

“Rhonda, I only got out of bed a few hours ago. I'm having a great day off!” The two of them laughed together. “You know Ashley. This is her... new friend, Tom.”

Tom and Ashley looked at each other, both seeing if the other would correct Kirsty. Their eyes met and they immediately looked in different directions, blushing.

“Nice to see you again, Ashley. Good to meet you too, Tom. I'm Rhonda.” The woman who Tom presumed owned the place introduced herself warmly. “Take a seat, I'll send Daniel over to get you drinks.”

As Kirsty led them over to an empty booth, she made an angry noise. “Urgh. Daniel. Why does it have to be that creep.”

Tom sat on the side opposite to the girls. He felt Ashley playfully kick his shins with her feet, finding her to be smiling quite mischievously when he looked at her. “I take it that you don't get along with this Daniel? What's wrong with him?”

“What's right with him?” Kirsty said before groaning. “You'll see what I mean when he gets here.”

As they were discussing what they were going to order for drinks, a young man looking to be in his late teens approached. It was clear he worked here. Daniel had a heavily freckled face and the same colour hair that Rhonda had. “Hello there, Kirsty. I see you decided to bring another sexy lady with you today.”

Daniel didn't even look at Tom, ignoring him completely. “Oh my god. Daniel, just take our drink order like you're supposed to. This is your job. Do it. Stop being so sleazy to Ashley and ignoring my friend like he isn't even here.” Kirsty said. Tom noticed that she seemed more on edge than earlier, when she thought he was an intruder.

Daniel looked like her was about to make a retort, but he went as stiff as a board when a large, strong hand clamped onto his shoulder. “Daniel. We've spoke about this. You know what happens when you treat women like this. Would you like to tell Kirsty and her friends what happens?”

“A-Aunt Rhonda, I--” Daniel had gone from ghostly pale to bright red in an instant.

“Tell Kirsty and her friends what happens when you behave like this.” Rhonda commanded, sternly.

“I... I get a spanking.” Tom didn't think that a face could get any redder. He was wrong.

“Get out of here. I'll take over.” Daniel slunk away in shame as Rhonda took their drinks instead. Tom heard some girlish laughter from a table in the direction that Daniel had gone.

“It's always so satisfying when Rhonda puts that turd in his place.” Kirsty said after Rhonda had gone.

“You were right, I do see what you mean. Why hasn't he been fired? You make it sounds like he does stuff like that a lot.” Tom replied.

“He's the nephew of Rhonda and Rita. Rhonda's the owner, if you haven't guessed already. Rita's her sister, the head cook. They always apologise for his behaviour and promise that it'll get better. Yet here we are. They really ought to do more than just spank him.”

Thankfully, the rest of their time at Rhonda's Roadside Diner went without further problems. Daniel stayed well away from their table and the food was fantastic.

After eating, Tom dropped the girls off outside their apartment block. Kirsty was the first to leave, thanking Tom and going on ahead to give him and Ashley a moment alone.

Ashley kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for today. It was fun. We have to do this again, soon. And without Kirsty this time.”

Tom cringed. “Sorry. I couldn't just flat out refuse her. She wasn't as bad as you warned though. I thought she was nice.”

“I know. I'm not saying it's your fault. And yeah, I was probably a little harsh, I just wanted to prepare for the worst. Believe me, she can be a lot more irritating.” Ashley looked as if she was going to continue, as if she was going to say something else. In a moment of intense consideration, she bit her lip. Then she leaned forward. Tom thought she was going to kiss his cheek again, but to his surprise he received a wet kiss on the lips.

“Yeah. We definitely have to do this again.” He said once Ashley had pulled away.

Ashley laughed. “I'm glad you agree. See you soon, foot boy.”

In any other circumstances, Tom would have hated being called 'foot boy'. But from Ashley, it was affectionate. “Aye, see you around.”

Tom drove away, bubbling with joy because of the kiss. So much joy that he was able to brush off Riley's teases and insults for the rest of the evening. The 'date', if you could call it that, had gone exceptionally well in his opinion. No longer was he wondering if Ashley was just being polite. He thought that she seemed to actually like him. That hot, kind girl from high school was interested in him. Tom repeated it in his mind, over and over, as if he couldn't believe it was true. If only his dreams that night had been as sweet as reality had been that evening.

“Toooooom. Oh Toooooom. Wakey wakey.” Tom opened his eyes at the sound of an all too familiar voice. He tried to speak, to tell Riley to knock it off, but he couldn't part his lips.

Worse than that, upon opening his eyes Tom found himself in his living room, only it was much, much larger than he remembered. And upside down. “MMMMMMMPPPPHHH!”

The giant faces of Riley and Jessica started laughing, sending drops of spittle towards him. He tried to dodge, but he couldn't. Suddenly, Tom was made aware of the position he was in. His arms hung freely and his legs were above him, tied together with a length of string that Jessica held in her hand.

“Are you having fun there, Tom?” Jessica mocked, swinging the tiny on a string from side to side.

“If you think you're having fun now loser, just wait until I kick off my boots.”

For a moment, Tom was dizzied by the momentum, swinging from side to side like a pendulum. Regaining his senses, he managed to find a moment to get his bearings. The three of them stood wear the now absent coffee table would be, right where Riley had begun her torment of Emma Klootz. He noticed that there were two people sat on the couch. Spinning around, he couldn't see them clearly until after a few revolutions had passed and he had slowed down, but when he did see them his blood went cold.

It was Ashley and Kirsty, watching intently with repulsive grins marking their usually attractive faces. They looked like they were having fun.

“I'll tell you what.” Riley spoke again, putting her face right up close to her helpless, shrunken brother. “If our audience allows it, I'll let you go right now and have you returned to normal height. What do you think? Ashley? Kirsty?”

“No way!” They answered in unison, laughing.

“You heard them Tom.”

This isn't real. This is a dream. You're not shrunken. You are normal size. Ashley and Kirsty are nice, they would never act like this. Tom tried telling himself that this was a dream, but it didn't seem to help. He was hoping that realising it would break him free of this nightmare. But he stayed trap, at the mercy of the four dream-scape giantesses.

“What do you two think I should do with my poor, little brother?”

“Make him smell your feet!” Kirsty said, loudly and enthusiastically.

“No.” Ashley disagreed. Tom felt relief, thinking that his knowledge of this had caused a more real version of Ashley to take over. “That creep actually thought he had a chance with me. I say that you make him smell your feet first, then put him in your boot. Make him really suffer. Let him know that he's nothing but a worm.”

“Yes!!” Kirsty clapped. “That instead!”

Riley giggled. “Very well. You'll have your wish.” She leaned closer still, putting her lips almost into contact with Tom's face, so that she could whisper. “Don't blame them too much. I was going to do that anyway.”

She pulled away. Jessica smiled at Tom, twirling the string so that he could see her do so. “Get ready. Riley is taking her boots off.” Thud. “That's one.” Thud. The smile grew. “There we go.” Jessica pinched her nostrils shut with her free hand, something that in real life wouldn't do much to protect her from the unholy stench of SCO feet. But the rules were different here.

Seconds later, Tom felt it. It stung his eyes, assaulted his nose. He had no idea how exactly Riley's feet really smelled, but his mind used the smell of his mom's feet as frame of reference. Except this was dialled up to eleven. This what Tom imagined the odour of his sister's feet to be like, and it was abhorrent.

“MMMPPHH! MMMMMMMPPPHHH!” His own struggles swung him around. The smell grew stronger. It was as if the smell dial was turned from eleven to twelve. Then from twelve to thirteen. He felt heat, telling him that the reason for the smell getting stronger was the approach of one of, or both of, Riley's feet.

Riley laughed evilly as her feet came up on either side of Tom. His struggles stopped right away, realising that if he kept it up it would cause him to swing into one of them. “I bet that smells so good, right Tom? He looks like he's tons of fun, right girls?”

“Right!” Ashley agreed.

“He could be having more fun though, don't you think Ashley?” Kirsty asked her room-mate, licking her lips.

“Yes he could. Please Riley, make him suffer more.” Ashley requested, her eyes twinkling with glee.

“As you wish. If you wouldn't mind, Jessica, tie my brother to my foot. Nice and tight.

“Sure thing Riley.” Jessica unpinched her nostrils, requiring both hands for this task. She didn't seem affected by the potent aroma regardless. Turning Tom the right way up she smashed Tom into his sister's sweat slicked sole like a wrecking ball. He screamed as she did so. She then hooked the string between two of Riley's toes, causing the SCO to giggle.

“Careful! I'm ticklish between my toes!”

Tom felt the string touch his back, crossing over him horizontally. Jessica was tying Tom to the massive hulk of reeking foot flesh. He felt the string crossing over more of his body. His legs, his hips, his shoulders, even his head. Tighter and tighter. He was almost grateful that his lips were sealed, protecting his mouth from the copious amount of stinking sweat that Riley's soles were excreting. But his nose was picking up the slack, inhaling the warm moisture infused with foot odour.

“MMMMPPPPHHH!!!!” Tom screamed again, the only thing that he could do. He was sinking further and further into his sister's titanic soft sole, practically mummified by string and sole at this point. Finally, Jessica came to the end of the string, tucking the end into the constrictive cocoon.

“All done!” Jessica told Riley. Ashley and Kirsty cheered.

“Now for the grand finale!” Riley gloated her dominance over Tom. He felt her scrunch her foot, momentarily crushing him with even more rancid skin. “Believe me Tom, if you can't handle this much, the inside of my boot will be living hell for you. Literally; the heater is turned up to max!”

Tom squirmed against the unthinking, unfeeling foot of his little sister. He could feel Riley lowering her foot, heading straight for the black boot. The heat and odour from the boot soon joined the heat and odour already drowning the tiny bound to the foot of his gigantic sister. They crossed the precipice, Tom and the foot, making it darker and darker. Light was extinguished. Everything was consumed by the stink.

Tom shot upright in bed. He almost screamed, thinking that he was drenched in Riley's foot sweat. But no, this wasn't Riley's foot sweat. This was his own sweat, born of the pure fear felt in his nightmare.

For a few minutes, he was breathing heavily, his pulse racing. It took a few more checks, moving his limbs around, opening his lips, before Tom truly knew he was safe.

With a sigh of relief, Tom fell back, his head hitting the pillow.

“Fucking hell.” Tom swore, knowing that after a nightmare like that, he didn't have much chance at sleep. Weirdly, that was fine. It meant no more nightmares.

For the next couple of hours, he stared at the ceiling, trying not to recall the events of his nightmare. Trying not to think of Riley, or SCOs. He did that until sleep did take him once more. A sleep devoid of dreams, thankfully.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
7. Interlude - Make or break
From the sixth floor of the Shrink Correctional Association headquarters, it was easy to see the people traversing the street below as ants. Or perhaps more appropriately, shrinkees. Such a sight was likely even easier to achieve from the taller neighbouring buildings and skyscrapers. And yet, even when standing at the window, looking down on the passing population of Queenswall, there was another place in this building, inside this very room, where the director of the Association felt even more powerful.

Within her boots, a pair of well polished black combat boots, not a pair of the technologically advanced footwear owned by all shrink correctional officers, Patricia Locke flexed her hot and sweaty toes; effortlessly dominating the tiny woman imprisoned under the foot of the woman known as 'Iron-sole'. These boots had stayed with the director throughout her entire career, cladding her feet for over twenty years. They had been the boots she used back during her time as an interrogator for the government and served as the inspiration for the more technologically advanced shoes used by officers of the Association.

Knock knock.

Patricia turned away from the window and settled her steely gaze on the door to her office. She didn't grant her visitor immediate access. Slow and purposeful, she strode to her chair and sat down. With a light smile, the director practically felt herself become more powerful as she sat in her throne. The smile was only there for a moment, then it disappeared.


Opening the door, the pretty face of the director's secretary came into view. There were few women in the employ of the Association that were more useful to the director than Cindy. She worked hard to ease the stresses and responsibilities faced by the director and despite not being an SCO herself, she had the tenacity of one.

“Excuse me, Director. Are you ready for your last two meetings of today?”

Today had been hectic to say the least. For most of the month of August, Patricia was leaving Queenswall to go and assist in the campaign of a presidential candidate. Candidate Deborah Reynolds had always been a strong supporter and advocate of the Shrink Correctional Association and if she were to become president, the Association's involvement in the country's justice system could only grow. Unfortunately, a near month long absence led to a few days of nothing but meetings before actually leaving. People had been in and out of the office, the floodgates being controlled by Cindy who was not afraid to deal with people more powerful than herself. With the support of the director behind her, Cindy could do just about anything and not face consequences.

“I am. Remind me what they are about.”

Cindy smiled. A sweet smile. Patricia didn't know what she found more attractive about her secretary, the natural good looks or the unexpectedly fearsome personality. “I have saved the best until last. The first is with Head-interrogator Ivanov. She wishes to speak to you about recent events.”

“I have a good idea of what recent events she is referring to. The other meeting?”

“It's an... interesting one to say the least. A student due to attend Hemlock Academy come September has been accused of crimes against the Association, with evidence, although the accusations are rather suspect. Thinking it might be a little more fun than the rest of today's meetings, I decided it would be better left to you to deal with; plus, Vice-director Marren is currently being entertained by a certain grumpy councillor.”

“Thank you for sparing me from that. I'll have to show the Vice-director my appreciation before I go home. Wait two minutes then send Head-interrogator Ivanov in.”

“As you wish, Director.” Cindy inclined her head respectfully then left.

Patricia sat patiently during the two minutes before Katya was let in. She and Katya were close, the foreign woman was someone that the director would trust with her life. Back when they had both been interrogators for opposing countries, they had been rivals. They competed to create the foulest odour possible with their feet to break prisoners. However when their jobs became obsolete, a notion that they both disagreed with, the two became friends. Ever since Patricia had extended an invitation to Katya to join the first generation of SCOs, Katya had lived in Queenswall.

The door opened much as it had done before, only instead of a petite young lady a tall, muscled SCO stepped inside the office. With fiery red hair pulled back into a strict ponytail, a muscled body and a quiet intensity, Katya Ivanov made quite the imposing woman. Just like with the director, wrinkles were appearing on her maturing face, although she hadn't yet gotten any grey hairs. The emblem and chevrons on Katya's arm mimicked that of the director, making them SCOs of equal rank even though they were in vastly different positions in the Association. Alongside the gold of the emblem and rank marking, a black armband with a white skull was worn on the right arm.

“Director.” Katya said, bowing her head. Despite not having lived in her native country for so long, she still had the thick accent.

“Please, Katya, call me Patricia.” The director stifled a sigh. She had tried to promote Katya, to have her friend act as second in command, however Katya was having none of it. The redhead was adamant that she wanted to remain as an interrogator. So Patricia gave her the highest position possible for an interrogator. As Head-interrogator, Katya was in charge of one of the two semi-secret sections that made up the underground floor of the Association headquarters. Semi-secret in the way that the public knew of the existence of these sections, but were unaware of the gory details.

Katya smirked. “As you wish, Patricia.”

“Thank you. I've had enough of bootlickers and sycophants today, I need something more informal. What is it that you want?”

“As Cindy probably informed you, it is regarding the arrest of Keith Barnaby.”

Patricia nodded. “She said 'recent events', but I could guess that it was regarding that slime. What about him?” Keith Barnaby was the leader of an anti-Association organisation. They rejected society's acceptance of shrinking punishments and while that in itself was not yet illegal, they had recently taken to assaulting SCOs and 'liberating' the shrinkees. Their actions were fruitless, all shrinkees had been recovered and soon enough any known perpetrators of assault would be facing the full extent of the justice system, putting them in the positions of those they tried to save.

A grin that would have been chilling to any shrinkee split Katya's face. “I want him. Send him to my sector for an extended stay like you did with Mr Locke.”

“I don't know what you're talking about. My husband went missing on a hang gliding trip, shortly after we divorced.” It was a lie that felt familiar on Patricia's tongue. “But, I'll see what I can do. He'll pass through the interrogation department regardless so you'll have some fun with him as you make him give up the information we need to bring down that damn organisation once and for all.”

“Ah yes. So you're not interested in an update on the man who looks exactly like your missing ex husband that we have down there?”

“I never said that. Show me.”

Katya whipped out her phone eagerly, pointing the director's attention to the currently inactive screen on the wall of the office. After connecting the phone the screen lit up and displayed an array of thumbnails, all for videos recorded in the underground facility beneath the building. The majority of people in society would find these videos sickening and if they were ever somehow leaked, the Association itself could be at risk. However for Patricia and Katya, these private videos often made for the perfect form of entertainment for a girls night in at the end of a particularly stressful week, complete with plenty of wine and liquor.

“Here we go.” Katya said as she found the video that she was searching for.

It opened up to a shot of dozens of pairs of black boots. They were unmistakably SCO boots, taken from the Association's store of spare boots. New shrink correctional officers always received a set of fresh boots, allowing them to imprint their own foot odour into them and create an item that was personal to them. Retired SCOs handed in their boots and they were put into storage, awaiting alternate uses. Sometimes for one reason or another an SCO would want a fresh pair of boots, further growing the amount of spares.

Over the openings of the spare pairs were rubber seals with plastic tubes emerging from the centre of each. The person behind the camera followed the many tubes, which came together into a neater bundle. It looked like the air flowing through these tubes had a green tinge to it, also true of the larger area beyond. The bundle of tubes ended at a sealed glass box. Patricia recognised it as a sealed environmental safe, something that saw use from time to time in the Association. She even had one herself, back at home. It wasn't something developed by the research and development department, it was actually developed by an air conditioning company and was available for public purchase, although it was hideously expensive. Judging by the condensation present on the walls of this safe, it was rather hot and humid in there. Realising that the humidity was likely syphoned from the SCO boots, the director felt an amused smirk come to her lips.

Held up by four wires connected to the four upper corners of the transparent cube was a small man. He looked to be smaller than one inch, the current lower safety limit of shrink technology. The only part of his body that was exposed was his nose, the rest of his body was covered in a rather uncomfortable looking pink rubber suit. The rubber suit was damp with sweat, sweat that didn't belong to him. He jiggled around in a frenzied yet ultimately useless struggle.

“How small have you made him now?”

“Half an inch.” Katya answered with a proud smile. The research and development department that shared the underground floor of the Association were always happy to assist the interrogation department.

“Any successful attempts to increase his size?”

“None. He can only be made smaller. You'll be pleased to know that the boosted sense of smell doesn't stop at 1 inch. We haven't measured the reactions at this size yet but I reckon it's around 50 to 70 times stronger than at full size.”

“Good. He must be suffering immensely. Back before I caught him with that whore,” Patricia squeezed her toes around the tiny girl in her boot “he refused to go anywhere near my boots. Now it looks like he has to contend with many more. Do you mind explaining the set-up?”

“I'll happily go into detail.” Katya grinned sadistically. “We borrowed forty pairs of boots from storage. Those rubber seals ensures that the odour within won't leak out, except through the tube. All the tubes lead into the safe, which is kept at a stable 35° Celsius. The condensation you see comes from the boots, thanks to the heat the absorbed sweat becomes airborne and is sucked away alongside the stench. All the tubes move through a powerful vacuum filter which draws all the air towards it and into the safe. Over time, the air inside the safe is becoming more and more saturated with the pure foot odour of previous SCOs. It may appear that the rubber suit's sole purpose is to cut off everything but his nose to the air inside the safe, but that is not the case, The rubber suit's interior is coated with a terribly effective itching powder. I imagine that the situation is nightmarish for Mr Locke. Sorry, I mean our unknown, totally voluntary test subject.”

Patricia Locke grinned. A rare sight indeed. “Excellent. Raise the temperature by another 5° Celsius. Make it really stuffy.”

Katya nodded. “It shall be done.”

“Any ideas for what you'll do to Keith Barnaby? If you get your hands on him long term, that is.”

“Oh I have a lot of ideas. I plan on working closely with the R&D department for him, to see if we can come up with some creative punishments. Even short term I have a plan to break him, it'll be interesting to see how much foot odour he can withstand.”

“Good to know that you're well prepared. I think I'll need another tour of the underground floor when I return from my trip, It'll be stressful dealing with the political lunatics that are so eager to tear down Reynolds.”

“We'll be happy to have you. Do you feel like having a girls night when you return as well? It has been a while since we've done anything social together.”

“That'll have to be arranged, certainly. I need one. Would you oppose the idea of inviting Cindy along?”

Katya rolled her eyes. “I would not. I knew you were always into both sexes, but since your divorce you seem to have developed an exclusive interest in women.”

Patricia frowned. “Of course. My wretched husband managed to ruin men for me.”

“I'm not surprised. That cheating dog.” Katya seemed to be almost as angry as Patricia was regarding her ex husband. She refrained from spitting on the floor, something that was most appreciated.

“Is there anything else? I have another meeting to get through.”

Katya straightened, restoring a degree of formality to her composure. “That's it. I hope your last meeting goes smoothly.”

“If what Cindy said is anything to go by, it might actually be fun.”

“That's good to hear. Farewell, Director Locke. Have a nice trip.”

“Goodbye, Head-interrogator Ivanov. And thank you.”

Katya left, leaving the director alone once more. In a couple minutes, Cindy would send in the members of the final meeting. Just as expected, three women entered the room after Cindy opened the door for them. The first was a lanky, nervous looking girl with long, dark hair. She dressed mostly in black and had the body language of someone who thought they were in big trouble. The accused, Patricia guessed.

The next was a cocky looking blonde girl, several inches shorter than the first. She wore a purple tank top and black yoga pants, with pink flip flops on her pretty feet. She looked to be the same age as the first girl, either in late teens or very early twenties. The accuser, most definitely. The woman following behind these two was an SCO, their guardian whilst in the Association headquarters.

Patricia looked at the SCO. “Explain the situation to me. Why are these young ladies in my office?”

“Certainly, Director. These girls are Stacey and Penelope.” The SCO gestured to the blonde girl then the dark haired as she spoke their names. “The former is the accuser and the latter is the accused. What Penelope is accused of is not a crime but given her standing as upcoming student at Hemlock Academy it is considered severely inappropriate. These girls were close friends, however Stacey found something in Penelope's possession that she thought the Association had to be told about and thus told an SCO. After searching Penelope's bag it was found the she was in possession of a lot of anti-Association propaganda.”

“Hmm.” The director regarded both of the girls. “Tell me about your friendship with Penelope, Stacey.”

The blonde girl smiled. “Gladly.” She flicked a gathering of hair over her shoulder. “Me and Pen have been friends since high school. Inseparable, some would call us. And there's no one dearer to me than she is. Because she is going to be a student at Hemlock and train to be an SCO, I knew that it would be better for her if the Association found out about her transgression sooner rather than later. Pen won't speak to me any more, she's mad at me, but I truly was looking out for her.”

It was obvious to Patricia that this girl was lying out of her ass. From the first moment they had sat down it was clear that Penelope wasn't comfortable being around this girl; that wasn't something achieved after a recent betrayal. Anger the director would have believed, but this? These two had never been friends.

“Do you have anything to say about this, Penelope?”

Penelope had been fidgeting with her hands the entire time and almost looked surprised when realising that the director had asked her a question. “I-I do, Director Locke. Stacey and I... s-she's never been my friend. She used to pick on me in high school, call me names and do anything she could to embarrass me.”

“LIAR!” Stacey yelled. “How could you say that? Did our friendship mean so little to you?”

“Young lady.” Patricia's words came with an enraged undertone, bringing Stacey instantly to heel. “Raise your voice in my office one more time and I'll see to it that you regret it. Is that clear?”

Stacey looked at the ground. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes... Director.”

“Good.” Patricia couldn't help but notice a smile on Penelope's lips after the brief exchange. “Stacey, tell me what led you to find what you did.”

“Of course.” Pausing, Stacey remembered her manners. “I mean, of course, Director. I went over to Pen's house because I hadn't seen her in a while and missed spending time with my bestie. I knew where she kept the spare key because that's how close we are, she told me where it was. Upon entering Pen's house and going up to her bedroom to wait for her, I found something strange looking poking out from under the bed. Pulling it out completely I was horrified to find a box full of propaganda condemning the actions of the Association. I knew right away that having this would affect her later in her career as an SCO so I brought it to the attention of the relevant authority. Pen came home to find me and the SCO I told about it waiting and the SCO took us straight here.”

“Penelope, do you have any defence against these accusations?”

“I do, Director Locke.” Penelope gulped, forcing herself to look the director in the eyes despite fearing the woman and the possibility that her acceptance to Hemlock might be revoked. “Stacey is lying. I do not know where those posters and books came from but they weren't there when I left for work, I swear. I believe that what the Shrink Correctional Association is doing for society is a good thing, which is why I wanted to become a shrink correctional officer. I would never betray the Association.”

Taking a few moments to think, Patricia came across a solution. Anyone could see that Penelope was being set-up, yet at the same time the director saw an opportunity. She looked the the SCO. “Please, escort Stacey outside for a few minutes. I wish to speak to Penelope in private.”

Stacey looked like she was going to argue, but gave in to her sensible side and followed the SCO out of the room. Now alone with the meek girl who was going to attend Hemlock, Patricia gave Penelope her full attention. “I believe you, Penelope. I have met many a girl like Stacey, a spoiled bully.”

Penelope's eyes lit up. She almost looked like she would fall on the floor and bow. “Thank you Director Locke! I promise you, I'll give everything to my education at Hemlock. You won't regr--”

“Enough.” Penelope shut up. “I have... issues with your upcoming attendance at Hemlock Academy. Tell me, what are you willing to give in order to become an SCO?”

Penelope hesitated before answering. “Like I s-said, I'll give everything. I would do anything.”

“Even if I decide to punish you for what Stacey has accused you of, even though you didn't do it?”

Penelope was shaking. “Yes, Director. Even then.” Clenching her fists, Penelope forced herself to ask a question despite her fear. “B-b-but... why?”

“To toughen you up. As you are right now, I'm not sure that you are fit to attend Hemlock Academy. You are too weak. Stacey dominates you utterly and she doesn't even need to threaten you with violence. At this rate, it would be a waste of resources sending you to Hemlock Academy, you would never make it.”

Tears were welling in Penelope's eyes. “However, if you accept whatever punishment I deem necessary to toughen you, I will allow you to attend Hemlock Academy unconditionally next year. Do you accept? Or was that determination to stand among the ranks of the shrink correctional officers all for show?”

After she had wiped away tears, Patricia saw a new intensity in Penelope. “I accept. Whatever you want me to endure, I will.”

“Very good. I shall bring the others back in now, and inform you and them of your punishment.”

Using a buzzer, the director signalled for her secretary to tell the two women outside to return. In moments everyone was back in their original places.

“Penelope, I have decided that you are guilty of what you have been accused of. However, I see promise in you. Promise, and determination. Not only do you currently lack faith in the Association as evidenced by your possession of propaganda, but also strength as evidenced by how you act. I intend to change that. Or at least, attempt to.”

“You have committed no real crime, so you will not be placed under the care of an SCO.” Penelope visibly relaxed upon hearing this. She had been expecting the worst. “Instead, you will be shrunken down and left in the care of your good friend, Stacey.”

Stacey yelped with joy, turning to stare at Penelope with a newfound feeling of possession over another human being. Penelope's face had sunken and she tried to plead with the director. “Director Locke, plea--”

“I am not finished.” Patricia interrupted. “Stacey will only look after you, she only be in charge of overseeing you during your punishment. She is expected to keep you fed and watered. Your true punishment is that for one whole year, you shall be confined to one of the many spare SCO boots that we have. Stacey is not allowed to remove you from the boot at all. Not even for a second. The heater in the boot shall be turned on and before you are shrunken and placed inside, we will give you the Pesfetorus virus. Be proud, you shall be the first student-in-waiting to receive it.”

“B-b-b-b-b-but...” Penelope spluttered, griping the chair she was sat on so tightly that her knuckles were becoming as ghostly white as her terrified face. The relevance of the being given the smelly feet virus was not lost on her. Her feet would sweat and stink like an SCO's would and being imprisoned in such a high temperature environment would only boost the effects. Without the odour resistance treatment, she would have to deal with the powerful stench of her own feet as well as the titanic smell of the SCO boot.

“You're gonna be all mine, Pen. Like a little pet living in a stinky boot.” Stacey giggled, wiggling her cute toes against the soles of the foamy pink flip flops.

“No buts, this is what you wanted. You want to be an SCO? Learn from this. The next year will either make you or break you Penelope. I hope it is the former.” Patricia turned her gaze from the trembling wreck to the giggly victor of this meeting. “Do you have any questions?”

“Yes. Can I really not remove her at all? Not only will I not be able to play with her, my pet, but how am I supposed to feed her?” Stacey let the slightest amount of annoyance seep into her expression. She looked forward to essentially owning Penelope for a year, but didn't like the idea of not being able to toy with her new pet. Patricia was about to change that.

“I said that you weren't allowed to remove Penelope. I never said that you couldn't put things inside the boot. Food. Water.” The director paused, treating Stacey to a flash of a smirk. “A foot.”

Slowly, Stacey understood. A smile crept onto her face. “This next year is shaping up to be a fun one. After a day of work, my feet can get quite rank.” She looked at Penelope and winked. “As you'll soon find out.”

“I hope that this isn't something that I need to tell you, but you must keep Penelope's punishment quiet. You cannot tell your friends. Anyone you share a residence with shall be informed and sworn to silence, and Penelope's parents shall also be informed. This is the business of the Association and only that. If this gets out, Penelope will be forgiven and I'll do everything in my power to ensure you end up under her feet instead. Do you understand?”

The fire inside Stacey dimmed a little and she had the sense to show submission to the director by bowing her head. “I understand. No one will know but me.”

“Good. You are all dismissed. I wish you the best, Penelope. I expect to see a new woman next year, an unbreakable young woman who will make an excellent shrink correctional officer.”

The three women left the office, each in a vastly different mood. Penelope was quiet and fear-stricken. Stacey was giggling, walking behind Penelope and poking her in the back repeatedly. Cindy entered soon after. The curious expression on her face revealed the reason why she had come into the office so soon after the meeting was over. Patricia provided her with a thorough explanation.

“You are so mean! She didn't do anything wrong!” Cindy admonished her boss over the decision.

“Mean, but necessary. Penelope wanted to become an SCO. But she was weak, this was the only way for her to possibly achieve that goal.”

Cindy raised an eyebrow. “The only way, really?”

“Hmm. Maybe not the only way, but it might work.”

“You can't fool me, Director. I know you try and keep your sadistic side hidden unlike Head-interrogator Ivanov, but I see right through you.”

Patricia cocked her head at Cindy. “You've certainly got some nerve. I've had a long day, now you're psycho-analysing me?”

Cindy blushed and fluttered her eyelids. “I do apologise, Director. But I've seen how you look at me.” Her expression became far more mischievous. “I know I'll get away with it.”

Patricia scoffed with amusement. “I haven't exactly been subtle, I'll give you that. But subtly isn't my style. And you're wrong about getting away with it. In fact, your punishment is to give me a nice, long shoulder rub.”

“B-but I've never given a shoulder rub before!” Cindy's blush deepened and she backed away slightly, not expecting the stern director of the Association to be so forward.

“Better learn quickly.” Patricia said with a smile. “If you give a bad one, you're demoted to foot rubbing duty. You don't want that, do you?”

Cindy shuddered and practically ran around the desk to start massaging the director's shoulders. They both knew that Patricia was joking with her threat, but they both enjoyed the teasing. Patricia liked giving it, Cindy liked taking it.

Despite apparently never having given one before, Cindy's delicate fingers proved to be naturally skilled at tending to the sore muscles in the director's shoulders. Patricia enjoyed it so much that she almost felt like asking, no, commanding Cindy to use those fingers elsewhere. But Patricia held back, knowing that it would be inappropriate. Teasing was one thing, that might cross the line. Instead, she held onto those feelings of arousal long after she had said her goodbyes to Cindy and driven home. She entered her luxury apartment, devoid of any furniture or decoration other than what the director deemed necessary, and collapsed onto the grey couch. She lay there for a while, sleep held at bay by the embers of the fire that had been lit in her crotch earlier. Was it Cindy's attentive fingers? Was it the cruel punishment dealt to poor Penelope? Or was it the stinky hell her cheating ex husband was being put through? Patricia wasn't sure exactly, but knew that each was a contributing factor.

Taking things to the bedroom, Patricia stripped out of her uniform, leaving her lean, toned and somewhat wrinkled body naked other than the boots on her feet. She sat on the bed, next to the sealed environmental safe located next to the bed, where she kept her boots overnight. Before beginning the nightly ritual with the shrinkee in her boot, she removed two pairs of underwear from the topmost drawer of the bedside cabinet.

Removing the boots one at a time, unlacing and freeing her foot that didn't have a tiny under it first, Patricia tipped the second boot upside down and let the shrunken woman inside drop to the floor with a thud. She curled up on the floor in a fetus position, her mind and body broken by perpetual crushing and heavy sensory torment.

“On your knees.”

The tiny girl obeyed, albeit slowly. Even now she flinched when Patricia plopped her veiny, incredibly stinky feet on either side of her, flexing the already wrinkly soles and letting the powerful odour spread throughout the room in a matter of seconds.

“Eyes on me, homewrecker.”

The shrinkee raised her head, looking at her master and tormentor with stinging, tear brimming eyes.

A cruel smile came onto the director's lips as she held up the two pairs of underwear. One was black, the other was red. Each was marked with the emblem of the Association. Both women knew what purpose each served. “Tonight, you're going to be strapped into one of these. I know that you'd prefer the red one, I'd prefer you in the red one. After today, I want you to spend the whole night pressed against my sopping pussy. It's a lot better than the alternative, as you already know from experience. But, whilst it wouldn't be quite as pleasant for me, it would be enough. So, I have decided to choose based on how much effort you put into cleaning my feet.”

Patricia cocked her head. “They've been stewing in my old boots just like always. Nice and delicious for my tiny foot slave. Impress me here by lapping up my sweat and inhaling my stink with nothing short of fanaticism, you little whore, and I'll me merciful. You can stay in the crimson thong. But disappoint me even a little...” The director jiggled the black thong menacingly. “I've been sat down all day on my ass, in my comfortable leather chair.”

The shrinkee started sobbing, overwhelmed with misery. Patricia Locke didn't feel a thing. Not a shred of sympathy, not for this woman. There was only one person she hated more than this, and he was suffering a fate that was even worse. In her opinion, they deserved it.

“Enough crying, you pitiful creature. You may begin.” Patricia gave the command and despite herself, the miniscule woman crawled over to the massive wall of wrinkled, reeking foot flesh and made the first lick, burying her tongue inside a particularly deep wrinkle and swabbing the pink organ up through the sweaty crease. The first unpleasant lick of many.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
8. An old crush
August 10th 2043

Sitting once more in the lobby of the Association headquarters, Riley felt alone. Not only had her SCO friends been pulled away from her, but Emma Klootz, a girl who she had become rather intimate with over the last week, had been returned, her shrinking sentence over. It was a shame, Riley had grown fond of trampling Emma's tiny body under her foot. Almost enough so to request a sentence extension; but she had heard that shrink correctional officers who request extensions too often find their requests being rejected, so Riley wanted to wait until someone special came along.

Taylor and Beth had been sat with her for several minutes, however it seemed they had other places to be. Taylor had received a phone call and exited the building, where Riley had seen a young woman who could only be described as 'punkish' in appearance with blue hair, come over to the short, black haired SCO and greeting her with a smile. They were still outside, talking about something.

