对不起有点标题dan____g,也是看到人家说法有感而发。事主之一是大家可能撸过的Princess Rene。先留链结:
2016.01.02 at 5:18 pm #
I’ll give you the perspective of someone who actually watched her videos – religiously.
I’m not gonna lie Princess Rene has brought alot of pain into my life. My name is Kyle, at 20 I have depression and a low self esteem. I found her videos a year into when my depression started. Her cruel words became a way to relieve and sexualize my feelings of inadequacy. I get off to when she insults me over something I am especially sensitive too. Her insults are so painful yet for some reason it feels good too hear them. Words can not describe the excruciating pain that is felt when Princess Rene tells you that you are worthless and unlovable.
I am on the verge of quiting her. To make a long story short, one night during the Summer her insults drove me over the edge. I almost killed myself. After getting out of the hospital, I realized that this sexual kink needs to stop.
I wonder if Rene realizes the influence she has over the lives of the men who watch her videos. Does she realize the pain she can cause? What if someone really did kill themselves because of what she said. Could someone like Rene not feel any guilt or remorse?
Basically, I want to know if there is any tinge of compassion in Princess Rene. Knowing the answer to this will help me understand why Rene makes these videos.
不讳言,Princess Rene给了我很多痛苦。我叫Kyle,二十岁时我抑郁、自卑,我抑郁发作时找到了她的片,她无情的言语安抚了我,并让我从无能感中得到性兴奋,当她辱骂到特别触到我痛处时,我总不禁射了。虽然侮辱很苦,但我总忍不住去再听多点。她骂你没用、没人要时带来那难耐的苦楚,实在难以言喻。
简言之,我想知Princess Rene心中可有一丁点的同情心,这有助我理解为什么她要拍这些片。想问大家怎么看?你当初的觉醒,和之后的快感,是不是来自类似的负面情绪,还是其他东西,还是没有来由?在你持续看这类东西时,会不会有同样的感觉,或者说其他较为正面的,像是被注视感?你会不会有些时候觉得女s说得过了火?你又怎么看他说看女s拍这类片子时要有底线?还是说这是个人选择问题、你自己下了片受到冒犯是与人无尤?你怎么看这嗜好搞到人(像上面那人)甘于自我憎恨,到了差点没命才收手?