Beth had official business apparently. A higher ranked SCO wearing a black band on her right arm had called over for the tall blonde SCO. Beth had said her goodbyes to Riley quickly, apologising before wordlessly following the scary looking member of the Association. She knew what the black band meant and if she had gotten a closer look, Riley knew that she would have seen a white skull on the armband. That woman had been an interrogator.

This combination of circumstances left Riley all alone in the lobby, save for the receptionist sat at the front desk who dealt with the people passing through. She didn't have to stay here, as a trained and licensed SCO Riley was free to explore and roam the Association headquarters to a certain degree, but she didn't want to.

Hopefully the shrinkee handler would emerge sooner rather than later, allowing Riley to get to know her new prisoner for a little while before she was due to go for dinner with Taylor and Beth once all their business was finished here. Just like the first time, Riley had requested her shrinkee to be 3 inches in height and also like the first time, she prayed it might end up being someone she already knew.

As the minutes ticked by, so did the people. They came in and out of the doors, a diverse cast of characters. Light skinned, dark skinned; tall, short; regular civilian, shrink correctional officer. None of them paid any mind to the lonely brunette watching them, save for a few glances.

“No! I'm not doing it. I have plans that weekend.”

“Naomi pleas--”

Striding into the lobby, a young woman turned on her heel to regard the older women behind her with an irritated glare. She looked to be several years older than Riley, placing her around mid-twenties. Her hair was dull blonde mostly, except at the roots where her natural light brown colour was starting to show through. Based on the fact that she was wearing the granite grey uniform minus a jacket, Riley guessed that she was an SCO. “Did you mishear me, mother? I said no.”

One of the older duo, the one who Naomi referred to as mother, balked. “This is an important shoot.” The mother looked to her companion, an SCO wearing a blue armband. “Back me up here!”

The SCO grimaced. “Sorry ma'am, it is not my place to do so. Officer Summers is not under my command.”

“You represent her!” Pausing for a moment, Naomi's mother took a deep breath, calming herself. She needed it, considering that she looked as though she was about to try and pull out her own hair. “No matter. I have places to be. We will discuss this later, Naomi.”

She shifted her gaze to the SCO. “Thank you for your assistance, very helpful.” The words came with a strong tone of bitter sarcasm. The older woman then stormed off.

Naomi sighed. “Sorry about my mother, Officer Lanritta. She can be quite a handful. Cancel the shoot, please, I really do have plans that I cannot miss.”

The SCO smiled. “Don't worry about it, Officer Summers. The shoot can be rearranged. However you must excuse me, my schedule is a busy one today.”

“Very well, I understand the need to attend to your schedule. If only my mother could understand my need to attend to mine. I shall be here for a while longer anyway Officer Lanritta for I am awaiting a new shrinkee.” After a short, nodded farewell the woman named Naomi peeled away and came over to sit next to Riley.

Sitting down, Naomi leaned forwards and put her head into her hands. “Urrrrrrggghhh!” She made a noise of weariness and frustration.

“Ermmm...” Riley thought it would be best to speak out, feeling some concern for her fellow correctional officer. “Are you okay?”

A couple awkward seconds ticked by before Naomi brought her head out of her hands and sat up straight, the shoulder length hair whipping up from the sudden motion, and gave Riley a smile that was nothing short of glamorous. “I'm so sorry, I just simply had to get that out of my system. I'm Naomi Summers, you may have heard of me.” Naomi stuck out a hand, ready to shake.

Riley took it and shook it firmly. “Riley Levin. You won't have heard of me, I'm a little green. Graduated from Hemlock at the end of last month.”

“Oh! A fresh SCO. How are you enjoying it so far? It's always nice to near a newbie's perspective.”

“It's...” Riley grinned toothily. “Fun.”

Naomi laughed. “I know that look. I have no doubt that someone like you will go far in the Association. I assume you're waiting for a shrinkee?”

“Indeed. My second one. The first only had a week's minimal sentence.”

“That tends to be the case for all new SCOs, unless there aren't any weekies available.”

The conversation came to a halt for just a moment, but Riley had a question that had been bugging her ever since Naomi had introduced herself and saw the perfect time to ask. “Forgive me for asking, Officer Summers, but you said I may have heard of you. You're not wrong, the name is undeniably familiar, but where might I have heard it?”

“Please Riley, Naomi. I suspect you might have overheard my earlier conversation with my mother and Officer Lanritta. I use a title for her because she's essentially my agent. And to answer your question, you may have caught me on the covers of all the local magazines and perhaps even a few national ones. I'm a model for the Shrink Correctional Association.”

“Of course!” Riley felt a little dumb for not realising sooner. Although that might have been because Naomi's face was rarely the subject of focus in such pictures. “Now I have even more questions. Is it tiring being both a model and an SCO? How do you keep your feet in such good condition, they're downright stunning.”

Naomi chuckled. “Well, since you've seen some of my covers, I'm sure you'll have noticed that I often have a tiny or a number of them in shoots with me. Dealing with a shrinkee is easy when you include them in pictures that will be seen by everybody, the humiliation of everyone seeing them at their most desperate is delicious. And my feet? Well, I have a secret.” She leaned over to Riley, bringing her mouth close to the ear of her listener. “My pedicurist is crazy about my smelly feet. He's one of those guys that can not only stomach the stench of SCO feet, but get aroused by it.”

Riley burst into a fit of giggles. “No way! I've heard stories about people like that, but I thought they were only rumours. Does he... y'know... worship your feet?”

“Good heavens no. I only let him touch them with his hands. Admittedly, it's mostly because I enjoy teasing the poor guy, but I have a strict 'shrinkee-only' policy for that sort of thing. The further I go with it, the blurrier the lines of consent become and I really don't want to break regulation.”

“Have you ever had any shrinkee's assigned to you that like SCO feet?” Riley pressed. The subject interested her just because of how outrageous the idea was. Back at Hemlock, they all had to sniff the feet of an SCO before becoming desensitised to the odour, just so they could see how incredibly potent it was. She'd smelt her own sweaty feet after soccer practice, even smelt her friend's feet out of pure morbid curiosity, but those didn't come anywhere near the level of foot stink an SCO could muster.

“I have! Twice in fact, both the same guy. It's actually funny you should ask. He's back again, the rascal, that's who I'm here to pick up.”

“He's back? Why?”

“I suspect he missed my feet and thus re-offended.”

“Did... did you encourage him?”

Naomi smirked mischievously. “Maybe a little. Although I did warn him that repeated shrink sentences only increase the length of the sentence but he didn't seem to care. Even after I told him that I wouldn't allow a third time to be so pleasant. Oh well, more time for him to endure more of what I have prepared.”

Riley raised her eyebrows. “What do you have planned? Ass? Armpit?”

“No no no. Between my ass cheeks is crazy ticklish. Plus it's quite nice, I suspect he'd enjoy that too. Sure, armpits are gross but I suspect that at this point he's so enamoured with me and my body that nothing I do to him will work.”

“So what's your plan?”

“That's a secret.” Naomi used a single finger to tap the side of her nose and winked at Riley. “But I will tell you that it involves a rather humiliating scenario. He'll be scarred for life after this and if his foot fetish remains, he'll recall these next several months with unbearable shame.”

“That's good, you sound like you're on top of things. It also sounds like you're quiet good at finding these weirdos. How badly are their wires crossed to be able to get turned on by our feet?”

“Must be pretty bad, that's for sure. I'm not complaining though. I do have an explanation for how I found these two however. Before becoming an SCO and thus a model for the Association, I used to be a foot model. The pedicurist recognised me on the street one day, asked for my autograph and had me sign one of my old foot pics. It was... pretty weird and a little bit creepy, but he offered me free pedicures for life. During the first I expected him to be KO'd by my foot odour however he impressed me, didn't complain once. The shrinkee with the fetish was given to me by the Association because he'd asked about me before being shrunk. He was another that was familiar with my past work. The Association thought that seeing how eye-watering the smell of my attractive feet was it's break him out of his foot fetish. But no, just like how I underestimated my pedicurist fan, the Association underestimated this guy.”

“Wow. First a foot model, now a model and an SCO? Sounds like you've lived quite a life so far, and you're still so young and beautiful!”

Naomi smiled, giving her hair a mocking swish with one hand. “Riley, you're flattering me. You must stop. I might end if seeing if I can seduce you with my smelly feet next!”

They both started laughed. “Seriously though, thank you. I'm sure you'll have achieved just as much by the time you reach the ripe old age of twenty-four.”

“Naomi Summers!” Whilst the two young women had been enjoying each others company, a handler had emerged into the lobby.

Naomi stood, dusting off her skirt with a couple swipes of both hands. “I'll be through in a moment!” She shouted back before turning to Riley. The handler promptly disappeared, her job done. The handlers only needed to guide SCOs through to get their shrinkee on the first time. “I like you, Riley. Before I go we should trade numbers.”

Not wanting to keep Naomi long when her shrinkee was ready to be collected, Riley produced her phone and traded numbers quickly and efficiently.

“Thanks. See you around Riley.”

“Bye. Good luck to you and your pervert shrinkee.”

Naomi laughed as she walked away. “He'll need it.”

Thankfully, Riley wasn't kept waiting much longer. Her name was called before Taylor or Beth returned, but it didn't matter too much. They had arranged to meet after collecting their shrinkees and once Riley did have her shrinkee, she wouldn't mind waiting. Because she responded immediately, she managed to walk alongside the handler which was a good thing since she wasn't yet totally sure about navigating the corridors. That would come in time, she told herself.

They entered into a different room than last time, but it looked exactly the same. There was only one transportation cylinder on the table and the handler who had walked here with Riley was the only one in the room. “This little guy's yours. Take good care of him. Your app should have already updated with his details.”

Riley pulled out her phone and decided to check right now rather than later. Opening the file, Riley only had to read the name of her shrinkee before she was grinning from ear to ear. This was a name she knew, one that brought back old, pleasant memories. Already she was plotting how best to torment this shrunken man but something in particular stuck out. Something that Naomi had said. Humiliation. When Riley thought about humiliation, public humiliation was the first thing that came to mind, and she could think of no better victim for it than this. Besides, having a shrinkee that was larger than 3 inches opened up a world of possibilities. “Excuse me, sorry?”

“What is it?” The shrinkee handler had already turned away but she turned back to Riley with a patient smile.

“I don't mean to be a pain, but can I change the size of my shrinkee before I go?”

“Sure, if that's what you think is best, what size?.”

“1 foot, please.” The handler grabbed the cylinder and retreated through a door, not the one that they both came in through. Riley was left standing there for fifteen minutes and starting to grow impatient before the handler returned and Riley knew that the wait had been worth it.

The handler walked in holding a leash and on the end of that leash was black collar worn by a boy Riley's age, only much, much shorter. He looked the same way he did when Riley had last seen him, expect aged up. He had dirty blond hair, a scrawny body and anyone could tell just by looking at him that he was shy and nervous.

Following behind the handler, he had a fearful expression on his face. They had permitted him a pair of underpants, as they did with any shrinkee too large to hide. It was against regulation for SCOs to expose the naked body of a shrunken person over the height of 6 inches in public spaces. When he looked up to see the face of the woman set to punish him, his face turned a ghostly white shade. “R-R-R-R--"

“That's right Teddy. It's me.” Riley looked down at her new shrinkee and grinned maliciously. She then looked at the handler. “Mind if we use a play room for a bit? The two of us would like a much needed catch up.”

“Not at all.” The handler replied, handing the leash over to Riley. “Follow me.”

There were a number of play rooms inside the Association headquarters. They included forms of equipment that weren't portable: larger, heavier items and items that couldn't be moved around. The floors were soft and cushioned, ready for rougher play between an SCO and her charge. Usually, only SCOs with larger shrinkees used these rooms however sometimes smaller shrinkees spent time in play rooms, it was just far more infrequent.

Riley entered the play room and slammed the door shut behind her. Teddy didn't say a word, crawling on the floor behind her, and remained in place when she led him to the centre of the room and handed him the leash to hold in his teeth.

“Stay still. I want to get a good look at my Teddy, all grown up.” She snickered, circling him slowly. While Riley did want to size him up, she dropped her pace a little to build up suspense. He stayed quiet, leash in mouth, listening to every mostly muffled step that Riley made against the soft ground.

“Although I haven't caught a glimpse of you at full size yet, I struggle to imagine you amounting to much. I bet you're still the same old Teddy, inferior to girls. I bet even my younger self could physically overpower you. You once told me I even got to you in your dreams, do you remember that? I wonder if you've had a girl since me dominate you so easily. You've probably spent the years since our separation building up confidence, haven't you? Let's see how long that lasts.”

After circling him, Riley went over to the wall of the room and sat down. She patted her knees condescendingly. “Here boy! Come over to me!”

Blushing hard, Teddy obeyed. He knew that if Riley was anything like she used to be, disobeying was a bad idea. As soon as he was within reach, Riley ruffled his hair. “Good boy. Good Teddy.” Teddy dared to look at his captor and saw the eerily possessive expression on her face. She was too good at this. Riley disconnected the leash from Teddy's collar.

“Okay Teddy, you're going to act as my footrest. I am brimming with questions. Afterwards, we can properly start your rehabilitation.” Riley lifted both booted feet from the ground, raising them up and resting them between Teddy's shoulders, her smooth bare legs touching the back of his head. With their new size different, he found those feet and legs to be heavy indeed. “I know my sexy leg is touching the back of your head but try not to get too excited.” Riley giggled.

Teddy said nothing. Not so much as a whimper. “Let's see here.” Riley tapped away on her phone, putting more pressure than was necessary onto her new piece of human furniture. “'Theodore Smith. Nineteen years old. Sentenced to one month of shrink rehabilitation.' That's the minimal sentence Teddy. Misbehave and I'll happily double it or even triple it. Keep that in mind. It says here that you were convicted of theft and sexual harassment. Oh my, that's quite a crime. I knew you were a loser Teddy, but a creep too?”

“I c-can explain!” A meek voice called out from under Riley's legs.

“Really? There's an explanation? I'm doubtful, but go on. I'm listening.”

“Well... At university, I ended up being the only male in a residence hall full of girls. At the start, I thought it would be pretty cool. I'd built up some confidence since leaving high school.”

“Did it go how you hoped? Did little Teddy manage to seduce all the pretty girls?” Riley cooed down to him, mocking the fact that he would even believe himself capable of doing such a thing.

Teddy blushed hard. “No. I-I didn't seduce anyone.”

“Colour me surprised. I'd have thought the boy I used to bully would have grown into some kind of stud.” Riley smirked, rolling her eyes. This was lost on her shrinkee obviously, as he couldn't see her face. “So you tried to sleep with someone and ended up sexually harassing them instead? Is that what happened?”

“N-n-not entirely. It didn't take long for them to pick up on me being...”

“Weak? Submissive? Inferior?”

Teddy didn't say anything, gulping. “A small group of the girls started having me do chores for them, including as many of the other girls as possible. Soon enough I was the cleaner for the whole residence hall, I had to hoover all of their rooms and do all of the dishes. The girls not in this small group were hesitant at first which made me think I might be safe but they grew comfortable with it quickly enough. When I was doing chores for the almost forty girls who lived there the original group started making me do more intimate things for them.”

“Oh yeah? This is getting juicy. What things did they make you do, Teddy?”

“I had to start giving them foot massages. It wasn't just in their rooms either, they often made me do it in the common areas where anyone who lived there could see. Some of them were athletes and because they didn't want to deal with their sweaty sports gear they started using my room as storage for those kind of things. Whenever they wanted something fetching or even for me to do something humiliating for the sake of entertainment they would call and I would come.” The tone of the foot tall man was one of shame.

“Why didn't you just say no? It's that easy you moron.”

“I did say no!” Teddy's voice was filled with an unusual outrage. He realised who he raised his voice to and let the anger leave him, not wanting to provoke the cruel young woman in charge of his fate. “I did say no. That's why I'm here. They framed me.”

“They framed you? How?”

Feeling his eyes well up with tears, Teddy spent a long moment preparing to speak. Having his life messed with in such a way had been a traumatic event for the young man. He didn't think it was fair that those bitches back at university could threaten to ruin his life just because he didn't obey them. “The leader offered me a drink after I told them to leave me alone. She claimed that it was a show of apology, that she regretted treating me so terribly and that she didn't realise that I hated it so much. Stupidly, I believed her. After drinking it I dozed off.”

Teddy tried to take a moment to pause but Riley was having none of it. “And? What happened?”

“When I woke up I had campus security shouting at me, telling me to get up. I came to my senses and found myself naked on my bed, covered in used panties and dirty socks. And my... my juices were spilled all over the clothing.”

Riley burst into laughter, causing Teddy to blush even deeper with the embarrassment he felt at having to recount this tale to the tormentress of his past and future self. But he had told most of the story and fought through the humiliation and continued, determined to see it through until the end. “Apparently the girls of the residence hall had told campus security that their underwear and socks were going missing from their laundry hampers and on that night, one of them came to ask me for a favour and walked into that scene. Security dragged me away as a crowd of gathered girls called me a pervert.”

Riley kept laughing, so much so that she had to wipe tears from her eyes. As she laughed her legs moved around, putting more pressure on her footrest. The weight and movement was too much for Teddy. He collapsed, his shaking arms unable to take any more. This only served to make Riley laugh harder.

“When will you learn, Teddy? Girls like me are just better than guys like you.” Lifting her boot, Riley gently stomped on Teddy's small head, pressing it into the ground with the dirty sole.

Teddy's hands slapped and pushed at the boot and the leg emerging from it. With the size difference, such struggles were meaningless. Riley drove the point home by grinding his head against the soft ground as if she were putting out a cigarette stub. “Riley! Please! STOP!”

“Nuh uh. That's not my name. What is it you used to call me? Gosh, it's been so long I can hardly remember. But I'm sure you do, am I right?”

“Please! Queen Riley! Stop!” He remembered. He was also sure that she would have remembered too, considering how well she remembered everything else about their time together.

Suddenly, the boot was removed from Teddy's head. Before he could stop cowering, He was hoisted up by Riley's arms and deposited in her lap, facing up. Just like a baby. And she made sure he felt it. “You're so small Teddy. Like an actual teddy bear. Just a toy for your queen to play with.” A devious expression crossed her face. “Tell me Teddy, are you still as ticklish?”

“N-no. I'm not.”

Riley shook her head with disappointment. “Now Teddy, you should never lie to your queen.” Placing one arm over the top of Teddy's torso and the other over the bottom, she pinned him to her lap. Bending down, Riley placed her mouth against his bellybutton and blew a long raspberry. The shrunken young man burst into a fit of giggles, flailing his limbs around uselessly.

“If you hadn't lied, I'd stop there. Buuuuut...” Grinning, Riley kept planting her lips against various parts of Teddy's exposed stomach and blowing raspberries. He squirmed around, laughing. As humiliating as this was, he could stand it, even though he was exceptionally ticklish. But Riley was just warming up.

Once Teddy's stomach was wet with the saliva of the young SCO after repeated raspberries she carelessly tossed him onto the ground as if he were a piece of trash. Riley had been rough with Teddy when they were younger, but now she pushed the limits because shrunken people were tougher. Obviously since Teddy was only a foot tall he wouldn't be as physically resistant as a smaller shrinkee, but it would be enough. Thrown off by the manoeuvre both physically and mentally, Teddy slowly came to his senses on the ground, but not before Riley had joined him. He could do nothing to resist as she sat on his legs and stuck out her own to pin his outstretched arms to the floor.

“See how small and insignificant you are? My ass can cover most of your legs. My foot is almost the size of your whole body. You're more helpless before your queen than ever. And I wouldn't have it any other way.” Riley then used her hands to start pinching and poking Teddy all over his upper body. Sometimes she would pinch hard, causing the shrinkee to yelp and scream in pain, sometimes she would be firm but gentle, causing the shrinkee to writhe beneath her weight as his sensitive skin was tickled. When she poked, Riley went for the areas that she knew were most vulnerable to tickling, his stomach and armpits.

He begged. He laughed. He cried. All whilst Riley observed with glee, causing all of these reactions with her own hands. However she wasn't silent during this, oh no. Riley saw this as a time to reminisce. After all, their time together was important to her. It was the first time in her life that she truly realised her superiority over another human.

“I have missed you Teddy.” Riley said as she continued tormenting him. She held back just a little, making sure that Teddy could focus enough to listen properly. “I'm going to assume you remember how we met, right? You were new, moved in from out of town. The quiet kid with no friends. Imagine my reaction when my friends tell me that you had a crush on me. I was almost offended, that such a loser would think he had a chance with me, but I was an enterprising little girl and saw an opportunity.”

“Seeing you come over to that quiet corner of the school was hilarious. After reading my love note you seemed so happy. That changed when I demanded you get on your knees and kiss my shoes. Did your heart break then, or was it when I started kicking you and trampling you? Maybe it was when I took pictures and videos on my phone, ordering you to come back the next day. You looked so worried when I threatened to show everyone, or maybe you were just afraid I'd kick your ass in public. But it worked, didn't it? You came right back for me to abuse you again. Day after day. Obedient little Teddy, crawling back to his queen.”

She didn't stop there, Riley's hand assault was relentless as she listed off events from their adolescence. She wasn't sure what he hated more, but it didn't matter too much. The fact that he was suffering, unable to stop or even slow her down, was enough. The main point of this first meeting was to leave an impression of dominance. The academy taught her as much, but this wasn't the traditional way of doing things. This was most definitely a Riley Levin original recipe of dishing out punishment.

When Riley did stop, the relief on Teddy's face was clear. He was breathless and defeated, but happy it was over. He would learn otherwise soon enough. When you were a shrinkee belonging to Riley, the punishment was never really over. She grabbed him by his little arm, dragging him over to a collection of forty-eight straps on the floor of the room. The forty-eight straps were divided into four lines of twelve in a cross formation, each strap becoming slightly smaller. Teddy didn't fight, he was currently incapable of catching a second wind. Perhaps if he had been more a fighter he may have struggled just a little, but he was used to losing. An easy target for a girl like Riley. She found no difficultly in the task of strapping Teddy into the largest set of straps, leaving him nice and exposed in a spread-eagle position.

“Perfect.” She said as she stood tall, staring down at Teddy.

Teddy squirmed under Riley's gaze. “W-w-w-what are you going to do to me?”

“I haven't quite decided yet Teddy. With you like this, I could do all kind of awful things to you. And you're more helpless than ever.” Teddy would have shrivelled up were his limbs not stretched out. Despite everything however, there was something going on in the small pair of underpants that the Association had so generously provided.

Riley saw it. She saw it and laughed. “Oh my god Teddy. Are you enjoying this? You're more of a pervert than I thought!”

“No! No no no! I'm not enjoying this!” Teddy wormed around on the ground, turning more red in the face than ever. He couldn't explain why his member was becoming engorged whilst enduring Riley's treatment.

“I think I know what it is. Well, I have two ideas actually. Either you still have a crush on me, or you just like being treated like the pathetic insect that you are. Or maybe even both!” Riley kept on laughing. She walked around to where Teddy's head was. “Open wide. Now.”


Riley raised her foot threateningly, showing him the sole of her boot. “Do it, or I stomp your head again. Harder, this time.”

Hesitantly, Teddy parted his lips and opened his mouth. Riley smirked, gathering saliva in her mouth and swilling it around whilst her leg lowered. With pouted lips, she let loose an impressive amount of drool that dropped directly into Teddy's mouth. There was enough of Riley's saliva to fill Teddy's mouth. He looked surprised and very nearly went to spit it out.

A black boot slammed down next to Teddy, right where he was going to release the substance filling his mouth. He recoiled. “Don't you fucking dare. You should be happy that I've given you such a generous gift. Your queen's saliva. Swallow it all.”

Teddy swallowed the mouthful of saliva. In all honesty, it wasn't that bad. Had Riley skipped brushing her teeth this morning and drank coffee it may have been a more miserable experience. However it was extremely humiliating regardless of the taste. Riley made sure that he felt the full effect by crouching down and laughing cruelly in his face. Her thoughts returned to the stirring in Teddy's underpants and a genuine question came to mind, one that may have especially humiliating repercussions.

“I have a question for you Teddy, one that I want you to answer truthfully.”

Instantly suspicious, Teddy regarded the SCO with no lack of caution, but answered anyway. “What is it?”

“Are you still a virgin?”

Teddy tensed up. “I... well... I guess you could say...”

“Yes or no Teddy. It's a simple question.”

He couldn't hold her gaze. “Y-yes.”

Riley's mouth became a hungry, grinning maw. “Excellent. That changes today.”

Suddenly, Teddy's eyes shot wide open. He looked at Riley with a mix of excitement and distrust. “Really? You're going to...”

“Oh no, silly Teddy. I'm not going to fuck you.” An awful, terrible odour flooded the room. Teddy immediately started coughing as he inhaled the pungent, cheesy aroma. It was utterly overwhelming, beyond the level of anything his nose had ever perceived. And yet the smell had some familiarity to it. It was similar to someone drinking mild strawberry flavoured water for all their life and finally eating a ripe, juicy strawberry, only to a much more horrific extent. In this analogy, the 'mild strawberry flavoured water' would be the sweaty post-game feet of the basketballer he lived with in the residential hall at university, the girl with the stinkiest feet he had ever met.

Teddy wanted the ground to swallow him up when Riley's hot, wet foot slapped against his head, putting light pressure on and forcing it to the ground. She giggled as she wiped her reeking foot sweat all over his face, trapped between the soft floor of the play room and rancid foot flesh. “No! NOOOOO!! GET OFF!” Teddy shouted desperately. His bound limbs were flailing around as much as the straps would allow. He clawed at the ground as if it would help.

The foot retreated. Riley changed position, standing instead between her shrinkee's spread legs. She raised her foot, exposing the wrinkled, sweaty red sole. The five toes wiggled maliciously, displaying their cherry coloured helmets. “That's right. My foot is going to fuck you. My big, stinky foot. The foot that is almost as large as you are. For the rest of your life you'll have to live with the fact that your virginity was not only taken by the extremely smelly foot of an SCO, but of the girl who used to bully you relentlessly. The foot of your first crush. I will cement my place as your one true queen.”

“Riley, please stop!” Teddy pleaded with far less vigour than before. The immense odour of Riley's bare foot was taking its toll on him and his lungs. Every breath was a miserable task, the air was heavy with cheesy foot odour. His eyes were watering.

Riley's foot descended. It landed on Teddy's shrunken body and quickly drenched him with foul smelling sweat. The toes kept wiggling over his face for a few seconds, allowing the even stronger odours from in between to freely assault his nose. Then they came to rest, sealing his head in a cave of rank toes. Each breath was a living nightmare. He prayed that the overwhelming stench would knock him out, let him escape to the land of unconsciousness, but the prayer went unanswered.

Just as she'd said, Riley started to thrust her foot against Teddy's exposed body, massaging the erogenous muscle hidden beneath a thin layer of material with a slab of sweaty skin. The hardness down below had started to fade under the effects of the sensory torture but with suitable stimulation from Riley's warm, fleshy sole it returned. After repeated thrusting Teddy was moaning against his will as his face was slammed into the base of his tormentor's grimy toes over and over. During the act Riley stayed silent, but her eyes were brimming with interest and amusement.

“S-stop...” Was all the weakening Teddy could muster. Despite the torture, he could feel arousal building up against his will. His lungs felt as if they were filled with foot stink. His mind was consumed by it. The constant thrusting of the foot kept Teddy tethered to the reality unfolding in the play room, the humiliating reality that his first real sexual experience with a girl would be getting humped by her foot.

“Ahhh!” Teddy cried out after several minutes of unending stimulation. Riley's disgusting foot had done it, he felt his cock spit out into the underpants he was wearing. The level of humiliation was unbearable.

“What a beautiful moment.” Riley grinned, settling her foot firmly on Teddy's rapidly rising and falling chest. “Kiss my toes, show my foot how much you appreciate it.”

Already broken after less than an hour with Riley, Teddy did it. He kissed the toes. He kissed the toes of the woman who felt nothing but pleasure as he suffered. As expected, the flavour was atrocious. It was to his taste buds what the smell was to his nose. But he kissed them all the same, hoping more than anything that this was just Riley going all out to break him. Because if she was like this all the time, he feared he might not make it through the whole month with his sanity intact.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
9. Practice makes perfect
“Do you have to go to work?” Tom asked, giving Ashley a soft kiss on the back of the neck.

“I'd rather not.” For a moment, she sunk deeper into her big spoon, snuggling against his warm body. “But if I don't, I doubt I'll be able to laud my employment over you for much longer.” Eyes closed, Ashley grinned.

“Ouch. For someone so pretty, you're damn mean.” Tom said, smiling. He retracted the arm that went over her body and gave her a firm squeeze to the side.

“Ah!” Ashley yelled, jumping out of her sideways position on the couch and falling to the floor. She turned her head to Tom with a fearsome glare.

Tom held up his hands in surrender, laughing. “I'm sorry! You started it.”

“It would be so much easier to believe you if you weren't laughing.” Ashley said as she climbed to her feet. She surprised Tom by leaping on top of him. Her hands were like homing missiles, grabbing his sides and squeezing them just as he had done to her. “Let's see how you like it!”

Laughter was forced from Tom as his smiling tigress of a girlfriend mounted him, her hands continually squeezing his sensitive sides whilst he uselessly tried to bat those hands away.

The door to Ashley's shared apartment opened then and in walked Kirsty. The first thing she saw was Ashley and Tom doing their thing on the couch. “Why hello there guys. Looks like you're having fun, do you need a hand Ashley?”

Ashley stopped her attack, looking down at Tom's pleading eyes. Then she raised her head to look at Kirsty. “Thanks for the offer Kirsty, but I have work soon. I fear we'd get carried away playing with ticklish Tom. How was work?”

“Good, for once. Something exciting happened.”

“Really?” Ashley moved from mounting Tom to simply sitting sideways on him, using him as a chair. He wasn't pleased but didn't throw her off, choosing to groan instead which only fed Ashley's smile. “What happened?”

“Well, you remember Daniel?”

“Ugh, how could I forget.”

“Today he tried it on with an SCO in plain clothes. He crossed a line by touching her and she put him on the floor, telling him that she has been warned about him. Police were called and he was taken away in tears. It was so funny! Even Rhonda was laughing and when Rita came out to see what was going on she joined in!”

“Oh my god, no way!” Ashley sounded almost as happy as Kirsty. Tom however had mixed feelings. Sure, he had been creepy and too forward with female customers, but the shrinking sentence seemed too extreme. And yes, it was highly likely that he would get a shrinking sentence. During Tom's recent research into the Association and their regulations, he found a lot of statistics, one of which told him that 90% of arrests made by SCOs led to a shrinking sentence.

“Work is going to be so much better without him around.” Kirsty flexed her feet and made a face of disgust. She leaned forwards quickly and ripped the black ankle socks off of her feet, making a gagging noise as she did. “Gross, my feet reek.”

“Duh, you just got off of work.”

“But look how pretty they are! They are too cute to be stinky.” Kirsty wiggled her chubby little toes, proudly showing off the perfectly painted pink toenails. “Are you still refusing to lend me your foot massager?”

“Sorry,” Ashley softly laid a possessive hand on Tom's head “he's mine and mine alone.”

“I'm glad I get a say in this. Hello by the way Kirsty. I didn't get chance to say it when you came in, Ashley is too busy using me as furniture when she really should be getting ready for her shift.”

“You were complaining a minute ago!” Ashley sighed. “However, you are right. I don't want to be late. Wait here, you're walking with me.”

“Am I?”

“I suppose it's up to you, Tom. Either you walk your beautiful girlfriend to her workplace and make her happy, or you laze around here and I give my room-mate permission to force her stinky feet upon you.” Ashley threatened with a smirk, before standing up and strutting away.

“I'll walk! I'll walk!” Tom sat up, making sure Ashley heard him. She didn't respond, stepping into her bedroom to get changed out of her pyjamas.

“Hey! My feet aren't that bad!” Kirsty lobbed a smelly used sock at Tom, putting on a mock sulking face and crossing her arms.

Tom swatted the sock away. “I know, I know. I just want to spend time with Ashley. You may not know this, but I think I might like her.” Tom smiled and winked at Kirsty.

Kirsty giggled. “You're an idiot. I can see why Ashley likes you, you're her type.”

“Oh I know. She simply melted in the face of my idiocy. Although I am scared of losing her to an even bigger moron, so I sometimes pretend to be less intelligent.”

“Sometimes?” Kirsty cocked an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips.

“Both of you are so quick to insult me!” Tom shook his head, chuckling.

“Birds of a feather Tom. Since you're going soon, pass me the remote.”

Kirsty got the remote and soon enough, Ashley returned to them, ready for work. After saying goodbye to the fatigued blonde they left, walking down the street holding hands. It was a nice day for walking honestly and Tom started to feel happier that his mom had needed the car for work. It wasn't too far either, much better than the prospect of having to walk to Kirsty's place of work. Plus he got to spend more time with Ashley. That was always a bonus.

Since their initial 'date' they had started seeing each other frequently. Although it had only been a week it felt to Tom like he'd known her for much longer. And Tom was very happy that Ashley had told him to stay over at her apartment this weekend, allowing them to become properly intimate. While they weren't actually official or anything, they had discussed it and were fine with the terms boyfriend and girlfriend. All in all, things were looking up for Tom.

Across the road from Crave Explorers the couple came to a stop. After embracing they broke apart and came back together briefly for a warm kiss. “So, when will I next see you?” Ashley asked.

“I don't know. My mom is basically using me as a maid until I get a job and because I've been away all weekend, the tasks will have piled up. Give it a few days. I'll text you and let you know.”

“Fine.” Ashley smiled, walking away backwards. “Hurry up and find a damn job.”

Tom smiled back. “I'm looking, I promise. Have fun at work Ash.”

“Yeah, yeah. See ya!”

Tom couldn't help but stare as Ashley twirled around and walked away. Clearly some kind of divine being was looking down on him that fateful Friday, granting him something good amongst all the bad. Sadly, her leaving meant one thing. It was time to go home. Tom had spent nights away a few times since his mom lumped all of the chores on him and upon returning he was always treated to a long list when he did get back. He certainly wasn't looking forward to that.

Nothing really interesting happened on the way. Without Ashley, it proved to be a boring walk. Tom had little else to do than revise the usual Association regulations in his head, he'd need them considering Riley's end goal. The little book of regulations that he had found in the library proved useful, although Tom had a sneaking suspicion that he might have been added to a list somewhere; the librarian had regarded him with a rather strange look. Supporters of the Association were everywhere. When recalling such information, it helped Tom to visualise it. He began with the one he was most familiar with, the one that Riley originally told him of.

Regulation 5:

A shrink correctional officer must not expose anyone to her feet unless authorised by the Shrink Correctional Association. Other rehabilitation methods are acceptable, as long as they do not cross the line and become assault. Exceptions can be made under the discretion of the Shrink Correctional Association in conjunction with the relevant authorities. Consenting individuals in licensed establishments also act as exceptions to this rule. Failing to follow this regulation shall result in disciplinary action the first time and a repeated failure to abide by this regulation shall result in severe disciplinary action. The Association understands that accidents can happen however and will launch a thorough investigation into any case should the offending shrink correctional officer request it.

Regulation 12:

Shrink correctional officers should view justice as their highest priority. While the Shrink Correctional Association does encourage shrink correctional officers to have pride in their work and we understand that some individuals are better suited for shrink rehabilitation than others, it does not condone framing. A personal grudge is just that. A shrink correctional officer proven to be framing an individual of a crime for any reason shall be subject to severe disciplinary action.

Regulation 17:

Extortion is a serious offence for a shrink correctional officer to commit. There is NO justification for using your power over a shrinkee to extort money or services from individuals, groups or businesses. If proven guilty of this, a shrink correctional officer shall be subject to disciplinary action. Exceptions to this rule can be made in certain circumstances, such as sting operations working alongside the relevant authorities or if the extorted party is a shrinkee themselves. In the latter case, extortion can be considered as contributing towards rehabilitation and is permitted.

Regulation 18:

Blackmail, in a similar vein to extortion, is a serious offence for a shrink correctional officer to commit. Using your knowledge of sensitive information regarding a shrinkee to obtain anything from individuals, groups or businesses for personal benefit is strictly forbidden. Any attempt to blackmail anyone using information gained from your position as a shrink correctional officer shall be punished with disciplinary action.

During his first read of the Association's book of regulations, these were the ones that stood out. Regulation 5 was a blessing, preventing Riley from tormenting him with her stinky feet whenever she felt like it. Tom simply needed to pay attention to the places he visited with his sister. Were they to visit a licensed location together, he had no doubt that Riley would lie and claim that he consented.

Regulation 12 served to protect him from being set-up by Riley, so long as he could prove it. That was one of Tom's fears ever since she had visited him in his room and boldly announced her master-plan. Knowing this regulation existed did ease some of the anxiety on his shoulders, but didn't disperse it entirely. If she did make a move to frame him of a crime, he needed proof that she did so. Solid alibis had to be formed. There would be no staying out with untrustworthy friends, only those he knew would rush to his defence. Thankfully, he trusted Ashley and by extension Kirsty, so their apartment was safe. Possibly the safest place for him. His mother, although she clearly favoured her daughter, would not stand to see her son convicted of a crime he did not commit; so she was an option too.

Although Tom doubted that the chances of Riley being assigned a shrinkee that he personally cared about were particularly high, Regulation 17 and perhaps even Regulation 18 might be useful. Even if she successfully tried to abuse his empathetic nature and threaten to punish a shrinkee who was a stranger to Tom it might be considered breaking Regulation 17, something he would have to keep an eye out for if he ever decided to report his sister. Obviously his mother would be against him reporting Riley, but she wasn't the one at risk of being subjected to an unfair shrinking sentence. Regulation 18 was even more of a stretch, but definitely worth keeping in the back of his mind.

The rest of the regulations weren't too useful to Tom. Sure, it was interesting to read about the rules that kept SCOs in line, but he couldn't afford to pay them too much attention and distract himself. Although this knowledge did provide some form of defence against Riley, Tom was aware that the Shrink Correctional Association was more likely to back a shrink correctional officer than one disgruntled young man, so if he were to strike back against his sister he would need solid evidence. For now, this knowledge best served him to avoid falling into any traps set by Riley.

One thing was for certain, Tom owed Kirsty one for suggesting to look up further regulations. Somehow the possibility hadn't crossed his mind.

Coming within sight of his home, Tom saw that the driveway wasn't empty. He didn't recognise the car, a white coupé. His mother's car was missing as she was at work, something he had expected, so it couldn't be any of her friends. That left only one remaining possibility. And as he walked up the driveway, Tom saw three people in the living room and sighed.

Not hesitating, Tom bit the bullet and entered through the front door. He took his shoes off and left them by the shoe cleaning station that his mom had set up the other week. Because Riley was unable to remove her boots if anyone else was around, the shoe cleaning station had proven to be a necessity. Oddly enough, there were three other pairs of shoes here, all trainers. This confused Tom, the people he had spotted through the window looked like Riley and a couple of her SCO buddies he saw her with at the graduation ceremony. So how were they shoeless and not stinking out the entire house?

He wasn't sure if it was curiosity driving him or if he felt the need to find out what task his mother had left for him but Tom rounded the corner into the actual living room itself. Three sets of eyes immediately turned to him. On the couch were the two girls he knew from Riley's graduation, the tall blonde girl who had seemed nice for an SCO, and the short, black haired girl of few words. Then, sat in the armchair with a small, collared man rubbing her feet was Riley herself. He looked rather defeated already, and Tom was aware that his sister had only just acquired him today. None of them wore their uniforms, instead they wore spandex workout gear of differing colours. The shrinkee didn't dare let Tom's interruption distract him. Tom couldn't help but notice that his sister's feet weren't bare, she wore a pair of black socks that looked as if they were made from latex. Sneaking a quick glance at the feet of the other girls he saw that they were the same.

Riley giggled. “Wow Tom. You haven't even said hello yet and you're already looking at our feet.”

A light blush came to Tom's cheeks. “That's not why I'm looking. How are you not wearing your boots?”

“And here I was thinking you'd finally developed a foot fetish. Shame. That would really have made our relationship more interesting. I've always dreamed of having a brother so hopelessly in love with my feet that he'll obey my every command.” Riley grinned and raised the foot that wasn't being massaged, wiggling her toes at him. “In answer to your question, wearing those big boots all the time can be both boring and uncomfortable. Especially when exercising. Thankfully, these smell shield socks exist. The three of us had a nice little trip to the gym with our shrinkees. You'd be amazed at how much having a little person around motivates us.”

Tom turned to Riley's friends. “I don't believe I've met either of you before. I'm Tom, Riley's older brother.” He smiled charmingly.

The black haired girl gave a sharp nod. “Taylor.”

The blonde girl was far more reactive. She blushed and let an oversized smile take her lips. “I'm Beth. I remember you from the graduation ceremony. That was so nice of you to come along and support your sister. She's told us so much about you.”

“Oh really?” Tom raised his eyebrows. “None of it good, I assume?”

Beth giggled. “Not all of it.”

Riley's left eye twitched with annoyance. “Are... are you ignoring me Tom?”

Tom was indeed ignoring his sister, and he continued to do so. “That's upsetting. Here I thought I was being such a good role model.”

“Teddy. Go upstairs. I've left a pair of shoes out for you. They're a pair of black Mary Janes, you'll recognise them, I can assure you of that. I haven't worn them for many years now, but considering how much I used to wear them, I'm sure they'll reek. You might be the only person alive right now who can compare my foot odour from when I was young to my foot odour now, so I expect you to give a report when asked. Also, if those shoes are still dirty or stinky when I investigate later, you will regret it. If you thought one SCO was bad, wait until you're at the feet of three.”

Riley's shrinkee didn't stick around after she gave the order. Almost as if it was arranged in advance, he stopped rubbing her socked feet without so much as a peep and crawled over to the stairs before ascending them to reach Riley's bedroom. The now unattended young woman interlocked her fingers and stuck her arms out in front, cracking her knuckles in an all too obvious manner. “So brother, you seem to be ignoring me. That ends right now, of course. Otherwise I'll be doing everything in my power to stop you completing your chores and get you in trouble with mom. How about that?”

Tom grimaced. It wouldn't be difficult for Riley to get him in trouble, especially with two witnesses. Hell, her shrinkee could make for a fourth witness. “Fine, you win. No more ignoring you.”

“See? Was that so hard?” Riley smiled sweetly. “If you want to know where the list of chores mom left you is, I have a clue.”

“She didn't leave it on the fridge as usual?”

Riley and her friends giggled. “She did, but I moved it.”

Tom exhaled loudly through his nose. “Of course you did. Where did you put it Riley?”

“I'll tell you, but you have to do something for me first.”

“Is it going to take long? Mom is not going to be happy with either of us if I neglect doing housework to act as your servant. Besides, can't you use your shrinkee?”

“It'll take... about a quarter of an hour. Maybe even half an hour. Not entirely sure. And no, I can't use Teddy, not only is he too small but he's also very busy cleaning a pair of shoes that don't fit my big feet any more.” Riley chuckled.

“Let me guess, I have to rub your feet or something?”

Grinning, Riley shook her head. “Did you not see Teddy rubbing my feet before? He's big enough for that. Unless you're offering your services, I have something else in mind. Although I'll have to share you with my friends, mom tells me that you've become quite the masseuse under her watchful eye.”

“Nope, not happening. Unless you stop stalling and tell me what you want I'll go find the list myself.” Tom was getting sick of his sister's games. He was well aware that his mom planned to keep him busy today after spending the weekend at Ashley's and this wasn't helping.

“So boring.” Riley pursed her lips. “The three of us need help practising our physical take-down manoeuvres. And you're going to be the one who we practice on.”

“What? Why can't you practice on each other?”

“Because we're all shrink correctional officers. What are the chances we will have to take down one of our own? We've had plenty of training with each other and instructors anyway. What we need is to practice against an untrained civilian and you fit the role perfectly, big brother.”

Tom was backed into a corner. Even though he knew that he was probably stronger than these girls younger than himself, they had received combat training. So the choices were to spend up to half an hour getting beat up by his sister and her friends, or earn his mother's wrath. “Will it hurt?”

“A little.” Riley answered with a smirk.

“I'll do it. Whatever.” Tom wasn't happy with the decision, but the alternative would likely prove worse.

“Yay! You hear that girls? Who wants to go first?”

Surprised, Tom joined his sister in looking at the two girls sat on the couch. He thought that this was just a dumb excuse for Riley to physically dominate him in front of her friends. Beth looked excited at the prospect and seemed eager to volunteer but didn't immediately do so. Taylor shrugged. “I suppose I could go first, if no one else wants to.” This pleased Tom. As the smallest of Riley's posse, Taylor might prove the easiest to fight.

“I-I-I want to!” Beth raised a hand and blushed deeply. She looked down, as if she regretted the sudden outburst. “I want to...”

Riley laughed. “Beth is up first. Pull the coffee table to one side Tom, we need an arena.”

After pulling the table well out of the way, Tom stood face to face with Beth in the clearing. She was taller than him, but he reminded himself that size didn't mean she was stronger. Tom examined his opponent and couldn't help but admire her slim build. It was obvious through the tight fitting clothes that she kept fit. As his eyes reached her feet, they bulged. Her feet were huge.

Remember Tom, all you have to do is stay standing. Resist her moves, don't let her take you down.

“Begin!” Riley shouted from her armchair.

The playful girl from a minute ago had disappeared. With staggering speed Beth had cleared the space between them. She had a serious look on her face and the blush in her cheeks had evaporated. Stunned, Tom was unable to do anything other than raise both hands to try and keep her away, but her long, outstretched arm found its way between them. Her hand grasped his shoulder, her arm was flat against his chest. A leg placed behind both of his was her finale before pushing him to the ground effortlessly.

But it wasn't over there. Beth did exactly what she had been taught at Hemlock. Her shapely rear end cut off Tom's shout of surrender as the sounds were collecting in his throat to be spewed forth. He couldn't use his arms to try and throw her off as her own had pinned both of his to the ground. Tom's face was buried in Beth's wriggling ass. The material of her shorts was damp with ass sweat and clung to his face.

Suddenly, Beth threw herself off of Tom and was kneeling by his side, a concerned expression on her face. “Oh my god, are you okay? I went too far, I'm so sorry!”

Meanwhile Riley was howling with laughter and clapping her hands. Taylor had finally chosen to be expressive, grinning with amusement at either Tom's humiliating defeat, her friend's awkward apology to the loser, or maybe even both.

The smell of post-gym ass was still hot in Tom's nose. His face had reddened from the warmth and pressure. Trying his best to ignore these things, he laid a reassuring arm on Beth's leg. “It's fine. You're really good at this, unfortunately for me.” Despite the embarrassing situation, Tom couldn't help but be touched by Beth's display of concern. She wasn't like Riley at all.

Beth became a little flustered when Tom's hand made contact with her leg. “B-but still, I should have realised it was only practice. They taught us how to subdue our opponents in the most humiliating way possible.”

“Taylor, you're up against my brother next. Tom, try not to lose so quickly this time.”

Riley instructed and the room obeyed. A once more blushing Beth returned to her seat on the couch and the black haired girl stood up, stretching her limbs as she stood where her friend had been. Tom felt better about his chances here; Taylor was shorter and lighter. Tom reckoned that if he could wrap his arms around her, she wouldn't be able to break free and the win would be his.

“Don't worry.” Taylor spoke with a smirk. “Because the three of us decided to participate in spin class, my shrinkee is currently occupying my ass, and he doesn't like to share. He wants these sweaty cheeks to himself. So you won't be getting my bum in your face.”

“Lovely.” Tom responded dryly. The fact that they did spin class explained the state of Beth's bottom. Tom tried not to think about the tiny man in Taylor's shorts having to endure being bashed between a perspiring ass and a bike seat that had seen plenty of perspiration from asses in its time. Although it certainly was impressive that they all had so much stamina left after such a tough gym session. It seemed that Hemlock Academy trained its SCOs well. Taylor had more exposed skin than Beth, with a cropped top showing off her stomach and the pierced bellybutton in the middle.


Taylor was even faster than Beth. It made sense, given her smaller frame. However this time, Tom was ready for such speed. He opened his arms wide and stepped towards the advancing girl. As his arms closed Tom felt the rush of victory incoming.

But his arms caught only air.

Taylor ducked the bear hug and dashed behind Tom. He felt a rush of wind across his back just before a pale arm wrapped around his head. Prickly, foul smelling skin was forced over his eyes and nose as he was dragged backwards and to the ground by the Taylor's full body weight. They landed with her knee underneath Tom's back. The blow stopped him from hitting the ground and made him wince in pain.

“How does that smell, huh?” It seemed that Taylor became slightly less quiet while she was dominating someone. With Tom's head firmly stuck in the small girl's arm lock, she moved around, rubbing her acrid armpit all over his face. At this point Riley was crying with laughter and even the far less sociopathic Beth was giggling at the expense of the person she had recently apologised to.

“MMMMPPPHH” Tom was muffled by Taylor's pale skin, his nose and eyes subjected to somewhat fresh armpit sweat.

Taylor then shuffled the centre of her armpit, the worst smelling part of the sweaty pit, over to Tom's mouth. “Kiss. Give my armpit a kiss right in front of your younger sister. Otherwise, I ain't letting go.”

Tom didn't give in. Well, that wasn't totally true. He didn't give in immediately. For a few minutes he struggled around as the juice made from the fruit of Taylor's exercise was smeared all over his face. Whenever it seems like he was about to break free, Taylor expertly moved her body to remain out of reach of Tom's arms whilst also keeping him on the ground with his head lodged in the one place he didn't want it to be lodged. He eventually gave an exasperated sigh, allowing his limbs to flop in defeat. Puckering up, Tom lightly kissed the disgusting armpit of Riley's friend.

Taylor laughed harshly. “That it? Gotta be louder, I want Riley and Beth to hear.”

With his taste buds still in recoil from their first contact with the bitter sweat that soaked the flesh of Taylor's armpit, Tom gave another kiss. This time it was exactly what Taylor desired. Loud and wet. The bitterness completely filled Tom's mouth this time and he gagged.

“No way! He actually did it!” Riley wiped away tears, still laughing obnoxiously.

“Damn, I could have made him kiss my ass.” Beth almost sounded remorseful at having missed out on such an opportunity.

Thankfully Taylor made good on her promise and released Tom, letting him collapse into a defeated heap on the floor. She looked down at her fallen foe and sniggered, blowing a kiss before returning to the couch. She certainly had livened up, and Tom didn't think he liked it.

“Two losses in a row Tom. Let's see if I can make it three!” Riley just about leapt out of her seat, walking straight over to her downed brother. Surprisingly she extended a hand to him, offering to help him up from the floor. But it was a jest, of course. When Tom reached out for her support Riley whipped her hand and smirked with an insufferable level of smugness.

Tom gritted his teeth. He couldn't think of a witty remark so he stayed silent. Climbing to his feet, he saw Riley limbering up in an exaggerated manner. All the while her gleeful eyes were on him. Unmoving. Unblinking. Eerily reminiscent of a lion eyeing up a gazelle. Except Riley didn't want to eat him.

“You ready?” She asked with a smile as she stopped stretching her limbs, taking up a sumo stance. Judging from the reaction of her friends, she wasn't taking this seriously in the slightest.

“I am. Are you?”

“I'll always be ready for you Tom. Taylor, if you don't mind?”

“Begin.” Taylor said. She didn't match Riley for enthusiasm, but since fighting her Tom could detect an underlying amusement in her otherwise apathetic tone.

“Here I come.” Riley was still smiling as she advanced slowly, taking one ridiculously large step after another with her mocking gait.

Tom remained on the spot. Somehow, this approach made him even more nervous than he had been in the encounters with Beth and Taylor. He couldn't even begin to predict what she would do next. Cautiously he held out both hands in front of himself, fingers open as if ready to catch anything Riley would throw his way.

Riley mimicked her brother's defence, maintaining the crouched sumo stance until she got close enough. Then she pounced. Perhaps she could have slipped right past Tom's guard had she tried. Perhaps she would have been held back by his greater reach. But no, Riley made contact with Tom and the two were suddenly holding hands.

“Aww bro; if you wanted to hold my hands you could have just asked!” Her voice was sweet, but her actions were not. As she spoke her hands squeezed Tom's hard, pushing upwards to bend his fingers backwards. He felt himself begin to crumble, the rapidly increasing pain in his knuckles was beginning to be too much.

Dominating her brother with her surprisingly strong grip strength, Riley started to push him back. With a simple exertion she forced him back a step. “You know Tom, you're welcome to give up anytime. Just tell me that I'm the best, and that you love my feet, then I'll let go of your hands. There's a forfeit too, obviously.”

The option to give up was tempting. The pain was getting worse by the second. Not only was Tom slowly being pushed back, but his legs were also failing him. Although Tom was the taller of the two siblings, Riley was now looking down at him. The hope that she would show mercy and relent disappeared from his mind when it felt as though his fingers were soon to be ripped out of their sockets.

“Riley! You win!”

“That's not what I want to hear, is it?”

Had he not been in this situation, Tom would have sighed at his sister's verbal antics. But a sigh wasn't appropriate here. He closed his eyes. “Riley, you're the best!”


“I...” It was unclear if Tom's face was turning red due to the pain or the building humiliation. “I love your feet.”

Satisfied, Riley lets go and allows Tom to hit the ground. He immediately tried to nurse his aching hands, gently rubbing them against his chest. The pain wasn't intense any more however a certain soreness remained. A shadow fell across Tom's face and he searched for the source, finding it to be Riley's oncoming foot. Before he could react the sole hit his face and pushed his head to the ground.

Tom tried to shake the socked foot from his face but Riley kept the pressure high and his head immobile, crushed underneath. He thanked whatever gods were watching for the existence of smell shield socks, even though this might have been the perfect opportunity to bring down his sister.

“As forfeit, you have to kiss my foot. One hundred times.” Riley marinaded in her victory, staring down at Tom under her foot.

Tom kissed. Once. Twice. Three times. He kept going, all three girls counting in unison with each contact between his lips and his sister's peculiar sock. He couldn't go too quickly, knowing that they would take any excuse not to count a kiss. At the beginning of this humiliating display Tom reasoned that giving one hundred kisses to his sister's sock, devoid of the odour hiding within, was better than kissing Taylor's armpit but when he reached his thirty-third kiss he changed his mind. This wouldn't have been better if it were just him and Riley. With her friend's here it was so much worse.

“Ninety-nine. One hundred!” The girls finished the count and cheered. Riley removed her foot and took a bow.

Tom endured. He had to. He stood up, his face bright red, and somehow managed to look his sister in the eyes. “I've done it. I've played my part as practice dummy for you and your friends. Where's my chore list?”

Riley smirked. “You honestly thought I'd tell you?”

Feeling his fists clench up involuntarily, Tom stomped away, infuriated. He questioned why he had ever trusted in Riley keeping her word.

“Wait!” Riley called out. Her voice gave away that she was on verge of more laughter at her brother's expense. Despite everything, Tom stopped in his tracks. “Good to see that you obey my commands. I appreciate your help Tom. You're such a sweet older brother. I put the chore list inside mom's smelly trainers. They're in her bedroom, inside the closet.”

For a moment, Tom stayed silent. Then, he supposed he should say something. “Thank you.”

“Don't mention it.” Riley sounded as though she were finished, but after two steps Tom stopped once more at the sound of her voice. “Be warned Tom, next time I won't be wearing a smell shield sock. And you will be a lot smaller.”

Ignoring the threat, Tom stormed off. For a second there, his anger had dissipated. But Riley just had to have the last word and reignite the annoyance he felt. Up the stairs he went. Luckily, the anger did somewhat distract Tom from the fact that he'd have to put his hand inside his mom's stinky, greasy shoe to fish out his list.

Riley's bedroom door was open a crack and as he walked past, he couldn't help but take a peek. He convinced himself that his motivation was morbid curiosity, but perhaps there was a part of him that wanted to look into his potential future, know what might be in store for him. Inside, in the looming shadow of a large pair of black boots, the shrinkee known as Teddy was on his knees, his face stuffed deeply into one of two small shoes. Judging from his movements, he was lapping away obediently, the brief pauses between each motion implying that the task was far from pleasant. Even outside of the room, the odour of the boots touched Tom's nose. Within the room, the odour must have been unbearable. And anywhere near the boots, it had to be even worse.

Shaking his head, Tom moved on. Riley hadn't told him which trainer she had put the list in and of course he picked the incorrect one first, doubling the amount of gross shoes he had to shove his hand inside. Unfortunately the list seemed to be tainted by his mom's foot odour, leaving him with no choice but to use a foul smelling piece of paper as he worked around the house. On the plus side, Riley and company decided to leave him alone save for a few passing comments, saving their cruelty for another day, and hopefully, for another victim.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
10. Interlude - Creative cruelty
As Naomi walked down the street, swinging her transportation cylinder, she felt her mobile phone vibrating in the confines of her skirt pocket. She ignored it, of course. After such a heated discussion with her mother earlier, it wasn't surprising to Naomi that the woman would relentlessly call her phone on the trip to another client.

Naomi felt the eyes of many people settle on her as she travelled to her car. Some stared because they recognised her. Some stared because of her uniform. Some stared just because she was hot. Whatever their reason for looking, Naomi smiled because of the attention. Sometimes the model used a driver, but she liked driving around. With her mother trying to have people wait on her hand and foot it was nice to reclaim some independence. At her age, relying on other people was quickly becoming tiresome.

Perhaps one would expect someone rich like Naomi to drive a luxurious vehicle. That was incorrect. She had a little white car simply because she thought it was cute. Indeed, such a car did suit her well. After stepping inside, buckling the transportation cylinder into the passenger seat and checking her make up in the mirror, she set off. The destination was somewhere very important for her tiny.

Whilst stopped at a set of traffic lights, Naomi reached over and opened up the cylinder. For an experienced SCO, the push twist pull motion was something done almost without thought.

“Harry?” Naomi called out. At 3 inches tall, she didn't expect to hear the shrinkee's response. Her aim here was to let him know that he had fallen into her custody once more, to excite him. Building up his excitement would serve his sentence well.

“Don't worry, we're almost at our destination. Then I'll take you out of there and begin your year of stinky feet fun.” Part of her wanted to say 'our stinky feet fun', but that would have been an outright lie.

The drive was short enough. The destination was a family home in a suburban area of Queenswall. The attractive SCO knew that this place once housed a close, happy family. Now there was only a sole occupant. That, however, was about to change. Pulling into the drive, the car slowed to a complete halt.

After unbuckling, Naomi did the same on the passenger seat and lifted the lidless cylinder over to her lap. She smiled flirtatiously down at the shrinkee within and he smiled right back. “Miss me?”

“More than anything, my queen.” Harry was quite attractive in his own right. Nowhere near the level of Naomi, but attractive nonetheless. A lot of the confidence he had at full size was diminished when shrunken down. The loss of size had that effect on almost everyone, it was a near inevitable side effect and if it didn't set in immediately, it would once an SCO started doing her thing. Last time they had been together Naomi had bathed the young man in foot sweat so much that his bright blond hair had greyed and he had come away at the end of his two month sentence thinking that the smell of his caretaker's feet would never wash out of his skin. Not that he would have minded, but the humiliation factor would have proved to be a difficult obstacle.

In fact, Harry's comments to Naomi about how embarrassing it would be smelling of foul SCO feet all the time would be had been the main inspiration for the punishment she had lined up. He had a life and job outside of the two shrinking sentences he had already endured and liked returning to them, seeing the sentence as a perverted vacation of sorts. Naomi had warned him that the next sentence would likely be around a year in length but that had only phased him a little. If only he knew what his SCO had planned. She was sure that a year under her feet would break even an extreme fetishist such as him, but she had a better plan in mind.

“You're so sweet.” Naomi stuck an extended finger into the cylinder and booped the tiny man on the head. “Did you catch my latest photo-shoot?”

“I did!” He shouted up.

“What did you think?”

“Incredible, as always Naomi. Although they could have gotten more pictures of your feet.”

Naomi blushed. She didn't feel particularly flattered having a shrunken, perverted convict complimenting her, but over the years she had mastered the art of faking a blush. “Aww, thanks! I tried to get them to take more foot shots, but the photographers were having none of it. They couldn't handle the smell!” Her kind smile transformed into a cheeky grin. “I bet you would have been able to stand it, wouldn't you?”

“Oh yes, without a doubt.”

“So you're ready for a whole year of my immensely smelly feet?” Suddenly her voice became cold and far more serious.

The shiver that ran through Harry was visible. He looked unsure to say the least. “O-of course I am. I love your feet Naomi.”

“I know you do. But last time you seemed like you were approaching breaking point towards the end of those two months. How will you last a year?”

“This is what I want! I want to be crushed under your stinky feet. I want to be 'forced' to worship them whenever you so much as snap your fingers. For this year, I will be your tiny foot slave and I will enjoy every second of it!” In an effort to convince both himself and the SCO, Harry clenched his fists and yelled.

The kind smile returned. “We'll see Harry, we'll see. Before anything, I have to introduce you to a friend I have made recently. I got into contact with her a few months back and lately we've been preparing something special.”

Harry looked ecstatic. “Is she hot? Does she have feet as smelly as you?”

Naomi shook her head carefully. “You're so short sighted. Emphasis on the 'short' especially. Yes Harry, she's beautiful. And while her feet aren't quite as pungent as that of an SCO, they are pretty putrid when she puts her mind to it and oh boy has she put her mind to it. Would you like to sample one of her gym socks? I have one prepared.”

The shrinkee nodded enthusiastically, which made Naomi laugh. “Here you go then, it's a few weeks old but should still be nice and ripe!” As soon as the sock fell onto the naked, shrunken man he embraced it, shoving his face deep into the musty material and took huge whiffs.

“I've missed this! But this sock, it smells...”

“I know it smells.” Naomi followed this with a giggle.

“No, it smells... familiar. Do I know this person?” Inside the cylinder, Harry began to feel a little uneasy. He feared that Naomi might have gotten in touch with one of the girls from work. The people at the office knew what he had been sentenced to, but for one of the gossip-mongers from work to find out about his fetish and willingness to endure the sentence would be disastrous for his reputation. Despite all this, the aroma made him undeniably erect.

Another giggle. “You might. Be patient, soon enough you'll see.”

With that, Naomi picked up the transportation cylinder and the discarded lid that went alongside it and exited her car. A few strides later and she was at the door. Having already made preparations she had no need to knock and simply twisted the handle and stepped inside.

“Hello? It's Naomi! I've got the special guest here with me!”

Heavy footsteps sounded from the kitchen. Instructed in advance to be quiet, an older blonde woman leaned out of the kitchen door, grinning and drying her hands with a tea towel. She mouthed something to Naomi and Naomi nodded with understanding, heading into the living room and taking a seat. The armchair was left vacant with the matching ottoman neatly placed in front, which is where Naomi put the open cylinder. She put the lid on the coffee table. The handlers were never happy when their equipment went missing.

Soon enough, the blonde woman joined the SCO and the shrinkee in the living room, taking her place in the armchair. Even if Naomi had shut her eyes she'd have been able to tell exactly where the woman was, because she was wearing a pair of rugged hiking boots around the house.

The two women mouthed silent greetings to one another. Everything was ready and in place. The only thing left to do was to introduce the shrinkee to the woman who would be taking care of him in lieu of Naomi for the duration of his sentence.

With everything utterly quiet they could just about hear Harry shouting within the cylinder. “Hello? Naomi? What's happening?”

“Don't worry, I'm here. Get inside that sock, okay? We're gonna pull you out of that cylinder and have some fun.”

After a few seconds, Naomi spoke again. “Are you in the sock?”

A muffled reply came from the cylinder. Naomi nodded the affirmative to the woman in the armchair and she reached inside, grabbing the sock by the opening and lifted it out into the open air. Naomi picked up the now empty transportation cylinder and placed it next to the lid, out of the way of where the action would occur.

The mature blonde woman lowered the shrinkee-laden sock to the soft surface of the ottoman. “Come on out!” Naomi ordered, her lips curling and widening in anticipation.

Harry emerged from the sock, pushing his way out of the soft piece of footwear smiling and fully erect. He stood up, back to the armchair and eyes on Naomi. Then he heard the woman sat in the armchair clear her throat to grab his attention and he turned around.

Naomi wished that she could have seen the look on his tiny face as he saw who she had involved in his shrinking sentence. Harry backed away without looking and tripped over the empty sock. His penis still stood tall however, despite how horrified his expression was.

“Hello Harry!” Harry's mother beamed down at her shrunken son. “It's been a while. You really have been neglecting me, haven't you? Don't worry, we'll have a whole year to help you make up for that.”

“M-m-m--” Harry stammered as he thought about the situation and realised how screwed he was. Sure, he'd be getting more time with giant, stinky feet, perhaps more than he could handle, but those feet would belong to his mother. A relative. The very woman who gave birth to him. Sometimes, Harry felt ashamed because of his fetish, mostly after he had just blown a fresh load, but this was something else. Not only did his own mother know of the embarrassing perversion that was currently the reason why he was aroused, but it seemed that she was willing to subject him to it herself.

Naomi giggled when she saw Harry's ghostly pale face look back at her with pleading eyes. “Sorry Harry, but you're the one who wanted to be shrunken down to be around smelly feet. Just because the feet don't belong to who you wanted, it's too late to change your mind. Every moment of your shrink sentence from now on will be spent with your delightful mom. Take it away, Betty.”

“Thank you Naomi.” Betty gave the SCO an appreciative smile before turning her eyes back to her shrunken son. “Now Harry, time to see what I have prepared for you. I'm positive you'll love it!”

Harry's eyes widened further as his mom lifted one foot at a time, placing them on either side of her shrunken son. Hiking boots. Beaten and battered with the treads caked in dried dirt. Some of said dirt marked the surface of the ottoman where the sole of the boot came into contact. The shrinkee shook his head in a moment of fervent disbelief. Harry knew his mom's hiking boots to be her foulest pairs of shoes after an educational yet shameful exploration of her footwear collection, back in his adolescent years when he cared less about getting off to his mother's foot odour. Clearly she hadn't invested in a new pair. That wasn't the thought that dominated Harry's mind however. Betty's annual hiking trip shouldn't have been until next week by his estimation, unless he was wrong?

Betty chuckled. “Been wearing these babies, with the same pair of warm, thick socks, for two weeks now. That was when Naomi contacted me and asked for my assistance. When I do actually go hiking, I imagine my feet will reach of level of stench I didn't think was possible. You'll be able to take it, right? You enjoy SCO feet after all, and I know for a fact that I can't match that foot odour.” Betty paused and momentarily adopted a more serious expression. “Honestly, I'm not one-hundred percent comfortable with the thought of you orgasming at my feet, Harry, however the way Naomi spun it, this seems like it will do you some good. So I went all out.” She began undoing the double knotted laces. “Any dirt left behind shall be your responsibility to clean up. With your little mouth, obviously. It'll be an unpleasant task, just like licking my sweaty feet will be, but since you actually enjoy that I'm sure you won't mind.”

A curious look appeared on Betty's face. “That is fine, right Naomi? He'll be able to digest dirt from the bottoms of my boots?”

Naomi was amused by the question, it wasn't often a mother would ask if her son could eat the dirt from a pair of her hiking boots. She wondered what exactly caused the older woman to act so cruel towards the shrunken young man, other than her own influence. How long had Harry gone without visiting his mother? Perhaps he'd missed a birthday or two? That could explain things. “The shrinking process doesn't just reduce their size. It completely, and temporarily, changes their digestive system. Shrinkees can turn just about anything into nutrition, even dirt and foot excretions. Don't worry about the amount either, Harry's metabolism has been sped up and altered in such a way that absolutely no waste is produced. The entire process is all rather convenient honestly, it's amazing what the minds of the R&D department can come up with. They've made so many developments since the founding of the Association.”

“In that case, I expect my boots will be sparkling when you're done with them Harry. Then you can do it all over again after my hiking trip.” Both sets of laces were now completely undone and thoroughly slackened. Using two hands to firmly grasp the right shoe, Betty made noises of exertion as she strained to pull the boot from her foot. But off it came with a deep pop, exposing a once white sock that was utterly drenched and discoloured by sweat. She absent-mindedly lowered the socked foot to the ottoman next to Harry as she moved her attention to the second boot.

Harry nervously backed away, towards the edge of the ottoman. The smell was potent, a foulness that washed over him and filled his nose, yet he felt his cock tensing as he was hit by a burst of unavoidable arousal. As his mother had claimed, it didn't match up to an SCO, but anyone without a foot fetish would flee after catching a whiff. Whilst his mom was distracted, he looked over his shoulder and considered jumping off the ottoman and considered an escape attempt, but a subtle tongue click from Naomi brought his gaze up to her own, hawkish stare.

“Ah, that does it!” Betty announced, placing the boot by its twin on the floor and planting a second foot by her shrunken son. “Are you trying to run away from me Harry? Do you not realise how futile that is?” She chuckled upon spotting her son near the edge of the ottoman. It was a simple task for Betty to lift her foot and bring it down upon him, smothering his entire 3 inch body beneath the mass of soggy, grimy material.

“This is fun!” Betty exclaimed. The action was occurring far too close to the edge for her liking and so she clenched those sock covered toes around Harry and moved him to the middle before proceeding to crush him once again under her reeking foot.

“Does the smell not bother you?” Betty asked Naomi, splitting her attention in half.

“Not in the slightest.” Naomi smiled sweetly. “I'm sure that you have built up an impressive stench, but SCOs are conditioned to block out all perception of foot odour, so we don't torture ourselves whilst we torture shrinkees. A strong enough odour will overcome conditioning, but such a thing is nearly impossible.”

“Ah.” The single mother nodded with understanding. Based on the way that she was twisting her foot, smushing Harry harder than ever, she seemed to be enjoying her participation. “Another thing that has been bothering me, something I haven't thought to ask until now, is the Shrink Correctional Association okay with you lending out your assigned shrinkee like this?”

“Of course. As long as borrowing is reported and documented, there is no problem. In the earlier days, there was an SCO who kept asking for more and more shrinkees, giving them out to a large number of women and reaping the rewards of a bolstered wage. The imbecile apparently went too far and made it so that her projected wage would be greater than even that of the director.”

“What happened to her?”

“Well, the Association noticed obviously. All of the shrinkees were retrieved and all of the participants were given brief shrinking sentences, save for the SCO herself. The director and the rest of the higher-ups decided that severe disciplinary action or dismissal were too lenient, that they had to set a precedent. The idiotic woman was given a 10 year shrinking sentence.”

“How effective was that? I can't see it being very effective with the conditioning in place, did they remove it?” Betty was so curious that she was distracted enough to decrease some of the pressure on her shrunken son. Only a little though.

“Remember how I said an odour strong enough to overcome conditioning is nearly impossible?”

Betty gasped at the implication, causing Naomi to chuckle. “I don't know who it is, or if it all actually a fabrication to scare new SCOs into obeying the regulations, but I certainly never want her feet anywhere close to me. Hell, there could even be more than one woman like that. The offending SCO's sentence is supposed to end next year from what I've heard, we're all excited to meet her if she actually is allowed to rejoin society.”

“Oop.” Betty made a shocked noise, suddenly looking at the foot she was using to pummel Harry. “Looks like poor little Harry became a bit overwhelmed with excitement under my big, stinky foot.”

“Already?” Naomi snickered. “Come on Harry, I know for a fact you can last longer than that! Unless you just move your mom's feet that much more than mine? You really are a pervert.”

“He can definitely hear us.” Betty giggled, not letting up on her son despite the reluctant ejaculation. In fact, she seemed spurred on by it, shifting the weight of her foot more rapidly in an effort to stimulate him further. “I felt him struggle even more when you were mocking him.”

“Aww! Is the tiny baby embarrassed that the pretty girl is laughing at him?” Naomi said in a teasing tone before giggling along with her shrinkee's dominant mother.

“Maybe you should remind me of what else you have in mind for the next year.” Betty said, winking at the SCO. “I could use a refresher, and I'm sure your genius idea will make my boy even happier.”

“Ah yes, of course. Harry, I'm sure you've heard of the website 'Perspective.tv?' Y'know, where vloggers, and video gamers alike can livestream?”

Betty giggled. “He's nodding against my toes.”

“Recently, the Association has been exploring new methods of punishment. Humiliation is of special interest, it can be utilised in so many different ways. And what better method of humiliation than streaming a shrinkee's rehabilitation for anyone in the world to see on a whim? SCOs are loving it so far; I myself can empathise with the ones who are receiving a lot of attention.” As she spoke, Naomi felt herself feeling nostalgic, remembering the two times her career had taken off and she was thrust into the limelight. The first time was the lesser of the two; being the fantasy of a bunch of foot fetishists didn't quite match the level of attention she got as a proper model, but it was a fond memory nonetheless. In fact, it was empowering knowing that she could have had any one of them at her beck and call if she had felt like it, and she wouldn't have even had to have sex with them, a show of her feet would have been enough.

“After speaking to some of my superiors, the ones overseeing the SCO section of Perspective.tv, they have agreed that allowing your mother to stream there would be a fun experiment, Harry. It is rare that a shrinkee ends up at the mercy of a family member which grants extra humiliation points for sure. After contacting everyone on your social media pages to see whether they'd be interested in seeing you tiny and dominated by your mom's foot and the accompanying odour and we find the feedback to be extremely positive. The girls from your office were particularly excited, they told be that they'd be gathering for a girls night in soon and that your rehabilitation would be excellent entertainment.”

“He doesn't seem too happy about that.” Betty chuckled, shaking her head. “He's going crazy down there.”

“I'm not surprised, I think poor Harry has gone to great lengths to conceal his fetish.”

After a few more minutes of abusing her son with a stinky socked foot, Betty lifted the weight from Harry, revealing a shrinkee wide eyed and shaking, grime and lint from the sock having clung to him like glue. He looked down between his legs with disbelief, surprised and ashamed that his cock still stood tall.

“Right Harry, we can't keep Naomi waiting forever. She is a very busy young lady. And you're going to be a very busy young man. Our first livestream is scheduled this evening and if my hiking boots aren't spotless by then, I am going to be rather displeased.”

As Naomi stood and made to leave, she found a tiny set of eyes on her. She met Harry's gaze with a smug smile. It was cathartic seeing him in such distress. She had spent a total of one week and two months trying to break him and he endured her smelly foot punishment with a smile and an erection. Now here he was, facing a year under his mom's feet, some of which would be shared live on the internet, and his face was a sight for sore eyes. An expression of pure dread.

Naomi blew a kiss at her former shrinkee. “Good luck later Harry. I'll be watching.”

At 18:00 that very evening, thousands of new viewers logged onto Perspective.tv. A small portion of these came from connections to the new shrinkee star, Harry. Some of these connections were shallower than others, a good amount of this group barely knew him, yet were curious. A much larger percentage tuned in because of the exposure provided by Naomi herself. Being a popular model did have its benefits and her social media reach was not to be underestimated.

All of this, both the players and the spectators, gathered by one determined SCO. Naomi had put far more effort than usual in for this, and she was pleased at what she saw.

Before going into great detail of the stream itself, which would start soon enough, perhaps a description of the beautiful SCO's current location would be appropriate.

She was relaxing in a comfortable beige chair, inside a private room. The room was located in a special Queenwall establishment: the Aphrodite Lounge. It was a place where any woman holding a membership could come along and be made to feel like royalty. Membership was expensive, however. The staff working at the Aphrodite Lounge obeyed any command given to them by members, disobedience was not tolerated even a little. And, to Naomi's delight, the Aphrodite Lounge was licensed to accommodate SCOs. Meaning that this was one of the few places in the city that she could truly enjoy herself.

After the business with Harry, Naomi had found herself feeling more sadistic than usual. Even though she had given the shrinkee a torment that would take advantage of his perverse desires, she didn't feel satiated. Sure, seeing his misery had proven to be immensely satisfying, but that wasn't enough.

Those feelings and frustrations combined, resulting in the situation currently ongoing in her private room at the Aphrodite Lounge. Her smooth, waxed legs were extended and both bare feet were side by side on the back of a male server, who was on hands and knees with his face directly above the openings of Naomi's empty, reeking SCO boots. The man looked physically strong, but the powerful, unpleasant aroma he breathed sapped the strength from his muscles and he lightly trembled under the model's slender legs. She flexed her toes, admiring the fine job that her pedicurist had done on them. They were without colour, as she had been unable to decide on one when asked. All colours looked good on her, a sentiment to which the pedicurist had enthusiastically agreed. But now, Naomi was left wishing she had gone for a light shade of pink.

The inspiration for such remorse lay just beyond the ten flexing toes. Kneeling down in front of the human footrest, a blonde female server with a streak of light pink in her hair was sniffing loudly at the pretty toes, just as commanded. When Naomi first told the girl to kneel and sniff her toes, the server had thought she could get away with quiet, hesitant sniffs. That wasn't good enough for Naomi. With her fingers teasingly close to the big red button on the arm of the beige chair, Naomi had told the sever to sniff nice and loud. With wide, fearful eyes, the server had obeyed. Now those eyes were reddened and watering at the foul odour of SCO feet. It was obvious that the young girl wanted nothing more than to get up and run away, but the consequences for getting caught made disobedience far from worth it. If a person found themselves unfortunate enough to be in the employ of the Aphrodite Lounge, it was best for them to tough it out. The alternative was so much worse.

Wanting to be a little more involved, Naomi reached just that bit further with her foot and spread her toes. With a little lift she positioned the server's nose between the big toe and the second toe. The girl groaned miserably, making Naomi giggle. She wasn't often this mean, but being around individuals who could resist her greatest weapons made the SCO need to remind herself of how effective she was as a stink torturer.

Then, the show started. Naomi was already on the channel she had created for Harry's mother with a few hundred other people. As the scheduled start time approached, that number soared over one thousand and kept steadily building.

“Umm, hello?” The hesitant voice of Betty could be heard broadcast through the surround sound system in the room. It was a maternal voice, much more so than that of Naomi's own, strict mother. In a way, that made the domination dynamic between giant mother and shrunken son all the more delicious.

“Welcome to my first stream. My name is Betty, and I have a son who has been very naughty indeed. Would you like to meet him?” She said with a laugh lining her tone.

The chat exploded with an unrelenting torrent of positive replies. There were a few negatives, but those were likely SCO haters or people trying to use contrarianism as a source of humour. “Oh wow, that sure is a lot of replies. How many of you are there? Let's see...” Betty suddenly gasped and stared chuckling nervously. “T-three thousand people? You guys must really want to see my son meet my stinky foot. Well, you'll get exactly what you want.”

Betty moved the camera, which had been trained on the bottom half of her smiling face, to point instead at her shed hiking boots. One of the boots looked different to earlier, very clean in spots and patches. “These are my hiking boots. I've had them for a long while now, years in fact, and they are extremely stinky. On hiking trips I rarely remove them. As you can see, they are pretty damn filthy, which you might expect. Since receiving my son Harry from his lovely and beautiful SCO, he has been licking away at them at my command. I told him that if they weren't completely clean by the time the stream started, he'd be in big trouble. And as you can all see, they're still very dirty.”

Naomi felt warm inside at Betty's compliment. Harry's mother was a much better person to receive a compliment from than zealous devotees like Harry himself. It just felt more... earned.

The camera panned sideways to Harry, bound to a tiny X-frame. He was naked and gagged with a miniature ball gag. When the camera settled on him he writhed and struggled against his bonds, progressively becoming redder with embarrassment as not only his shrunken, nude form was shown to the people watching, but also his complete and utter failure to resist. He was dirty, clearly from the earlier sock stomping and the boot licking that followed.

“Three thousand people and counting Harry. Does that excite you? I bet those sexy girls from your workplace are watching. Everyone is going to see your punishment. If only you had cleaned by boots quick enough, then we could have avoided this.”

In view of the camera, the two socked feet that Naomi had seen earlier appeared. Visually sweat-soaked and discoloured, it wouldn't have been difficult for anyone watched to be able to determine how stinky Betty's feet were. Harry started shaking his head wildly, his struggles renewed as his mother's feet were exposed. Slowly the soggy material peeled away, revealing the skin beneath, wrinkled by the moist conditions. Bits of grey lint marred the wet and wrinkly canvases of flesh that were her soles.

The socks popped off, turned inside out by the method of removal, and were dropped by Betty onto either side of her bound son. Judging from his reactions, the poor shrinkee didn't know where to turn. He cringed away from the four sources of foot odour, but found that there was no way he could turn his head. If he looked to the sides, he found the discarded socks. If he looked up, he found the lightly tanned, mature bare feet of his mom, scrunching in celebration of their freedom from those rancid socks. Soon enough, it didn't matter where Harry was looking. The combined smell of socks and feet was inescapable in such close proximity to them.

“Now.” Betty lowered one massive foot, wiggling her toes teasingly at her son. “Let's show our new fans just how much you love stinky feet.”

Harry's face was lost amongst the huge toes of Betty's foot, mashed into the slimy skin of the digits and into the disgusting crevices between. The ball of her foot rested against the tip of the shrinkee's erect penis, stimulating it ever so slightly. Naomi grinned at the sight, it was clear that Betty had been rehearsing this.

Whilst the five toes assaulted the tiny head playfully, the harder skin on the ball of Betty's foot steadily upped the level of stimulation, moving from side to side like a pendulum, grazing the tip of Harry's penis ever so slightly each time. Eventually, the mature woman had enough of this and lowered her foot completely onto the body beneath it, smothering the entirety of the shrunken form under hot, damp sole skin.

It seemed like the weight of his mother's warm foot on his sensitive parts was too much for Harry alongside sampling the potent pockets of stench around her toes, and his body convulsed violently. Betty laughed, fully aware of what had happened. She kept up the sexual torment however, continuing to rub, smush and crush until Harry's member was limp with defeat.

That wasn't where the stream ended, of course. Naomi and Betty had brainstormed some extra tasks for Harry to perform for the pleasure of the viewers should he succumb to exhaustion. The majority of his remaining time was spent worshipping the filthiest part of Betty's feet: between her toes, once the tiny gag had been removed. A relocation of the camera allowed the livestream to show the stomach-churning task given to Harry, showing every detail of his misery and disgust as he swallowed sweat deposits, old sock lint and chunks of cheesy toe jam.

Amazingly, most of the audience stuck around. Naomi clamped her toes around the nose between them as she thought about how far the Shrink Correctional Association had brought society. It was because of their innovations that she could be enjoying entertainment like this, in a place where she could have unwilling people endure the foulness of her feet.

“Anyway folks, I hope you've all enjoyed yourselves! Me and Harry sure have.” Betty stroked her son's face with the big toe that he was in the process of kissing reluctantly. “Tune in tomorrow for another hour of fun. Let's see if he can get my boots clean before then! Bye bye.”

The livestream ended. Naomi smiled. Betty had done an excellent job, the higher-ups would be pleased with that performance. It seemed to attract plenty of attention too. Naomi had expected the initial turn out to be high due to her expansive social media reach, but a surprising number had stuck around.

Before she got around to releasing her toes from the nose of the server, Naomi saw the girl open her mouth and begin breathing heavily through the gaping maw. Sighing, Naomi parted her toes and allowed the girl some freedom. “I told you to breath only through your nose. Can you not follow such a simple instruction?”

“I-I... I'm sorry, ma'am.” The girl did look sorry, but that was likely due to fear of consequence than it was for remorse for having disappointed the SCO.

“Not good enough. Make it up to me.” A cruel smirk curled one side of Naomi's lips. “Suck on my toes. Then, once you've tasted all of them, thank me for letting you do so.”

Without thinking, the server girl began to shake her head in disbelief that anyone would give such a sadistic command. “Please. Anything but that.” She begged.

“I would say I'm sorry about this,” Naomi pressed the big red button on her chair. “but I gave you an opportunity to avoid it. Enjoy Club Medusa. I hear it's quite awful down there.”

“NO!” The girl stood up, frantically looking for a way out. There was only one, and that door had just slid open to let a pair of tall, brutish women inside. They didn't even have to ask which of the servers was to be taken away, it was obvious. Kicking and screaming, the disobedient female server was dragged out of Naomi's room, leaving her alone with the male server acting as her footstool.

“If only she had listened. Then she could have continued to pay off her debt working here in the cushy confines of the Aphrodite Lounge.” Naomi pondered aloud for the benefit of the other server. “You would never disobey me, would you, footstool?”

“No, ma'am. Never.” The trembling man under Naomi's feet said. He almost sounded like he meant it.

“Clever boy.” Naomi lifted one of her feet up, the leftmost one that was closest to the server's head, and moved it between his nose and the openings of her black boots below. Her big toe pointed and she touched it against his closed lips. She felt the instinctual pull back as some of the flavour invaded his mouth, his nostrils breathing in a stronger stench all the while, but the man steeled himself and managed not to move his lips away. He did whimper quietly, however.

Naomi smiled. “Now, start sucking.”
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
August 15th 2043

An elevator descended, headed straight for the basement floor of the Association headquarters. The journey through the more familiar parts of the building had been far quieter than usual, as it was a weekend. Three women occupied the elevator. Beth fidgeted nervously, aware of the atmosphere in the adequately sized metal box. The other woman, despite being kind towards Beth, was adamant in her efforts to ignore the blonde's tag-along friend. Riley stood at the back of the elevator quietly.

“So, Dani...” Riley decided once more to try and break the silence. She already attempted it whilst the trio travelled the corridors of the building, but had only been given short answers in a rather hostile tone. “Have you worked in the interrogation department for long?”

“A year.” The SCO answered. She didn't even turn, leaving Riley staring at the back of her head. It wasn't a terrible sight, honestly. Riley could appreciate how well the short blue hair suited her, cutting off at the bottom of the skull. At first glance it seemed black, but after a closer look it was clear that the shade of blue was just incredibly dark. The colour caused the scarlet clip pinning back hair from her face to stand out.

Riley felt a growing sense of annoyance. They were both SCOs, equals; just because she had a place in the interrogation department didn't make her any better. Fortunately, Riley wasn't the kind of person to stay quiet and stew in her anger. She was the kind of person who acted.

“Do you have a problem with me, Officer Traiger?” She suspected that a use of titles might force a lengthier response.

The silence remained intact. Beth's discomfort with the situation was obvious based on her body language. Riley kept her eyes on the back of Dani's head, the woman turned to set upon Riley with a cold glare. Her dark eyeliner really did add to the intensity.

“Officially? No. Unofficially? I don't think someone as fresh as yourself should be given access to the lower level.”

“I'm not being 'given access'. It was made clear to me that this is a one time thing. Besides, Beth is just as fresh as I am.”

Dani's eyes moved over to Beth's black boots for a moment. “Officer Barracloud has good reason to be involved with the interrogation department. She managed to break an odour record at Hemlock, in case you hadn't heard.”

Beth turned red and squirmed a little, still not totally used to the idea of being celebrated for her foot odour condition.

“Believe me, I know. And I'm very proud of her.” Riley smiled and reached out, touching her friend on the shoulder as if to say 'You don't have to be ashamed of that any more.' Then she moved her attention back to Dani. “What's to say that I'm not a talented SCO?”

“You might be. I have only skimmed your file. Your teachers seemed to be convinced that you'd go far in the Association, that you have the right attitude for success. I however, will not be easily convinced. I imagine the same will be true for the other interrogators.”

“Well then, sounds like I'll have to try extra hard to stand out, eh?” Riley responded to the still icy glare with a warm grin.

“Hmph.” Dani made a dismissive noise and turned her head back towards the doors, just in time for their opening.

As she emerged however, cocksure as hell, she crashed directly into another woman.

To the rancorous sound of Riley's laughter, Beth rushed forwards to help out. The woman who had collided with Dani had ashy brown hair that, prior to the fall, had been messily collected in a high ponytail. Now it fell loose on her white lab-coated shoulders.

Dani rose easily enough with Beth's assistance, shooting knives at Riley with a glare that put her old one to shame. But with the lady in the lab coat, Beth had to help further in order to find the thick rimmed glasses that had fallen from her face. When the clumsy woman was back on her feet, glasses on and hair put back up in a way that was messier than before, she was surprisingly pleasant.

“I'm so sorry! It becomes so easy to be distracted down here, especially when I need to run back and forth between two departments.” The expression on her face was distracted, flustered and grateful all at once somehow, with the gratitude taking a back seat.

“No need to be so sorry, Professor Branning.” Dani trained a thin lipped smile on the woman, inclining her head respectfully. “These girls are Officer Barracloud and Officer Levin, visitors of the interrogation department today.”

“Barracloud?” Professor Branning adjusted her glasses as her eyes suddenly became more focussed. “As in the girl with the stupendously stinky feet?”

That oh so familiar shade of red found Beth's cheeks. “That's me!”

Professor Branning took Beth's hand with both of her own and shook it firmly. The action brought Riley's attention to the size difference between the two. The newcomer was shorter than Dani, making her the smallest amongst them.

“You have to stop by the research and development department before you leave. Bring your friend too.” Professor Branning barely cast any attention Riley's way as she said this. “I could use samples from as many SCOs as possible. Your feet are wondrously smelly.”

Riley and Dani shared a look, the first that wasn't brimming with hostility. It told Riley that yes, this woman was as odd as she appeared to be. Regardless of the odd behaviour, she found herself liking the professor.

“We'll be glad to stop by, Professor Branning.” Riley said.

“Y-Yes. No problem.” If the professor sensed Beth's unsure tone, she didn't show it. She simply waved at them, scampering off in the same direction that she had been going.

“With that interruption over, follow me.” Dani went in the opposite direction. There were only three corridors down here and the middle one led to a metal door that looked rather secure. The corridor used by the professor was marked with a gold plaque engraved with the words 'Research and Development'. As expected, Riley saw a similar plaque with the name of Dani's department as they trailed behind her.

They walked along a stark grey corridor. Had there been silence, it would have been stifling. Luckily, the stomping of three pairs of boots on the hard floor provided plenty of sound.

In what appeared to be the lobby of the interrogation department, a strong looking woman with fiery red hair awaited them, leaning against the wall.

Suddenly seeming rather amicable, Dani gave a slight bow to her superior and introduced the guests with a respectful tone. “Head-interrogator Ivanov, this is Officer Barracloud and Officer Levin.”

The tall, terrifying woman strode over to the them, standing at the same height as Beth, and stuck out her hand. “Welcome to the interrogation department, Officer Barracloud, Officer Levin.” She shook their hands in turn, showing none of the unkindness that her subordinate had offered.

“Please, call us Riley and Beth, Head-interrogator Ivanov.”

A sharp nod. “In that case, you may call me Katya.” Her accent was thick, but her words fully understandable.

Those usually hard eyes, currently softened, settled on Riley. Riley held them. “I assume that Beth has explained her invitation here to you, considering that she asked that the invitation extended to you as well. I take it that Officer Everett couldn't attend?”

“She's busy, Head-interrogator Ivanov.” Beth answered.

“Katya.” The woman's lips formed a warm smile.

Beth gave a shy smile back, but a smile all the same. “Katya.”

“No problems. In fact, what I planned requires only two. Had you come alone, another interrogator would have joined you. Dani, I can handle our guests from here. You are dismissed.”

“As you command, Head-interrogator Ivanov.” Riley noticed that no correction came.

“Both of you, with me.”

Katya led the way down a corridor, leaving Dani behind. On either side were doors, windows set high into the metal. Riley didn't get a chance to stop and peek inside, not at the pace the head-interrogator expected of her, but the screaming, pleading and silence said enough. The screaming and pleading suggested that it wasn't only shrinkees enduring the attentions of Association interrogators. The silence however, carried a weight of misery in itself. The quiet rooms were obviously occupied, as all the vacant windows were devoid of light. The sadistic part of Riley itched with curiosity, wanting nothing more than to step into one of those quiet rooms and she exactly how they dealt with shrinkees in this department.

Paying just enough attention to the accented speech of her guide, Riley reminded herself that she was likely to soon satiate that curiosity, based on what Beth had told her. The tall blonde had seemed excitable on the day that Riley had received Teddy, telling of how the interrogation department were interested in her... 'abilities' and would like to schedule a visit. Taylor seemed disappointed but firm when she refused, however Riley was all too eager. It was no surprise that Beth had managed to convince them to allow others, that girl could be so naturally sweet that it made her hard to refuse.


The single word snapped Riley back to full reality. They had stopped by a door, this one wide open. “Step inside, and we shall begin.”

Following the orders of their superior, Riley and Beth entered the room. It was devoid of furniture, save for a large screen on one wall and two chairs that were attached along the floor to a box. As Riley came closer, she noted a rectangular indentation in the top of the box, as well as a hole on the side in front of one of the chairs. After moving over to the other side, she saw that the first hole had a parallel twin facing the second chair.

“Beth was asked here to check out the potential of her feet in regards to the interrogation department.” Katya explained. “However we will be happy to see you in action too, Riley. Your profile is impressive, especially considering it only features academy achievements.”

“Thank you, Katya.”

“Please, both of you, take a seat. I'll have to ask also that you remove one boot and place your feet through the hole. That right there is a device that I believe you two will appreciate, especially once our guest joins us.”

Still following orders, Riley and Beth sat down. Their eyes met over the strange box and they smiled. Even with Beth's soft exterior, it was clear that deep down she did enjoy the practise of her profession, in a more conservative fashion than Riley.

“Now, if you wouldn't mind, place the foot correspondent to the hole before you into the 'footsie press'. Don't worry about what happens inside, you'll feel the machinery grab your ankles, this is normal. The heat inside the box portion of the footsie press is turned up 10° more than your SCO boots at max, so it'll be stuffier than you're used to.”

“That's... how hot, again?” Riley asked.

Katya looked at Riley to see if she was joking, then chuckled upon realising it was a series question. “Do you want to answer that, Beth?”

“Our boots can reach a temperature of 30° Celsius, Off– Katya.”

“At least one of you remembers.” Katya said with a smile, patting Riley on the shoulder. “Anyway, like I said. Boot off, foot in. I'll go and retrieve the prisoner.”

Riley bent over, manually releasing the straps and slipping her foot from the boot. Beth did the same. Had there been a non SCO in the room they would be on the floor right now, clutching desperately at their nose. Riley laughed at the thought, wiggling her freshly freed toes. She still liked the cherry red colour that she had chosen and wondered what she'd replace it with if she ever grew tired of the colour. She had the toe ring that Tom had bought for her adorning her third toe. When he first gave it to her he had slid it onto her second, but it fit better on the third, clinging nice and snugly to the digit. Glancing at Beth's massive feet, Riley noticed that her friend was wearing a gorgeous black on her long, pale toes.

Today, Riley had opted to give her feet a rest from the heater within her boots. But judging by what Katya had said, it seemed that her soles were going to be hot and sweaty regardless of her intentions. Well, hotter and sweatier than normal, at least.

“Oooph!” Riley made a high pitched noise when her lower leg entered through the hole in the footsie press. Beth somehow managed to contain her surprise. The reaction was caused by something within the machine clasping around her ankle, holding it in place. However, she found that she could still roll her foot around. Suddenly thrust into such a high temperature compartment, beads of sweat began to form on both trapped feet, starting in the perpetually moist toe gaps and quickly appearing everywhere else.

“So how do we...”

“Ah!” Beth pulled a lever at the side of her chair all the way back and her chair flew forwards, burying her lengthy leg further inside the torture machine.

“What did you do?”

Riley looked down at the side of her own chair, seeing a lever matching the one that Beth pulled.

“I just tugged on that and suddenly something propelled me!”

“Hold on.” Riley pulled the lever too, but far more gently than her friend. Her chair shifted steadily towards Beth until their perspiring soles met within the confines of the box. “Footsie!”

Riley used her toes to tickle the larger foot of her friend, setting both of them off giggling.

“Riley!” Beth's foot jerked around, trying and failing to escape the tickling toes. “Stop!”

“Make me.”

Katya returned about a minute later. “I see that you two have figured out how the footsie press works.”

“We have.” Riley said, grinning.

“Saves me explaining. Push the levers and your chairs will retract. All the way back, please.” Katya lifted an object in her hand, a transportation cylinder, and placed it on top of the footsie press. She looked more serious than before, not sparing amused expressions for her guests.

After taking the lid off of the cylinder, Katya gazed down at the shrinkee within. “Enough stewing in sweat, Mr Barnaby. I have a couple of young SCOs here eager to show you their 'talent'.”

Neither girl could take their eyes off of the small man that Katya lifted from the container. He was dripping with thick liquid. “Girls, this is Keith Barnaby. He and his followers have assaulted SCOs like yourselves and stolen shrinkees undergoing rehabilitation: Association property. For the past hour, after having his size altered to six inches to properly fit this particular device, he has been standing neck-deep in foot sweat generously donated by interrogators, straight from their boots.”

Keith hung limp in the relatively giant woman's grip, looking worn out. “What's wrong, tough guy? Nothing to say? You were so full of protests and insults a few days ago.”

Katya allowed seconds to pass. “I didn't think so. Let me show you how this device works.”

She pushed down on the rectangular indentation on the top of the box. Riley noticed that this wasn't only positioned above the place where her foot met Beth's, but that it had a pair of tiny holes as well. The rectangular portion rose, motivated by some mechanism. Katya split it into two with a flick of her fingers, dividing the small holes into four semi-circles.

“You go in this bit. Dangling upside down. Then you will be lowered down into the big box. It's hot in there; very hot. Not to mention that our youthful SCOs here both already have a foot inside, sweating profusely and stinky up the entire thing. You'll be in there for a long while. Do you have anything to say about that?”

Riley observed the tiny face slowly. She'd seen enough people break to know when someone was nearing that point. It hadn't been many people, just a few, but it was enough to sear the expressions they made into her mind. The kind of expression belonging to someone who didn't want to give up, yet faced a stint of stinky torture if they refused to.


Katya lowered the tiny towards the spilt parts of the protruding rectangle. He passed through the gap, until his ankles came level with it and Katya snapped the halves back together, leaving him hanging there without the assistance of her hand.

Showing not even a hint of mercy, a sole finger from the hand of the head-interrogator pushed the rectangle back into the footsie press, submerging him in a den of heat and stench with only his tiny feet exposed.

Pulling a remote control from her jacket pocket, Katya switched the screen on. The three SCOs were shown a scene inside the box of Keith Barnaby suspended from his ankles, writhing and struggling. It seemed that the odour rapidly building inside the hot box was already proving to be a challenge. The whole thing was filtered through a light fog that was apparently sourced from the desperately sweating soles.

“Now girls, this is where the fun begins.” Even Riley thought that Head-interrogator Ivanov looked scary when she spoke those words. In that moment the young SCO knew that this is what Katya was put on the Earth to do. This was her purpose. Riley found herself hoping that she was in the same boat as the experienced torturer.

Two electric toothbrushes were drawn from pockets. Wielded one in each hand, Katya lowered them to the wiggling tiny feet of the shrinkee in the box and they whirred to life once they came close. “Watch his reaction to this, girls.” Katya was unable to keep a sadistic grin from curling her lips. “He's going to go wild!”

They watched. With expressions of both excitement and awe, they watched. As the spinning brushes came into contact with the trapped soles, the man on the screen did indeed go wild. Swinging around as much as he could, Keith tried to raise his body up towards the restraints that held him, wanting to at least bang on the closed stocks and unleash his frustration if he couldn't break free of them. But he couldn't even do that. Whether it was because of the laughter racking his body or because he lacked sufficient core strength, Riley could not say. All she knew was that she was enjoying this.

Moving her eyes over to Beth, Riley saw that her friend was spectating the events on the screen with wide eyes. An inexperienced onlooker might confuse the glint in those rich blue irises as horror, but Riley knew that Beth felt similar to her.

“Now girls, pull on the levers. Carefully; we want to build this worm's anticipation up as much as possible.” Katya didn't shift any of her attention from her task, knowing that her subordinates would obey without question.

Thankfully, Beth showed much more control than last time. Both chairs began moving forward at a snail's pace, swallowing one pale leg and one slightly less pale leg once more.

Keith didn't spot the encroaching feet immediately. He was busy struggling under the ceaseless tickle torture, but when he did the fearful look that came over his micro face was clear even on the screen they watched him through. It wasn't obvious if his renewed panicking came from an increase in odour or the threat of those feet touching him.

Katya's toothbrushes kept spinning, ever so quickly. Riley and Beth's feet kept coming, ever so slowly. Keith struggled more and more, waving his arms hopelessly in the foggy void beneath him. Sweat dripped off of him. It could have been the foot sweat from the transportation cylinder or his own, summoned from his pores thanks to the heat and terror.

As her foot drew near, Riley started flexing her toes tauntingly, as if reaching out for the hanging man with five fingers, eager to grasp him. She couldn't help but admire how pretty her feet looked on the screen. Wearing the toe ring was a good decision. Despite the tough conditions that SCO feet went through they were somewhat easy to keep looking nice so long as you took care of them. Many theorised that this was another side effect of the Pesfetorus virus, allowing the soles and toes to remain soft for longer and resist the intense conditions that would usually cause an outbreak of calloused and peeling skin. Beth saw what Riley was doing with her toes and mimicked the action, although the blonde came closer to actually grabbing the tiny, flailing body with her longer digits.

“Stop.” Katya gave the command when their toes were oh so close to touching Keith. He was just about spasming with fear now and continued to do so even when the head-interrogator lifted the twirling bristles from the miniature feet. On both sides was hot, smelly foot flesh of such potency that his senses must have been screaming.

Katya's finger pushed on the rectangular indentation again and it moved out, freeing the prisoner from the stink chamber. Some wisps of the growing foot fog escaped.

“Please! NO MORE!” The shrinkee screamed. His eyes streamed with a mixture of tears and condensation.

“Are you ready to make a full confession, little one?” Katya loomed over him.

He trembled. “YES! Don't let those feet touch me, I beg you.”

It was hard for Riley to make out exactly what he was saying, but she could just about do it. The head-interrogator seemed to be having an easier time of it.

“Excellent.” A set of white teeth flashed through an evil grin. “But, I'm not sure you're... ready to confess just yet.”

“W-what do you mean?” The colour, which was pinkish after being subjected to the inside of the footsie press, drained from him.

“What I mean is,” Katya lightly touched a finger to the stocks, pushing them back inside with maddeningly slow speed. “you're going back inside. For a whole hour.”


“I'm going to keep tickling you, with no chance of giving you a break.”


“Beth and Riley are going to use you as the filling for their foot sandwich. Squished between their reeking, sweaty soles.”


“Yes. There's no avoiding it. I look forward to watching every moment.”

He likely would have shouted again, but before he could he was sealed away, back within the footsie press.

“Go on girls. It's footsie time.”

Riley met Beth's eyes. They both wore smiles and were on the verge of spluttering into laugher. “Footsie!”

As they proclaimed the word simultaneously, both of them tugged on their respective levers and their feet slammed together. All of Keith's tormented motions were halted as he was smushed between two incredibly stinky feet. Their sweltering soles, literally dripping with newly formed sweat, were firm yet supple, preventing movement and burying the tiny body inside at the same time.

“I think he's screaming against my foot.” Beth noted. She giggled. “I kinda like it.”

“He's probably laughing. I can't blame him, I shudder at the thought of someone running these thing over my soles.”

“He could be laughing and screaming, Katya. If you'd ever got a whiff of Beth's feet before desensitisation, you'd understand.”

The three of them laughed at that. Beth didn't tend to get embarrassed when caught up in the moment.

“It does feel nice though.” Riley said in a near whisper. She stared at the box, not at the screen, feeling the fruitless physical protests that the older man made against her sole. But it wasn't Keith that she was imagining in there, stuck between a giant, extremely smelly foot and another bigger, smellier foot. At first it was Teddy. The thought of her foot trampling him, pinning him against the floor as she ran her fingernails over his exposed, sensitive soles caused Riley's lips to curl upwards.

Then she started imagining it was Tom, and her lips curled higher still.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
12. Research and restaurants
Despite having promised not to keep Tom waiting on them for too long, Riley and Beth went straight to the R&D department after torturing Keith. Not that Riley cared too much about keeping a promise with her brother. However Beth was fretting about it.

“We'll have to be quick. In and out. Tom did not sound too pleased when you told him that we'd be a while.”

Riley shook her head, sporting a wry smile. “Beth, don't let your all too obvious crush on my brother cloud your judgement.” Beth blushed and made as if to argue, but Riley raised a finger and silenced her. “My mom promised me Tom's services for the day, to have him drive us where we need to go. We command, he obeys. Tell me, do your chauffeurs ever complain?”


“Exactly! That's because they're professionals.” Riley was winging it at this point. Unlike Beth, who came from an incredibly wealthy family, Riley had never had a personal driver before today. “We will not bow to the wishes of my moody older brother and we shall take as long as we desire. Besides, he should be grateful. On Saturdays the first of Tom's chores is to give my mom a foot massage after her morning run. And, if he isn't up and ready for her to return, he has to do it with her socks in his mouth. It's a shame that Tom's Saturday chores are all that remains of his foot-based punishments, My mom obviously still enjoys having my brother at her feet. I don't know why she stopped, honestly. But I bet I can get her to start again with a push.”

Riley realised that she was going off on a tangent. “Sorry, I started to get a little carried away there. The point of the matter is that Tom is our driver for today. He doesn't get to have an opinion about being kept waiting, or about where we go. Understand?”

“Yes. I understand.”

“Good.” Riley smiled, then laid a hand on her friend's shoulder. “You should get over that crush, anyhow. My mom tells me that Tom has a girlfriend now.”

Beth turned to Riley, and for a moment she thought there was a spark of fury in those eyes. “Really? Who?”

Riley shrugged. “Mom refuses to tell me, which is quite surprising. Apparently he only recently told her who his girlfriend was and immediately swore her to secrecy. What is he scared of, me finding out and ruining his little relationship?” That was, of course, the kind of thing that Riley would do. “It doesn't matter though, I have my suspicions as to who she is.”

“So who is it?” Beth urged.

Riley winked. “I'm not the kinda girl that spreads rumours, Beth. I'll let you know when I know for sure.” The two of them crossed the boundary into the R&D department and glanced around. “Now, where is Professor Branning?”

Upon hearing Riley's voice, a young woman in a lab coat jumped up from behind a desk in surprise. She sheepishly grinned as she emptied a dustpan and brush into a bin by her side, then placed the tools back under the desk. “Sorry, just doing a bit of cleaning. It's a quiet day. Did I hear that you are looking for Professor Branning?”

“We are.”

“Excellent. I happen to know exactly where she is. Follow me!” The girl seemed quite enthusiastic about the prospect of leading the pair of SCOs.

“Not to be rude or anything,” Riley said, as the three of them traversed the corridors, moving past rooms which were much more open than the torture chambers of the interrogation department, showing scenes of both research and development in action. “but why are you so excited? I assumed you guys would be super busy down here, and that it would be a bother to escort us around.”

The girl sighed. “Truth be told, I'm new here. Only last month I signed on to be an intern working under Professor Branning. I didn't realise how... odd she would be. The other members of the department tell me it's normal for her to become obsessed with something and neglect the interns. But honestly, it's just so disheartening.”

“Ah. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. If it's normal for the professor, you probably have nothing to worry about. In my experience with obsessive people, you either have to be patient or get involved in what they're obsessed with.”

“Get involved...” The girl sounded thoughtful. “How am I supposed to do that?”

“Without more details, I can't really answer. You'll have to work that out yourself, I'm afraid.”

“Oh.” The intern didn't say any more. Luckily they reached the lab with Professor Branning shortly after, sighting her through the clear glass window.

The professor was examining something in a clear glass jar when they entered. She looked over at the door as it opened, abandoning what she was in the process of doing. “Barracloud! Finally. Hello to you as well, uhh... Barracloud's friend!”

Riley considered herself to be quite memorable, so having her name forgotten certainly lessened her opinion of Professor Branning. Regardless of her feelings, she smiled politely all the same.

“My name is not Barracloud, Professor.” Beth spoke up. “Barracloud is my surname. My name is Beth, and this is Riley.”

“Beth and Riley... Yes, yes, yes.” The professor nodded confidently, but Riley found it hard to believe that the woman would remember their names for a significant amount of time.

“I brought them here for you, Professor!” The intern beamed, hoping to be noticed.

“Oh right. I suppose I should thank you. I am grateful for your assistance. You may go now, I have business with these two SCOs.”

“Ah.” The smile fled from the intern's face. Deflated, she slunk back over to the door.

“Wait!” Riley said. The intern stopped. “Professor Branning, would you describe yourself as someone who fails to properly utilise her tools?”

Professor Branning looked pointedly at Riley. “No. I would say I am the opposite. Who has been speaking such slander?”

“Nobody, Professor. I just happened to notice that you have quite the intelligent intern, eager to aid with you research,” Riley gestured towards the girl “and yet you fail to put her to good use.”

“Hmm.” The professor stroked her chin and stared at the intern. “I have nothing for you to help out with, but perhaps another member of the department might. Try Professor Millard. I heard that she has been trying to find an assistant for her latest project and no one has volunteered. I'm sure she'll appreciate me sending my intern over to help out.”

“Really!?” The intern grinned like a maniac. Riley couldn't help but smile at the expression of pure joy. “Thank you Professor!”

Professor Branning sniffed. “Yes, yes. Off you go now, no need to keep Professor Millard waiting.”

Before leaving the lab hastily, the intern mouthed a silent “thank you” to Riley.

“Right, with that over with, let's begin. Take a seat over here, boots off and feet up.” Professor Branning waved at a table with tall chair beside it. The table was at the perfect level for a seated individual to put their feet up.

Riley and Beth had bared both of their feet and had them up on the table in no time. She couldn't help but notice that one of her feet was much redder than the other; the same was true for Beth. Evidence of how hot it was inside the footsie press.

“Uhhh. The smell it's...” Professor Branning probed her vocabulary for the specific word that she needed. “Immense!”

Beth chuckled nervously. “Thanks?”

Riley cocked her head. “You haven't been through the desensitisation process, Professor?”

“I haven't. What would be the point of that? I study foot odour. My life revolves around foot odour.”

“Do you like the smell of feet?” Riley asked, flexing the toes of her redder, and likely stinkier, foot.

“I do not. My interest in feet and the smell of feet is purely academic, young lady.” Professor Branning scoffed. “Now, let's see what we're dealing with, shall we?”

The rhetorical question went unanswered as the professor went about her business in a manner that had Riley and Beth scratching their heads as they observed the strange professor test their feet. She started with Riley, Pressing her nose against the heel of the SCO's foot and moving upwards, sniffing all the while.

The professor then started separating Riley's toes with her fingers, placing her nose in each of the gaps in turn. She would shudder whenever she took a deep sniff. “Potent. Very much so.”

Upon reaching the next foot, the professor recoiled. “Hmm. This foot is smellier than the first. Is there a reason for this?”

“There is. While Beth and I were in the interrogation department, we used the footsie press. Are you familiar with the device?”

“Familiar? I invented the damn thing.”

“Ah good, no need to explain then. I've had the heaters in my boots turned off recently, so I think the stinkier foot is most indicative of my usual level of foot odour.” Riley thought that this explanation would be useful to the professor.

“Interesting. I shall make note of this.” Then the professor went back to sniffing up the length of the soles, her nostrils wiping over every wrinkle, then exploring between each of the toes. Every sniff was accompanied by a shudder.

Although it was peculiar, Riley enjoyed this 'test'. It was strange having someone voluntarily sniff her feet even though they didn't enjoy the smell. A unique experience, to be sure.

After ramming her nose into the crevice between Riley's smallest toes, the professor moved on to Beth. This time, her nose didn't even make it to the skin before she leapt backwards, her eyes wide. “That's... that's...”

Professor Branning spent a moment collecting her thoughts and calming down after sampling Beth's big feet.

“Professor? Are you okay?” Beth asked, full of concern.

“Yes. I'm more than okay. Tell me, did you use the footsie press too?”

“I did. This is the foot that went inside.” Beth scrunched the foot that the professor hadn't yet sniffed.

“So what I just smelled, that's your normal foot odour?”

“It is. I don't use my heaters most of the time eit–”

“Beth Barracloud, I am happy to say that you have the stinkiest feet I have ever encountered. You have no idea how excited I am to have you in my lab.” The professor just about bowed to Beth, her tone was one of reverence.

“That's kind of you to say, Professor.” Beth looked utterly bemused by the situation. Bemused, but flattered.

“I have no need to smell the other one. Before you put your boots back on, I want to take bacteria samples from between your toes. Both of you.”

“Will you be doing anything interesting with these samples?” Riley couldn't contain her curiosity, especially after learning that this woman had invented the footsie press, a device that impressed Riley to no end.

“I will be. In fact, you saw me examining what the toe bacteria results in when you entered. Once your boots are on, I'll show you!” It was clear from she spoke faster that the professor was very excited to show off the fruits of her labour.

They joined Professor Branning who stood next to her jar, grinning. Riley noted that there was something in the jar that looked like cheese.

Beth bent down to take a closer look. “What is it?”

“This is what I've been working on for the past two months. The public would call its existence vile, they would sneer at me for creating it. But the Association only encouraged me. I'm sure SCOs like yourselves will appreciate this almost as much as me. This, I am proud to say, is toe cheese.”

“T-toe cheese?” Riley was gob-smacked and found her mouth twisting into a grin, thinking about how she could force feed it to a shrinkee.

“Is it real cheese?” Beth asked, completely amazed by the revelation.

“One-hundred percent real. I make it as anyone would make normal cheeses, only I add copious amount of bacteria gathered from in between toes. The taste is intense, to say the least.”

“And you're going to make toe cheese with the samples you took from us?” Riley pressed, eager to know if she'd soon have her own, personal toe cheese.

“Once I've put a small amount aside for the records: I aim to collect bacteria from between the toes of every SCO, I'll make as much toe cheese as possible from it. Would you like to try some of this? It's made from my own bacteria.”

Riley fought the urge to gag. “No, thank you.” Beth repeated these sentiments.

“Could you let me know once it's ready? I think I'll be able to find some interesting uses for it.”

Professor Branning raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think that I'll give it to you so easily?”

Riley felt herself blush. It was a strange sensation to her. “Ah. Right. Of course. I do apologise, Professor, for assuming that I would be allowed to take it.”

The professor nonchalantly waved a hand. Riley took that as acceptance of her apology, but she wasn't completely sure. In future, she knew to tread carefully around the head of the R&D department, at least until she got hold of some toe cheese.

“The two of you are free to leave, by the way. I have what I need.” Professor Branning said.

Riley and Beth made to leave, but a thought popped into Riley's head. “Say, Professor, would you mind if Beth and I stopped by Professor Millard's lab before leaving? I never got that intern's name.”

“Sure, go ahead.” The professor replied, but Riley knew that she could have said anything and received the same response.

“I guess we'll have to find our own way.” Riley muttered so that only Beth could hear, then led her friend out of the lab to navigate the bright, white corridors for Professor Millard.

They were moderately successful. After conceding and admitting that their directional abilities were lacking, the two young SCOs asked a wandering woman in a lab coat where they needed to go. Thankfully, it turns out that they had almost made it by accident.

The directions led them to a lab without windows. The door was locked.

“What now, Riley? It looks like there's no one home.” Beth said.

“There has to be someone in there, otherwise that intern would have come back right away. Maybe it's a more restricted lab or something.”

“If it's restricted then maybe we should leave it be...”

“Are you kidding? If it's restricted that only makes me more curious! I simply have to see what our new friend is up to.” Riley grinned and rapped her knuckle against the metal door.

Seconds ticked by and Beth couldn't have worn a more nervous expression. Riley shook her head, thinking about how her friend really needed to realise that she was an SCO and that opened many doors, especially in a pro-Association city like Queenswall. Just as the brunette expected, the doors slid open, revealing a tall, slim woman in a yet another lab coat. It seemed like lab coats served as uniform down here.

“Can I help you?” Professor Millard asked.

“Hi. Professor Branning sent us to check up on her intern. She should have shown up here not so long ago?” Riley said.

Professor Millard gave the two girls a big smile. “Ah yes, come right in! I am ecstatic to finally have a willing subject. I thought I would have need to visit the interrogation department and end up using a subject that lacked the scientific mind that I sought. I couldn't believe my luck when, ermmm...” The professor raised her head, deep in thought. “It seems that the lovely young intern's name has slipped my mind. Oh well! I am lucky to have her, in any case.”

“May we see the project that you're working on?” Riley pressed, eager to see as much as she could of the R&D department after seeing real life toe cheese.

“Of course!” If the two professors had anything in common, other than the lab coats that they wore, it was the enthusiasm that appeared when someone asked to see their work. “It's just over here, in this sealed chamber.”

The window into the sealed chamber hadn't been visible from the lab entrance. As soon as the two visiting SCOs walked past the proudly smiling professor, they couldn't believe their eyes. Witnessing the scene within, a few different emotions surged through Riley's head. The first was shock, lasting for only the briefest moment. Sympathy followed, an emotion that was uncommon in this particular mind, sticking around for perhaps twice as long as the shock. Finally, the familiar sense of amusement that only grew stronger as it took in the horrific situation unfolding on the other side of the window.

“Is that...?”

“Indeed. That is the person you seek, the intern that Professor Branning was kind enough to send my way. She seems to have lost the helpful spark that drove her to my door, but it doesn't matter too much now that she's strapped in.”

Inside of the sealed chamber, the intern from earlier sat in a chair. She was bound to the chair by straps around her chest, forearms and shins; an apparent necessity judging by how she struggled. A padded apparatus jutted from the back of the chair to attach to the back of the intern's head and around her neck, locking it in place. Her eyes were covered with a thick blindfold and a leather panel covered her mouth.

In front of the chair, aimed directly at the intern's vulnerable nose, was what looked like a bottle of pepper spray held up by a robotic arm. Just as Riley was about to ask a question of the professor, Millard pushed a button on a nearby interface. A metal finger pulled the trigger of the spray and a pressurised liquid spewed forth, accurately splattering the exposed nose area.

Immediately, the struggles of the bound intern took on a new life. She fought wildly and uselessly against the straps, the fingers of her hands reaching upwards as if to try and wipe the substance away from her nose.

“W-what is that?” Beth was transfixed by the scene, trying to work out what was going on. Riley had no idea either, but she was glad that Beth had been the one to ask.

“Stink-spray!” Professor Millard announced. “You've seen pepper spray, right? I don't think that really fits the whole 'SCO image', do you?” She didn't wait for an answer. “So I have invented Stink-spray!”

“I was inspired by the ability that skunks possess: the projection of foul smelling liquid. I wondered if it would be possible to harness the powerful odours that are harboured by the bodies of SCOs and create a spray that smelt so vile, that it would debilitate anyone affected by it. The Stink-spray being sampled by my new assistant is one created from my own foot sweat. I had to really work hard to produce enough, but it was worth it in the end. I concentrated the liquid and put it inside a pressurised container capable of launching the final product up to 15 feet! The range it is most effective at is 10 feet, but it can reach further.”

“How exactly is this supposed to be testing the effectiveness?” Riley probed. She was rather entertained by the testing procedure, but had to question how useful this really was.

“Well, the brace securing the subject's head and the chair itself have dozens of sensors inside that measure what her body is attempting to do. In the latest test that you just saw, for example, my data shows that had she been free standing, the subject would have keeled over as if punched in the stomach. Judging from the desperate movement of her hands, I would guess that she'd be wiping it off, given the chance.”

Professor Millard cupped her hand over her mouth towards Riley and Beth, an ultimately unnecessary move considering that no one could hear them. “Some behind the scenes information, just for you two. Trying to wipe off the liquid would be futile. The only thing she would achieve is in pushing the substance into the pores of her face, staining her skin with the terrible odour until it had been thoroughly washed.”

“Keeling over is well and good,” Riley said. “but what's the point if pepper spray does a better job? The Association might as well equip us all with that.”

Professor Millard chuckled. “That, my inquisitive guest, was Stink-spray made from my foot sweat. This, however,” the professor raised a similar looking spray can, except this one was yellow and covered in warning labels. “is Stink-spray made from foot sweat provided by an SCO. Far more potent than the sample you saw in action.”

Riley's eyes widened in amazement. “Can we see what that one does?”

“Of course! I just need to unseal the chamber, step inside and–”

“I can do it for you! I can replace the current sample, if you want?”

The professor paused and considered. A couple seconds later she shrugged and handed over the SCO Stink-spray. “I don't see why not. Be careful with the Stink-spray. The odour that sample produces is strong enough even for a desensitised SCO to detect.”

Riley felt the welling excitement in her gut grow. The level of odour held in this can would surely have a most remarkable effect on the bound intern, so long as the professor was correct.

Fighting the urge to hurry the professor along, she waited patiently as the chamber was opened. The door opened with a hiss and Riley stepped inside.

“Hey there! You've certainly been busy!” Riley said, walking over to the girl she had met only recently.

The intern stopped struggling a little, giving Riley an intelligible response.

“Whatever you said, I didn't quite catch it. I doubt it was anything important anyway. What's important, is that you listen up.”

Riley made it to the robotic arms and grabbed the can of Stink-spray that it currently held. Professor Millard controlled the arm from outside and had it surrender the can to Riley's hand. “The Stink-spray that you've been testing out has been an inferior product. Made from the foot sweat of Professor Millard herself.”

Hearing the intern groan with disgust, she wondered if the girl had been properly briefed or simply thrust into the test chamber. The strong possibility of the latter elicited a giggle. Perhaps the intern hadn't been associating the foul smell with foot odour, but now she would.

“In my hands is the superior form of Stink-spray, made from the foot sweat of a shrink correctional officer like myself. Professor Millard claims that it is potent enough to overcome the desensitisation process. I can't imagine how awful it would be if it was sprayed at that poor little nose of yours. The stench would drive you crazy, wouldn't it?”

It was clear that Riley's words were having an effect, because she saw the intern shudder. The power of imagination tended to be boosted whilst robbed of sight, allowing someone to visualise horrors greater than what reality could produce. Not in this case, of course. The horror was very much real.

“Let's see exactly what kind of effect this upgraded Stink-spray has on you, shall we? Oh, and by the way,” Riley grinned menacingly. “congratulations for finding your place in the R&D department.”

Not bothering to attach the can to the robotic arm, Riley levelling the Stink-spray at the intern's nose and pressed the trigger, firing the concoction directly at her target.

The reaction of the intern was instant, wild and erratic. She tested the limits of her bondage and found them to be too secure. The restricted movements conveyed the torment felt by the intern quite well. Riley burst into laughter as she watched this unfold, knowing it was all because of her. She had been the one who indirectly set this up and now she was the one who had pulled the trigger.

That's when Riley decided to raise the Stink-spray and fire it off a second time.

Sounds of muffled madness erupted from that gagged mouth. Sure, the intern had been screaming after the first spray, but this reached a whole other level. It was like seeing someone react to a hot iron being pressed against their tender flesh. Whilst laughing, Riley managed to deliver the can of Stink-spray into the robotic hand and make her way to the exit, just about collapsing from hilarity every step of the way.

As the door was closed shut and resealed behind her, Riley saw Beth wiping tears from her eyes, likely having enjoyed the humiliating sensory torment.

“Well,” Professor Millard said. “that wasn't what I instructed you to do, using the Stink-spray twice will skew my initial data somewhat, but it was both amusing and useful nonetheless. Thank you for the assistance.”

“How long are you going to keep testing this one for?”

“Quite a while longer. The data suggests that this improved Stink-spray is more than enough to bring down a woman of the subject's size, but I would like to confirm this. Honestly, it seems to be just as effective as I had hoped. I suspect that the subject shall hate me when this is over, but she signed a contract upon entering an internship with the Shrink Correctional Association, one that she will find impossible to get out of. Thankfully, she is shaping up to be a useful test subject indeed.”

Riley suppressed the laughter that threatened to return, opting to smile broadly instead.

“Before you get going, do you have any questions?”

“Yeah.” Riley nodded. “How the hell do I sign up to help out down here?”

Tom jumped awake at the sound of knuckles rapping on the window.

“Hey! Don't fall asleep on the job!” His sister's voice sounded fainter through the glass.

Pressing a button on the dashboard, the car unlocked. Beth up to the back door to get in, but Riley stopped her, instead opting to glare at Tom expectantly.

“You've gotta be kidding me. Again?”

The wills of the two siblings clashed, fighting for dominance. Well, Riley's goal was dominance, Tom only wanted to be left alone. She pulled out her phone and that settled it, the threat was obvious.

Getting out of the car, Tom tried to ignore the smug smile, opening the door for his passengers and gesturing for them to enter.

“Why thank you, driver. I suppose mother doesn't need to hear about this insubordination after all.”

“Thanks Tom.”

The two girls climbed into the back seat. Riley had made it clear early on that he was their chauffeur for today: they sat in the back, he sat in the front. At least Beth wasn't the kind of person to rub it in. Tom decided that he liked Beth, and the fondness wasn't only due to the fact that earlier today he found out that she was part of the Barracloud family. For an SCO, Beth was nice and she seemed to fancy him. He'd caught her staring a few times and those frequent blushes were unmissable. If he wasn't already with Ashley, Tom would likely reciprocate the feelings of the tall, beautiful blonde. The biggest downside was her friendship with his sister.

“What took you guys so long? I've been sat here for two hours?” Tom said.

“Beth, tell me what chauffeurs are supposed to do.”

“Drive people around.”

“And what don't they do?”


Riley gave a weak kick to the back of Tom's chair. He didn't need to turn around to know that she was smiling. “I hope that answers your questions. Now, I expect you to have one for me.”

Tom's mind went blank. “D-did you have a nice time?”

Riley tutted. “No, silly. You're supposed to ask where I want to go next. You'd better improve soon Tom, or I will be giving mom a very poor review of your services.”

Clenching his hands on the steering wheel, Tom swallowed a lump of anger. He hated how Riley could control him with these threats involving their mother. He also hated that his mom would likely act on those threats. It seemed that she grew more eager with every passing week to return to her foot-punishing ways.

“Where do you want to go?” Tom asked through clenched teeth.

“Much better!” Riley clapped her hands. “Hmm, that is a difficult question to answer. Beth, are you hungry.”

“Now that you mention it, I am quite hungry. Are you wanting fast food or can I choose? I think a bakery would be perfect right now.”

“No, no. I want the three of us to have a sit down meal somewhere. You know, go to a restaurant and chill out. I'll even buy our chauffeur something to eat.”

“A restaurant sounds like a great idea!”

“Me, my mom and Tom went to a nice place a while back. On the day of my graduation. Have you heard of 'Crave Explorers'?”

Tom went cold. Ashley was working today, right now. Did mom tell Riley about Ashley, even after she promised not to? Then, he shook his head. Sure, his mom could be harsh when she thought he needed to be disciplined. But she was still his mother, just as much as she was Riley's. She wouldn't betray him without reason.

“I haven't heard of it. If you like it, I'm more than happy to go there.” Beth trusted in Riley's judgement. Tom wished she had given an alternative.

“Very well! Driver, take us to Crave Explorers!”

Reluctantly, Tom put the car into gear and dropped the handbrake, pulling out of the space in the Association parking lot. As they rolled along the roads, Tom silently prayed for Riley to order him to take them elsewhere. Why there? She can't have enjoyed the meal that much. There has to be an ulterior motive.

Tom pulled into the Crave Explorers parking area, his movements heavy and distracted.

“Come on Tom! Get out and open our doors, we're hungry!” Riley kicked his seat a few more times, harder than before.

Without a word of protest, Tom exited the vehicle. He spotted Ashley in her uniform through the window, wearing her customer service smile and looking breathtaking. Moving to the back door, he let out his passengers.

Although it didn't look like it, three young people walking into a restaurant, this was one of the more worrisome moments of Tom's life recently. Even worse than Riley's graduation. He knew his sister well, and she was more than capable of screwing up the good things in his life. And there was no doubt about Ashley being the best thing that had happened to him in a while.

Ashley's wonderful brown eyes sighted Tom almost instantly and her smile changed. It was a slight change, but noticeable if you knew her well. There was an element of falseness to the smile she flashed at customers, but when she saw him it became completely genuine. For a moment, Tom forgot everything and basked in her image.

“Hey, there's that waitress from last time!” Riley stood beside Tom and waved at Ashley. He tried not to curse as his trance was shattered.

The restaurant was quiet, so Ashley found the time to come straight over. “Hey there. Certainly wasn't expecting to see you today.” She smiled not only at Tom, but at Riley and Beth too. Although she didn't like how Riley had treated him in the past, Ashley had gotten along with his sister when they first met.

“I wasn't expecting to come here. Table for three, I guess!” Tom chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. He couldn't help but notice the deathly silence from Beth.

Ashley led them over to a booth and left, promising that she'd be back soon to take their order.

“So...” Riley said.


“Is she your girlfriend then?”

“Might be.” Tom kept himself calm.

Riley cocked her head. “So evasive. I'm your little sister, you should trust me.”

“You're you, so no, I shouldn't trust you at all.”

She grinned at the insult. “Be careful, Tom. I'm thinking about showing Ashley a side to you that she has never seen before.”

“Oh really?” Tom put on a tough tone, but he felt anything but tough inside.

“Yep. Beth, wouldn't you say that these tables are a little lacking? There's nowhere for us to rest our feet.”

Beth seemed a little distracted. If Tom was right and she was indeed attracted to him, he felt sympathy for her. Either Riley hadn't thought this through, or she was feeding her friend's jealousy.

She found the words to reply, in spite of whatever was going through her head. “I suppose that would be nice. I'd feel bad putting my dirty boots up on the seats though.”

“I have always been of the opinion that my dear brother would make for an excellent footstool. We could even wipe our boots on him.”

“I like the sound of that idea.” Even Riley did a double take when Beth said this. Tom was surprised and disappointed to hear her backing up Riley so suddenly.

“Sorry, but that isn't going to happen.”

“Yes it is, Tom. Under the table. Right now. Make sure you're facing away from the booth too, let your girlfriend get a good look at you.”

Tom gave a short, disbelieving laugh. “You honestly believe that I'll do what you say and let the two of you humiliate me in front of Ashley?”

“Yes. I do. Want to know why?”

“I'm listening.”

Riley provided her brother with disgustingly smug smirk. “Because me and Beth will walk home, arrive nearly in tears and spin mom a tale of how you became fed up with us and drove away alone. She'll be furious. Furious enough to re-enact that 'second ever punishment' that she threatened you with at the salon? I hope so. Ever since she mentioned it I've been ever so curious.”

Tom held her gaze, determined not to cave. In his mind, he was panicking. He knew that his mom would likely believe her lies, which would end up with him receiving far worse foot-related torment than being used as a footstool for the boots of two SCOs.

“Better hurry up.” Riley tapped the toe of her boot against the ground. “Ashley's coming.”

That's when Tom came to a decision. Mom's feet are stinky, there's no denying that. But at the end of the day, they're just feet, right? Regular feet too, not the enhanced feet of an SCO. You can endure it. Tom followed where Riley had glanced and saw Ashley approaching. You can endure it, if it means not humiliating yourself in front of her. Stray images of his memories from the cruellest foot torture his mom had inflicted on him came to mind, but he shook them away, sticking to his decision.

“You know what, Riley?” He leaned forwards and practically hissed the words. “I don't care. Lie to mom about me. All I'll have to do is deal with her smelly feet. I've had to do that for an entire year, whilst you was away. I can take it. What I'm not doing is letting you do anything to affect my relationship with Ashley. She probably wouldn't care, but it doesn't matter.”

Riley recoiled. The last thing she expected was for him to react like this. She opened her mouth to respond, but he wasn't finished.

“This is the last time I let you push me around. Sure, I'll do you favours every now and again, we are siblings after all. But don't, even for a moment, think me of me in the same way you do your shrinkees. I'll take everything mom can throw at me if it means spoiling your fun.”

“This is... most unlike you, Tom.” Riley's tone was unsure. Tom couldn't help but smile at that, throwing his devious sister off her rhythm felt like a victory.

“I agree. I'm not the same brother you used to bully, Riley. Nor am I still the son trying desperately to avoid punishment at his mother's feet.” The latter part wasn't entirely true, but it fit with the image that he was trying to project. Tom came very close to refuting his Riley's grander ambitions for him out loud, telling him that he would never end up shrunken and under her feet.

But at the end of the day, resisting Riley was like poking the hornets nest. He seemed to have gotten away without being stung, as far as he could tell, but anything more was pushing his luck. Tom had a decent idea of when to fold.

Riley didn't say anything. Beth was looking around uncomfortably after seeing the confrontation. It was either from the awkwardness of being present for a personal argument or because of her involvement in the provocation. Tom's opinion of her had soured a little because of that, no matter what her reasons were.

Ashley arrived at the table, oblivious to what had just occurred. She fanned three menus in one hand, distributing them with the other. “So, can I get you guys something to drink?”
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
13. Interlude - An Exchange of Servitude

Teddy knew it was a nightmare. That didn't help him much.

He entered the dream-scape in a world known to him. Well, known to his younger self. An all too familiar playground, with an all too familiar girl approaching. She was whistling a tune he didn’t recognise, but that made sense. It was probably something they’d once learned in class, something his subconscious had soaked up, just like the rest of the details.

The one thing he was thankful about was that he was at full size. Silver linings. That wouldn’t stop the approaching she-devil, but it was nice, even if it wasn’t real.

“Did you miss me over the weekend, Teddy? Your queen certainly missed you. Missed you enough to wear the same pair of socks for the entire time.”

Dream Riley painted a rather strange picture. It wasn’t the sadistic shrink correctional officer who tormented him in the present. It wasn’t the little girl discovering herself who had tormented him in the past. Instead, it was an amalgamation of the two created by him.

She wore the nineteen year old form of present Riley. Teddy was grateful about that for a number of reasons. However, speckles of her younger self could be seen. If not for the girl stood before him, Teddy would have a hard time imagining the SCO in a flowery sundress, frilly white socks and a pair of black Mary-Janes.

As she strolled over, he saw that her hairstyle didn’t suit her at all. The long, brown hair was drawn up into a pair of neat bunches, giving her a far too innocent look. On a little girl, it might have been cute, but on Riley? It was oddly creepy.

Finally, she reached him and they stood eye to eye, although Teddy did notice that he was slightly shorter. While this was only a perception of Riley, not the real thing, he didn’t doubt that she probably really was taller than him. The universe seemed eager to give her every other advantage, why not that one too?

Riley’s lips split in an immature smile. Teddy saw her braces glint in the sunlight, despite being attached to the perfect teeth they had created. Her splattering of freckles that had faded away in reality were back as well. This eerie fusion of past and present Riley made him more and more uncomfortable the closer attention he paid.

“So, what should we do today? Any ideas? I was thinking we should play doormat again. That’s always fun!”

“C-can’t we just play hopscotch or something? We always play doormat,” Teddy pleaded.

Riley giggled. “Silly Teddy, only the cool kids get to play hopscotch. I’m here to make sure you play a game more suited to you.” She cocked her head and a thoughtful expression came over her. “But you are right. We do always play doormat.”

Shuffling on the spot, Riley was obviously deep in thought. Then her eyes lit up.

“I know! Let’s do some foot smelling. You love foot smelling. Since my feet are gonna be soooo stinky, I’ll even let you clean them afterwards.”

“Riley, please...”

Teddy tried to back away, but it was like wading through custard. The air itself blocked his retreat. Riley was a goddess here, he her helpless victim.

“Oh, so you wanna play prisoner too? While we’re at it, we might as well throw some doormat in!”

Riley crossed the distance between them in two strides and placed her leg behind Teddy’s. With a firm shove, she tripped him and he toppled to the ground. Flat out on his back, he gazed up at her with fear.

First, she smiled, reminiscent of a queen staring down at her subjects. Then she blushed, her eyes opening wide and both hands shooting down to remove any possibility of her dress blowing in the breeze.

“No peeking, ya perv!”

“I wasn–”

A flash of pain cut Teddy’s words short. Hands cupped over his crotch and he whimpered.

A shoe nudged at his interlocked fingers.

“Move them.”


“Teddy. Move. Your. Hands.”

“You’re just gonna kick me again!”

“Maybe.” Riley giggled. “You’ll just have to trust me. Don’t you trust me, Teddy?”


Another nudge. Another giggle.

Hesitantly, extremely hesitantly, Teddy moved his hands away from his balls. They still ached from the first kick and exposing them to further attack terrified him.

An attack didn’t come, not exactly, but Riley did place the toe of her shoe on the throbbing ball sack, applying just enough pressure to make Teddy squirm with the echo of agony.

“See? Nothing to worry about! All you have to do is follow my every command and you’ll be fine. Now keep those arms by your sides and shut your eyes. If you open your eyes whilst we’re playing doormat you’ll see my panties, and that’s a big no no. That would make you a perv. You know what happens to pervs, don’t you?”

With a vicious grin, Riley pressed her shoe down again. Harder.

“Ahhh! I know Riley, I KNOW!” Teddy screwed his eyes shut.

“Good boy.”

The painful pressure on his groin disappeared. Breathing a sigh of relief, he proceeded to follow up with a groan when Riley stepped onto his torso. She marched up to his shoulders, then back all the way down his legs. With one more spin, she walked back up to his shoulders and stayed there. Were this not a dream, Teddy would have worried about his clothing being covered in dirty shoe-prints.

Riley’s weight became more focused when she lifted one of her feet into the air. Teddy blindly wondered where it would fall, but his past self knew. It fell onto his face, pushing his head into the ground, smushing and twisting the skin of his face beneath a rubber sole.

“Such a squishy face. Squish! Squish!”

Air hissed out of his closed lips, teeth clenched together in an effort to ignore Riley’s rough treatment. Finally the foot returned to its old position, and then both feet stepped off and to either side of his body. Just before Teddy dared to peek an eye open ever so slightly, Riley dropped. Her rear end landed hard on his chest, knocking the wind from him and making his eyes pop wide open.

“You opened your eyes!” Riley giggled, reaching behind and giving Teddy a firm squeeze on his balls. He exhaled sharply from his nostrils, as close to a plea as a breath can be, and her hand relented. “I suppose you don’t need to be punished. We were done playing doormat after all, and from this position I doubt you can sneak a peak.”

As if to make sure of her statement, she smoothed down her dress, removing any folds that might offer Teddy a view of what was underneath.

“Now, let’s move onto prisoners. I’m the guard, obviously, and you’re the prisoner!” Riley put a fingertip to her lips. “Let’s see, what reason are you in prison?”

“I stole something?” Teddy offered, trying to be helpful.

“No. That’s dumb. You’re too much of a scaredy-cat to steal. Maybe you beat someone up?”

Teddy didn’t try and answer the rhetorical question. Riley simply looked at him, at his weedy arms, then shook her head and laughed. “Nope. I don’t think so. Hmm, what’s believable?”

The finger against her lips started tapping softly, and on the fourth tap it shot up and pointed at the sky. “I got it!”

She giggled, bringing the finger downwards in an arc and booping her prisoner on the nose. “You’re in prison for being a perv.”

“Do I hav–”

“Shh.” The finger slipped from the tip of Teddy’s nose and stopped in a resting position over his lips. “Get into character. I’m gonna interrogate you.”

Riley closed her eyes for a few seconds, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards periodically as she got into character. When they opened again, the brightness had gone. Now she had hard eyes of cold, blue steel.

“Prisoner!” The edge to her voice shocked Teddy and for a moment the natural fear of authority figures kicked in. “Tell me right now, why are you here?”

“Why am I h-here?”

“Did I fucking stutter?” Riley slapped him across the face. Then, when he tried to raise his hands to protect himself, she slapped him a second time. “What did you do to get arrested? And if you raise your fucking hands to me again I swear to god I’ll throw the book at you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-y-yes! I understand! I understand Queen Riley.” With his face still stinging, Teddy tried his best to appease her.

“Who the fuck is Queen Riley?” Slap. “I am Officer Riley.” Slap.

Dazed from the physical abuse, well, as dazed as one can be within a dream, Teddy idly thought about the irony created by his sleeping mind. Another slap brought him right back. Apparently Riley had asked another question that he had missed.

“Hey! Are you fucking deaf? I said, what did you steal from that girl? That beautiful, hot babe that you have no chance with. Ever. Totally out of your league.” Riley paused, apparently realising that she was getting off topic. “You stole something very personal because of your sad little crush. What was it?”

“I don’t know. I SWEAR I DON’T KNOW!” Teddy was on the verge of crying by this point. It could have been from the slapping, or because of how scarily accurate this situation was. In that moment, he hated whichever part of him spawned this dream.

“Listen here you pervy fuck, I am going to get the information I need. You see that camera up there?” Riley sharply gestured at an imaginary wall with an imaginary camera mounted on it. Then she leaned forwards, her face inches away from Teddy’s, and bared her teeth in a wolfish smile. “It’s turned off. You’re in my zone now, bitch.”

“Did I steal… panties?” Teddy felt her warm breath on his skin. He knew his face was red from hard, frequent slaps, but he felt it grow redder with humiliation, almost as if he actually had stolen panties.

He earned a slap for that.

“Why are you asking me, idiot? I’m the one asking questions!” She looked from side to side, then broke character for just a moment, those blues brightening briefly. “Psst. It’s socks. Confess to stealing socks. Unless you want me to slap you more, of course.”

Teddy nodded vigorously and Riley slipped back into character, displaying this change with a slap.

“I’ll ask again,” she said. “What did you steal?”

“Socks!” Teddy cried out, cringing as he expected another slap. When it failed to come, he continued. “I stole that girl’s socks.”

“Socks? Ergh! You really are a perv. What did you plan on doing with those socks, huh?”

“I planned to s-sniff them?”

Riley ignored the fact that Teddy spoke as if asking a question. “Anything else?” She prompted, raising her hand to threaten a slap.

“I was going to suck on them too...”

“You were going to suck the foot sweat right out of those socks, weren’t you?”


“You really do disgust me. I sentence you to life in prison. Rot in hell, perv.” Riley then proceeded to spit on him.

As Teddy gasped, very nearly lifting his arms to wipe away the glob of fresh spit, Riley laughed loudly atop him.

“That was so funny!” She wiped away tears of hilarity. “I’m so glad we played prisoners. Now we have one more game to play before lunchtime is over. Do you remember what we decided on?”

Teddy remembered. Although he did disagree with the ‘we’. “Foot smelling.”

A foul odour hit Teddy as Riley unbuckled her Mary-Janes.

“Well remembered. This is what you’ve been excited for, isn’t it?”

Teddy didn’t answer. He remained quiet as Riley lifted both feet above his face. The white socks looked soaked and a black footprint decorated the bottoms of each. The smell was nauseating. She wiggled her toes, which were rather well defined because of how tightly the sweaty material clung to them.

As he was about to protest, to beg Riley to keep those things away from him, she planted both soles onto his face. Teddy screamed, muted by the rancid socks.

“Sniff hard, Teddy. I wanna hear it. If I don’t, I suppose I’m just gonna keep my smelly feet where they are.”

Teddy started sniffing loud enough for Riley to hear. He did it over and over again, his nostrils sucking the dirty socks up against them. His face was beginning to feel warm and greasy because of prolonged contact with them. The spit on his cheek was smeared around, mixing with some of the sweat that had escaped from the fibres of the socks.

“Good! Now I need you to do just one more thing for me, Teddy.”

“What?” Teddy said, although what Riley heard was heavily filtered by a pair of feet.

“Wake up.”

“What?” Teddy asked again, unsure of what she meant.

“Wake up!”

The feet pressed down harder, turning Teddy’s vision completely black from lack of light and filthy sock soles.

* * *

“Would you wake up already? Breakfast is ready!”

Teddy woke up with his face pushed into the opening of those old Mary-Janes, held firmly against the insole by Riley’s boot. The smell wasn’t so bad, but that was mostly due to his thorough cleaning of the shoes during his time with his SCO. His tongue recalled rather awful flavours practically burnt into those insoles, but nothing compared to Riley’s feet.

When the boot moved away he plucked his head from the opening. It was refreshing to see Riley in her uniform, it was much less creepy that the juvenile clothes. Immediately he caught a whiff of the food in Riley’s bowl. It smelled like scrambled eggs. Absolutely delicious; the best part of this sentence so far had been Mrs Levin’s cooking. He had to thank her for that at some point.

“What were you dreaming about?” Riley spoke without an ounce of the previous irritation, now her tone held more of an amused curiosity. “You had your head in my little shoes, just smiling away.”

I was smiling? The thought of smiling through such a nightmare wasn’t a fun one. “I’m not sure. It must have been a good one, but I can’t remember anything.”

Riley smiled, although it didn’t seem directed at him. “I had a pretty good dream too. I’ll tell you all about it later, but we have to get a move on. Get over here and eat.”

Teddy waited by the bowl of scrambled eggs, sampling the wonderful smell. But he didn’t eat. He was waiting for Riley to do something with it, to taint it with her spit or her boots or her feet. But she didn’t immediately do so.

“Go on. Eat.”

He dared raise his eyes up at her, filled with suspicion. She only smiled. It seemed like this was a meal without consequence. Shrugging, Teddy stuck his head in the bowl and ate a mouthful. The eggs were golden in more than just colour.

When he went for a second mouthful, Riley blocked his way with a boot.

“Hold on. Considering that you weren’t awake before me, licking my boots as I have told you to do many times, I don’t think you deserve my mother’s beautiful eggs. Do you think you deserve them?”

Teddy wasn’t sure what he deserved any more. He hadn’t even been here a week and already he was questioning what who truly decided what was moral. Was Riley the arbiter of morality? She had been appointed by the Shrink Correctional Association to serve as such. But right now, Teddy thought he deserved to eat at least one meal untainted by his cruel mistress.

“No,” he lied.

“You’re learning.” Stripping off those boots, Riley held her bare feet above the eggs, not caring that drops of her excessive foot sweat fell into the bowl below. Even now he was still stunned by how big her feet were at his reduced size, not to mention how extreme the stench was. Thankfully, she had recently showered. But not recently enough for Teddy’s liking.

The first time this had happened, Teddy had been unable to eat. He tried, but kept gagging and retching whenever the food came near his mouth. Sure, he managed to worship her feet on request, a task that had been especially disgusting, but the idea of mixing foot sweat with food was too much for him.

Now? He could eat it. Begrudgingly. The familiar feeling of revulsion came over Teddy as he watched Riley’s feet sink into the eggs, playing with them using her toes, smearing them over her arches, crushing the creamy chunks with her heels.

“Eat up. I don’t want anything to be left over. If there’s anything left, I’m going to tell my mom that you hate her cooking. Since I’m going to be leaving you with her today, that might make your time together quite miserable.”

So Teddy ate. He eagerly slurped up the bits of tainted egg from Riley’s feet. Then he shoved his face into the bowl, fighting through the growing urge to spit out the foul tasting food. He did it so fast that even Riley was impressed.

A day with Riley’s mom, or rather, without Riley, was an exciting prospect indeed.

* * *


“Alone at last,” Mrs Levin said with a grin.

Teddy nodded. Seeing Riley disappear through that door with her brother felt like a massive weight had been lifted from him. Although, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Tom. They both suffered under Riley in different ways. And Teddy had seen how she spoke about her brother; if that fierce intensity were ever directed his way, that was a reason to be worried.

“Do you know what I usually have Tom do for me on Saturday mornings?”

“Y-yes. Riley told me before handing me over.”

Mrs Levin tutted. “Handing you over? Come now, you’re not property, no matter what my daughter may tell you. I know that’s what they’re supposed to do whilst you’re being punished for your crimes, but I’m not a shrink correctional officer.” She winked. “When you’re with me, you’re a person. Our little secret.”

Feeling his lips involuntarily bend into a smile, Teddy felt his face warming. Who knew the expert chef was also an expert charmer?

After having a little chuckle at Teddy’s shy reaction, Mrs Levin got back to her original point. “As I was saying, Tom’s biggest Saturday morning chore. Giving me a fantastic foot massage.”

“Ah, I see,” Teddy offered awkwardly.

“Do you thing you’ll be able to give a better massage than Tom?”

“Maybe.” Teddy shrugged. “Riley has been giving me plenty of opportunities to practice.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Teddy tensed up, realising he had misspoken. If Mrs Levin was anything like her daughter she would… she would…


“Has she really been working you that hard?” The laughter proceeding her words faded to a vibration as she spoke, then ended completely. “I know, if you put in enough effort despite being overworked, I’ll give you a reward. How does that sound?”

That sounded excellent, and Teddy told her so, earning another laugh.

“The good news is,” Mrs Levin leaned forwards and started untying her laces. Teddy was stood before the couch, right by her shoes. “that I’ll be quite easy to please this morning. My feet ache, I had very little relief yesterday at work, so your little hands will be just what I need.”

“And the bad news?”

“What makes you think there is bad news?” Mrs Levin said. As she spoke he saw a twinkle in her eyes.

“Bad news often comes with good.” Teddy knew this well, and recent events that placed him in Riley’s care were evidence of this. Good news: he got to see Riley again. Bad news: he got to see Riley again.

“Right you are. The bad news is that my feet stink. It’s naughty of me, but I like to wear the same pair of socks for several runs, because Tom knows very well where these socks will end up if he whines.” As Mrs Levin explained, she smirked. She then cocked her head. “Although, that might not bother you so much. You spend plenty of time around Riley’s feet, as you told me, and her feet are likely magnitudes smellier than mine.”

“I’m sure they’ll smell fine. Like roses.” Teddy gave Mrs Levin a smile.

She had finished untying her laces. Teddy saw that the rim of the opening had gone slack and left a tiny gap around her ankle without the tension of the laces holding it in place.

Chuckling, Mrs Levin shook her head. “I wish my son were more like you. He doesn’t have the manners to lie to me.”

Her hands grabbed the backs of her trainers and she popped out her heels, then pulled off both of them in one motion. Teddy watched as Mrs Levin placed them on either side of him, then his eyes snapped to her toes when they started wiggling.

“So? Still think they smell like roses?”

Teddy took a few long, deliberate sniff. He properly sampled the growing odour that surrounded him. It streamed off of her socked feet, leaked from the smelly trainers. It wasn’t pleasant, not by any means. But it was nothing compared to the feet of an SCO. It seemed that it wasn’t just good looks that this mother and daughter shared, but also a similar foot odour, as this was reminiscent to the smell of Riley’s feet, just on a much smaller scale.

“Yes. Roses.” Teddy had already decided that he quite liked Mrs Levin, so he lied, hoping his expression didn’t give away his true disgust. This was his first opportunity to speak to her after seeing her around the house a few times whilst with Riley. It seemed beneficial to stay on her good side.

“So sweet. Let’s get you more comfortable and away from my stinky shoes.”

Mrs Levin brought her feet together around Teddy, hooking them under his arms and lifting him up into the air. Twisting, she turned her legs rest them on the couch, depositing him at the opposite side to her.

Teddy backed away, but only slightly because he bumped into the couch cushion behind him. Mrs Levin’s feet twitched excitedly.

“Nowhere to run, Teddy. Looks like you’re stuck giving me a foot massage.”

“I’m not as small as other shrinkees. I could easily jump down from here.”

“You could.” Mrs Levin flashed a grin. “But I’d catch you. And if I were to catch you, I’d have to do all sorts of awful things to you. Where do you think my daughter got all of her nasty ideas?”

“I guess I have no choice then,” Teddy said with mirth in his voice, although he wasn’t completely sure she was joking.

“That you don’t. Come on, little guy. Off with my socks!”

Those socks were filthy. Her soles and toes were clearly seared into the material, a black, sweaty smear leaving nothing to the imagination. The fact that the outsides smudged outwards, turning the surrounding sock from white into grey was further evidence of how long Mrs Levin had worn them.

Teddy took it one foot at a time; a necessity at his size. Pulling at the wet sock, he found it difficult to part from Mrs Levin’s sweaty skin. It stuck like glue and with his current strength, it would have taken far too long to part the socks from her feet.

“Try going from the ankle. Peel it off from there, you’ll find it easier.”

He did so, and she was correct; so long as she helped, of course. At first, Mrs Levin let Teddy get by on his own effort, meeting a rather tough obstacle when it came to trying to move the opening of her ankles sock around her ankle, but she relented and lifted up her foot, letting him peel the smelly material away from the sweaty wrinkles that it clung to.

After the first sock was shed, Teddy immediately went for the other. It was an easier task than the removal of the first, Mrs Levin lifted her foot slightly from the couch as soon as his hands took hold of the opening.

“Ah!” Mrs Levin spread her toes, then gave them a wiggle. One foot scratched against the other. “It feels great to have some cool air on my tootsies. How’s the smell down there now?”

It was certainly stronger. A noticeable scent of vinegar washed over Teddy whenever those toes moved.

“Still fine.” Teddy gave a forced, tight-lip smile.

Mrs Levin started laughing. “Oh you poor thing! Riley really managed to break your nose, didn’t she?”

Teddy’s smile grew more genuine and he gave a little laugh.

“There we are. Finally managed to get a laugh out of you. Tell me, little guy, who has prettier feet. Me, or Riley?”

It was a hard choice. Although Teddy had no preference for feet, he would say that both women had attractive feet. Riley’s were youthful and soft, but the smell… Dear lord, the smell. Mrs Levin’s feet were slightly larger, so slight that if he were full size he likely wouldn’t notice. Her feet also had more prominent wrinkles and the skin looked rougher.

“It’s cute that you’re taking time to think about this.” Mrs Levin flexed her toes. “Keep in mind that I won’t be very pleased if you don’t pick mine. But, I’m also the kind of person who brags about this sort of thing. Especially to my daughter...”

“I think you have the prettier feet, Mrs Levin.” He wasn’t lying, not entirely. Physically? Riley won. Nasally? Mrs Levin all the way, even as stinky as they were now.

Mrs Levin chuckled deeply. “Oh really now? Your handler will not be happy. Not at all.”

“You won’t really tell her, will you, Mrs Levin? She’ll make me pay for saying something like that.”

“Maybe I can be persuaded. And stop calling me Mrs Levin! You make me feel old. Call me Michelle.”

“Okay, Michelle. I’m already going to give you a foot massage, how else can I persuade you?” Teddy felt increasingly nervous. Although it was crueller coming from Riley, this was something he’d expect her to do.

“Well...” Michelle fidgeted a little and a light blush came to her cheeks. “I’ll have to swear you to secrecy on this matter. I can make your life very difficult if I desire.”

“I-I swear.” Teddy played along, but knew that she was being fully serious this time. He would take it to the grave; having one Levin on his back was bad enough.

“Good. Whilst Riley was away at Hemlock Academy, I used her own methods to punish Tom. Foot-based methods. I’m sure you understand?” Teddy nodded. “Ever since Riley came back, I’ve been much more lenient. I used to punish him for the smallest misdemeanour. But now Riley is back home, it feels wrong. Recently, I’ve realised why it feels wrong.”

A silence fell and Teddy quickly realised it was up to him to break it. “Why does it feel wrong?”

Michelle sighed. “Because… because I enjoy it. It’s thrilling having someone at your feet, licking and kissing away. I suspect a lot of it was due to the power, knowing that Tom was unwilling and being able to make him perform such an unpleasant task anyway.”

“And you want me to do this? L-lick and kiss your feet?”

“Yes. I want you to lick and kiss my stinky feet. And I want you to display how you really feel whilst you do so. I want to hear every groan of disgust, see every miserable expression.”

“As you wish, Michelle,” Teddy said. He puckered up and leaned in to lay the first kiss.

He was pushed away. Michelle started laughing. “I love how eager you are, but I want my massage first!”

Teddy blushed. “Ah. Sorry!”

“No need to apologise. You were only trying to please me. But go ahead and begin. Remember, you could earn a reward if you try hard enough.”

And so Teddy began massaging Michelle’s feet. It was much easier than massaging Riley’s, that was for sure. While the smell wasn’t nice, it wasn’t strong enough to distract him and force him to concentrate completely on the task and to not let the rancid miasma cloud his mind. No, here he could put his newly developed skills to full use.

Michelle’s soles were as rough as they appeared, but that didn’t bother Teddy too much. On both feet, he started from the bottom at her cracked heels, a part he rather enjoyed rubbing because of how the hardened skin felt against his hands. He spent longer on those heels than he probably should have. The arches proved to be the softest parts of foot flesh. Here was where the main difference between the feet of mother and daughter was most clear, displaying wrinkles on both arches whereas Riley had none so long as her feet weren’t scrunched up.

Patches of calloused skin were mostly found on the meaty balls of Michelle’s feet, towards the outside more than the inside. Whilst Teddy has enjoyed rubbing her heels, the sensation wasn’t replicated up here. The usually hard parts had absorbed foot sweat and moistened, becoming quite soggy. Teddy didn’t let his hands linger.

Up at the very top, the toe area, was where the smell was strongest. The toes felt damp in the best of places: on their heads, and greasy at the worst: deep in between the stems. Teddy kept coughing whenever he caught a lungful of that vinegary odour that lurked between Michelle’s toes, causing her to laugh every time.

“I guess you’re not entirely used to smelly feet, are you?”

After giving the toe stems a firm caressing, using both of his hands on each one, and kneading the bulbous tips, Teddy was done with the foot massage. He awaited Michelle’s review, but the many moans she had made and the encouragement to keep going gave him a good idea of how much she had enjoyed it.

Feeling oddly proud, Teddy stepped to the side of Michelle’s feet and leaned onto them, his arm draping over the tops of her toes. He immediately regretted it, the smell was quite strong here, but it was too late to stop now.

“So? How was that?”

Michelle grinned. “Oh, that was incredible. Bravo, Teddy! Now I wish Tom was as little as you are. Those tiny hands are the perfect foot massaging tools.”

Taking a little bow, Teddy mirrored her expression. “I aim to please, Michelle.”

Is this what confidence feels like? He’d felt glimpses of it before, but until now, after being praised for his foot rubbing prowess, he hadn’t felt it so strongly.

“Well, thank you for putting in enough effort. You’ve earned your reward.”

Teddy felt his heart jump. What could it be? “I look forwards to it. Might it be more of your wonderful cooking? What Riley has been feeding me has been excellent so far.”

“Stop being so damn sweet. I’d be tempted to eat you if you were any smaller.” Michelle chuckled, ensuring Teddy that she was joking. “No. Your reward will be… something far more pleasurable.”

Michelle winked at Teddy and he felt himself blush. “M-M-Michelle, you don’t have t–”

“I know that I don’t have to. I want to. But truth be told, you are younger than my son.” Now it was Michelle’s turn to blush, not quite as much as Teddy. “So once more, this will have to be a secret between the two of us, okay?”


“Good. However, before your reward, there’s something else you have to do. Something that will really get me in the mood.”

For a moment, Teddy was lost. Then he remembered and tried not to imagine how gross it would taste between those foul smelling toes. “Of course, I’d be h-happy to.”

“You’d better get started right away then, insect.” Michelle’s face transformed, a cruel sneer took over her lips. It was in jest, Teddy could see that humorous twinkle in her eyes, but she clearly wanted their dynamic to shift a little for this part of their time together.

Teddy moved back to start before both feet. He felt a familiar pit in his stomach, the very same pit that opened whenever he was alone with Riley, or when any of the girls would make use of him back at university. It’s okay, Teddy. This is Michelle. Warm, loving Michelle. She’s just playing a character.

Getting on hands and knees, Teddy decided to adopt the same method as he did whilst massaging. Start at the heels. But when his extended tongue was about to make contact…

“Nope. No no no. Start at the toes. And don’t hide behind them! I want to see your face as you eat my toe-jam.”

He got back up. She helpfully spread her toes, the giggle that followed beckoning him in. The vinegar smell was stronger than ever without toe flesh to block it. Teddy fought against the odour and stuck his head into the first toe gap of many, giving the reeking skin a big lick. If this Michelle was anything like Riley, that’s how she’d like it.

It was terrible. It was exactly how he’d feared it would taste and more. So salty, so sour. Nothing on the taste of Riley’s feet, Teddy would happily suck on Michelle’s toes for weeks without rest if it meant not going near Riley’s feet again, but that didn’t make it an enjoyable task.

Teddy tried to pull his head out to catch a breath of fresher air, but Michelle’s toes snapped shut, trapping him. He was stuck looking right at her, that sneer still present.

“So, insect. How do my stinky toes taste?”

For a moment, he was about to lie. Then Teddy remembered what Michelle had said earlier. She wanted to see his misery. “T-hey taste terrible, Michelle!”

“Who do you think you are calling Michelle?” The toes squeezed harder. “That’s ‘Mrs Levin’ to insects like you.”

* * *

When Riley returned, Teddy was still sat at the opposite end of the couch to Michelle, held between her feet, completely spent, with his Shrink Correctional Association supplied underpants discarded a few inches away.

The door just about slammed open, causing Michelle to jump and withdraw her feet, curling her knees into her stomach and leaving little nude Teddy sprawled on the couch cushion.

“Hey honey,” Michelle said, sounding a little flustered. There was a light blush on her cheeks. “Did you have a nice day out? Did Tom behave?”

Riley made a beeline for Teddy. There was a smile on her face, but he thought it looked a little odd. Unnatural. Forced. “Yeah mom, I had a great day! Just fine and dandy, thanks for asking.”

She snatched up Teddy, not even acknowledging him. Somehow she didn’t seem to notice the fact that he was naked and sweaty; some of the sweat belonged to him, most of it likely belonged to Michelle’s giant feet.

“And your brother?” Michelle asked, meaning it as a repeat of her earlier, ignored question.

“Oh, Tom? Yeah, he’s fine. He’s just locking up the car.”

“O-okay. Did something happen between you two?”

Apparently, it wasn’t just Teddy who noticed Riley’s strange behaviour. Riley was usually so quick to give her mother a full review of Tom’s behaviour, making sure to emphasise every misstep.

“No, mom. Nothing happened.”

Riley wordlessly carried Teddy upstairs like a doll. She took him all the way to her room and tossed him down to the floor. She had been gripping him awfully hard, so he rubbed where had been holding him.

“I-i-is everything okay, Riley?” Tom asked nervously.

The poorly concealed rage in Riley’s eyes was answer enough. She turned that burning glare to him, ready to bark orders, but her expression momentarily softened and she cocked an eyebrow. “Why are you naked?”

“Oh! Yes! I-I-I was warm, y-you see? Too warm! And then… and then… Mich– Mrs Levin told me I was allo–”

“On second thought, I don’t care.” The anger was back.

“R-right. Okay. Sorry!”

“Why are you apologising to me, worm? Have you done something wrong? Do you need punishing? Huh? Answer me!”

“Ah!” Teddy threw up his arms in surrender and fell to his knees. “No! Please Queen Riley, I haven’t done anything!”

For a few seconds, silence. Teddy had closed his eyes, afraid to gaze upon the enraged face of Riley. He expected to be kicked, or to be attacked by immense foot odour as she removed a boot. But neither came. What came instead was surprising.

Riley started laughing. At first, it was a few giggles. Then she erupted into unrestrained hilarity.

Teddy opened his eyes to see Riley doubled over. Tears rolled down her face and it took her a good couple of minutes to completely recover.

“Oh my god. You’re so pathetic! Kneeling there, almost pissing yourself with fear. And that tiny shrinkee dick! Just what I needed to see.”

Teddy turned bright red. It wasn’t the best result, being laughed at for being pathetic was rather humiliating, but he supposed it was better than dealing with an angry Riley.

She wiped away the last few tears, echoes of giggles still escaping her lips periodically. “Do you remember this morning, when I told you I had a good dream last night?”

Teddy nodded, and Riley continued on. “Well, to summarise, it was a dream about when me and you were young. Back when I was your queen. It made me feel… nostalgic.”

“Really? What happened in the dream?” Teddy hid his surprise well.

“The two of us played all kinds of games.” Riley smiled mischievously, taking a step towards him. “In fact, I’m the mood to recreate those games. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“Y-yes. That sounds fun,” Teddy lied, hoping that the cruelty of dream Riley had just been an exaggeration. “What games did you have in mind? Hopscotch?”

Riley laughed. “No, Teddy. I had a few different games in mind. Let’s start with prisoner.”
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
Behind The Queenswall
“No, no. It’s Willems. Will-Ems. Not Williams. Tyler Willems. I was told he was supposed to be finishing his… his sentence today?”

The dark haired receptionist tapped at her keyboard once more as the young woman’s voice trailed off, fingers blazing across the silent keys as she searched before looking back up to find the face staring back even more anxiously than when she’d first approached the desk.

“Yup, I’ve got that here. My apologies, Miss. It’s been quite hectic today, as I’m sure you can appreciate.” The receptionist spoke bluntly and to the point, but not in a cold or dismissive manner, which did go some ways towards easing the young woman’s stress, although she didn’t show it.

She tapped a couple more times, then spinning around and reaching around to her rear. Several documents came with her as she swung back, already thumbing through them, eyes darting from one page to the next. “And of what relation are you to Mr. Willems?”

Shuffling on the spot, she tugged at her skirt a little as she responded. “I’m— I’m his… girlfriend…”

Although she didn’t speak particularly loudly, the receptionist clearly got the message and returned to her station, tapping away once more. She didn’t speak again for a few minutes as she continued her work, leaving the civilian alone with her thoughts as the large atrium bore down around her.

The last week had been absolute hell for Jemima. Ever since her boyfriend had been caught and charged, she’d dreaded the inevitability of him receiving a shrinking sentence, no matter the length. That feeling only intensified as things moved on, her fears confirmed upon the release of his judgement and transferral to an available and appropriate Shrink Correctional Officer. Ever since then, the naturally reserved young lady had withdrawn even further, hardly speaking to anyone and barely having caught a wink of sleep all week. As a result, Jemima had spent most of her days getting chastised at her workplace for ‘daydreaming’ and acting unprofessionally, or finding herself bumping into passersby as her mind wandered, all as the fears of what Tyler might’ve been going through swirled around her fragile mind.

In some ways, she thought she’d almost feel better knowing what he might be experiencing. At least then she could stop tormenting herself with the worse possible outcomes her brain would more than happily pitch to her. Often at the most inappropriate times. Then again, there was no guarantee that wouldn’t just make things even worse. So perhaps the circumstances of the last week were for the best

“Okay, that’s all fine. Your boyfriend’s sentence is scheduled to be up in the next few hours, so when he’s returned I’ll be sure to contact you. If you’d like, you’re welcome to wait around here until then. However, if it’s easier, you can leave a number with me,” the woman gestured to various benches dotted around the room and then tapped upon a pad resting atop the raised plinth separating them.

She wanted out of this place as soon as possible. That much was clear, even to the receptionist. But Jemima was simultaneously unable to deny her desperation to have Tyler back the instant he was free. “I’ll… wait around,” she replied, quickly adding a yelp of thanks so as to not seem rude, but the stern looking woman had already returned to her multitudes of work, not returning her gaze as she was addressed.

Turning back around from the central desk, Jemima weighed up her options. Given the time of day, the large room was still very much bustling with Officers and civilians alike, and so she struggled to spot anywhere that was neither occupied nor accompanied. Almost all the benches were totally unavailable to someone of her disposition, save one on the far side of the room, and already many others seemed to drift past it. As if threatening to rob her of any solace she might seek.

Thumbing her skirt once more, she cast her beady eyes around again until it was plainly obvious that the distant bench was the only place open to her. So she made for it. Shuffling across the room and keeping her head firmly down as she ignored everyone washing past her.

As Jemima finally came to rest upon the wooden sanctuary, her heart drummed rapidly, demanding several deep breaths from the young woman until her stress softened.

She hadn’t noticed whilst nearby, but already the desk at which she’d spoken to the receptionist seemed to be suffering an absolute onslaught of requests. No more than twenty people crowed and queued around it, all quite eager to have their situations dealt with. No wonder the lady hadn’t minced words once she’d finished their conversation, Jemima thought to herself.

She couldn’t blame her. That many people giving that much attention would’ve caused her dark-haired head to burst.

Outside of the central focal point of the desk everyone appeared to coalesce around, the rest of the atrium wasn’t any less busy. The entire room was filled to the brim with a regular hum of conversation, along with the clacks and bumps of all manner of footwear. And of course, given the large population of Shrink Correctional Officers someone could reasonably expect to find in their headquarters, the vast majority of which looked to be those unforgettable boots.

Since Tyler had been arrested, Jemima had been incapable of drawing her eyes away from any pair she’d encountered. Whether it was the SCO she’d passed on the town centre, the group of SCOs she’d seen relaxing in the park, or even the one she’d given her seat up for on the bus. It was awful. Powerless to stop her own instincts, and having no idea whether focus of her emotions on what might’ve been trapped within any one of those notoriously well-worn prisons.

Before she could mope and spiral even more, the twitchy brunette spotted a figure approaching her. Walking at a brisk pace and clearly directed straight towards her seated position. Jemima panicked a little. The uniform was obvious and the sound of her approach, undeniable. She was an Officer. An SCO.

Was she sat somewhere she shouldn’t be? Had she caused some hassle with her questions to the receptionist. Oh god, maybe she’d accidentally been causing trouble! Was she about to be arrested?! Would she be shrunken down and handed a sentence of her own?! Oh, no. Surely, she’d not done anything. It couldn’t be-

“Hey, is that seat taken?”

“I… is what?” Jemima was caught totally off guard, managing only a reflexive question of her own as her sinking stomach pacified for a moment.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, but… are you saving that space for someone?”

The young woman speaking looked around the same age as Jemima, perhaps a little older but not by much. And her voice was… surprisingly soft, kindly even, considering the intimidating reputation Jemima had been lead to fear from all SCOs. Old or young. Tall or short.

“Oh. N-No, I’m not.”

The girl smiled warmly, nodding, disarming the worrisome expression she was faced with. “Perfect. You don’t mind if I take a seat then? I hate standing around in this place, always puts me on edge, you know? Makes me feel like I’m in trouble, or something?”

Already, even though the stress had not entirely dissipated, Jemima could feel herself smiling. Unexpected though she was, this girl didn’t seem anything approaching a threat. At least not from how she looked or acted, Shrink Correctional uniform aside.

“Y-Yeah, I get that. I know what you m-mean. And n-no, h-help yourself…”

Without further pleasantries, she dropped down onto the space beside Jemima, causing the surface of the bench to bounce a little on impact. Her legs kicking up off the floor as she landed neatly.

“Phew, feels good to be off my feet at last. Can you believe how hot it’s been over the last couple days? Like, I knew it was supposed to get a little warm, but this bordering on disinformation. Maybe we should suggest some kind of SCA sentencing for weathermen behind that one, huh?”

Jemima chuckled politely, hearing what could’ve easily been her own internal monologue parroted back to her, excluding the mildly unsettling mention of the Association and sentencing. Although, even the briefest of mentions of the girl’s feet had caused her nervous stare to subtly drift downwards. Reaching the tightly sealed rims of her boots before Jemima was able to tear them away and steady herself.

The figure beside her squinted ever so slightly as this, cocking her head, seemingly unsure what to make of her strange bench-fellow’s reaction and shifting gaze. But she didn’t decide to press the matter, instead getting comfortable, crossing one leg over the other then shifting upright to leant back into the furniture and let out a deep sigh. As her foot lifted up off the ground, she could feel her sore sole partially unsticking from the insole of her boot, taking her tiny, unwillingly smushed passenger along for the ride.

During a short burst of silence, Jemima took the chance to properly examine the person beside her. Naturally she tried to disguise her wandering sight as well as possible, but that wasn’t saying much given her poor form when it came to subtlety.

The young woman certainly was pretty, that much was obvious. Though not conventionally so, which almost made her appearance all the more engrossing. Her features were sharp and piercing, from her pronounced cheekbones to her slim jaw. And accented by her huge, captivating, emerald eyes. The few times Jemima had already met them, it’d been tough not to entirely lose herself within the gaze meeting her own.

Framing her face, the fiery locks rippling over her ears served to emphasise her remarkable icy skin, even more so than it already stood out without the clashing temperatures. Her hair looked incredible well kept, much like the rest of her, and suited the young woman so well, Jemima wouldn’t been surprised were it dyed that way. However, given her perfectly matching eyebrows, she doubted the likelihood of that.

The rest of her bench partner was hard to parse at this angle. She looked a bit taller than Jemima. Svelte and considered, with a distinct confidence in how she held herself. Not quite the overt bravado or smugness with which some SCOs appeared to act, instead much closer to her clearly just seeming in control. Something the observing girl couldn’t really relate to. Especially not at this moment in time.

Eventually the unnamed girl turned bodily towards Jemima and lifted up a pale hand, brandishing it along with another warming smile.

“Ruby,” she said, moving the hand a little closer, making her intentions even more blatant.

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you,” Jemima said, cautiously grasping her cool palm and giving a rather weak shake. Her own clammy grasp made her cringe, hoping it would evade Ruby’s notice. But the young woman didn’t seem to react.

Ruby chuckled a little as they separated, still smiling and now shaking her head in jest. “Nice to meet you too, suspiciously nameless girl.”

The brunette blushed and withered, instantly reeling from her own mistake.

“J-Jemima!” She blurted out a bit too forcefully, drawing the eye of several passersby. “My name’s… Jemima.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you, Jemima. I’m sure you can guess, but I don’t get the chance to meet many new people in my line of work - well, besides the ones that, you know, don’t get a choice in having to meet me, if you get my meaning - so it’s good to make your acquaintance.”

Once again, the inference Ruby alluded to made the drifting path of Jemima’s eyes particularly obvious, this time carving their way down to the printed SCA crest upon the side of the boot nearest her. Ruby noticed this again, but didn’t press the subject.

“Oh y-yeah, that makes sense,” she muttered, trying to engage and brush over her own drifting attention.

Ruby’s lips pursed loosely, eyebrows raising in turn.

“You’re not really the… talkative type, are you?”

“I, well…” Jemima sighed. “No, I guess not. What gave it away?”

The brunette let out a wry chuckle at this, brushing her hair to the side and looking around nervily. Ruby remained quite still, smiling contently as she leaned to observe Jemima more closely.

“Don’t worry about that, Jemima. I’m really not bothered. In fact, most of the girls I work with hardly ever stop for breath, so this is actually a bit refreshing. If you don’t mind me saying.”

“No, not at all.” It was Jemima’s turn to smile now. Perhaps not as calmly as the red-haired girl opposite her, but still.

“Well, if you’d rather. I can talk and you can listen?” She said, before hastily adding, “only if you’d like me to talk, that is. If you’d prefer, I can shut up and leave you be. Goodness knows I’d hate to be more of a pain than I’m probably already being.”

Jemima didn’t speak for a moment, having allowed her eyes to slide off Ruby temporarily, as she was wanton to do in any social situations lasting more than a few words. Part of her would just rather sit and wait for Tyler. But being alone with her own thoughts in this place, the belly of the beast, would surely do her more harm than good. In fact, since speaking to the kindly SCO, she was surprised to realise she’d hardly even thought about her boyfriend. Probably for the first time in almost the whole week, save for sleeping. Excluding the nightmares. Of course, she began to internally chastise herself for such behaviour, but it did feel refreshing. Even if only for a moment.

“It’s, erm… it’s nice to talk to you, Ruby.”

And the seated Shrink Correctional Officer was blushing. Only a little bit, but on her tremendously pale skin, it was hard to hide and seemed to show up all the brighter.

“It’s nice to talk to you too. But please, I’m not joking, do tell me to shut up if I start rambling. I swear, I honestly can’t help it. Runs in the family.”

Jemima giggled, again brushing her concealing hair aside.

As the two had conversed, Ruby’s own attention couldn’t help but drift around, with her becoming more and more aware of the body steadily peeling off her elevated foot. It didn’t seem to be from any effort on her captive shrinkee’s part, given she’d felt him remain obediently still since stomping him flat on her way to the building. However, now, gravity seemed to be doing the hard work for him.

Moments later, she felt the expected low clunk vibrate around her insulated boot as he came free and smacked back onto the soggy insole. Exhaling a little too forcefully through her nose, Ruby tried not to draw attention to it, hoping Jemima hadn’t heard the noise and instead pushing herself up to swap legs. Allowing her unoccupied foot to hang freely over her knee, whilst the other pressed down into stone floor with an inaudible squelch. Sealing him back in place.

She extended her toes for a moment, wiggling them as his flesh sank back into hers, just to ensure his placement was comfortable, then returned to ignoring his plight.

“Actually, I-I wondered if maybe, I guess, I could ask you something? If that’s alright?”

Having returned to the conversation at hand, Ruby suppressed a frown, finding the young woman’s constant timidness truly surprising even now. In her experience, that level of reservedness seemed saved for newly assigned shrinkees, not polite, amiable girls such as her.

“No, not at all. Please, ask away,” she said, opening up her arms with a chuckle. “I’m really an open book. Maybe a little too open at times.”

Nodding, Jemima allowed herself a deep intake of breath before continuing. Steadying herself and hoping she didn’t come across as rude for what she had to ask.

“Okay, well then… why do you d-do it?”

“Do what?”

She took another shaky breath before continuing. “Do this? Yanno, the whole… the whole…” Then in a hushed voice, Jemima leaned in. “…shrinking thing?”

The question might’ve seemed quite innocuous to the redhead, but to her, it felt like an enormous anvil lifting off her as the words slipped out. Rising up from her chest, still threatening to drop back down at a moment’s notice, yet rising all the same.

Sure, ever since Tyler had been incarcerated, she’d been unable to stop thinking about what life might be like for him. But to herself, the young woman just couldn’t understand why someone would do something like that to another person. Like all the horrible things she’d heard and even worse that she’d imagined. How could someone would do that to another living, breathing human being…

The relief she felt was quite something, and yet Ruby appeared to be even more thrilled by the question than Jemima was to have asked it.

“So that’s why you were… huh, makes sense, I guess,” Ruby smirked, appearing to speak to herself now.

“Why what?”

“Why you keep looking at me like I’m behind a shop window,” she chuckled, turning fully to the woman opposite her now, resting her left leg flat upon the bench. “As if I’m some kind of weird artefact you’ve never seen before. Or like, some unusual food at a restaurant or something. I mean, you’ve hardly been able to stop looking at my boots ever since I sat down.” Emphaising that fact, Ruby raised her presently horizontal boot a little off the bench and patted it firmly with her free hand.

Jemima squirmed a little at the last point, and even more so at her actions.

“Oh it’s alright, I’m not bothered,” Ruby said calmly, reigniting her warmth as she leant forwards and placed a hand upon Jemima’s. “Trust me. I get plenty of looks from people when I’m out and about, and I much prefer the ones you’re giving me right now. Seriously. That look of uncertain confusion definitely beats fear and hatred. Unless you’re one of the officers that thrives off that, but… I never quite got that side of things myself.”

The brunette was frowning now, rubbing her temples and looking down. Towards the ground. Towards Ruby’s right foot.

“Why do you do it then? If it’s not about making people scared or making them hate you? Like, how c-could you do that to someone? It… it seems so cruel.”

“Because it’s my job, Jemima. I wish I had a more exciting or provocative answer, but it really isn’t much more complicated than that.” Ruby still maintained a compassionate smile as she spoke, half considering raising her hand up to the girl’s shoulder, however thought better of it before actually doing so. “Sure, some girls really just want to mess people up. Like, really fuck with them, if you’ll excuse the language. To be pointed at someone who deserves punishment and then make their life a living hell. And they really do thrive off it, it’s not an act. It gives them purpose. At least, from my experience. But me, well, I never thought this’d be my career, as much as my sister and mother used to go on and on about it. However, now, I suppose I’m really just… good at what I do.”

Jemima didn’t seem the slightest bit sold. Her lips pursing so tightly they almost vanished entirely.

“Look, I know this job seems to attract a lot of girls that are… well, just mean, I guess. But for some of us, we’re just good at the job. And, speaking for me at least, think it really does make the world a better place. Or at least, our tiny part of that world. Emphasis on ‘tiny’, I suppose,” she chuckled, hoping to lift the mood a little.

Though it didn’t seem to be working.

Now it was Ruby’s turn to frown, as the redhead leant backwards, removing her hand and eying the brunette cautiously. Incidentally pressing her occupied foot down into the ground as she shifted. Pasting out her trapped shrinkee, whose arms seemed to be pinned wide by the ball of her foot. Poor thing’s face had to be right up by her toes now.

She didn’t want to assume, but from her experience, there seemed to be something she was missing. Something the girl beside her was neglecting to mention, even if it felt rude to probe. However, it was in her nature as an SCO to be certain the young woman wasn’t a potential danger to herself or anyone else. And so, probe she did.

“I don’t mean to intrude,” Ruby began, tentatively, eying her cautiously. “But are you alright, Jemima? Ever since we brought up my job and stuff, you seem a little… I don’t know, a bit distant? I can stop talking about it if you’d like. I did only want to answer your questions.”

Jemima looked up now, a little watery eyed, her body trembling. The SCO’s already large eyes widened further now, taken aback by the response she was witnessing. Clearly the girl was distressed or bothered by something, but it was still difficult to pin down exactly. Perhaps it was a past sentence? Possibly a previous encounter with an SCO? Was she under duress? Or maybe even…

“No! That’s not it!” Jemima blurted out, definitely too loudly, drawing some strange glances from some of the passing Officers within the atrium.

She glanced about frantically, clawing at herself to speak plainly, even if it felt like scratching off her skin and baring herself to the look of genuine concern she’d never expected to see on the face of a Shrink Correctional Officer. Only then, following a deep, rattling breath, did she admit what she’d wanted to cry out ever since that week had begun. The thing eating her from the inside out. “I want him back. I miss him so fucking much. And, and… I want to know what he’s going through. Right now, it’s the only thing I can do for him, even if it’s horrible, and cruel, and just.. urgh!”

Ruby recoiled a little further, trying to hide her own surprise so as not to unsettle the despairing girl. “Woah, woah, roll it back. Who’s this? What’s happened? I can call someone, just wait a—”

Struggling to keep a hold of herself, Jemima was visibly shaking and rapidly wiping tears from her eyes. Soaking her sleeve in the process. And yet still managed to throw her hand around Ruby’s wrist as the SCO motioned to stand up.

Drawn back onto the bench, Ruby moved to throw an arm around the girl whilst caught in half a mind to find someone else to gather some aid, but in her current state, she thought better of it. Clearly the brunette needed some help, however more physical contact wasn’t necessarily the answer. Especially not if it risked endangering herself in the process.

“It’s.. it’s Tyler…”

“What’s Tyler?” Ruby prompted quickly.

“H-He’s my b-boyfriend…”

“Okay. Is he in trouble? Do you want me to get help? Because I can. Let me go and I’ll grab someone.”

Jemima frantically flailed her arms, seemingly frustrated either at the redhead’s questions or her own inability to answer them.

“No! N-Nothing like that… it’s just t-that…”

She trailed off, but finally Ruby seemed to realise where things were going. Her lips tightened back to their pencil-thin state and her eyes slipped down to her own boots.

And it finally clicked.

The panicked state. The constantly, fearful glanced at her SCO uniform and patented footwear. The questions and concerns about her career and morals, all as she pined for her partner. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together, bright though Ruby was. Although saying it aloud was something in and of itself, and couldn’t be avoided now.

“He’s got a shrinking sentence, hasn’t he? Your boyfriend. Tyler.”

Jemima looked at her, eyes sparkling, and nodded. Resigned from speaking again, she hastily turned away and began to whimper into her near-sodden sleeve.

Ruby exhaled and sat back, stretching her legs out from the bench and feeling her own assigned shrinkee unstick from the well-worn insole of her boot and remain compressed into her heated foot. Things were feeling particularly sweaty in there now, especially compared to when she’d gotten dressed hours earlier, yet he still remained quite still. She wasn’t sure if it was obedience, fearfulness, or just plain unconsciousness, but either way, he was far from her priority right now.

“That… actually makes a lot more sense. Right, well, I wished you’d told me sooner. I’m not that intimidating surely. At least, I’d hope not. Not at your size anyway.”

Jemima made a strange noise at that, part way between a sneeze and a hiccup.

“Eh, maybe I am. Look, I get it. SCO and all that. If it’s easier, I’ll leave you be, Jemima. If I’m doing more harm than good, I’m sure I can find somewhere else to sit until they’re ready for me. I really don’t want to cause you anymore pain than you’re clearly already in. And talking to someone in my position is probably the last thing you need right about now.”

Emphasising her point, Ruby pushed herself upright and gripped the arm of the bench in preparation to rise back onto her feet. She glanced across before acting, just in case Jemima planned on making a response.

The sniffling girl didn’t say anything for a few moments, still working her way down her stained arm. Until, with a hard snort, she just about gathered herself.

“I… I d-don’t get it. W-Why are you b-being so nice to me…?”

Ruby nearly snorted, working hard to suppress the laugh she nearly let out. “W-What do you mean, ‘why am I being so nice to you’? How do you expect me to treat you?!”

But Jemima didn’t say anything. She gave the SCO a pitiable, withering look. Up and down her uniformed body, then returned to her sulking with a hearty sniff.

“Jemima. Please. I might be a Shrink Correctional Officer, but that doesn’t define me or who I am. Do you think all bartenders are the same just because they serve drinks? Or all cashiers? Or postal workers? I’m not lying to you. What would be the point? Nor am I going to pretend like some people I work with haven’t got a few screws loose. But that’s not me. I’m not here for some sadistic thrill chasing, or to live out some weird, fucked up fantasies about trampling tiny people just for the kicks. If I wanted to keep people locked up in my rank boots and torment the hell out of them, I could do it, but what would be the point in pretending otherwise? Pretending that I didn’t do it for that alone? Huh?” She became quite dramatically animated as she spoke. Mounting her defence passionately even if the girl beside her refused to meet her gaze.

Whether Jemima was still even listening, Ruby didn’t want to let this point stand.

She could live with the girl disliking what she did or hating what the SCA stood for, but to think she was all the same as those girls that needlessly requested endless extensions just to torment their shrinkees more and more, or did everything in their power to cause suffering above and beyond the need for rehabilitation…

It was almost impossible for her to put into words. Particularly ones that might make sense to someone like Jemima. But for Ruby, she felt like she lived two completely distinct lives. One in which she was Ruby, affable redhead and her father’s daughter, through and through. And another in which she was Officer Connors, efficient and effective administrator of shrinkee rehabilitation on behalf of the Shrink Correctional Association, like her sister, and her mother before them.

Though both people might inhabit the same body, she was capable of being one or the other, and neither was defined by the other’s actions. At least not to her. Sure, if she met a former shrinkee of hers on the street, it wouldn’t surprise her to see them withdraw from her, to refuse to acknowledge her, or even to run away. But she bore them no ill will. It was her job. And she did what was needed.

“Come on, Jemima. Surely you understand what I’m saying, right?”

“I… well…” She paused, steadily grasping back a hint of the composure she’d lost. Then turned to meet Ruby’s emerald gaze fully. “I think so… it’s just… i-it’s hard.”

“I get it. I do,” Ruby replied, positioning herself back on the bench as she spoke.

Neither of them said a word for a few moments now, instead sitting in the temporary silence. Jemima mulling over Ruby’s proclamation, and the latter simply hoping she’d made a little more sense to the timid girl at her side. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, only for them to open sharply as the brunette spoke once again.

“I-I just wish I knew how he was… if he’s okay, a-and what he’s going through. Maybe that wouldn’t make me feel so… so…”

“Helpless?” Ruby offered up.

Jemima nodded weakly, allowing her head to sink once more. Though the redhead wasn’t satisfied in allowing the girl to slump back into her misery just yet.

“I mean, hell. If that’s what you want, just take a swing at any passing officer and you’ll be under a pair of extremely stinky SCO feet by the end of the day; I can promise you that. That’d give you a pretty good idea.”

Jemima’s shocked, bordering on terrified, expression spoke for itself, prompting a quick retraction from the chuckling SCO, whose face dropped a little.

“I’m joking, I’m joking. Phew, sorry about that,” she said, hoping to have lifted the mood. “But seriously, do you actually want to hear about what an SCO does with their shrinkee? Like, for real?”

The conflict was as clear upon Jemima’s face as the emblem was upon Ruby’s boots. But, sure enough, given a few momently more, she nodded. Not looking wholly pleased with herself as she did so, but a little more sure of herself nonetheless.

“Yes. M-Maybe that’ll help… help me understand…”

“Man, you’re a strange girl,” Ruby laughed, wiping her brow as she sat back, finally relieving the pressure upon her booted shrinkee. “Then again, they do say fear of the unknown can be worse than actually knowing I guess. The mind is great at convincing you of the worst thing imaginable when you don’t know all the facts. That’s actually one of the things we get trained on in the academy, when it comes to threatening our shrinkees with worse outcomes.”

Ruby wasn’t certain this was a good idea. The girl had already shown, pretty clearly, the fragile mental state she was already in, and assuming she was here for her boyfriend, surely he’d be able to tell her anything she wanted to know once he was returned to her anyway. But, then again, if she could do something to help…

“You’re sure?” She asked, raising a flaming eyebrow.

“No. But… what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Guess we’ll find out, won’t we? So go on then,” Ruby opened herself wide once again, smiling widely. “Ask away. I’m all yours…”

Far from instantly jumping into the deluge of questions that’d been flooding her mind for the past week, Jemima paused for a few moments more. Now refusing to look anywhere besides Ruby’s boots. Although she didn’t realise she was doing it, the young woman was even straining her ears, as if she might hear some distant sounds of misery seeping from those leather tombs.

Ruby gave her a few moments, but it wasn’t long before she piped in again. “Seriously. Ask away, Jemima. Get it off your chest, if you think it’ll make you feel any better.”

A deep breath from quieter of the two preceded her next words.

“Well… erm… I guess…” She knew what she wanted to ask, but couldn’t quite… “H-Have you got one right now?”

“A shrinkee?” Ruby clarified, repositioning her arms at her sides, to which Jemima nodded sharply. “Yeah, I do. As a matter of fact, the only reason I’m actually in today was in order to apply for an extension to their sentence. I wouldn’t normally do it, but I just can’t consider them rehabilitated yet.”

Trying hard to avoid reacting all that much to the casual nature with which Ruby spoke about condemning a person to spending even more time in her possession, Jemima was surprised to learn that an extension was even possible. But still, it made sense. Sort of. A bit.

“Wait, you can d-do that?”

“Extend their sentences?”

“Yeah,” she said, eyes sliding back and forth between her face and her boots, now knowing what was sealed within them.

“Of course you can. I mentioned earlier, didn’t I? Some girls will just keep extending sentences to heap more and more misery on their shrinkee when they find one that really pushes their buttons, but they can start having them rejected once the SCA catches onto what they’re up to.”

Jemima nodded along, but didn’t interrupt. Her mind starting to race.

“I actually knew someone from the academy that got suspended for it. Camilla Yale. We’d actually been kind of close during training, but she went absolutely nuts once she got a hint of power as an actual Officer. Whilst I was trying to follow the rules, make an impression, get my footing, pun unintended, she was just speeding through shrinkees until she got one that she really enjoyed messing with and then basically just enslaved him to her from that point on.” Ruby had begun to absentmindedly tap her right foot now. Specifically the foot occupying her tiny passenger inside her humid boot. “Poor guy was originally supposed to have a two week sentence, I think, and ended up stuck with her for almost six months. By the time they caught onto what was happening, he’d spent almost a week trapped inside her smell-shield sock whilst chained to a toe-ring… by his neck.”

Even Ruby grimaced at this recollection, even if Jemima was too entranced to react all that much. But the redhead didn’t think much of it, given she’d actually see the pictures of the aftermath, so maybe it was still a little more raw for her.

“And I’m sure I don’t need to explain to you that being confined to an SCO’s sock is not the same as being stuck in any normal person’s sock. Plus those things are made out of latex and stuff, so they’re basically air-tight… and really hold in the smell…”

Trailing off, it was Ruby’s turn to pause, dwelling on her own words as her companion remained silent. It’d been quite some time since she’d last thought about Camilla, but the memories she had of her returning in such an abrupt fashion wasn’t exactly on her agenda for the day. Then again, neither was the lengthy therapy session she’d already provided to Jemima.

“S-So, you’re getting an extension?” The girl beside her said, getting things moving again.

“Yes, I am. And it’s not something I’ve actually had to do all that often,” she admitted, now tapping her other foot and giving the smothered boy a momentary reprieve. “I’d only decided earlier today anyways. Normally we can give the Association notice digitally if we’re requesting an extension, but I’d left it a little late for that, so had to inform them in-person.”

“Why did you need to?”

Ruby frowned, tilting her head. “Need to what?”

“You know… extended the… t-the thing?”

“Well, I just feel like he needs it, you know? He was actually quite good up until a day or so ago. Surprisingly obedient for someone on their first shrinking sentence and never having smelt enhanced SCO feet before, so I’d assumed things were working. But today he’s been so deliberately frustrating and disobedient that I could tell he’d just been suppressing any resistance in the hope I wouldn’t notice. And after everything I’ve done to him this week, turns out using him to floss out my toes was a bridge too far… apparently. Go figure.”

Ruby then chuckled dryly, perhaps in slightly poor taste, but did so all the same. Whether Jemima felt like saying it openly or not, she could tell the conversation was already tipping the redhead a little more towards the type of person Jemima had expected when she first sat down. More Officer Connors, and less Ruby.

“He doesn’t actually know he’s getting an extension yet. But I guess that’ll be obvious once I take off my boots later and he realises he’s still mine.”

Still not wholly sure asking the SCO for actual details on her treatment of people was a good idea, it felt a little too late to back out now. And so Jemima persisted. Asking any and everything she could remember having crashed into her brain over the last week. No matter how much she dreaded the answers.

“W-What’s it like for him? In… in there?”

Ruby turned to face her, breaking out of her descriptive trance.

“You mean, what’s it like for a shrinkee to be worn inside our boots? An SCO’s boots?”

Jemima nodded. And Ruby laughed again, with a little less mirth now.

“Erm, well I can’t say for certain what it’s like for your boyfriend in particular. As with anything, everyone’s bodies are different, as I’m sure you can imagine. And that extends to Officers of the SCA too. Different sizes, different shapes, different… smells. However, I guess I can tell you about mine, if that’d help in some way?”

“If you d-don’t mind?”

“Of course I don’t mind, Jemima. But I’m more worried about setting you off again. Cause, like, it’s not going to be nice for anyone under my feet. I’m sure that’s pretty obvious, right? So giving you anymore than that might be bit much, given… you know. What’s going on with your boyfriend…”

She wasn’t wrong. Even the brunette herself wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to hear what Ruby had to say. But she’d come this far. And even if she was going to see Tyler again today, there was no guaranteed he’d even want to talk about what he went through, so this was probably her best chance to hear this kind of information. And before she realised it, her eyes were back on Ruby’s boots yet again.

“Please. I… I want to know.”

The uniformed girl smiled, placing a hand back upon Jemima’s own before withdrawing it and placing both of her own atop her lap as she repositioned herself. She leant back and bent one leg so it was resting upon the bench between them, which allowed her to raise up the other and plant her boot firmly into the space separating the two of them. Specifically the one that currently contained both her foot and the shrinkee that was smelling it.

Jemima jumped back a little in surprise, half expecting Ruby to begin loosening its straps as if to remove it.

“Relax. I’m not taking it off, or anything,” she chuckled. “Just figured it’d be easier to explain certain things this way. Right, so, where should I start? I guess I won’t bore you with any of the nitty-gritty about the boots themselves, cause I think that information’s publicly accessible, if you want to know. Safe to say, they’re custom built to be air-tight, and to maximise how smelly a girl’s foot can become along with the suffering of anyone unlucky enough to find themselves stuck inside it.”

Then using her right index to point at various parts of the boot, Ruby started to rattle off certain features, like the mechanism beneath the insole that could both heat up the boot or massage the sole of her foot, along with the optional remote-activated straps that sealed the boot itself and the tank built into the sole that excess sweat would drain into. At which point Ruby made a mental note to empty her tanks, as they were reaching their max capacity due to the current weather.

Though she didn’t say it, Jemima was realising that maybe her fears had actually been a little understated, now she heard just how kitted out SCOs were for making people’s lives as hellish as possible, with little more than their feet.

“But yeah, that’s all the basics covered. I suppose you actually want to hear about my feet then? I mean, that was what you originally asked for, assuming I’ve not already scared you off from it?” Though Ruby was still smiling, she didn’t seem to understand just how close to the truth her jovial comment was.

Jemima simply nodded, whilst her mind rocketed back through her perviously settled worries.

“Okay, well unfortunately I can’t actually tell you based on my own experience. I’m not sure if you know this, or if I’m even supposed to tell you, but all SCOs are actually insulated from their own smells. No matter how hard we might try, we just can’t really perceive them anymore. It’s a weird byproduct of the virus that causes the extreme levels of scent and perspiration our feet can reach. So yeah, I can’t tell you that. Though even before I became an SCO my feet could get a little on the pungent side. If that’s of any use at all?” The brunette didn’t seem to indicate that it was.

“However, if we’re going by any of my shrinkees’ reactions, including the current one…” she tapped the boot meaningfully, “…then it’s not good. Like, really really not good. I don’t think there’s been a single day this week where he’s not begged me to avoid smelling them. Feet or boots. And not just politely asking not to, like full-on ‘pleading on hands-and-knees’ type of begging.”

“Did you listen to them?”

She cocked her head to the side, a little surprised at the question. “What? When they asked not to go near my feet?”


“Of course not. It’s my job to reform them, Jemima. And my admittedly extremely smelly feet are supposed to be the main tool in doing so. It’s like if a teacher stopped teaching her students just because they didn’t want to learn algebra. If I gave in to every shrinkee that didn’t want to smell my feet or get smothered inside my boots, I’d have been out of a job years ago.”

This time Jemima didn’t manage to hold her tongue.

“But it’s so cruel!”

“It’s necessary, Jemima. And it’s not like I keep them inside my boots twenty-four seven. I did give this one a bit of a break on Wednesday, when I was working out. Just kept him in the underarm harness instead, as I’m not totally convinced SCOs should keep shrinkees underfoot during exercise. Seems a little too risky, if you ask me. But still, it’s not like that harness makes anything more pleasant than being my insole already is. Sweat is sweat, and I’ve got plenty to go around.”

Jemima was really struggling to keep up with everything last thing Ruby was tossing at her now. She was really living up to the rambling she’d preemptively apologised for when first taking a seat beside her, only now it was far less tolerable given the subject matter. And all throughout, the brunette really couldn’t believe just how casually she spoke about everything. About walking all over another human being with them trapped inside her apparently horrible boots. Or having someone strapped to her armpit whilst she worked out and sweated all over them. It was inhumane. It was disgusting.

“I know I’m not the best explainer in the world, so if I’m not quite giving you a good enough idea of what stuff is like, I can always show you instead?”

“No, it’s— what do you m-mean, ‘show me’?”

At that moment, Ruby felt her insole padding spring back into motion, strangely spurred on by something as Jemima had spoken particularly loudly, enough to draw some passing looks. But she thought little of it. Pressing her sweat-engorged foot back down onto them and hoping to give them enough stink to settle down.

“I mean, it’s not something an SCO does every day, but technically speaking, if you consent here and now, I’m legally allowed to remove my boots with you in private and give you a bit of a first-hand experience of just what my feet are like…” Drumming her toes within the boot, she half-wondered if Jemima might even accept. “That is, assuming you consent to experiencing just how strong an SCO’s feet can smell. And whilst you might think you can imagine it or handle it. Trust me. You can’t.”

Feeling her heart now beating up towards her throat, Jemima was recognising the girl sat before her less and less by the minute. The kindly, considerate figure that’d first sat down what could’ve been hours before was morphing into exactly the person she had feared all week.

Even now, Jemima recalled had intently she’d listened all through Ruby’s earlier testimony. About how she believed in what she did, and how she didn’t derive any pleasure or joy in what her job dictated she do, no matter how much other girls did. And still, to this moment, Jemima believed her. She understood what she said and she believed the redhead was honest in her claims. But now, listening to the uniformed figure sat opposite her, she couldn’t shake the sinking feeling that she’d been speaking to two different people. And even if the former didn’t enjoy what she did, the latter definitely got something out of it…

“No. T-That isn’t… I don’t w-want that. Please.”

Ruby smiled, now lowering her booted foot back to the floor. “Shame. I was quite looking forward to making you wear my boot like a gas mask.”

But before Jemima could react, understandably repulsed, Ruby jumped back in. “Joking. Joking! Seriously, Jemima. I told you. I wouldn’t do that. I’m not like those girls. I promise.”

Even the half-hearted ‘heh’, Jemima offered was barely a noise at all. She decided she didn’t want to hear anymore about what SCOs did, or what Ruby’s feet smelt like. It was sick. And she just wanted Tyler back. And this wasn’t getting her any closer to that.

“I don’t t-think I want to hear anymore more of… that.”

“That’s okay. I figured I might have gone a little far going by the look on your face,” Ruby tried to defuse things with that smile of her, but it wasn’t working this time. “I-Is there anything else I can answer for you? Whilst I’m here?”

No. It had taken enough time, but Jemima had finally come to her senses. What was she thinking? That asking one of the people who was trained to make people suffer the way her boyfriend was currently suffering would make her feet any better? How stupid. No, she was quite done and just wanted to go home with Tyler.

Moments away from getting to her feet and slinking off to wait until she was called, one final thing jumped to her mind. And whilst she wasn’t sure why, surely it couldn’t prompt the redhead into another frenzy of descriptive vileness.

“I… well, I did wonder…” Jemima breathed heavily, trying to choose her words correctly. “Do they tell you who you’re… rehabilitating? You know, when they g-give you them? Or is it… anonymous?”

“Yeah, of course. It’s all sent to us on the app. Along with any details that might help us enhance their rehabilitation. Phobias, fetishes, intolerances; anything like that.”

Her breathing was only increasing in weight now. Subconsciously piecing things together in her mind as her heart raced, surely loud enough for even Ruby to hear it. Even the blood in her ears was drowning out the surrounding background noise, as she focused on Ruby, and Ruby alone. Meanwhile the redhead was getting a little uncomfortable with just how intently Jemima was staring and breathing.

“Jemima, are you—“

“—Who is your current person? Who have you been torturing? W-What’s their name?”

“I…” Ruby stumbled, trying to recall. She knew it was some boy, sentenced on a petty theft and assigned to her a week earlier. But she couldn’t recall his name, having not used it once during the prior week. “I don’t remember. Why? What does it matter to you? And I told you, I’m not torturing anyone—”

“Because! Tell me. Please!”

Finding Jemima now uncomfortably entering her personal space, it took all of Ruby’s restraint not to suppress the girl there and then. Having to fight hard not to have her training kick-in. “Okay. Okay. Jesus, calm down. Let me get my phone… shit.” And so she drew her phone out and hastily signed into the app. Shooting the brunette wary looks as she did.

Once into the SCA app, she pulled up the files for her current shrinkee and spoke aloud once the relevant information appeared. Speaking as she comprehended it. “There. Just some Williams kid, I don’t know? Wait, not that. Not Williams—“

Jemima’s heart almost exploded.

“—Willems? Yeah, Willems. That’s a weird name. But yeah. Whoever that is. Happy now?”


Ruby looked through Jemima, and then back to her phone. Neither of them noticing the attention the previously timid girl’s outburst and behaviour was starting to attract. More than just the occasional scowl or odd glance.

“Yeah. Tyler Willems. What of it… oh…” And their gazes met one another. “Oh fuck…”

And as it clicked, moments later for Ruby than it did for Jemima, both of their eyes fell down to the redhead’s boots. As if seeing through the material itself, to the shrunken boy smothered inside.

Before Jemima could move, Ruby was on her feet and gesturing to a passing pair of SCOs. Already well aware of what might happen now everything had clicked into place. How stupid could she have been. Both her and Jemima here on the same day. At the exact same time she was originally supposed to drop off her shrinkee? How on earth had she assumed it was just a coincidence?? How come she’d not expected this???

“Don’t do anything stupid, Jemima. Please, let’s be calm, okay? Be reasonable.”

“Give me him back… give me Tyler back, right now…” Her tone was low now. Repressed. Boiling. “Right… fucking now…”

“No, Jemima. I won’t. I already told you, my duty is—“

“—I don’t care about your duty! I want him back! You’ve done enough to him already.”

She was on her feet as well now. Not approaching Ruby, but shaking with such force, the SCO couldn’t believe she hadn’t rocketed up into the skylight above them. And below both of the young women, Ruby could feel Tyler plainly able to hear something was happening, yet doing her utmost to keep him pinned and docile.

With her phone now behind her back, whilst her other arm was outstretched towards Jemima, she flicked across the app and activated the mechanisms inside her boot, causing it to begin heating up and massaging her smelly sole. Forcefully squeezing the tiny boy up against her skin at the same time. She hoped that’d keep him adequately occupied and deservedly miserable.

“I’m sorry. I really am. You’re a sweet girl, Jemima. And I like you. I do… But my responsibility is to the rehabilitation of my shrinkees. And your boyfriend needs more time.”

Just as Jemima snapped, propelling herself at Ruby, she was snatched up by both of the approaching SCOs and dragged back down onto the bench. Each one had placed their arms beneath hers and lifted her bodily as she’d launched, quite easily restraining her down. The redhead didn’t recognise either of them at first, but was glad she hadn’t needed to do anything further, or things might’ve gotten ugly.

“Let me go! She’s got him! She does!”

“Calm yourself.” The first of the pair spoke, softly but firmly. “Don’t do something you might regret, Miss.”

“Or do. And let us show you what happens…” The second added. Her voice being a whole lot more sneering and provocative than the first.

The brunette still continued to struggle for a few moments until she tired herself out and looked up at Ruby, who now stood between her two fellow Officers. The redhead didn’t look happy. The blatant conflict on her face was obvious for all to see. And yet she still looked a great deal less defeated than Jemima did.

“I’m sorry, Jemima. But please. Let these two escort you out, and I promise, you’ll have your boyfriend back in no time. But for now, let me do what I do best. And please, don’t try and get in the way of that, or you might end up experiencing a shrinking sentence first-hand.”

The rage that’d possessed the girl she’d spoken too so amicably up till now collapsed and left only tears as it departed. But Ruby solidified and frowned. At this point, she couldn’t let this influence her. She had a job to do. Having met Jemima or not, it made no difference. Her shrinkee wasn’t rehabilitated and she wasn’t finished.

“P-Please don’t… I don’t want—“

“Please escort her outside,” Ruby spoke over Jemima to the two holding the brunette down. “And could we see about someone to walk her home? I’m not sure she’s in any fit state to do so alone.”

The sneery Officer huffed at the suggestion, whilst the other nodded firmly. “Of course. Come on, girl. Let’s get you up and out of here. That’s it. With me, come on.”

Ruby remained where she was for a minute or two. Stood completely still until she was absolutely sure Jemima had made it to the exit and was lead away by the cool-headed blonde SCO, whilst the other returned to where she stood, looking over her shoulder and smirking. “Few more seconds and that could’ve got real nasty for her.”

She didn’t respond, still watching to be sure Jemima didn’t return.

“Shame, really. My boots’ tanks are overflowing, so I could do with a new shrinkee to help me empty them out,” the sneery looking girl added with a giggle, before walking off and leaving Ruby alone as the mechanism inside her boots continued to whir soothingly.


Unable to tell the time of day, or if he was still even alive inside his perpetually reeking prison, Tyler felt the unbearable heat to his rear begin to cease as the boot stopped relentlessly pummelling him up into the warm, sticky sole of his giant tormentress. Whilst he’d heard the slightest bit of commotion from above earlier on, even with how hard it was to focus under a constantly pungent assault, he’d been unable to hear anything since.

Yet as the boot shook and shifted, he recognised the memorable feeling of his cell being removed. And give it was the end of his sentence today, that could surely only mean one thing!

Tumbling out of the massive boot he’d spent hours simmering inside of, Tyler flopped onto the floor and began to soak into the carpet below him. Simultaneously blinded by the light of the room he now found himself in, as well as wincing from the remarkably colder air outside of the SCO’s shoe than the super-heated environment within it. And still, the unquestionably foul scent never left him. What had once seemed to be an exclusive part of Ruby’s boots and feet now seemed to cling to him just as much as it did to them.

No matter where she she put him or what she did to him; he still smelt like her. Like her awful feet.

But at least he was done with that now. His week was up, so he must just be dealing with some other SCO or random bean-counter until they grew him back.

“Get on your knees. Now.”

Instinctively, he did so, without even registering the commanding voice that demanded it of him. All whilst trying not to be too weighed down by the heavy fluid soaking his skin.

“And look at me when I’m talking to you. You know better than that by now.” The voice continued to boom, now worming its way into his head and not quite fitting with what he’d been expecting.

He tried to lift up his head, but the light of the room was still too dazzling after hours spent inside Ruby’s boot, so he kept his gaze low. Able to make out only the emerald carpet below him and the hints of nail polish nearby.

And then he stopped.

H-He knew this carpet… A-And… and those crimson nails, they looked like…

“What is it? Can’t bear to look at me without my foot on your face?”

Before the tiny boy could reply, Ruby dropped her sole back onto him and flattened him down into the floor as the carpet wheezed beneath her tremendously sweaty foot. And even after only a few seconds, already she could see the sodden imprint she was creating on the ground.

Tutting lightly, the redhead carefully peeled her foot up and moved it to the side, allowing him a full view of her looming down on him, whilst he squirmed pitifully in the footprint she’d left behind.

“Now. Let’s try again, shall we? Unless you’d prefer to go back in my boot? This time, we can make sure that face of yours is really stuck up in between my toes. Pretty sure the last girl I had to rehabilitate said that was far worst than just being flattened under my sole…”

That seemed to do it, as this time he appeared to try a great deal more to meet her demands. Still addled by her scent as he was. Clearly he wasn’t about to forget the experience of having his face used to mop up the worst of the sweat between her toes anytime soon.

And once back on his knees and blearily staring up at her, he tried to speak.

“R-R-Ruby, w-why is… how are y-yo—?”

“I decided to extended your sentence.” She replied bluntly, quickly reaching down and lifting him from the ground, then bringing him up to meet her gaze more directly. Ruby’s large green eyes reflecting his own damp appearance back at him. “You clearly aren’t rehabilitated, as much as you might like to pretend that you are. So you’re going to be with me a bit longer until I’m satisfied you’re reformed.”

Ruby made a deliberate choice not to let him know it was only for another week at this stage, in the hopes that spending a potentially limitless amount of time with her was enough to grind down his confidence a little.

“B-But I’m good! I’m r-reformed!”

His protests seemed almost genuine, but she knew better. Bringing him right up to her lips and breathing her warm, fruit-scented breath into his lungs. “Oh are you? Well, I think me and my big, stinky feet will be a better judge of that. Don’t you?”

Releasing him from her grasp, he plummeted back to the carpet as she picked up her discarded boot and dragged it back onto her foot. Though not before admiring just how pink her sole had gotten after the extended massage and intense heating her boot had provided. With her skin being so pale naturally, it only made the bottoms of her feet come up all the pinker once they got a real sweat on. Not to mention the little indented outline he’d left upon her plush skin.

Once sealed away, she planted each of her feet down and stood up above him, casting his tiny frame into shadow. “Ready to see how we’re going to judge your rehabilitation this time?”

Tyler was already back on his knees, hands clasped together and begging.

“Please, Ruby. Don’t do that t-thing with your toes again… I-I’ll do anything to a—“

“Anything? Good lord, that’s a dangerous thing to say to an SCO, isn’t it?” Ruby laughed openly at this, shuffling each of her boots nearer towards him. “Surely I don’t need to remind you that I can do a lot worse than just making you sniff my pretty toes? Hell, I didn’t even make you lick them before…”

Pausing briefly, he seemed to realise his error quite clearly. Still prostrating before her massive frame, right between her boots, he continued to speak as she barely paid his words any attention.

“O-Okay, you make a fair p-point. Maybe we can just… not test me… I mean, can’t I have a bit of a break after being in t-there all day?”

“Being inside ‘where’, all day?”

“Y-Y-Your beautiful boots, Ruby! They’re b-beautiful! A-And they smell so g-good, I really l-love it…” The fact the words even left his mouth made his sense cringe up, though not before adding a few quick kisses to the toes of her large, black boots. Each of which still radiated heat even without them airing out.

“Good boy. And no. I need to see how obedient you are, and thanks to a little conversation I had earlier, I think I have the perfect place for you…”

Without further elaboration, Ruby walked past him and over to her wardrobe, causing the ground to shake as she paced. He knew she kept all her non-SCO clothing inside there, along with all the kit and items the SCA had given her to better train her shrinkees. Much of which she’d still never tested, however now she had a good reason to make use of one item in particular.

Tyler remained exactly where he was. Kneeling and silent. Full conscious that any attempt to run or disobey would surely only put him in a worse position than he already was. And right now, still being stuck with Ruby, that was honestly hard to imagine…

Ruby didn’t return for several minutes as she rustled around in draws and pulled out random clothing, as well as plenty of SCO kit she might one day find a use for. Until she eventually seemed to locate whatever she was searching for and returned to Tyler, who was still in the sweaty footprint she’d made earlier.

“Now, first test. Can you tell me what this is?” She spoke, twirling something thin and red around her finger as she crouched down in-front of him.

It was difficult to tell as whatever she was holding continued to spiral around her digit in a blur. Clearly some kind of clothing, or maybe just something she planned on using to torture him further. And as such, he offered up both those suggestions, drawing a wry chuckle from her as he did.

“Weirdly, you’re technically right on both counts,” she said, finally letting the fabric stop rotating as it came to rest and hang from her index finger. “Though you might wish you weren’t.”

It still took him a few moments before he properly identified the crimson thong she’d been spinning, emblazoned with the same three letters that were printed upon her boots and most everything she’d been granted by the SCA. So quite understandably, he gulped.

“Now, I actually have two pairs of these, believe it or not. The other is black and has the perfect little space to restrain a shrinkee so that they’d be trapped right between my butt cheeks if I was to wear them. Their face actually lines up perfectly with my asshole once they’re strapped in… though, you probably don’t want to know how I found that out…”

Her mind briefly rolled back to a past shrinkee that’d had a severe aversion to her plump, often sweaty, backside, hence the perfect chance to test out the black thong in all its glory. Although, in hindsight, Ruby probably should’ve avoided any particularly greasy foods before testing them out. The embarrassment that followed punished her for her haste, though it smelt like the tiny girl had been punished quite a lot more than she’d been.

Tyler was already shaking his head, clearly not wanting to hear her inner monologue, and so she pushed on. “So what do you think this red pair does?”

“I really don’t kno…”

But he faulted, unable to answer before she turned them inside out and showed him the interior of the material.

Whilst much of it appeared to be the same lacy fabric as the outside, the notable exception was the four leather shackles positioned in the front of her underwear. And once he pictured himself being restrained into those bindings and forced spread-eagled as they’d ensure, he realised the real purpose of those compared to the black pair. And although he didn’t speak again, his face said everything.

“Looks to me like you’ve already got a pretty good idea,” she teased, picking him up once more and this time, she didn’t plan on just holding him up to tease him.

Ruby found the little resistance he mounted fairly amusing, but when faced with the power she had over him, it was pretty much pointless to even try and stop her from doing as she wanted. Taking each of his limbs, one by one, Ruby easily strapped him in place until he was helplessly pinned to the underwear and staring up at her as she admired her handiwork.

“Okay, okay. You’ve had your fun, b-but please… I have a girlfriend, Ruby. Don’t do this to me. It’s not right! It’s l-like… sadistic…”

But she was already slipping down her uniform and removing her current underwear, which was lightly stained around the front and back. It was a hot day, and she’d already been enjoying herself a little too much.

“Oh I know, Tyler. I know about Jemima.”

“Exactly! So don’t… w-wait, you… know about—“

“Yes. We spoke earlier. About you actually, even if we didn’t know it at the time. And don’t worry, she’s fine. Had a bit of a run-in with some other SCOs, but lucky for her, I think she’s avoided any charges. But it got me thinking, and you know how dangerous that can be for someone like you. And this is where those thoughts have brought me.” She poked him square in the chest as she moved to holding the underwear with one hand. “To you being there. And me… being here…”

As she spoke, Ruby lowered him just enough to come face to face with her enormous labia. So much so, that there was no way he couldn’t smell her scent, even if he wasn’t swallowed up by it just yet. And all the while, her free hand caressed down her pale body.

And now he really started to fight, even if it was too late.

Lowering the underwear to the floor, Ruby stepped each of her booted feet into the spaces reserved for her legs and stood there for just a moment. Looking down on him, whilst he got a view very few shrinkees had ever witnessed. Although, she doubted he felt particularly lucky right now. Not as much as he would’ve were he normal sized.

As she leant down and took hold, the crimson fabric slipped back up her pale legs, bringing him closer and closer to her waiting sex, Ruby laughed openly at the miserable face he was making as he tried to sink back into the material. Like that was going to save him. And only once he was mere inches from her did she pause, remaining unusually silent when she might otherwise have taken the chance to tease her shrinkee one more time.

Peering down at him as she held back the elastic lining the crimson fabric, Ruby hesitated. Seeing him spread-eagled in her underwear before now wouldn’t have caused her to bat an eye, yet knowing his connection to Jemima didn’t make her job easier. Maybe for some SCOs, that’d be even more motivation. To sexually humiliate a shrinkee like this. Driving them to enjoy the displeasure of their own tiny person, along with the knowledge of the distress it’d cause their significant other. But not her. However, that was Ruby talking, and right now, she didn’t need Ruby getting in the way.

Officer Connors held firm and fashioned smuggest grin she could muster as she caught his eye.

“It really is nothing personal, little guy. But it’s my job to oversee your rehabilitation, and if my feet aren’t up to the task, perhaps this…” she used her free hand to slowly spread her waiting lips ominously, “…will be. Now, open wide and let’s see how good of a boyfriend you really are.”

Relishing the last of his pleading, whimpering wails, she waited only another second more before releasing the elastic held by her forefinger and watching him speed towards her waiting sex. Feeling him slam into position and muffling instantly as her sensitive flesh swallowed him, allowing her to remove her other hand as both moistened lips collapsed in and engulfed his little face.

Taking a quick look at herself in the mirror nearby, it was quite difficult for her or anyone else to see him from the outside of the crimson underwear. But Ruby knew he was there. She could almost hear him muffled up against her pussy. And good god could she feel him.
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
1. 毕业





















































Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
2. 展示与分享


























“放松,妈妈!这叫佩斯费托鲁斯病毒(Pesfetorus virus),是一种经过改良的病毒,原本只存在于黑猩猩身上,对人类完全无害。当然,前提是你觉得拥有极其臭脚是一种好事。这种经过协会改良的病毒株会增加我脚的出汗量以及这种汗液的恶臭。即使不穿靴子,我的脚也会散发出极其浓烈的气味。”莱利停顿了一下,低头看了看自己的脚,皱了皱鼻子。“说到这个,我应该脱掉这双鞋和袜子,换上靴子了。所以你们注意听着,是时候开始我们的家庭展示与分享了!”




































Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
3. 家庭出游

虽然真正选择这家餐厅的是莱利,但汤姆对她做出的决定感到非常满意。Crave Explorers是一家在审美上确实有些孩子气的餐馆,但凭借出色的菜单和相对实惠的酒吧吸引了众多成年人,相比之下,其他提供类似价格食物的地方就显得逊色了。中午过后去用餐还有一个好处:没有那么多让小孩到处乱跑的家庭。事实上,几十张桌子中只有几张在使用,所以他们很快就找到了座位。








进入餐厅后,他们被Crave Explorers的两名女服务员之一接待。她穿着一些人觉得有点可笑的制服:一件印有餐厅标志的白色T恤,搭配整洁的黑色长裤、橙色背带,以及一顶带有内置手电筒的滑稽橙色矿工头盔。手电筒用于顾客生日时使用:灯光会调暗,一群服务员会从厨房端着蛋糕出来,用手电筒的光找到餐桌。孩子们都很喜欢这个环节。





























































“Candy J,我们已经准备好了一批候选人。”


这首歌的音乐视频有一个模糊的情节。歌手是一位名叫Candy J的粉发流行歌星,她在一家俱乐部里坐在一把华丽的椅子上,和一位穿着西装的女性交谈。摄像机被放置在面对Candy J的桌子上,通过低角度拍摄,让她看起来显得巨大。在接到指示后,穿西装的女性离开了画面,音乐随即响起。

一个被缩小的男人犹豫地走进画面,出现在桌子的表面上,站在Candy J面前。“乞求。”她命令道,将她全部的目光落在这个小人身上。他跪了下来,开始乞求,与此同时,Candy J的歌词也开始响起。主要场景与歌手在舞台上(看起来像是同一家俱乐部)对着人群唱歌的画面交替出现。从歌词来看,这首歌讲述的是Candy J有多性感,每个人有多么爱她,以及男人们如何乞求为她服务。画面中坐着的Candy J抬起一只手,示意小人停止乞求,然后伸手到画面外抓了一只运动鞋。她把小人抓在手里,将他放进鞋子里,然后把鞋子还给了它的主人。短暂的切换后,现在有一位舞者在宝座后的Candy J身后跳舞,她脚上穿的运动鞋和Candy J把小人放进去的那双一模一样。

整个视频中,被缩小的男人向Candy J乞求的场景一共重复了四次,每次都是以小人未能取悦歌手,而被她放进鞋子里结束,随后鞋子被另一位舞者穿上,在背景中开始跳舞。在第二和第四次场景之后,歌曲的副歌部分打断了情节,画面切换回Candy J唱歌的场景。




汤姆尽量忽略这首歌,讨厌它在他看来毫无羞耻地向Candy J在职业生涯中积累的庞大观众群体宣传缩小。他想知道那些被缩小的男人是否真的还被关在舞者跳舞时穿的鞋子里。他们可能还在,因为像社会上大多数被缩小的人一样,他们还在接受“改造”。有一次,汤姆曾在一档脱口秀节目中看到对Candy J的采访,她谈到她与精神矫正协会达成了一项协议,协会为她提供用于音乐创作和塑造形象的“小人”。协会从中受益,因为他们借此免费向一个庞大且年轻的观众群体进行宣传。

第二段副歌结束后,第五个小人出现在Candy J面前的桌面上。然而这一次,当他开始乞求时,歌手微笑着,缓缓点了点头。当歌词部分结束时,音乐也停了下来。“你可以。在后面的时候,你可以跳一支自己的舞蹈!”她站起身,把那个小人捡了起来。转过身,Candy J向镜头展示了她穿着粉色橡胶短裙的丰满、紧实的臀部。一只空闲的手,上面顶着不切实际的长粉色指甲,把腰带往后拉,把小人放进她紧身的短裙里,摆弄了一会儿,把他安置到位。没过多久,这位占主导地位的流行歌星显然很有经验,她的手缩了回去,松开了腰带,让裙子弹回原位。对着镜头摇摆她的臀部,汤姆甚至看不到那个小人的轮廓,因为他已经被深深地夹在她的臀缝之间。汤姆不禁打了个寒颤。

音乐视频切换到另一个场景作为结尾,音乐也随之回归。Candy J在四位舞者前面跳舞,随着音乐逐渐减弱,她反复唱着副歌,结束了这首歌。

“刚才播放的是Candy J的新热门单曲《闲适的女士》。之前是SD的《水印》。如果你有兴趣了解她在忙些什么、她的巡回演出计划以及所有那些酷炫的事情,我们下周三下午将在72电台工作室迎来Candy J。接下来是——”DJ的声音从那首宣扬暗示支持缩小的政治立场的糟糕歌曲中脱颖而出,令人耳目一新。

“哦,我的天哪,Candy J太酷了。她对那些小人来说就像一位女神。”几位美甲店的员工,包括之前迎接汤姆的那位女士,一直在观看视频并讨论着。

“你看那边的那个女孩?她是一名精神矫正官。你可以从她椅子旁边的靴子看出来。她真的可以像Candy J一样和小人玩耍。这太酷了。”她朝莱利和米歇尔点了点头,她们脚边各有一个女人,正在为她们修脚趾甲。汤姆叹了口气,把手放在脸上。普通大众已经如此接受缩小和极端惩罚作为一种“改造”手段。而那些会被判处接受精神矫正官惩罚的犯罪行为,其实只是轻微的罪行。尽管因缩小而受到惩罚的犯罪率有所下降,但这种做法真的值得以道德为代价吗?




汤姆跟着那位皮肤黝黑、身材苗条的女人,手里拿着棕色纸袋。她穿着瑜伽裤,他忍不住注意到她的臀部可以和Candy J相媲美。至少这位女士的臀部之间没有夹着被缩小的人。她领着他经过几位躺在美甲椅上做美甲的女人,她们要么和美甲师聊天,要么和旁边坐着的人交谈。


























Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
4. 间奏——她最小的粉丝

人群如同海浪般涌动,随着音乐的节奏摇摆起舞,仿佛是一个整体。成千上万部手机拍摄视频的灯光如同肉体、头发和衣物构成的夜空中的繁星。当Candy J演唱她的最新热门单曲时,她感觉自己仿佛是一位真正的女神。她想象着,如果古希腊的宙斯及其同类真的存在,他们当年的感受大概也是如此。但Candy J是真实的。Candy J是真实的,而且所有人都爱她。人们抬头仰望着她,那白皙如瓷的皮肤和引人注目的粉色头发,成为了他们共同渴望的象征。


Candy J将麦克风伸向人群,指向涌动的人潮。当副歌即将到来的那一刻,她闭上了眼睛,感受着粉丝们的能量在她体内流动。她不自觉地收紧了臀部,感觉到夹在臀缝中的小人在挣扎,这让她及时回到了现实。






成千上万的歌迷为她唱着副歌部分,而伴唱歌手则坚持自己的部分,一遍又一遍地重复着,这让Candy J感到非常高兴。然而,正如所有事物一样,歌曲最终结束了,标志是音乐声逐渐变得越来越小。但即使在完全没有音乐的情况下,这些年轻人(主要是女性)仍然继续唱着。

Candy J开心地对着麦克风大笑,然后用她那富有感染力的声音让人群安静下来。“正如你们所知,刚才那首歌是《闲适的女士》。我必须说,你们对歌词如此熟悉,让我印象深刻。”


Candy J回想起自己成名之前的生活。她从那些痴迷的歌迷那里得到的兴奋感是无与伦比的;即使在这一刻,她站在他们面前,穿着粉色橡胶服装,戴着无指白色手套和白色靴子,浑身湿透,这位歌手也感到无比美丽。在她二十多岁的时候,她唯一想要的就是成名,拥有一群忠诚且热爱她的歌迷。当她二十五岁时,抑郁症来袭,她担心自己的梦想无法实现。与精神矫正协会达成的协议拯救了她。他们向这位二十多岁的有希望的女性提出了一个极其有利可图的提议。他们看到了她的天赋,并资助了她走向巨星的旅程,使她成为他们议程的隐秘宣传工具。他们将那个迷失的灵魂变成了被称为Candy J的流行歌星。

尽管Candy J想让这些人为她欢呼,为她再唱一首安可曲,但后台有人在等她。因此,Candy J向人群挥手告别,她的告别话语通过广播传遍了整个场地,传达出她离开的不情愿。她摇摆着臀部走下舞台,伴随着“我们爱你,Candy J!”的呼喊声。

在后台的走廊里穿行,与在露天舞台上跳舞、唱歌和流汗数小时相比,这种感觉有些幽闭恐惧。她想到那个被困在她身后、沉浸在黑暗和臀部汗水中的小人时,露出了一丝微笑,他所经历的幽闭恐惧远比她可能遭受的要严重得多。在前往化妆间的路上,Candy J路过其他开着门的房间。在两个通常作为主队和客队更衣室的大房间里,是今晚与Candy J一起表演的舞者和伴唱歌手。

一对精神矫正官从舞者到舞者地移动,收回协会为今晚表演借出的被缩小的人。女舞者们脱下鞋子和袜子,把那些被缩小的男人和女人从袜子里倒出来,放进精神矫正官等待的掌心里,然后他们把这些小人放入可以同时运输几十个被缩小者的存储设备中。这些女人们看起来很伤心,这对演出的主角来说并不意外,她曾见过她们在舞蹈表演中被允许接触被缩小者时的喜悦表情。她们在练习舞蹈动作时大笑,踩在那些正在接受改造的罪犯身上。在Candy J表演之前,她们为观众表演了一场小节目,脱掉鞋子,玩弄那些被交给她们以供观众娱乐的小人,这就是她们与“舞伴”告别的方式。这些被缩小的人将返回他们正常的改造刑期,下次Candy J需要一些被缩小的人来为她的舞蹈团队增添乐趣时,会提供不同的人。

“演出辛苦吗?”Candy J的保镖范妮莎问道。这位安保专家在舞台上并不需要,所以这位流行歌星让这位肌肉发达、短发的女人独自留在私人化妆间里,给她安排了一个特别的任务来让她忙起来。在那双强壮的手掌中,她拿着一个遥控器,一根手指用力按下按钮后松开。

“他们简直贪得无厌,范妮莎!我一首接一首地唱歌,而他们只想要更多。我需要一杯葡萄酒。”Candy J倒在为她准备的舒适沙发上。就在她闭上眼睛,渴望从这个世界中解脱出来的那一刻,她闻到了范妮莎臭袜子的气味,范妮莎的钢头靴子被扔在了地板上。“哇哦,这味道太糟糕了,他妈的。”



“我知道!我只是没想到你的脚会这么该死的臭!”Candy J大笑起来,坐起身,从桌上冰桶里未开封的瓶子中给自己倒了一杯白葡萄酒。她小口啜饮着葡萄酒,享受着一个小人在她强壮的臀部夹缝中挣扎的感觉,她的臀部像钳子一样从两侧挤压着他,而她坐在他微小的身体上更增加了重量。Candy J看着范妮莎继续用她那脏兮兮的袜子揉捏那个6英寸的女人。当人们被缩小的时候,他们通常被缩小到3英寸,但这并不是唯一可用的尺寸。协会可以将任何人缩小到最小1英寸,最大1英尺,尽管大多数设备是为3英寸的人类设计的。

当Candy J有机会将这个女人缩小的时候,这位流行歌星决定将她缩小到6英寸,因为她打算把这个女孩变成一个微小的奴隶。这个女孩曾经被叫做格特鲁德,不过Candy J从未打算用这个名字。对这位世界著名的歌手来说,这个小人只有一个名字——“奴隶”。你可能会问,这个被缩小的女人做了什么?

在因跟踪Candy J而被定罪之前,格特鲁德曾在视频分享平台上运营一个频道,她在上面制作视频,嘲笑这位流行歌星的音乐风格以及她与精神矫正协会的关系。这个女孩声称,如果没有协会,Candy J将一无是处;这一说法极大地惹恼了Candy J。不仅如此,格特鲁德还自封为Candy J最大的“黑粉”,挑战这位流行歌星的铁杆粉丝们,让他们试试看能否关闭她的频道。Candy J做得更好,她付钱给一些粉丝,让他们在街上绑架这个女人。从那里开始,很容易就能制造证据,将格特鲁德诬陷为Candy J的跟踪者,在她的化妆间留下她的指纹,并在女孩的家中放置“被盗”的内裤,然后将她放回去,并向警方提供匿名提示。在法庭上,格特鲁德被判处了长期的缩小刑期,但Candy J插手了,实际上把新被缩小的格特鲁德变成了一个奴隶,目的是要驯服她,将她从Candy J最大的“黑粉”变成Candy J最小的粉丝。

范妮莎在驯服格特鲁德的过程中发挥了关键作用,她用她那又大又臭的脚来完成任务。即使Candy J在表演后脚上满是汗水,格特鲁德也会高兴地跑过去,把它们舔干净,因为如果不这样做,她就会被关在安保人员的袜子里几天。这正是Candy J想要的——让一个曾经完全讨厌她和她的音乐的年轻女人像崇拜女神一样崇拜她。这个微小的奴隶所穿的那件内衣无疑加速了洗脑的过程。这件内衣由金属制成,被锁在奴隶微小的身体上,切断了被缩小的女孩对自己生殖器的接触。一个橡胶振动器被安装在内衣的内侧,深深地插入她的阴道,由范妮莎手中的遥控器控制。而且,正如Candy J今天早上把她的奴隶交给范妮莎时所指示的那样,格特鲁德一整天都被吊在了边缘,只能通过塞住嘴巴的球状口塞,对着那双浸满脚汗的厚袜子表达她的沮丧。
Candy J在喝了几口清爽的葡萄酒后,把杯子放在一边,低头看了看她那闪亮的白色高跟鞋。鞋跟的高度刚好让她能在舞台上跳舞而不会摔倒,而且鞋头部分是缺失的,露出她涂成粉色的脚趾(如果你还没猜到的话)。她让脚趾做了一个小小的墨西哥波浪,每个脚趾依次抬起又落下来,与鞋垫重新接触时发出几乎听不见的拍打声。Candy J弯下腰,拉开鞋内侧的拉链,脱下她那优雅的7码鞋子。她把一只脚抬到脸边,对着脚趾闻了闻。“呸。真臭。”



“是啊,但你为了给一个被缩小的奴隶留下印象而费了很大的劲。这是不必要的。相信我,考虑到我的脚和没洗的袜子有多臭,相比之下,你演出后的脚对她来说简直就是一种祝福。”范妮莎没有抬头,全神贯注地确保那个小人在她沉重的呼吸和渴望高潮的状态下,连一丝新鲜空气都得不到。范妮莎觉得很好笑,即使在吸入她那潮湿的脚臭时,奴隶仍然渴望性快感,这表明她有多 desperation。

“我想你说得对。”Candy J一边说,一边用手指在几个脚趾之间滑动,当她感觉到那里的黏滑时,她发出一阵干呕的声音。“不过我还是会给它们涂上润肤露,以防万一。”

门上传来一阵有力而权威的敲门声。Candy J叹了口气,享受着和她的“臀部伴侣”在一起的最后时刻。这个小人表现得很好,他以正确的方式移动,是个真正的斗士。如果他让她感到厌烦,她只需要简单地收紧臀部肌肉,就能暂时安抚他。她站起来,摇摆着走向门口。Candy J本不打算在化妆间的私密空间里使用这种性感的走路姿势,但这已经成为了她的习惯,而且当她在臀部带着一个小人时,摇摆臀部的感觉真的很好。

Candy J稳稳地打开门,尽管从敲门声她已经大概知道是谁了。

“晚上好,J小姐。”门口站着一位微笑的精神矫正官,她负责在Candy J需要时将被缩小的人运送到她身边。安吉拉比现在的Candy J稍高一点,有着浅棕色的齐肩发和一张和善的脸。她的和善只体现在脸上,这从她夹克双臂上协会徽章上方的三道V字形军衔可以看出:她是一位一级精神矫正官(SCO)。在她右臂徽章下方,安吉拉佩戴着一条蓝色臂章,表明她是一位负责公关的精神矫正官,与像Candy J这样在媒体中代表协会的人物密切合作。



“当然,请进。随便享用这些免费的食物和饮料。对我来说太多了。”安吉拉一年多前就取代了Candy J之前分配到的精神矫正官,至今她仍然坚持称呼她为“J小姐”。安吉拉比她的前任更严格,严格执行协议中要求Candy J和她的团队在不再需要被缩小的人后尽快归还他们的条款。这位女士声称她希望尽量减少他们离开改造过程的时间。她把整个过程视为被缩小者的一种“假期”。

“范妮莎,你能不能把我的小奴隶放在桌子上,然后从外面找几个臭烘烘的女孩过来。今晚的演出太激烈了,我相信会有不少竞争。”Candy J对她的保镖说道。

“没问题,老板。”范妮莎回答道,穿上她那沉重的靴子,站起来,手里拿着那个被缩小的女孩,把她放在桌子上,绑着的绳子仍然没有解开,然后离开房间,把遥控器交给Candy J。


“我相信她已经快到了。她已经把她在社交媒体网站上的账号密码都给了我们,让我们删除她那些仇恨内容,并上传我演出的视频。我敢打赌她的粉丝肯定讨厌死了。”Candy J笑着说,“等我解开她的蒙眼布时,欢迎你留下来观看。看看她看到把我从那对恶魔般臭烘烘的怪物中拯救出来的女神时,眼中闪烁的光芒。”



那个藏在内侧脸颊的家伙选择在这个恰到好处的时刻再次激烈挣扎,提醒这位流行歌星他还在那里。“哦!我差点忘了那个小家伙。你会马上把他拿回去的。”Candy J很清楚,和这个顽固的精神矫正官争论以争取更多时间是没用的,这个女人是很难动摇的。

伸手到迷你裙后面,Candy J的手指在潮湿的缝隙中抓住了被缩小者的身体。他在那里已经被浸泡了数小时,所以有些粘连,需要用力拉才能把他从那个臭烘烘的牢笼中解脱出来。这个小人相当年轻,有着长长的、像拖把一样的头发。那头发目前因为夹在Candy J丰满的臀部之间而紧贴在头上。“你要我把他清洗一下吗……?”

“我相信他会没事的,我会让他在你的气味中待着,直到他的主人来接他。你有什么话要对J小姐说吗,小家伙?”Candy J仔细倾听,很容易就会错过一个3英寸高的人说的话。“非常感谢你照顾我,Candy J。我玩得很开心。”很难判断他是否在说实话,还是仅仅出于害怕刑期延长而礼貌地说。他在那里所有的扭动可能是因为痛苦,也可能是因为激情,从外面很难分辨。不管怎样,她对这个可怜家伙的待遇很可能比他的精神矫正官对他所做的要好得多。



“我也是,J小姐。保重。”说完,安吉拉把歌手独自留在化妆间,当然,除了桌子上那个微小的女人。Candy J叹了口气。安吉拉让她感到焦虑,每次和这个可恶的女人见面都会带来巨大的压力。她绝对不是个好对付的人,Candy J认为任何被分配给安吉拉的精神矫正官很快都会被她那钢铁般的意志所驯服。歌手的表情仍然因为安吉拉的短暂出现而变得阴沉,她喝光了杯中剩下的葡萄酒。

Candy J重新回到她曾经的“黑粉”身边,再次坐在沙发上。她的泡泡糖润肤露已经放在桌上,她挤了一大团在手里,开始把它抹在脚底和脚趾周围。不久,脚臭的气味与泡泡糖的甜香混合在一起,虽然没有完全消除脚臭,但也不再那么令人反感。Candy J觉得这样就可以了,她把遥控器放在那个慢慢挣扎的小人旁边,腾出双手去解开微小的蒙眼布和口塞。

“好了,我的小奴隶,你现在没事了。那个臭女人已经走了。现在,只有我们两个人。”Candy J用一种母性的语调说道,抚摸着那个开始呜咽的女孩的头发。她低头看了看那些将她的四肢紧紧绑在身体上的光滑绳索,显然她渴望完全自由。但Candy J可不是那种人。

“你身上满是脚臭,奴隶。”Candy J咯咯笑着说,“最好给你洗个澡。”她拿起那个空酒杯,从冰桶底部倒了一些冰水进去,顺便加了几块冰。她没有让奴隶看到她做了什么,只是抓住女孩的头,把她吊在杯子上方,然后松开手,把奴隶的下半身浸入冰冷的水中。

“啊!”曾经被称为格特鲁德的奴隶惊叫起来,冰冷的水触碰到她的身体,就像一根带电的电线。她在空中踢腿扭动,Candy J把奴隶拉回空中。因为缩小过程让被缩小者变得非常坚韧,所以Candy J并不担心她会体温过低或休克。她的奴隶会没事的。
“快好了。”Candy J轻声安抚道,她的另一只手抓住奴隶的双腿,把她倒吊起来。那个微小的人睁大了眼睛,疯狂地摇头,徒劳地在空中挥舞着拳头。Candy J咬着嘴唇,努力维持一副关心的形象,压抑着越来越强烈的笑意。接着,那个小女孩再次被浸入水中,头朝下一直没到腰部。Candy J大笑起来,为了保持形象,她让奴隶一直待在水下,无视她的挣扎。这就像抓着网里想要逃脱的鱼,但这条鱼小得像一条鳀鱼。Candy J努力止住笑声,保持严肃的表情,然后她心生怜悯,把被缩小的人从冰冷的水中提了出来。奴隶一动不动地挂着,除了她那微小的身体不时被寒战摇晃外,每一次深呼吸都像是痛苦的喘息。

“你会没事的。事实上,我正好有能让你暖和起来的东西,我的小奴隶。”Candy J安慰她,把奴隶小小的身躯放在桌子上,让她平躺着。两声闷响后,奴隶的身体两侧各有一只脚,Candy J的润肤露和汗水混合的气味成为奴隶新的空气。这位流行歌星拿起控制奴隶身上那件能带来愉悦的内衣的遥控器,展示给那个女孩看,她的眼睛在看到它时亮了起来,那些渴望抚摸乳头的小手指显得迫不及待。她极度渴望快感,愿意做任何事情来获得它。

“真有趣,你以前曾经那么强烈地讨厌我,奴隶。现在你却真的躺在我的漂亮脚边,乞求高潮。”这位相对的巨人笑了起来,抬起一只脚,把她那光滑、湿润的脚底压在奴隶的身体上,把脚趾放在奴隶的脸上,让那个女孩可以亲吻并崇拜它们。Candy J在第一次接触时咬了咬嘴唇,因为脚底突然的寒冷刺激了她敏感的皮肤。多年前在性行为中第一次被人吸吮脚趾后,Candy J就对这种感觉着迷了。这很可能是她走到今天这一步的部分原因,扮演着一个微小人类的女神。

当那些微小的嘴唇亲吻她的脚趾时,Candy J为她的奴隶做了一件好事,按下遥控器上的按钮,控制着塞在奴隶阴道里的装置的震动,让那个小身体感受到强烈的刺激波。Candy J感觉到亲吻在那一刻停止了,因为一阵快感占据了奴隶的思绪,但随后她想起了谁才是她的真正主人,几乎立刻又继续亲吻。一开始,在她的内嵌震动器运行时,很难让奴隶专注于任务,但威胁要完全剥夺她的高潮,让她保持了对职责的专注。

主人和奴隶,女神和崇拜者,流行歌星和曾经的普通女孩,都在通往高潮的路上。奴隶是因为Candy J按下一个按钮,主人则是因为她的手指偷偷地滑进粉色短裙,穿过黑色丁字裤,按下一个不同类型的按钮。Candy J确保适当减轻遥控器的强度,时不时暂停震动,以保持她们的愉悦感平衡,这让奴隶不悦,尽管她没有明说。
当她感觉到高潮在体内酝酿,渴望爆发时,Candy J用力按住按钮,用脚趾捂住她的奴隶。她脚下的那个微小、被束缚的身体开始颤抖。“是的!是的!哦,天哪,是的!”Candy J几乎大喊起来,她的阴道分泌物流淌在她的手上,像小溪一样。在Candy J脚底下的颤抖的存在,把她的臀部更深地压向脚底,然后突然静止,被长时间被压抑的极度快感麻痹了。

几分钟后,Candy J从被缩小者身上移开她的脚,她的身体被与奴隶共享愉悦的高潮所分泌的新鲜汗水浸湿。“那么,感觉怎么样?”Candy J凑近,轻声说道。


Candy J微笑着,用几分钟前还在玩弄饥饿阴蒂的那只手,把裸露的奴隶涂满那些弄湿手指的黏性液体。“你也不赖。就好像你的嘴唇天生就是为了亲吻我的脚趾。不过,总有改进的空间。来吧,奴隶,熟能生巧。”Candy J再次用一只比奴隶身体还大的脚踏在她的奴隶身上,当那些嘴唇开始啄她的脚趾时,她露出慈爱的笑容。显然,这种驯化正在起作用,因为即使没有遥控器的触碰,奴隶也在亲吻之间发出微小的呻吟,并向Candy J的脚顶去。这位流行歌星开心地咯咯笑起来,让奴隶知道这种臣服是多么地取悦她的主人。


Candy J专注地点着头,听着范妮莎念出她手上的名字。在与粉丝见面时,Candy J不可能记住每一个名字,所以她把所有名字从长期记忆中清除,把全部精力都放在短期记忆上。她在这方面已经变得相当专业,以至于粉丝们会写文章称赞她多么善于记住名字。但名字并不重要,至少现在不重要。这些女孩来这里只有一个原因,这个原因促使她告诉粉丝们在演唱会前把脚弄得越臭越好,并承诺会与脚臭最厉害的人见面。

回到桌子上,知道自己即将面临什么,奴隶正在哭泣并扭动着身体,试图从桌面上掉下去躲藏起来。但当Candy J完成介绍和聊天后,她把注意力转向了试图逃跑的奴隶。

“所以,伙计们,我有一个小游戏,只要你们愿意和我的小奴隶玩,就可以获得与我见面的机会,以及在离开前会收到的签名商品。你们看,她最近表现不太好,而你们这些年轻的女士看起来正是我需要的人,用你们臭烘烘的脚来折磨她。想象一下,你们都是精神矫正官,正在改造一个罪犯。”Candy J指向桌子上的奴隶,粉丝们的眼睛亮了起来,她们兴奋地咯咯直笑。

“你……你想闻闻我们的脚,小家伙?”其中一个粉丝紧张地说,但当Candy J点头表示赞同时,六个女孩的紧张感消失了。






Candy J的粉丝们兴奋地嘲弄着奴隶;她们以前从未强迫任何生物去闻她们臭烘烘的脚,这是一次全新的体验。每个女孩说完后,她们都开始大笑。
Candy J拿起她的奴隶,把她交给一个女孩,并把遥控器给了另一个女孩。“去吧,在地上和她玩。我会坐在这里,喝着葡萄酒,享受这场后秀的娱乐。”


“按下按钮,试试看。”Candy J催促道。



她们把奴隶放在地上,围成一个圈,脱掉鞋子。一股刺鼻的奶酪味弥漫在空气中,气味如此强烈,以至于Candy J不得不捏住鼻子以免作呕。但她并不介意。很快,那些臭烘烘的光脚开始捶打那个微小的奴隶,将她置于她们未洗的脚的混合恶臭之中,这种气味甚至比范妮莎那令人窒息的脚还要糟糕。那个知道遥控器作用的虐待狂粉丝正大量使用它,让奴隶陷入性刺激的痉挛中,她的脸被反复地按进几十个脚趾间充满污垢的洞里。她主导着折磨,向被缩小的人发出指令,让她亲吻和舔舐所有呈现在她面前的令人作呕的脚部肌肤,并承诺如果她听从指令,就会给予她快感。

Candy J小口啜饮着葡萄酒。“我之后得和那个女孩谈谈。她在这方面很有一套。”
Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫
5. 莱利的第一个被缩小者
















































































































Re: (英文未翻译)长篇小说《法律的分量》女警 刑罚 臭责 足控 强迫


















